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Enemy Nations (Settings) (e)


Enemy Nations

Settings for enations.ini


With freedom comes responsibility. If you set the below values incorrectly you 
can cause Enemy Nations to crash. If you make changes and Enemy Nations won't 
run - delete enations.ini and start over.

Note: enations.ini resides in the directory windows is installed in 
(normally c:\windows), not the directory Enemy Nations is installed in.

Special settings you have to change here

Enemy Nations uses the speed of your processor and CD to determine which of 
several modes it should run in. Because Windows is a premptive multi-tasking 
environment, the method used to determine these values can be significantly 
off (if for example a burst of net traffic hits the machine while determining this).

	CPUSpeed=#	; the speed of your processor (100 for a P/100)
	CDSpeed=#	; the speed of your CD-ROM (4 for a 4X)

Enemy Nations can change the system colors (colors used by menus, dialogs, 
etc.) to match Enemy Nations. This change will be undone if you switch (ALT-TAB) 
to another application or exit Enemy Nations. If you set this then if you have 
windows from other applications visible while playing Enemy Nations, they will 
not clash visually.

	SetSysColors=1	; Set system colors

Settings you may want to change

You can set the inital position of the windows in the game. This is set by 
screen resolution so if you change screen resolution your windows aren't suddenly off the screen.

	[640x480]	; resolution of the screen
	AreaX=#	; left column of first area window
	AreaY=#	; top row of first area window
	AreaEX=#	; width of first area window
	AreaEY#	; height of first area window
	ChatX=#	; left column of first chat window
	ChatY=#	; top row of first chat window
	ChatEX=#	; width of first chat window
	ChatEY#	; height of first chat window
	BuildX=#	; left column of first build window
	BuildY=#	; top row of first build window
	BuildEX=#	; width of first build window
	BuildEY#  	; height of first build window
	VehicleX=#	; left column of first vehicle window
	VehicleY=#	; top row of first vehicle window
	VehicleEX=#	; width of first vehicle window
	VehicleEY#	; height of first vehicle window
	WorldX=#	; left column of first world window
	WorldY=#	; top row of first world window
	WorldEX=#	; width of first world window
	WorldEY=#	; height of first world window

These change the fonts used throughout Enemy Nations

	CharHeight=#	; the height of the font used in the status bars
	Font=name		; the name of the font used in the status bars
	RDHeight=#		; the height of the font used in the Research window
	RDFont=name		; the name of the font used in the Research window
	DescHeight=#	; the height of the font used to describe buildings & vehicles 
	DescFont=name	; the name of the font used to describe buildings & vehicles
	CostHeight=#	; the height of the font used to show the cost of 
				; buildings & vehicles
	CostFont=name	; the name of the font used to show the cost of 
				; buildings & vehicles

If we have to deliver patches to the game data file (enations.dat) you can set the 
location of the directory they are in:

	Patch=dir		; location of patch files (directory, not one of the files)

If you copy enations.dat onto your hard drive (and set datafile=) you still need the CD and set

	CDLocation=dir	; the root of the CD drive (normally D:\)

	NoIntro=1		; don't play the intro
	CustomUI=#		; 1: we draw the window borders, captions, dialogs, etc.
				; 0: Windows draws the borders, captions, dialogs, etc.

	Log=1			; generates a log file of game actions - used by tech support

Settings you usually won't want to touch

NumColors=1		; will let you run with < 256 colors (will not be pretty, may GP fault)
Version=1		; will let you run on older versions of Win32s and Win/NT - may GP fault

Directory=dir	; directory Enemy Nations was installed to

MusicThread=0	; Does not create a seperate thread for reading the digital audio music
NoDirectSound=#	; default - use DirectSound if not emulated
; 0: Always use DirectSound (if available)
; 1: Does not use DirectSound
Direction=#		; -1 bitmaps are top-down, 1 bitmaps are bottom up
IgnoreAiLimit=1	; Allow any number of AI players
Events=#		; 1: use events to insure fast response, 0: use system time

Settings that can be set in the game

Speed=#		; speed to run the game at (1 - 32)
Music=#		; 0(off) - 100 volume level
Sound=#		; 0(off) - 100 volume level
DataFile=file	; location of enations.dat

BLT=#			; 0: best, 1: DirectDraw, 2: WinG, 3:CreateDIBSection,
			; 4:SetDIBBitsToDevice
ScreenResolution=#; 0:Native Resolution, 1:Based on CPU speed, 2:640x480, 3:800x600, 4:1024x768
Music=#		; 0: music based on memory, 1: use WAV,
			; 2: use MIDI, -1 based on memory
Scroll=1		; put scroll bars in the main map window
ColorDepth=#	; 0: based on available memory, 1: use driver video depth,
			; 2: use 8-bit
Language=#		; the language code for the language to display Enemy Nations in
By default Enemy Nations does not load the zoom level 0 sprites. The zoom level 0 sprites are about 4 times the size of the sprites for zoom levels 1 - 3 and therefore require a lot more memory and the game takes a lot longer to load. You should not turn this setting on unless you have 16M of RAM, 100M of virtual memory, and a 6X or faster CD-ROM drive. That said, the zoom level 0 sure is beautiful.
Zoom=0		; load zoom level 0 if enough memory is available
Zoom=1		; always load zoom level 0
Zoom=2		; never load zoom level 0 (the default)

Difficultity=#	; AI intelligence chosen in last game
ComputerOpponents=# ; number of computer opponents chosen in last game
Size=#		; size of world chosen in last game
StartPosition=#	; starting level of units chosen in last game
GameName=name	; game name chosen in last multi-player game created
GameDesc=desc	; game description in last multi-player game created
Connection=#	; network protocol used in last multi-player game
JoinUntil=#		; allow players to join setting in last multi-player game created
NoPlayer=#		; if no human player in last multi-player game created
Name=name		; player name used in last game


Settings for vdmplay.ini


UseLogFile=1	; generates a log file
UseEncoder=1	; Use special character encoding on comm/modem/tapi
LogWinsock=0	; Log Winsock notifications

WellKnownPort=#	; TCP/IP port number
OBufSize=16	; TCP socket output buffer size in K
MaxSends=10	; How much packets we send at each time tick when trying to resend postponed data ;Registration server address
ServerAddress=	; Address of the game server machine
AddressIndex=0	; Address index to use on multihomed machines (used by IServe only)

WellKnownPort=#	; IPX port number

StationName=name	; unique NETBIOS name

Port=COM#		; COM port to use
WinSize=4		; Send Window size
ResendLimit=10	; How many times we trying to resend a non acked packet
BaudRate=192	; BaudRate for comm/modem divided by 100

Port=COM#		; COM port to use
WinSize=4		; Send Window size
ResendLimit=10	; How many times we trying to resend a non acked packet
BaudRate=192	; BaudRate for comm/modem divided by 100