Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny (e)

Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny FAQ
Written by Eddie(Keith Valentine),and Robb(Humphrey Mintz/Yuri Hyuga)
Version: Final, unless something big comes up.

Please note this FAQ is based on the American version of the game. And is
written using only English and maybe some random French. No browser plugins
should be required, and no profanity is in this guide, but we do use big words,
like 'katana' and 'samurai'.

Table of contents

1. Updates/Log
2. Introduction
3. Characters
4. The Uh 'Basics'
5. Walkthrough
6. Weapons List
7. Thanks/Contact
8. Legal

1. Updates/Log

Monday, September 2nd, 2002

I started the barebones format for the FAQ, and filled most of the crappy no
work needed sections in, I'll send it off to Robb to write a little bit about
the characters, and then basics.

Wednesday, September 4th, 2002.

I picked up the game yesterday and have been writing as I played. Robb started
off the guide and got up to the mines, and I picked up after him and wrote
until after the Oni Palace.

Thursday, September 12th, 2002.

We're done. Whoo. Submitted to GameFAQs.com Now it's just adding a few more
minor things.

2. Introduction

This is our second attempt at a "big game" walkthrough. Our first was Golden
Sun, and not to brag, but man it rocked, we just tried to do too much with it,
and it fell apart. With this guide since we'll have lots of freetime, we're
making sure it's top notch, easy to understand, and all correct. Also, this
guide will avoid any major spoilers, aside from bosses and stuff. I'd advise
you not to read ahead from the point you are at unless you want things like
that ruined for you. Also if me and Robb have differences in our opinions,
listen to me, he is trash.

3. Characters

There are many characters in Onimusha 2 that will help you, throughout your
quest, here is a basic summary and description of them, and what you should
give them to boost friendship levels.

Jubei Yagyu

The Samurai Legend, who plans on returning to his hometown only to find it in
ashes. His quest is one of revenge. You play as Jubei through most of the game.

*NOTE: Trading gifts with sub characters does not effect their relationships
with anyone. Everyone starts at the same level. And Depending on who is your
best friend by the goldmine, they are your first 'story' character. Then after
going back to Yagyu, whoever has the highest friendship with you, will be your
'story' character for the rest of the game. If you don't like your first
result, make sure you change it by then.*

Ekei Ankokuji

The giant monk named Ekei well versed in the Houzouin style of spear fighting
is perhaps the brawn of this game, he is a slow tank, but still has decent
range, thanks to his spear. He is a food loving performer with a liking for the
ladies and drink. Items you'll be safe giving him include about any food item,
or anything to do with acting. He's fairly easy to win over, and doing so can
be done early on.

Kotaro Fuma

The teenage ninja, who is perhaps, not a mutant turtle, but can take demons to
the trash all the same. Kotaro is your 'basic' teenager, and likes 'cool'
stuff, which means anything that is rare, shiny or that comes from a far off
place is for him. But after awhile of trading those 'rare' things, he'll change
his tastes So give him simple things too!  Easy to trade with, and a good

Magoichi Saiga

The marksman known as Magoichi can be lethal from a distance, and is a nice
support character thanks to his ability to not get in your way. Magoichi has a
thirst for knowledge, and likes anything to do with guns. Giving him books, gun
related items or some smoking pipes are a good choice.


Oyu is a swordswoman who wears out of place Western style armor and wields a
western style blade. She is a character shrouded in mystery. She is a
formidable warrior and her special is great for racking up tons of orbs. As far
as trading goes she likes girly stuff like hair pins, flowers, ya know the way
it works.

4. The Uh 'Basics'

- Be Quick!

Make sure you don't let demons get the drop on you, sometimes you can slash
them a few times before they are even ready.

- I will devour your Soul!

Absorbing souls of demons you kill is vital to this game. Make sure you don't
let them fade away because you're too busy fighting. Taking a hit is sometimes
worth it when you're getting tons of souls, and maybe a healing one as well.

- Blocking is your friend.

Make sure you don't take hits for nothing! Block if you can!

- Use 'dem souls

Red souls allow you to power up weapons

Blue souls restore magic

Yellow souls restore life

Five Purple souls give you demon power

- Demon form

Jubei's demon form can be helpful, more so during bossfights, try to get 4
purple souls, and then the last one during the boss fight. The Boss'll never
know what hit them.


One hit kill counters can be awesome if you know how to use them. Practice
these for tight spots.

AND ALSO You can check Red777777's Issen Faq located on Gamefaqs.com

Or if you're lazy http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/3070.html There
contains many more faqs.. which are helpful

- Horde!

Grab everything you see. Even if you don't need that herb, you just might for
the next bossfight.

- Upgrade!

Having a weak sword isn't as good as the super level three one. Use your red
souls for cryin' out loud!

- Stat ups!

Power Jewels and Magic Jewels are a MUST! Grab them at any cost!

- Saving

Saving is important your first time through. Normally try to before every
bossfight, but if you're a Onimusha vet, and want an awesome rank, go hardcore
and don't save, just make sure you don't get your head handed to you.

5. The Walkthrough

Note. We include optional branches, so if you don't trigger that event, just
skim over that section and pick up the items we mention that aren't in blue

- Yagyu Village

After the beautiful opening scene you'll find yourself in the freshly destroyed
village. If you walk around you'll find a large number of corpses lying about.
If you want you can examine them to get some comments. Nothing really worth
while, so just move on (you can only move forward!) once you reach mid-town
there will be a scene, a village will tell you to leave the village before they
kill you too. As he is about to tell you what happened BAM he is dead. Three of
Nobunaga's demon soldiers will circle around you and now it is time for a
fight. These three soldiers are the most basic type of enemy. You should have
no trouble dispatching them. Just use your basic Square, square, square, square
combo. If you press forward and square you'll do a heavier slash which can't be
used for combos but is good when trying to knock down, or knock back an enemy,
or enemies. While an enemy is on the ground you can stab them which will
instantly kill just about anything (on normal mode). Okay, now you've beaten
those three enemies and what do you want to do now. As soon as the last one
falls you'll hear a woman's voice saying "Jubei, Jubei" and what not. Move to
the right towards the gate and press X to go through.
This is a small area with a couple of soldiers. The only surprise are there
will be a few Red armored soldiers. They are tougher than the soldiers in blue,
so be a little more cautious. Though stronger they are still quite easy to
dispatch. Next to the shed you'll find a Yagyu Village map. Grab it, and move
on to the next area. To your right, behind a couple of trees is a treasure
chest containing a herb, grab it and hop across the little rocks in front of
you and go inside of the cave. In the cave you'll find no enemies for now, such
just move across and to the next area. Make sure you note the strange statue
for in just a few moments you'll be making good use of it. After you cross to
the next area, you'll find the odd looking woman who has been calling for you.
She has an odd habit of laughing at inappropriate times and changing her tone
quite often. She is quite knowledgeable about what is going on though. She
gives you the power of the Oni. She mentions how Nobunaga Oda is behind the
destruction of Yagyu village and mentions the 5 holy orbs of the Oni that he
will need to defeat Nobunaga and the demon clan. As she is done talking she
gives you the charity orb and makes a cryptic comment calling you 'her son'.
GASP, whatever could this mean?! She also gives you some gameplay instructions
that tell you all the things I've already mentioned in the faq. Wow, what a
helpful lady, eh? Okay, now you have the ability to absorb souls by holding the
circle button down. I have explained how you obtain souls and what the
different soul colors do, so just be aware of all of this. Okay, move to the
far end of the screen and open the big red chest for an herb. Okay, head back
from where you came.
Now you're back on the path you just came from only now there are enemies.
Nothing that you've not seen before. Fight them off, making sure to absorb any
souls that come out. Now remember that strange statue? Yeah, that one. Okay,
now you can absorb a large number of red souls from it (800 methinks) this will
be very helpful for raising weapon and armor levels later on. Okay, after
you've finished off all the enemies and absorbed all the souls exit the cave.
And go toward the blue shiny shrine looking thing. Examine it and Jubei will
put his hand in, and WOOM. Out of nowhere appears the awesome Buraitou which is
a cool looking lightning sword. It is a very well-rounded weapon as it is fast,
has decent range and decent attack power. It is also the first of five swords
you'll obtain in your adventure that can use magic attack (triangle button)
these attacks are very powerful and will prove most useful on your journey. Now
that you have this you're done with this area for now. A few scenes later
you'll be in the town of Imasho where the next few parts of your adventure will
take place.

-Imasho Town

Okay, now that the odd scenes are over and you're in control of Jubei again you
may be wondering what to do next. Well, that's what I'm a gonna tell ya. First
turn around from the direction you're facing and head back and up those stairs,
this is the market place. You'll have to come here a few times mainly for
items. You can talk to all the nice people and shopkeepers, but just head back
and you'll be in an area with a horse stable and a few people wandering about.
Talk to the guy with a straw hat and the pack on his back and he'll give you
the Ancient Documents which you'll want to hand over to someone in a little
bit. Go to the back corner of this area near the horse stables and you'll find
a treasure chest containing a Tengu Mask. On your way out of the market place
make sure you grab the treasure chest containing a globe. It is right next to
the man selling picks and what not. Okay, now head back to town and enter the
first door to Jubei's right. This is the bar/inn. You'll be in here a lot. This
is where you can trade stuff with your comrades for items and stuff like that.
None of them are here now, but move to the far end and talk to the two guys by
the door. They'll talk about permit's to enter the mine area. Past them you'll
see an open door, in here is a blue orb spring. A blue orb spring allows you to
suck up orbs to regain your magic power. Right next to the spring is a treasure
chest containing a pipe. Across from these is a save point. At save points you
can obviously save your game, but you can also upgrade your weapons and armor.
There is a statue of a god or something against the wall, but it seems to serve
no real purpose. Leave the bar and you're back in town. Talk to the guy with
the pack and the straw hat, he'll mention how he is going to open a store and
he gives you some confetti. Man, these guys with the straw hats are awfully
nice. Okay move to the end of the street and open the chest to receive a map of
town. Which as you can guess you'll be using ALL the time (I'm joking, really).
Okay, enter the building on the far end. Walk around her and smash all the
barrels. At the far end grab the chest and you'll find a piece of cloth.
Wowzers. After smashing them all go back to the right of the entrance and flip
the switch, this will lower a platform. It only stays down for a limited time
so run to it and hop on. Once you're up, open the chest to receive the bow and
arrow. Okay, leave this area and go to  Jubei's right and up the stairs to a
forest path. Along the path are some Red and Blue soldiers. They are as easy as
ever. Cross the path and you'll find a chest containing a telescope in plain
sight. Also note that now the enemies usually drop gold which you'll need for
shopping. This is just a recommendation, but I would advise you to fight on
this path for gold and red orbs as both are going to be important in the areas
to come. My recommendation is to fight to earn at least 7 red orb levels. It
takes about this much to level up your Buraitou to the second level. This will
increase its attack and magic power. Okay, after you get off the path some guy
will be blocking the way. He will say you need a permit to cross the path.
You'll have to turn back and head into town for now. Okay, head back towards
the bar. You'll (or have noticed) a building right next to the bar, enter here
and you'll find yourself in a very convenient store! Talk to the shopkeeper and
he'll show you what he has to sell. The list is as follows:

Egg: 50 yen
Grilled Fish: 100 yen
Salt: 50 yen
Vodka: 300 yen
Conch shell: 300 yen
Magnetic compass: 300 yen
Plant book: 200 yen
History book 5: 100 yen
Blue Parrot: 500 yen
Wonder flower: 200 yen
Artwork #16: 100 yen

You can buy some of this stuff, but make sure you have at least 100 left over.
You'll be required to buy something in a second. Go back to the bar and a scene
will occur with two new characters. Magoichi and Ekei. They seem to be having a
fight over a woman. They start a fight outside and right before it reaches a
peak Jubei breaks it up. They agree to not fight and you're taken back inside
of the bar. You are then given a brief overview of the gift system. Take the
time to read this as it is important to many later aspects of the game.
Basically if you walk up to one of the main characters and press start you'll
be given the option to give them an item. Depending of how much they like the
item and the quality of the item they give you a gift in return. Giving good
gifts increases friendship level, bad ones lowers it. Each character has their
preferences. Generally though:

Magoichi: Enjoys books, the pipe and things that will further his knowledge

Ekei: Likes to drink a lot, eat a lot sing, dance and play.
Kotaro: Kotaro likes rare, fancy things. He also however likes simple things.
He is a very easy person to please.

Oyu: Oyu likes girly things. It is pretty obvious what to give her. She is the
easiest to please of the group and even when you give her things she doesn't
like she excepts them without much complaint.

You can start giving items to Ekei and Magoichi right away if you choose. There
are items in the store and in your inventory already that they like. Magoichi
for instance likes the pipe and the Ancient documents.

Okay, now that that is out of the way we'll move on. Go talk to the guy by the
door who is selling goldmine permits for 100 yen. Buy one and head out of the
bar. Go talk to the two guys standing by the building you got the bow from.
They'll mention someone named Kotaro talking about how he took a wallet of
theirs. They seem to be thieves and Kotaro is playing a Robin Hoodish role.
Head back to the bar, go up the stairs on the right. You'll be shown a scene
introducing Kotaro. Afterwards you can find him on the top floor of the bar if
you want to trade items with him.
Now that all this is out of the way, back to business. Head up to the goldmine
and show the man your pass you'll be allowed to enter.

-Imasho Goldmine:

Okay, after you enter the goldmine there will be diverging paths with a save
point in between. Takes the left path for the time being. Pick up the chest
inside to get a Demon Wall Scroll.  It just gives you a small description of
the demon world and Mozun.  Okay move to the top and  you find a puzzle box.
There are four choices of what to move. What you need to do is press the bottom
arrow on the right side, and then the left arrow on the bottom side. This is
obviously very easy and after opening it, you'll receive the Buraitou secret
technique scroll. To use this press Down, up then square. Secret techniques are
very useful as a whole. Head back, and enter the right path. Ekei will be
standing their, you can talk or trade with him if you like, or just move on.
Make sure to get the chest with the Gold Mine map in it before you go.  Just
run through this room there is nothing there. In this room you'll have to fight
some weird looking new enemies. They are lizard looking guys. They are slow,
and easy to kill. After you clear the room move ahead. Here is another room
with diverging paths, and also some more of these baddies. Kill them, and take
the right path. In this room the exits are sealed. There are lots of baddies,
after you beat a few one of the sub characters will come and help you. If it is
Ekei you'll see Magoichi on a pillar, if it is Magoichi Ekei will be on the
little rafter thing. If Kotaro the other two are absent. Okay, after the scene
move along the path and into the next room. Get the scroll from the treasure
chest, and put your hand into the Shrine at the end of the small room. You can
guess what is going to happen. You now have the Hyoujin-Yari. It is an ice
elemental spear. It is pretty good, and has the best range of all the weapons.
Okay, head back to the place where the path diverged. Go to the previously
unexplored place. You will see a scene which explains the sub-character you
have the strongest connection to a little further. Okay, once the scene is
done, go use the Hyoujin-Yari on the barrier and move on. In this room you'll
find a medicine in a chest, grab it and onwards we go. Be sure to make good use
of the save point as we are about to fight our first boss. Put the charity orb
in the slot and the door will be opened. Move in the door and prepare to fight.

- BOSS Ginghamphatts

Okay, if you just rushed to this part without getting used to combat this could
be a little tough, otherwise it's nothing to worry about. When the battle
starts back up to avoid being hit. When he lands he is open to a barrage. Use
your magic attack with the Buraitou as much as you can, then slash away at him.
His attacks are slow, and almost all of them are blockable. The only thing to
worry about is when he tries jumping on you. When he jumps, back up as fast as
you can. If you manage to avoid it, he'll be wide open again. It wouldn't be a
bad idea to switch to the Hyoujin-Yari and wail away with some more magic. If
your health drops too much your sub-character will come and assist you. He
doesn't have all that much health, so after you use all your magic he won't
have all that much fight left in him. If you do the collect four purple orbs
and get a fifth in the boss battle it makes it even easier, as he drops tons of
the dark purple Oni-orbs. All in all it isn't a hard battle if you're prepared
for it.

Okay, now that that is done move on to the next area. Just run past the man
lying down for this very second. Go in the next room and pick up all the gold
off of the ground. (Gold regenerates each time you enter and you'll have to
come right back to this area so you might as well get all you can) Grab the
chest in the corner to get the mirror. Break open the two chests to get another
puzzle box. This one is a little harder. Okay, first move the bottom right
arrow, then the top right, afterwards move the bottom left, then finally the
bottom arrow on the right side. You get the Hyoujin-Yari secret technique for
your trouble. Okay, now go back and help the man lying in pain. He'll tell you
how the demons used the people as slaves. This man is apparently the only
survivor. You take him back to the town where you feed him. He then thanks you
and gives you the red ring which will open the strange 'hole' near where you
found him.

-Imasho town, again

While you're here you may as well do a couple of things before heading back to
the mines. First, on the first floor of the inn buy a potassium nitrate map
from the guy on the first floor. (It costs 50 yen) If you look around the areas
marked on the map you'll find the P. Nitrate. Give this to Magoichi and he
gives you burst bullets. After you leave the Inn you may see a woman wandering
the streets who says you're exactly her type. Speak to her three times and she
gives you a Secret Medicine. Very handy. Head up to the horse stables, talk to
the woman in the yellow dress three times to get history book volume 2. Talk to
the guy wandering around in front of the two women three times for a bouquet of
flowers. Talk to the guy who doesn't want to talk to you in the corner of the
stable (he is sitting on the bench) three times for a magic jewel. Also very
handy. Head back into town and enter the shop, his items are now updated,
hurray! His new inventory is as follows:

Lemon: 200 yen
Hair ornament: 300 yen
Fairy tale book: 200 yen
History book V. 10: 100 Yen
Silver Armor: 800 yen
Keimyo Hachimaki: 800 yen
Western Boots: 800 yen
Fudo Leg guard: 800 yen
Red parrot: 500 yen
Love Potion: 500 yen
Artwork #17: 100 yen

Okay, in the corner of the shop talk to the guy who complains about his ill
father.  He'll give you some chalk. Okay, now go and give the chalk to Ekei.
After giving Ekei the chalk he'll give you the 'Tale of the Heike'. Give the
Tale of the Heike to Magoichi, and he'll give you 'The Emblem'. Give the emblem
to Kotaro and he'll give you the melon.  While you're here talk to the bald guy
next to Kotaro three times for 'The Pick'. Go back to the guy who needed the
melon and speak to him he'll thank you and swear to return the favor one day.
Eventually he'll be back at the shop with his father who will give you the
orange necklace. Okay, I'm going to go ahead and move on to the next part. Talk
to everyone several times just in case. You never know what you might find. Go
back to the mine where you found the old man, right near him is the hole where
you put the red ring, put the ring in and boom it opens, let's get ready to go.
Now that we are in this mysterious cave, move forward and you'll be forced to
fight two big guys with huge poles. They aren't all that hard though, just
slice away and move on. Go up the windy stairs and through the door. There will
be one monster along the way. You should be used to fighting these guys though,
so no problems.

-Gifu Castle

Okay, once you enter Gifu you'll be warmly greeted by a bunch of Alligators,
the only problem lies with the pesky archer up top. Don't worry about him at
first, just try not to sit in the same place too long. You can generally tell
when he is about to shoot by the sound and timing. Once you have killed all the
enemies whip out your bow and arrow and put him out of his misery. Pick up the
chests in the room, one contains incense, the other the map. Go to the room on
your left and you'll find yourself in a puzzle situation. It is a number
puzzle, you basically just have to get all numbers in all directions to equal
15. I will write the numbers as you will place them on the board. It is only a
3X3 board, so here goes:

first row: 6-1-8
second row: 7-5-3
Third row: 2-9-4

Once you do this, you'll recieve the bronze mask (right). Leave this room,
making sure to use the blue orb pool if necessary. Okay, go to the room at the
front end of the screen and help out the sub character in distress. Move
straight to the next door as the other one is locked and not to be explored
until much later. Okay, in the corner of this room there is a number puzzle
box, now here is how you do it:

Okay, on the right side move the bottom arrow, on the top side move the right
hand arrow, and on the left side move the top arrow.

This gets you a power jewel, hurray! Okay, there is no where to go, but ahead,
so do so and enter the next area. Here is a curving room with a save point. Use
it and level up something if you feel the need to and fight off the monsters,
here you'll find the regular blue soldiers and some new Grey Samurai guys. They
are faster and stronger than the others, but still nothing hard to deal with.
After you have finished move to the room past the save point. Move forward and
grab history book volume. 1, and enter the door right behind it. Here you'll
find a ghost who is interested in recieving the purify charm and he'll help you
out. After he tells you his part go to the back of the room and grab the
Demons' History file. Exit this room and go up the stairs. In this room you'll
need to fight off some ninjas and if your friendship level with Magoichi, or
Ekei is high you'll see a scene. Move to the end with the only open door, move
onwards. In this room, curl around to the right and kill the Archer before he
has a chance to harm you. In this room is a chest with a herb, and the purify
charm lies shining on the table grab it, and head out. Go back to where the
ghost is, enter your inventory and use the Purify charm. He will give you the
Bronze mask left as your prize. Leave this room and head back to where the save
point was. There is a big door there, use both masks in it and you'll enter
automatically. You'll see a scene with Takachiro (little guy) and Oyu.
Afterwards Jubei will have to fight two big samurai monsters. After they are
gone move down the stairs and enter the next room. Be prepared to fight your
next boss.

-BOSS Gogandantes

First of all you can't win this fight, you can barely touch him. So you just
have to try and stay alive long enough to attack him a certain number of times.
This is an easy fight if you know what to do. Equip the Hyoujin-yari. Charge
him and do nothing but the down, up then square special technique. If you do
this, he'll be busy blocking and won't attack nearly as much. The fight ends
automatically after he blocks a certain number of times.

After Oyu helps you escape run down the path and up the rope ladder. You'll be
back at the entrance to Gifu castle. She is at the front looking at a big
silver ball. After the scene you can put the orb of faith and put it into this
to trigger another scene. In this scene the ball will turn into a mechanical
horse which will promptly whisk you back to the town.

-Imasho town Again

First order of business return to the shop! Talk to the old guy in the corner
for the orange necklace. Talk to the shopkeeper for his last set of items:

Black pill: 100
Pocket watch: 300
Pandora's box: 700
Calligraphy kit: 300
History Book vol.8: 100
Naughty Novel: 500
Phirangi: 1000
Gabishi: 1000
Goraishinki: 1000
Houtengeki: 1000
Pair Ring: 3000
Artwork #18: 100

The talk around town is that someone is looking for you in the market place.
Okay, finish your business in town (trading items, etc.) and head to the market
place. One note before this though MAKE SURE YOU BUY ALL OF THE SHOP KEEPS
ITEMS. After you do talk to him a few times to get the white necklace, a very
important/cool item.
Okay, now head to the market place and talk to the woman with an umbrella. She
tells you that she plans on killing you and Takajo, she mentions that she is
now on her way to kill her! You have to hurry to Yagyu Village and try to save

- Yagyu Revisited

After the scene with that creepy lady, Jubei races back to Yagyu. Head straight
to the place where you first met Takajo, and you'll get a scene involving the
umbrella lady and Takajo. When it all ends, pick up Takajo's ring, and head
back to the village. In the cave connecting Takajo with the path you'll fight
some new bug type enemy. Nothing too tough. Dash all the way back to the mirror
at the start, and save your game, these black soldiers can be tough in groups,
mainly because they have a nasty habit of blocking your attacks.

Head into Jubei's house, and walk straight forward and slash the paper wall, to
reveal a chest, which holds an abacus. Take a left and walk to the end of the
hall for a puzzle chest. Hit the right arrow on the top side, and the bottom
arrow on the left side to complete the puzzle. This nets you a Power Jewel.
Next, slash away at the paper wall if your enemy hasn't already, and pick up
the kaleidoscope. Head into the next room, and take a left. Slash away the
hanging wallscroll where Jubei feels a breeze, and pick up the "Four Guardians
Right", head back and take out the paper wall on the other side of the room
that contained the kaleidoscope. Pick up the fork, and then push on to go out
the door. Head outside, taking out the archers and swordsmen as they come, and
head right, slash the paper walls, and pick up the chest with the Oolong tea,
and the "Four Gods Left".

Go back inside where you came from, and use Takajo's Ring on that giant chest,
and then solve the puzzle like so: Black Turtle On the Top, Blue Dragon on the
right, Red Phoenix on the bottom, and lastly the White Tiger on the left. Lord
knows why the four Chinese Gods of direction are in a Japanese house puzzle.

Climb down and walk on, soon a cutscene will show Jubei avoiding a pitfall,
just press against it to make him jump across and hang, and press again to make
him climb up, Head forward and cut those ropes, dash back to the pitfall, and
hang and wait for that giant fan/blade to pass you. Then climb up, and quickly
move onto the next area.

- Fog Valley

Ignore the blue chests as you can't open them, and proceed down the path to the
Red Lizardman and the ladder. Fight your way up to the top, and note the green
seal. Head to the next ladder, and then the final one which takes you to the
next screen.

Fight across the bridge hopefully with the help of whoever your support
character is. At the start of the next screen toward the right is an herb in a
red chest, the next chest contains the Fog Valley map. Head onto the dragon to
get your Senpomaru. And then run back down to that green seal we just saw.
Hitting that opens the path to Nobunga's knowledge. head back to where you got
the Senpomaru, and save at the nearby mirror. Enter the forest and fight some
red lizards at the opening, and then head onto the next screen. You should see
two paths and a buggy-looking thing. Slash the buggy looking thing and the
paths will mesh, thus leading you in the right direction. the next screen is
just enemies, but the one after that is that bug again. At all costs, slash it.
If by chance you ever miss one of those bugs, just go back from where you came,
and enter again, the game will return you to the bug you missed. After another
bug the maze should be over, and you'll see a little scene with Jujudormah and
have to fight a boss.

*NOTE* If your friendship level with Kotaro Fuma is high, you will not see the
bugs in the forest, instead Jubei will get lost, and Kotaro will have to aid

- Kotaro Helps.

Head forward and open the first blue chest for a Blue Bracelet, this will allow
you to absorb souls. Hopefully if you're friends with Kotaro, you'll have
gotten him his second best weapon, and his bandana. Head on past the seal and
open the second chest for a Red Wedge. Hmm A realm coming up? Climb the two
ladders to find a DUH DUH DUH Phantom Realm. Use the wedge, and hop in. Fight
your way down, and pick up Kotaro's best weapon, along with a Red Pole and the
Blue Wedge. Getting the Red Pole and Blue Wedge is something you can't skip, so
just tough out the Phantom Realm. Head onward past the dragon shrine, and
instead of going into the forest, jump up the cliff. Head to the next blue
chest, which has Kotaro's best armor, the Stealth Suit. Keep on going and note
the seal of Thunder to your right. Make note of that for Jubei. Head on through
the lake type thingy, and you'll see another Phantom Realm, Blue this time. Use
your wedge, and at the bottom, you'll have to fight a Red Bull. If possible,
unload your subweapon into him and then close in on him. If he tries to
sideslash you, do a backstep, and hopefully counter with an Issen. Regardless,
don't let yourself be caught by him. If you do, with Kotaro's low Subcharacter
life, it's curtains After the fight, you'll get a Blue Pole. Head back to the
lake area with the Blue Pole in hand, and insert both the red and blue into the
totem pole like figure, then save it, and go through. You'll see a scene, and
then regain control of Jubei. Head forward to...

- BOSS Ginghamphatts

This is a fairly tough fight, and hopefully you'll be paired with a useful
character. When Ginghamphatts is out in the open, use your weapon on him after
"charging" it. And then after a bit of thrashing, he'll run into the brush, and
charge out every so often. I recommend equipping the bow and arrow, and letting
him have it when he runs out. Fire arrows if you can spare them seem to work
quite well. When he stops charging, return to using magic/charge attacks. After
a few heals, he should be dying And talking trash about how he'll come back
again. Psh.

After the boss battle, you'll obtain Nobunga's Reign. On onto the next screen,
and use your souls or save at the mirror, and then run up the steps to your
right. At the top, you should see a Thunder Seal. Wack it with your Buraitou
and get Nobunaga's Knowledge. Go back to the last screen with the mirror and
run across the water avoiding the water-serpent demons.

Enter the odd looking building, and pull the lever. Place the statues in the
order the screen shows.

- Rocky Caverns

Take out the Giant Yellow Bulls and head up to the big door. In this next room
you'll have to fight Red Lizardmen and some huge tentacle thingy. Magic works
well on the tentacle, so use that to cut time. Behind him is a room with a
Mirror, and Jujudormah's Diary. Save if you choose. And head into the next

- BOSS Jujudormah

Juju has lots of annoying attacks, but it's just your luck, you can block them
all. Hopefully you'll be paired with someone who can do good damage, as you can
attack her from both sides quite easily. At first she is slow, and only shoots
ice shots out of her umbrella, but after you do so much damage she disappears.
When you take away more than half of her life, she becomes much more
aggressive, and attacks you with a fanslash, followed by an umbrella attack.
Just stick to whatever weapon you have powered up most at the time, and you'll
be fine.

After beating her, you'll get the Orb of Honesty, and her souls. Hit the switch
towards the back of the room, and enter the new area. Once you go so far, a
trap will trigger, rush to the end to avoid too much damage.

When Jubei dives off of the cliff, you'll appear in a new area. Open the chest
to obtain the "Oni Secret Place document, you might also want to save it here.
Once you do, walk over to the odd looking craft, and hit X to examine it, then
insert the orb. This will trigger a movie.

After the move GoganDantes will show up.

- BOSS GoganDantes

Just wack away at him. And strafe. Don't stop to try and run from him, if you
keep up a steady onslaught, he'll have a hard time hurting you. Once you last
about 2 minutes or so, this is over.

- Oyu in the Palace

Jubei is too wounded from the fight to press on, so Oyu offers to do it for
him. You'll see two scenes and get a Red Bracelet for absorbing souls. NOTE
It's VERY important you don't use any daggers. Head to the back of the room,
and head down the slope, then up the steps. Run to the end of the hall, and
pick up the Key Plate in the Red Chest. And if you feel like it, take out the
big guys using Oyu's special tech.

Run back to the main room dodging the ninja's, and place the Key Plate in the
Dragon Alter. This will unlock both doors. Head into the left door near the
save point, and grab the Lift Instructions, and a Magic Liquid. Now go into the
skull door, and fight your way through this hall. In this next room you'll get
an Oni Palace Map from the chest, and an Oni Super Weapon document from the
wall by the door. Take out the black guards with care, and if you run low on
life, use your special tech to knock yellow souls out of the enemy. Before you
leave, grab the medicine from behind the statue. In the next room run to the
end of the hall. And in this new room, you have to fight baby serpents until
the seal on the door drops. Once that happens climb down. Get the Adarga from
the chest, and fight off the Red Lizardmen and then take out the giant tentacle
using Oyu's special attack to get max orbs from it.

When that is done, you can enter into the wall. Run past all of the enemies and
reach the mirror and the chest, get the Gradius out of the chest, and save it.
Go back and fight enemies until you are at FULL health and mostly full magic.
Then proceed on. This is a tough sealed fight with a yellow bull, followed by a
red one. The best thing to do is whip a dagger at them while you move in, and
then slash twice, throw a dagger, slash twice, throw a dagger.. etc.. After a
bit the Yellow one will fall, and a Red one will appear. The pattern remains
the same, but he is far tougher. You may have to heal a few times. After that
is done, you can obtain the Sacred Flute. Go back and save it, and feel free to
collect orbs from the easy enemies using your tech. Getting 10000 orbs doesn't
take that long at all using Oyu. And that can max out one of your weapons. When
you are ready, head back to the beach and give Jubei the souls and flute.

- Oni Palace

Head to the save spot and use those souls Oyu just gave you, and then pick up
the Earth Hammer, Dokoutsui from the Dragon. Head through the Skull door and
head to where you saw the earth seal as Oyu, near where she entered the wall.
Pick up the Circle Key once breaking it. Head up the ladder right by that for a
nifty shortcut only one room away from the Dragon alter. Head into the left
door and use your Wind magic under the fan to start the lift. Once you've done
that, ride down to the next room.

Get the Oni Palace Map 2 from the chest. Then go straight into the next room
and check the puzzle box, the solution is as follows. The top arrow on the left
side, the middle arrow on the top side, and the bottom arrow on the right side.
This nets you the Tanegashima. Whoo.. Climb up the ladder, and climb down once
you reach to other side. Head through the door and pick up the Guildernstein
Letter, and then head to the odd looking puzzle. This requires you to do..
GASP! BASIC MATH! But don't worry, I've got your back.

From let to right..

First Row: 1, 15, 14, 4

Second row: 12, 6, 7, 9

Third row: 8, 10, 11, 5

Fourth row: 13, 3, 2, 16

Whoo.. You get the Gold Key for that. Head back to the room you came down into
when riding the lift, and climb the ladder towards the end of the room. Examine
the keyhole, and use the gold key, leap across, and then examine the door,
using the circle key, open it. This room has a simple puzzle, even randomizing
can finish it. It's just moving the cards to match the symbols above. Which can
be done fairly easy. Once you've done that pick up the memo which is Tokichio's
Memo, and then you may enter the "Path of Light"

- Gifu Castle, Star Tower

Walk around the bell and climb the ladder down, check the very tricky trick box
and use this solution: The right arrow on top, the bottom arrow on the right,
the left arrow on the bottom, the top arrow on the left, the left arrow on the
top, and lastly the bottom arrow on the left.. I actually did this puzzle three
times due to my not writing down the solution/not knowing what I did.. heh
Kudos to you if you solved that one on your own. You get a Talisman for your

Head to the bottom of the stairs to get a Green Wedge from the Red Chest, and
then save it at the mirror.

NOTE. Even if you are not being helped by Ekei here, for my sake, I'm not going
to write this all twice, just follow this guide for all of your Jubei needs as
well, but just ignore the Red Bull fight and what have you.

- Ekei Helps

When you try to leave, you see the door is locked, but just your luck Ekei is
strolling by, he has to help you.

Ignore the seal, and head left into the building In the red chest is the Gifu
Area Map, And in the blue is the Yellow Bracelet. Head into the next area, and
at the end, pick up the Cherry key from the red chest. Head through the door to
the next area, and take a pitstop at the bone stairwell and at the bottom get a

Head into the castle and make a pitstop on the room to the left to recharge
your magic. Then head into the next room. and use your Cherry key on the door
to the right. Inside you'll find tons of items, in the blue chest a Niuh
Protector, in the red chest a crescent key, the Document, "Human as food" and
Artwork #12. Also there is a trick box. The middle arrow on the left side, the
Left arrow on the top side, and then the Top arrow on the right side. That gets
you a magic jewel. Now backtrack to where you got the Cherry key, and this
time, go to the previously locked blue door, and unlock it. Ignore the seal,
and run straight ahead. Then once in the area with water, keep running to the
exit on the far side. In the next area, absorb the souls out of the holder and
push on. In the next screen there is a stone pillar, smack it a few times, to
release a Medicine. Go onto the next screen which is a giant waterfall. In the
waterfall cave there is a good spear for Ekei, the Halberd. Head into the
boathouse next. Pick up the document "Hunting Schedule" and then save at the
mirror. Go down the steps and use the boat.

Run up the steps and enter the house, and get your charms ready. Run to one
side of the house, and unload on the Red Bull. After about 30+ charms, Charge
your weapon to level three, and hope he does a side slash, backstep and try to
counter, but if not, just hit him with your charge, and get out of there and
try again. After he is done, absorb his souls, and get his Snake key. While
you're in the room grab Artwork #13, the "Documents Fortinbras Book", and
"Golden Evil Statue"

Head back to the boathouse and save. And then backtrack to Jubei. Use the Snake
Key on the door, and you'll resume control of 'the man'

There are a few odd things to do before you move on. You can head just right of
the tower, pick up Artwork # 11 and Document "Tokichiro's Diary" and open the
Green Phantom Realm using the Green Wedge for a Purple Necklace. And then head
to the top floor of the Castle, and break the earth seal there for a trick box
which has a "Secret" book.  Bottom arrow on the right side, the right arrow on
the bottom side, the left arrow on the bottom side, the middle arrow on the
right side, Middle arrow on the bottom side, and the right arrow on the top

When you're all done enter the demon cave from the seal past the crescent door.

NOTE: Magoichi may help here. If not, just follow the same guide.

- Magoichi Helps

Head into the next room, and you'll see a scene with Magoichi being saved by
Jubei, but then being petrified himself. After that, Pick up the Green Bracelet
from the Chest, and work your way around the cave. When you reach the end,
you'll find the Great Powder Tube, and the Flame Thrower. On your way back
across the bridge, an invisible bug will steal your Tube. Let him have it with
your magic attack, and then the Flame Thrower. Head back to Jubei, and cure

When you get control of Jubei back, head back to the end of the cave, for a a
trick box which should be: The Left arrow on the Bottom side, the Bottom arrow
on the left side, the Right arrow on the bottom side, The Bottom arrow on the
right side, and lastly the Left arrow on top. Open it for a Power Jewel, before
you head out, make sure everyone is back to normal, two people give you items
for de-petrifying them.

When you're ready head back to the boathouse, and.. De-Petrify those two guys
blocking your door using the Great Powder Tube and solve the simple card puzzle
the way you did before. This will open a new light path.

- Oni Palace: Blood Pond.

Run forward and grab the Super Magic Liquid out of the red chests, and press
on. At the end of the next hallway is a mirror, and a chest with the Oni Palace
three map. Save your game here, you're pretty close to the end.

Head into the next room filled with Bulls and rolly guys, and magic your way
through into the door in the upper left. Go right, and then turn left down a
hall way to find a trick box, bottom arrow right side, top arrow right side,
left arrow top side, bottom arrow right side for a: Magic Jewel. Back track to
the start of this room and go forward, then left for a red chest which contains
an herb. Now head to the right, and follow the path all the way until you reach
a giant fan on the ceiling, using your wind magic to start the lift much like
you did a little bit back.

Head ride the lift and enter the new room, make sure you pick up the Scarlet
Eye here. Now, enter through the next door to what should be a fairly fresh
place in your mind. The old part of the palace Oyu and Jubei both visited
earlier. Head to the area of the first lift, and ride it down. Next, make your
way to the room of where you solved the puzzle for the Golden Key, and use the
Scarlet Jewel on the sealed door. When it is opened, you'll see a small scene
where Oyu reveals something very shocking to you. When it is over, head through
the new hole in the wall, pick up the Secret Medicine, and the document,
"Gogandantes Shield" Then, save the game, and enter the door.

Boss - Gogandantes

As soon as the fight starts, use the Sacred Flute to lower his defensive
shield. Then, blast away with your magics. Using the Wind, and Earth to start,
and then thunder and ice to finish. If all of your weapons are level 3 or
greater, you should have little to no trouble with Gogandantes. After the
fight, he'll make a small request of you, and then give you his orb.
The Respect Orb.

Now that that is finished head through the green door, and collect the items
from the red chests, a Medicine, and an Herb, and then take the middle path to
the trick box, Bottom arrow on the right side, Right arrow on the bottom, Left
arrow on Top, Top arrow on left, and Middle arrow on top. That nets you a power
jewel. When you've gotten all of that, jump across the boxes to the exit.

You'll come out in the room Oyu first found the Key plate. She'll be standing
there as well, waiting for you to use the orb on the statue. When you do,
you'll get a scene.

When the scene is over, save the game, and walk forward to examine the glider
like object, and then you'll have to open the garage type door within a minute.
To do this you'll have to rotate the Analog sticks to open the window, this may
take more than one try. After you're done. You get a movie

- Battle Ship

Head forward to the trick box, and use this solution: Middle arrow on the right
side, Middle arrow on the top side, Bottom arrow on the right side,  Middle
arrow on the bottom side, Middle arrow on the left, and the right arrow on top
for a Magic Jewel.

Run forward into the next room and fight off some Demon Soldiers. And then pick
up the Medicine in the chest. Head into the next room, avoid the robots. And
run up the conveyer belts to see the scene, and then hit the control panel to
fire down on the soldiers. Once the movie is done, you'll end up in Gifu

- Gifu The Final Time

Head forward and up until you make it to the balcony like area. Enter the first
door to pick up the Purple Wedge and head up the stairs in the back of the
room. You'll have to fight a giant soul absorber, which releases several other
mini soul absorbers. Shoot it with your gun until in charges, and then bust out
some magic or fully charge up normal hits. He'll drop a gold scale. Use the
Gold Scale on the shiny golden flash at the tip of the building. This'll get
rid of that pesky black fog. Run across Head into the new demon area, and save.
Head back out across the bridge and enter the side door. Use the Purple Wedge
and enter the demon realm. Head to the bottom for the Rekka Ken, and once you
have it, examine the crack again to open up a new area, and get the Fashionable
Goods from the chest.

Head back to the demon area and climb the ladder.

- BOSS: Ginghamphatts

This is his third form, and perhaps the hardest form of the big man. His
attacks are more or less the same, so Issen Dancing him shouldn't be too hard
if you are feeling good. But the best thing you can do here, is unload on him
with all of your magic, start off with Thunder, and Ice and if you have it, the
Rekka Ken. If Magoichi is your partner, he'll come in and waste the sucker with
his new gun. If not, you'll just have to tough out his flying form. I recommend
using the Wind and Earth magics then. After you wear him down enough, he'll go

Absorb all of his souls, and get his Orb. The Strength Orb. Head back down, and
use the Orb on the elevator. After a scene with Oyu, you'll enter the elevator,
and get a nice movie where Jubei yells at Nobunaga, and then Nobunaga turns
into a demon.

- BOSS: Nobunaga

This is going to be one of the tougher fights for you, due to the limited Wind
and Earth magic. What I recommend, is waiting intil' he is in his Ice form, so
he'll charge you. And then let him have it with the Thunder magic. After so
much damage he'll head to his alter, and a shield will go over him, when he is
done, he'll take to the air again. The one thing I recommend stopping are the
tornados he sends at you. If possible, wack him with the Wind magic in-between
tornados. After so much, he'll go down. And then you get a scene, and a fight

- BOSS: Nobunaga's Golden Statue

The main thing to do at first is to run to the sides when he shoots the
fireballs at you and move forward or back when the red circles on the ground
appear. Once you blow up both of his leg parts, he'll start a flame-thrower
from the base of his statue, and charge you. Turn around and run the other way
until he stops. After this his main attacks will be the Masks, and the
Flamethrower. Just mash square. and I hope you have at least 3-4 full heals.
And good dodging skills.

After that, it's all over. Congraduration, a winner is you.

- That's great. But what do I get for winning?

Well well, let's see. Aside from the Onimusha 2 trailor, you'll no doubt unlock
the Man In Black minigame no matter what. Team Oni should also be unlocked for
beating it. Oh, and if you stayed in normal mode, you'll get Hard Mode. Beat
hard mode, and you'll get the Ultimate Equipment mode. Whoopie..

Also if you beat Team Oni mode, Issen mode should be unlocked.

The Questions, The Answers

Q: Hey isn't that a Mighty Mighty Bosstone album?

Yeah, but it's not like I listen to them or anything.

Q: So, what's all this talk about necklaces?

Here, okay, I'll hold your hand while you write this down.

Orange Necklace: Gotten by the melon quest, allows you to see hidden orbs.

White Necklace: Buy out the item seller three times in a row, and he'll shower
you with this awesome gift, it heals you if you stand still.

Green Necklace: When coming out of the Takajo/Jujudormah scene, If he is your
second story character Magoichi will give you a Saiga bomb to use on the flimsy
rock. Let's you see hidden treasures, which equals more heal items.

Red Necklace: I understand you get this from Oyu if she is your second story
character, it allows you to absorb souls faster.

Blue Necklace: Gotten by having Kotaro as your second story character, not 100%
sure on it's effect.

Yellow Necklace: Given by Ekei, if he is your second story character, it should
let you absorb souls from live enemies.

Black Necklace: If you use the three bones given by Magoichi, Kotaro, and Ekei,
you can obtain this in the Oni Palace. It lets you perform issens at the cost
of life.


Q: Wow, that's great, but you guys forgot some super small detail nobody cares

That's not a question, and chances are, unless we ask for help, we don't want

Q: I heard I can get Oyu in a Dalmation coat!?

Eh, get 100% of the story, I don't know if it works in the American version.

Q: How can I get Jubei's awesome suit!?

I understand beating the game with an S rank while holding the fashionable
goods nets you this.

Q: Can I send you angry e-mail about how this guide doesn't help me?

Yes, send it, and wait for a reply. No really, wait. For days... weeks...
months. While it sits in my Inbox rotting, and maybe if you're really lucky,
I'll actually delete it.

Q: Can I use this guide on my Onimusha 2 site, or my videogame site?

Sure thing, just give us both credit, and e-mail me telling me the URL of where
it will be hosted.

Q: Can I print this guide off of my printer and use it for my use, or give it
to my friend?

Sure, but you may only use it for your personal use.

Q: Can I use this in my magazine?

If you're interested in paying us, feel free to contact us. Otherwise, I'm not
doing you any favors, pal.

Q: You're talking to yourself you know?


Q: That can't be good..

That wasn't a question either.

Q: So can I e-mail you about Onimusha 2 help?

No, please don't if it's not in here, asking at the GameFAQs.com Onimusha 2
message board is a good idea.

Q: Thanks for giving us this lame question/answer section.

That wasn't a question, and you're lucky I didn't run out of OJ.

6. Weapons List


- Yagyu Sword:

This is the sword that Jubei starts the game with. It is weaker than the other
swords Jubei gets and has no magic. You should not use this sword once you get
the Buraitou.

- Buraitou

This is the lightning elemental sword you get near the very beginning. It is
quite useful and cool looking. It has a very useful magical attack which
includes a fast fury of sword swipes followed by a flip and a dazzling barrage
of lightning bolts striking the enemy. This sword is very well rounded. It is
fast, has good attack power and a powerful single enemy hitting magical attack.
You can get by most of the game using this.

- Hyoujin-Yari

This is the ice elemental spear. You get this fairly early on in the Imasho
gold mines. It has good attack power and range. The magic attack also has good
range. This weapon is good, but it personally doesn't suit my tastes well. The
only time I bothered to use it was for extra magic attacks against the bosses.
I know some who like it more than the other weapons though, so I won't bash it.
Its magical attack is a projectile flow of ice that travels in a straight line.
It explodes and does decent damage to bosses against regular enemies it usually
freezes them where you can walk up and get an easy/cool shatter kill.

- Senpumaru

This is the double-bladed Wind elemental sword. It is more or less the same it
was in the first game. It is fast, fairly strong and good against swarms of
enemies. It is a fairly good all purpose weapon. It is particularly good when
there are enemies above you and you don't want to whip out your gun. The nature
of the spell also makes it useful when you're surrounded. It sucks in and hits
all enemies within its great range multiple times in a massive tornado. Very
useful, especially against a couple of the bosses.

- Dokoutsui

This is a giant hammer of the Earth element. It obviously has great attack
power, but low speed. I rarely used it except when I felt like smashing enemies
under this gigantic weapon. It is good against the big enemies who don't get
phased by the others. Its magical attack is basically just Jubei slamming it
into the ground causing a couple of massive tremors. This magic is best used
against bosses and it inflicts quite a bit of damage and is surprisingly fast.

- Rekka Ken

The most powerful sword, supposedly. it's like the flamesword from the first
game, only powered up. This is found in the bottom floor of the Purple Realm,
towards the end of the game.

- Bow and Arrow

This weapon is slow to start, but does decent attack power. I only really used
it against enemy archers who were located on some form of a perch where I
couldn't get to them with my ordinary weapons. It has flame arrows which
increase attack power, but not by enough to make it all too useful. Never think
of pulling it out once you receive the gun.

- Tanegashima

This is a decent weapon as it is much faster than the Bow and Arrow and has a
little bit better attack power. Even with this in mind I wouldn't bother to use
this unless you're just going for the sheer coolness of gunning down demons. It
has special burst bullets which are much more effective, but this weapon still
should not be used under most circumstances.


This is a special rifle type gun made by Magoichi. He gives it to you in the
latter half of the game if he is your most frequent partner. It shoots the
burst bullets. If you give him potassium nitrate which you can find in the
goldmine he will give you burst shells.



A pair of twin knives. They have short range, but they are very fast and have
fairly good attack power. Not to mention they are incredibly stylish. They are
however Kotaro's weakest weapons.


They are a pair of Iton stilettos. They are thin and pretty cool looking. They
have good attack power. As you no doubt know all of the sub characters weapons
(except Magoichi's) are basically the same thing only with different attack
power and appearance.

-Roga Kunai

These are Kotaro's most powerful weapon. They aren't as long as the Gabishi,
but it hardly makes a difference, especially considering the incredibly high
attack power they have.


-Broad Sword

A slim western sword. It is a basic double edged sword. It has pretty low
attack power, but you shouldn't have to use it at all, since you're going to
buy her the level 2 sword in the item shop!


 A long western sword.  It looks sort of like a pirates sword. It has good
attack power and looks pretty cool to boot.


A legendary western long sword that is easy to handle and is very sharp. This
weapon looks pretty cool and has insanely good attack power. This is a great
sword and it aids her in her magic move a lot. You'll be in orb heaven with
this baby.


-Tri-barrel gun

More or less the same as the one he gives Jubei only he has infinite ammo.
Neat-o, eh?


A powerful gun that shoots five needle bullets at once. It operates similarly
to a spurt machine gun. It is pretty awesome. Especially when he uses his super

-Combat Knife

He uses this if you hold right and press square. It is short and not all too
powerful. I only use it, because he looks cool using it. Other than that you
might as well just shoot like crazy.

-Flame thrower

This weapon is awesome. It is slow, but is very powerful. Not to mention
insanely cool. It is also insanely slow. In a small room, with powerful enemies
I'd recommend the Goraishinki.

My good friend Red claims he found a secret tech with the flame-thrower.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you shoot until it starts sputtering, and then
you spin around twice, and then mash square.


- Normal Spear

This is your basic spear, and Ekei should only use it in the very start of the
game. You should have given him the Houtensehi by the time you start
controlling him.

- Houtensehi

This spear is pretty good, and can get him through most normal enemies, seeing
as how you can get it pretty early on, it's a nice spear.

- Halberd

An ax/spear hybrid which is pretty strong, well, the strongest you'll find.

7. Thanks/ Contact


Um, I thank Robb for doing his parts/getting me to buy the game/getting me

CJayC for Running GameFAQs.com and hosting this.

I'd also like to thank the steel workers of America, keep reaching for that

And myself for somehow spelling steel wrong..


I'd like to thank Capcom for making the game.

CjayC for accepting this faq.

I'd also like to thank Eddie for carrying most of the slack throughout the
process of writing this.

8. Legal

We don't own any of the Characters or items in Onimusha 2, and don't assume
ownership of any of them. They are copyright Capcom, and their respective

This document is copyrighted by both of us, and is thus protected by law, if
you wish to use this document on your site, you may do so, as long as it is
left in it's original form. This may NOT by any means appear in a magazine or
other publication, unless we are asked, and paid for our writing. This guide
may ONLY be changed with OUR CONSENT. Thank you.

Lack of Creativity Design, 2002.