Andere Lösungen

D/Generation (e)



In each room there are yellow triangles on the walls, use these to open doors. 
In many cases you will need to fire your laser in order to richochet off the 
walls and connect with the triangle, opening a door you would not otherwise be 
able to open safely. 

Basically in every room you enter, blow up everything. Press 'U' to use items in 
your inventory, bombs, stop time, barriers, or shields. Bombs of course can be 
used with button 2 on the joystick. 

Stop time stops time. Barriers blow up things for you (make sure they don't 
backfire on you and kill you instead). Shields protect you from everything for a 
short period of time (the exception to this is the green cannons, your shield 
will disappear after being hit once by a cannon, so get rid of those mothers 
right away). 

By the way use 'ALT' + 'S' to save the game and 'ALT' + 'R' to restore. Saved 
game always starts at level beginning. So for example if you saved your game in 
the middle of level 82, when you restored it you would be at the entrance to the 

Use 'CTRL' + 'J' to turn on the joystick. 'S' for your status. 'CTRL' + 'R' to 
restart (sometimes). 

In order to save people, first secure the room by blowing up everything and 
walking over those squares so they turn green. Then walk up to the person and 
hit 'Enter' a few times to see if the person has anything to say. If not, just 
walk with the person (being very careful to keep the person from walking over 
electric shock pads) over to the red arrow in the room, and the person will walk 
out. At the end of the game I had saved approximately 40 people, so you know 
you'll be doing fine if you average about 4 people each level. Some people you 
attempt to save will turn into "fire guys". Blow them up with a bomb 
immediately. You can discern real people from fire dudes by firing bombs against 
the wall. If a person shakes, he is real. If a person stays stationary, he is 
fake and will decapitate you. 

In one room in the game you will not be able to open one of the doors unless you 
blow up one of the yellow rods. It will then unlock (USERID). When you see a 
computer walk up to it and you'll get some information about Genoq. Mostly 
they're not of much use, but 2 of the computers ask for passcodes and are very 

In one room you will walk to the computer and suddenly be transported to a weird 
area with a guy resembling the T-1000 coming after you. When this happens, 
restore the game and when you get back to that room, Do not touch the computer. 
You do not need to, and you can only lock yourself in the room by doing so. 

Level 90 is the weirdest level of the game. You will encounter Derrida (the 
person you want to give the package to). Just talk with him and then touch him. 
Then walk to the right out of the weird screen. Then continue walking diagonally 
right-down, then diagonally right-up to get out of the EYE screen. Then talk to 
the second Derrida and walk to the top of the cross and exit. Continue walking 
right out of the next room. When you see the glowing dude, wait until he starts 
walking then get the hell out of there to the left. Follow the red-arrow path 
downward and walk to the keyhole at the bottom left of the screen. Touch the 
thing when glowdude is about to walk in front of the radar dish, and he will get 
fried and explode in blood. Then walk out and back to the room you first met the 
glowing guy in. Touch the computer for the fun of it and then touch the jetpack 
and fly away to victory. 

The white open triangles are keyholes. You need to find the key on each level 
for each keyhole. Sometimes there may be like 5 keyholes/keys on a level. Just 
get the key and touch the keyhole and the door will open. 

You can shoot into transporters. This is valuable when you have to shoot a 
yellow triangle from a distance to make a door open. The bomb will enter the 
transporter and come out the other transporter, connecting with the triangle 
perfectly (if you aim that way).