Neutopia (e)

    _   __           __              _      
   / | / /__  __  __/ /_____  ____  (_)___ _
  /  |/ / _ \/ / / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ / __ `/         FAQ Version 1.0
 / /|  /  __/ /_/ / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ /       Updated: June 11, 2006
/_/ |_/\___/\__,_/\__/\____/ .___/_/\__,_/       (c) 2006 Corbie Dillard
         CRYPT & BOSS FAQ /_/               


Faq by: Corbie Dillard /

Neutopia is one of my favorite TG-16 games so I decided to put together
this Crypt and Boss Faq for those who are finding themselves stuck
in many of the tricky crypts and boss battles in the game. This is not
a complete FAQ for the game, as one already exists. Think of this as more
of a technical companion guide to it.

Each crypt is laid out below complete with a key for reading it.
It goes without saying that if you find yourself stuck in a room and can't
find the exit, the best thing to do is always make sure you've defeated
all of the enemies in the room, as that normally opens up the way for you.

Most of this faq was done over a three day period, mostly in the middle of
the night, so if you find any mistakes, or something I might have missed,
please email me and let me know. Thanks and enjoy the faq.


I. LAND SPHERE - Crypt #1

            ________________               | M   |
           (    CRYPT #1    )              |_____|
           /________________\               __|__
                                           | B   |
                          _____    _____    __|__
                         |   4 |__|   5 |__|   6 |
                         |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                 _____    __|__    _____    _____    _____
                | T   |__|     |__|   3 |__|     |__|     |
                |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                 _____    __|__    __|__
                | C 1 |__|     |  |   2 |
                |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                 __|__    __|__    __|__    _____
                |     |__|     |__|     |__| K   |
                |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                         |     |
                 _____    __|__
                | E   |__|     |
                |_____|  |_____|

--- CRYPT #1 - BOSS: Blue Dragon ---

E - Entrance
K - Crypt Key
C - Crystal Ball
M - Medallion
B _ Crypt Boss (Blue Dragon)
T - Treasure (Bronze Armor)

1. You can use a Boom Bomb to open a passage on the East wall.
2. You can use a Boom Bomb to open a passage on the North and South walls.
3. You can use a Boom Bomb to open a passage on the East and South walls.
4. The old man will tell you to use a Boom Bomb on the East wall.
5. Tough group of enemies, so be careful. Kill them all to open the passage.
6. Here you'll find the crypt door and you must have the crypt key to enter.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Blue Dragon) Difficulty - "Easy"

The good thing about this first boss is that he's relatively easy to beat.
Your best bet is to stay below him as much as possible. He'll unleash a flurry
of fireballs at you that will shoot directly where you're standing when he
shoots them. Run around the fireballs and position yourself below him where you
can get in 4 or 5 quick sword attacks. Then retreat back down below him and
watch for him to blink. That's when you'll know he's about to shoot out another
round of fireballs and just keep running around them and attacking him from
below. After a few rounds of this he'll be toast and you'll have the first
medallion in your possession.


II. LAND SPHERE - Crypt #2

               _____             _____                      _____
              | T1  |           | 9   |                    | K   |
              |_____|           |_____|                    |_____|
               __|__    _____    __|__                      __|__
              |     |  | C   |  |     |                    | 8   |
              |_____|  |_____|  |_____|                    |_____|
      _____    __|__    __|__    __|__    _____    _____    __|__
     | M   |  |     |__| 4   |__| 5   |__| 6   |__| 7   |__|     |
     |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
      __|__    __|__             __|__    __|__
     | B   |  |     |           | T2  |  | 3   |   ______________
     |_____|  |_____|           |_____|  |_____|  (   CRYPT #2   )
      __|__    __|__    _____             __|__   /______________\
     | 1   |__| 2   |__|     |           |     |
     |_____|  |_____|  |_____|           |_____|
               __|__                      __|__
              |     |                    | E   |
              |_____|                    |_____|

--- CRYPT #2 - BOSS: Stone Statue ---

E - Entrance
B - Boss (Stone Statue)
C - Crystal Ball
M - Medallion
K - Crypt Key
T1 - Treasure (Boom Bombs)
T2 - Treasure (Bronze Sword)

1. Door to crypt boss. You must have the Crypt Key to enter.
2. Use Boom Bombs to break open passages on the West and South walls.
3. Defeat all enemies and push on the right rock to open the passage.
4. Push on rock to open the door.
5. Use a Boom Bomb to open the passage on the North wall.
6. The old man will tell you that you need a large supply of bombs to continue.
7. Some very tough enemies in this room, so be careful.
8. Watch for Fire Breathing Statues and Boom Bomb the North wall to continue.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Stone Statue) Difficulty - "Easy"

As with the boss in the first crypt, the stone statue boss in crypt #2 is
a real softy. Move around and avoid the statue's advances until it breaks apart
revealing its shiny red core. As long as you're standing at the side of the
robot you'll only have to deal with one small piece of stone that flies off
and then you can go after the red core with your Fire Wand or Sword. It's a
bit easier to use the Fire Wand, but the sword does more damage. A good all-
around strategy is to knock out the particle of stone that comes flying 
towards you with the Fire Wand and then attack the red core with your sword.
You'll make short work of this rock monster.



      _____    _____    _____
     | M   |  |   6 |__| K 7 |
     |_____|  |_____|  |_____|   _________________
      __|__    __|__            (    CRYPT #3     )
     | B   |  |     |           /_________________\
     |_____|  |_____|
      __|__    __|__    _____    _____
     |   5 |__|     |__|     |__|     |
     |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
      __|__                      __|__
     |   4 |                    |     |
     |_____|                    |_____|
      __|__             _____    __|__
     |     |           | T 2 |__|   3 |
     |_____|           |_____|  |_____|
      __|__    _____    __|__    __|__
     |     |__|     |__|   1 |__|     |
     |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                        __|__    __|__
                       | E   |  | C   |
                       |_____|  |_____|

--- CRYPT #3 - BOSS: Gargoyle Statues ---

E - Entrance
C - Crystal Ball
K - Crypt Key
B - Crypt Boss (Gargoyle Statues)
M - Medallion
T - Treasure (Bronze Shield)

1. Use Boom Bombs on the North wall to open a passage.
2. The old man will reward your bravery with the Bronze Shield.
   Use a Boom Bomb to open a passage on the South wall.
3. Push left rock to open the door. Use a Boom Bomb on North wall.
4. Push top-left rock to open the door.
5. Crypt boss door. You must have the Crypt Key to enter.
6. Push the rock that's on the bottom row and second from the left.
7. Push the rock up or down to get the Crypt Key.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Gargoyle Statues) Difficulty - "Easy"

Once again, there's not too much to this boss battle, although you now have
two bosses to deal with instead of only one. These two statues will come to
life as soon as you enter their chamber so run up to them and get a few hits
in with your Fire Wand or sword. The statues will move around, but they will
normally stay close to each other so position yourself to the open side of
them and wait for them to get still. When they stop, that means they're about
to shoot off a barrage of arrows in all directions, but it's easy to move in
between the group of arrows to miss them. After you've dodged their arrow
attack, move it and get as many hits as you can get before they stop again. 
Once they stop, get ready to dodge the arrows and then move in for more
attacks. Just keep this pattern up and you should be able to dispatch these
two beasts without taking even one hit. Don't you wish all bosses were this



                               | K   |
                                __|__             _____    _____
          ________________     |  13 |           | B   |__| M   |
         (    CRYPT #4    )    |_____|           |_____|  |_____|
         /________________\     __|__             __|__    _____
                               |  12 |           |  14 |__|  15 |
                               |_____|           |_____|  |_____|
                       _____    __|__    _____    __|__
                      |  11 |  |     |__|     |__|     |
                      |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
              _____    __|__    __|__    _____    __|__
             |   7 |__|   8 |__|   9 |__| C   |  |  10 |
             |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
              __|__    __|__    __|__    _____    __|__
             |     |__|     |__|   4 |__|   5 |__|   6 |
             |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
     _____    __|__    _____    __|__
    | T 1 |__|   2 |__|   3 |  |     |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                               | E   |

--- CRYPT #4 - BOSS: Demon Worm ---

E - Entrance
C - Crystal Ball
K - Crypt Key
B - Boss (Demon Worm)
M - Medallion
T - Treasure (Steel Armor)

1. Watch out for the Fire Statues.
2. Push the rock in the center row and second from the right to open the door.
3. Speak to the old man for some good advice.
4. You can't cross the lava here. Bomb the East wall to open the passage.
5. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
6. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
7. Use a Boom Bomb on the South and East walls to open a passage.
8. Use a Boom Bomb on the North and West walls to open a passage.
9. Push left rock to open the door.
10. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
11. Open the treasure chest to find a Medicine of Vitality.
12. Push the right rock to open the door.
13. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
14. Here is the crypt boss door. You must have the Crypt Key to enter.
15. Push the rock on the top row, second from the right to open the door.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Demon Worm) Difficulty - "Very Easy"

The bosses haven't been the least bit tough so far, but this one is just a
wimp. The Demon Worm's weakness is in his tail. You can get to it by attacking
other sections of his body and back him up against a wall or in a corner and
just slash away. He won't even be able to really move at all as long as you
keep hitting him in rapid succession. After several hits this worm will be
bait. It's honestly way more difficult to GET to this boss than it is to fight
it. But don't worry, the intensity is about to pick up a bit in the next


V. SEA SPHERE - Crypt #5

              _____             _____             _____
             | M   |           | T   |           | K   |
             |_____|           |_____|           |_____|
              __|__             __|__    _____    __|__
             | B   |           |     |__|     |__|  13 |
             |_____|           |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
              __|__    _____    _____    __|__
             |  10 |__|  11 |__|  12 |__|     |     ______________
             |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|    (   CRYPT #5   )
                       __|__    _____    __|__     /______________\
                      |     |__|     |__|     |
                      |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
     _____    _____    __|__    _____             _____
    |   9 |__| C 8 |__|   7 |__|     |           |   6 |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|           |_____|
     __|__    __|__    __|__    __|__    _____    __|__
    |   1 |__|   2 |__|     |__|   3 |__|   4 |__|   5 |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                      |     |
                       __|__    _____
                      |     |__| E   |
                      |_____|  |_____|

--- CRYPT #5 - BOSS: Giant Crab ---

E - Entrance
C - Crystal Ball
K - Crypt Key - (Push upper right rock)
B - Boss (Giant Crab)
M - Medallion
T - Treasure (Silver Sword)

1. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
2. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
3. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
4. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
5. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
6. Open the treasure chest to find a Medicine of Vitality.
7. Push the left rock to open the door.
8. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
   You can't get into the room from the East. Must come in from the South.
9. Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
10. Watch out for the Fire Statues. Must have Crypt Key to enter the door.
11. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
    Watch out for the poison arrows that shoot from the walls.
12. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
    Listen to the monk's advice about how to attack the Giant Crab boss.
13. Push the lower right rock to open the door.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Giant Crab) Difficulty - "Easy"

The Giant Crab may look menacing, but he's really a softy at heart. Or mouth
I should say. Run around the crab and avoid his advances until he gets still
and opens his mouth to shoot out 3 groups of bubbles. This is when you can hit
him with either your Fire Wand or sword. The sword does more damage, but it
forces you to get fairly close to the crab's body and leaves you vulnerable
when he begins to move towards you or spits out more bubbles. Just squeeze in
a couple of hits and get moving in order to avoid the bubbles. You also need
to get a little distance between you and the crab in order for him to relax
enough to stop and open his mouth. If you stay too close to him, he'll just
keep moving around and you'll spend all of your time running from him. You
shouldn't have much trouble with this guy if you're patient.


VI. SEA SPHERE - Crypt #6

              _____    _____    _____    _____
             |     |__|  10 |__|  11 |__|     |     ______________
             |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|    (   CRYPT #6   )
              __|__    __|__             __|__     /______________\
             |     |  | T 8 |           |S2  9|
             |_____|  |_____|           |_____|
              __|__             _____             _____
             |   7 |           | M   |           | S1  |
             |_____|           |_____|           |_____|
              __|__             __|__             __|__
             |     |           | B   |           | C   |
             |_____|           |_____|           |_____|
              __|__             __|__             __|__
             | S1  |           |S2  6|           |   5 |
             |_____|           |_____|           |_____|
     _____    _____    _____             _____    __|__
    |     |__|   2 |__| K 3 |           |   4 |__|     |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|           |_____|  |_____|
                       __|__    _____    __|__    __|__
                      |   1 |__|     |__|     |__|     |
                      |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                                        | E   |

--- CRYPT #6 - BOSS: Demon Turtle ---

E - Entrance
C - Crystal Ball
K - Crypt Key
B - Boss (Demon Turtle)
M - Medallion
T - Treasure (Strongest Armor)
S1 - Stairs 1 (Look for the other S1 to see where these stairs lead)
S2 - Stairs 2 (Look for the other S2 to see where these stairs lead)

1. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
   Push the right rock to open the door.
2. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
3. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
   Push the upper-left rock to open the door.
4. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
   Listen to the monk's advice.
5. Use the Ring here to turn the powerful wizards into weaker monsters.
6. Here's the door to the crypt boss (Demon Turtle).
7. Push the right rock to open the door.
8. Push the lower-right rock to open the door.
9. Push the bottom-right rock to reveal the stairs.
10. Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
11. Watch out for the poison arrows.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Demon Turtle) Difficulty - "Medium"

As I said, the boss difficulty begins stepping up from here on out. The
Demon Turtle isn't overly fast, but it does send its many heads off in all
directions, mainly at you. You have to kill each head individually in order
to defeat this boss, so keep moving around and keep your Fire Wand blazing
towards the heads that are moving towards you. Try to stay in the corners
furthest from the turtle's spiky body and keep your Fire Wand shooting in the
direction of the circling heads. If you want to be brave, try using your
sword to attack the heads that are all alone, as this will do more damage
and bring this boss battle to a close much faster. Above all, don't let the
turtle corner you, as making contact with the turtle's body does quite a bit of
damage. You might want to bring a spare Medicine of Vitality to this battle
just in case. Not an overly difficult boss, but definitely more difficult
than all of the previous bosses so far.


VII. SKY SPHERE - Crypt #7

                                                 |  21 |
     _____                      _____             __|__             _____
    | M   |                    | K 20|           |  19 |           |     |
    |_____|                    |_____|           |_____|           |_____|
     __|__    _____    _____    __|__             __|__    _____    __|__
    | B   |  |  18 |__|  17 |  |     |           |  16 |__|  15 |__|  14 |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|           |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
     __|__    __|__    __|__    __|__    _____    __|__    __|__    __|__
    |   8 |__|   9 |  |  S2 |  |  10 |__|  11 |__|  12 |  |  S2 |  |  13 |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
                       _____    __|__                               __|__
                      |  S1 |  |     |                             | T   |
                      |_____|  |_____|                             |_____|
     _____    _____    __|__    __|__    _____    _____
    | C 4 |__|   5 |__|     |__|   6 |__|   7 |__|  S1 |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
              __|__    __|__    __|__    _____
             |   1 |__|   2 |__|   3 |__|     |       ----------------
             |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|      (    CRYPT #7    )
                                         __|__       /________________\
                                        | E   |

--- CRYPT #7 - BOSS: Stone Giant #2 ---

E - Entrance
C - Crystal Ball
K - Crypt Key
B - Boss (Stone Giant #2)
M - Medallion
T - Treasure (Strongest Shield)
S1 - Stairs 1 (Look for the other S1 to see where these stairs lead)
S2 - Stairs 2 (Look for the other S2 to see where these stairs lead)

1. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
2. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
3. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
4. Push the top rock to open the door.
5. Push the bottom rock to open the door.
6. Push the lower-left rock to open the door.
7. Push the upper-right rock to open the door.
8. Crypt boss door. You must have the Crypt Key to enter.
   Watch out for the Fire Statues.
9. Push the bottom-left rock to open the door.
10. Use a Boom Bomb on the North Wall to open a passage.
11. Watch out for the poison arrows. Use the top walkway to avoid them.
12. Push the one bottom-right rock that's by itself to open the door.
13. Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
14. Use a Boom Bomb on the North and South walls to open a passage.
15. Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
16. Push the bottom-right rock to open the door.
    Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
    Push the corner rocks in a way that will let you go around the room.
17. Push the right rock to open the door. The left rock is a spike trap.
18. Push the rock on the middle row and second from the left to open the door.
19. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
20. Push the top-right rock to open the door.
    The top left row of 3 blocks will push in order to reach the treasure.
21. Open the treasure chest to receive a Medicine of Vitality.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Stone Giant #2) Difficulty - "Hard"

Here you'll face the Stone Giant again, but this time he's brought
some reinforcements in the form of glowing stones that rotate around his body
at all times. It doesn't help matters that he is also almost always moving to
try to corner you and with those stones around him, he has a pretty large
reach. The bad news is that this is easily the toughest boss fight in the game,
but the good news is that you don't have to actually hit this boss very many
times to defeat him. That being said, getting these few hits is not an easy
task by any means. As the stone giant moves around he'll unleash a large
group of glowing arrows towards you. This is where you have to be moving in
order to miss them. After he's launched these arrows, start getting in close
to the giant and get ready to strike as soon as he stops. You have to be
careful and time your strike just right because if you don't the glowing stones
around the giant will hit you and do some major damage. Wait until the stones
begin to move in close to the giant's body and then go in for a sword attack.
Once you've hit him once, start moving around to an open area of the room
and keep moving to avoid the arrows that he'll shoot out and then it's time
to get back into position to repeat this process all over again. The best
advice I can give you here is be sure you bring at least one extra Medicine
and try to be patient when you're going for your attacks. Wait until you see
a good opening before you go in for a hit because if you're timing is off
the giant will run right into you and you normally can't get out of his way
without taking at least two hits which will pretty much take half of your life
off right there. 



                      ______________              _____
                     (   CRYPT #8   )            | 19  |
                     /______________\            |_____|
     _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    __|__
    | +1  |__|  15 |__|  16 |__| 17  |__|     |  | 18  |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
              _____    __|__    _____    __|__    __|__
             |  14 |  |S5 13|  | M   |  |S2 12|  | 11  |
             |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
     _____    __|__    _____    __|__    _____    __|__    _____
    |S4  6|__|S6  7|__|   8 |  | B   |  |S1  9|__|  10 |  |S5   |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
     _____    _____    __|__    __|__    __|__    __|__    _____
    |S6  5|  | C S4|__| T   |  |S3   |  | K   |  |S3  4|  |S1 S2|
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|
     __|__    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    __|__
    |     |__|   1 |__|     |__| E   |__|   2 |__|   3 |__|     |
    |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|  |_____|

--- CRYPT #8 - BOSS: Dirth's Illusion ---

E - Entrance - Push the right rock to open the door.
C - Crystal Ball - Push upper-right rock.
K - Crypt Key
B - Boss (Dirth's Illusion)
M - Medallion
T - Treasure (Bell of the Sky)
+1 - Old Man gives you an extra bar on your health meter.
S1 - Stairs 1 (Look for the other S1 to see where these stairs lead)
S2 - Stairs 2 (Look for the other S2 to see where these stairs lead)
S3 - Stairs 3 (Look for the other S3 to see where these stairs lead)
S4 - Stairs 4 (Look for the other S4 to see where these stairs lead)
S5 - Stairs 5 (Look for the other S5 to see where these stairs lead)

1. Push the bottom rock to open the door.
2. Push the right rock to open the door.
3. Use a Boom Bomb on the East wall to open a passage.
4. Kill all of the enemies in the room to make the stairs appear.
5. Kill all of the enemies in the room to make the stairs appear.
6. Push the bottom-right rock to make the stairs appear.
7. Kill all of the enemies to open the doors.
8. Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
9. Push the top-right rock to make the stairs appear.
   Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
10. Use a Boom Bomb on the South wall to open a passage.
11. Push the rock to the right of the top left corner to open the door.
    Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
12. Push the left rock to open the door. The right rock is a spike trap.
13. Push the bottom-middle rock to make the stairs appear.
    Watch out for the poison arrows.
14. Listen to the old man's advice.
15. Use a Boom Bomb on the West wall to open a passage.
16. Use a Boom Bomb on the West and South walls to open a passage.
17. Push the left-most rock to open the door.
18. Use a Boom Bomb on the North wall to open a passage.
19. Open the treasure chest to find some Boom Bombs.

BOSS STRATEGY: (Dirth's Illusion) Difficulty - "Medium"

If you don't go into this with a good plan, you may find Dirth's Illusion
to be quite a difficult boss. While you don't need the Strongest Sword to
defeat this boss, it does help some. So if you find yourself getting beat,
you might want to grab the Bell of the Sky and go find the Strongest Sword.
The easiest way to defeat this boss is to use your Fire Wand while your
health is high and you can use the trails of fire function of the wand. The
ball of fire just won't cut it on this one. Try to stay to one side of the
screen about midway down and shoot several fire trails towards the center of
the screen and then get moving around Dirth's Illusion and to the opposite
side of the screen and get ready to shoot the fire trails again. If you can
keep this up, every time Dirth's Illusion opens up the fire trails will
automatically hit him and carry him to the far side of the screen while
doing constant damage to him. This is assuming that you can keep your health
up by either avoiding the bosses advances and shooting spikes, or have an
extra Medicine or two. If you try to go after this boss with the balls of fire
or your sword you can expect the difficulty to go way up. Try to keep an
almost constant stream of fire heading towards the middle of the screen and
you have a great chance of hitting the boss each time it opens up. But above
all, don't stop moving around for long or you'll be toast.

FINAL BOSS STRATEGY: (Dirth) Difficulty - "Medium"

As with the last boss battle, the fight with the evil Dirth is one of
strategy and patience. Dirth will unleash a monstrous attack of blue power
orbs towards you after his true form is revealed each wave. The key to this
battle is knowing how to avoid these orb strikes. At the beginning of each
attack wave, two Dirth's will appear next to each other and then you have
to wait to see which one is real. The real Dirth will materialize and now is
your chance to attack. The best way to go about this is to always position
yourself right in between the two Dirths, that way when the real Dirth appears,
you'll be right there to attack with your sword. Get in one hit and then run
like crazy to one side of the screen. Wait there until the blue orbs are just
about to hurl towards you and then move up or down to avoid them. If you go
too early or wait to late, the orbs will almost always hit you and they do
some serious damage. Once you've avoided the orbs, run back to the middle of
the screen and wait for the two Dirths to appear and get ready to strike and
run away. Just keep this up and don't try to get in more than one hit each
wave and you should be able to defeat Dirth and restore peace to the country
of Neutopia. Now all that's left is to watch the credits roll.

You may use this faq on your web site as long as it's not modified in any way.
This Neutopia Crypt & Boss Faq is (c) 2006 Corbie Dillard