Andere Lösungen

Fountain of Dreams (Hex-Codes)

        Game : Fountain of Dreams
        Type : Savefile\Character Editor Techspecs
        Date : July 15th 1990
      Author : Dark Fiber [AIH]

the save game files are actually the files


backup those four files BEFORE you play the game, then restore them
so no need to re-install

Savefile Layout

Offset  Descr                                           Type
0008    Hour (relative form 0 to 23)                    byte
0009    minute (from 0 to 59)                           byte
000E    Money                                           DWord
0031    Total num chars in party (1=1,etc)              byte
0032    Character Order                                 Byte[5]
        eg: 0,3,1,2 = Character 1, 4, 2, 3   (char-1)
0037    Day (relative from 0)                           Byte

Char offsets = 003a, 0186, 02d2, 041e, 056a
        to work out xx offset for char Z then formula is
        character_offset_Z - ch_off_1 + item_offset
        eg:  2D2 - 3A + 57 = Charisma offset for character 3

003a    Name                                            asciiz[12]
0052    Strength                                        byte
0053    Intelligence                                    byte
0054    Dexterity                                       byte
0055    Will Power                                      byte
0056    Aptitude                                        byte
0057    Charisma                                        byte
0058    Luck                                            byte
005e    Active Skills                                   byte[16]
        Bomb/Alarm Disarm
        FODDY FOD
006e    Passive Skills                                  byte[16]
        Auto Weapon
        *Mutant Recog!!
007e    Condition                                       Word
0080    Maximum Condition                               Word
0084    Equipped Item 1                                 byte
0085    Equipped Item 2                                 byte
0086    Equipped Item 3                                 byte
0087    Equipped Item 4                                 byte
        value of FF = no item equipped
        other # = item # in inventory
0088    Rank                                            byte
0092    Affliction                                      byte
        (Bit encoded)
        00000001 - Poisoned
        00000010 - Irradiated
        00000100 - Rabid
        00001000 - Envenomed
        00010000 - Condition  5
        00100000 - Condition  6
        01000000 - Condition  7
        10000000 - Mutant
009c    Items                                           byte[6] x 32
        1 item is 6 bytes long
        usually ones like ammo cartidges have 2nd byte as
        num of bullets in clip, etc.
        00 - Null Item0
        01 - Dollars
        02 - .22 Handgun
        03 - .45 Colt Pistol
        04 - 9mm Browning Pistol
        05 - Ochoa's Rifle
        06 - Elephant Gun
        07 - Shotgun
        08 - Uzi
        09 - Clown MegaUzi
        0A - Clown Mega Uzi
        0B - AK-47 Assault Rifle
        0C - .22 Clip
        0D - .38 Clip
        0E - .45 Clip (7)
        0F - .45 Clip (30)
        10 - .50 Clip
        11 - 5.56mm Clip (20)
        12 - 5.56mm Clip (30)
        13 - 7.62mm Clip (5)
        14 - 7.62mm Clip (18)
        15 - 7.62mm Clip (30)
        16 - 9mm Clip (13)
        17 - 9mm Clip (30)
        18 - 9mm Clip (40)
        19 - Shotgun Shells
        1A - Grenade
        1B - Plastic Explosives
        1C - TNT
        1D - Gas Balloons
        1E - Flamethrower
        1F - Napalm Cannister
        20 - Machete
        21 - Meat Cleaver
        22 - Carving Knife
        23 - Cane Knife
        24 - Scalpel
        25 - Pool Cue
        26 - Garcia Sunday Vest
        27 - Shagreen Vest
        28 - Shagreen suit
        29 - Leather Vest
        2A - Leather Suit
        2B - Flak Vest
        2C - Flak Suit
        2D - Rad Suit
        2E - Obeah Necklace
        2F - Kevlar Vest
        30 - Kevlar Suit
        31 - Leather Cap
        32 - Riot Helmet
        33 - Kevlar Derby
        34 - Flo's Chapeau
        35 - Strongbox Key
        36 - Jewelry
        37 - Canteen
        38 - Canteen, Sea Water
        39 - Empty Canteen
        3A - Vial of Sea Water
        3B - Empty Vial
        3C - DeSoto Rum
        3D - DeSoto's XXX Finest
        3E - Chateau Pierrot
        3F - Empty Bottle
        40 - Bottle of Sea Water
        41 - Broken Bottle
        42 - Brewhoe Nostrum
        43 - Voodoo Tonic
        44 - Voodoo Elixir
        45 - Voodoo Cologne
        46 - Guard's Journal
        47 - Imelda's Letters
        48 - Mario's Diary
        49 - DeSoto Vault Key
        4A - Clown Master Key
        4B - Red Key
        4C - Black Key
        4D - Garcia's Key
        4E - Van Gogh painting
        4F - Pollack painting
        50 - Ojnab painting
        51 - Velvet Elvis
        52 - Bust of Beethoven
        53 - Mutant Badge
        54 - Clown Make up
        55 - Silverware
        56 - Spark Plug
        57 - Bandage
        58 - 50' Rope
        59 - .38 Police Special
        5A - Remington 700 Rifle
        5B - M16A1 Assault Rifl
        5C - MAC10
        5D - Shovel
        5E - Mechanic Toolkit
        5F - Electronics Tools
        60 - Obeah Talisman
        61 - DeSoto Amulet
        62 - Miami PD Badge
        63 - Vial, Healing Water
        64 - Vial, Sea Water
        65 - Vial, alcohol
        66 - Canteen, Heal Water
        67 - Canteen, alcohol
        68 - Bottle, Heal Water
        69 - Bottle of alcohol
        6A - Bottle, blue tap
        6B - Bottle, green tap
        6C - Bottle, violet tap
        6D - Canteen, blue tap
        6E - Canteen, green tap
        6F - Canteen, violet tap
        70 - Vial, blue tap
        71 - Vial, green tap
        72 - Vial, violet tap
        73 - Imelda's brooch
        74 - Personal Radio
        75 - Rubber Boots


     Dark Fiber [NuKE]     | Entropy, killing the WWW bandwidth stealing
a.k.a.             Entropy |    wankers in 1995. | [NuKE] 1995 world tour.  Beware the Genome!