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Goosebumps - Attack of the Mutant (e)

Goosebumps: Attack of the Mutant FAQ

I. Introduction
II. Walkthrough
III. Super Power
IV. Alternate Endings
V. Closing

This game was based on R.L. Stine's children's book of the same title. You
play as a kid who reads 'The Masked Mutant' comic books. When the game starts,
you're on a bus and get distracted by the latest 'Mutant' comic book. In the
comic, a group of superheroes called the "League of Good Guys" goes launches an
attack on the head quarters of the Mutant and his henchmen.
Soon the bus driver kicks you off the bus and you find a building that looks
like the Mutant's headquarters in the comic. Your curiosity gets the best of
you and you walk through the front gate, which then locks behind you.


0. Opening Thoughts
Most of the game will take place in Mutant HQ. To progress through the game
you will need to complete a mission (which you must figure out on your own) on
each floor. Then an elevator will open and take you to your next destination.
Sometimes 2 elevators will be open at once. One will lead you to your next
destination and the other will take you to one of two mazes, each containing a
piece of hero gear. If you find all 6 pieces of gear then the game ending will
be different.

1. Mutant HQ: Lobby
You start out with only a comic book. Open the entrance door and you'll find
yourself in the lobby. You'll immediately be greeted by Dina, a member of the
League of Good Guys. She'll tell you the League will need your help to defeat
the Mutant, then takes one of the elevators in the back. Enter the open

2. Mutant HQ: Floor 5
When you reach your destination, a panel on the ceiling will be opened by some
kind monster. It will chase you down the hall. All of the doors along the sides
are locked. You can, however, enter the door at the end. Inside is a supply
room. It's safe in there; the monster can't fit through the door. On the floor
is a hammer. Pick it up and throw it at the monster and it will split up into a
group of smaller monsters, which will then disperse.
In the supply room there's a drawer that you can open to release some bats and
there's copying machine. Neither of those are important.
Most of the doors in the hall have unlocked. Two take you to a brick hallway
which loops around. One orange door will take you to Room 509 which is a
freezer of some kind containing another locked door. The other orange door is
locked. Go through the door closest to the elevators and you'll be in an
office. Go through the next door to eavesdrop on a conversation between the
Mutant and his henchmen.
The Mutant knows about your presence in his base. After Rootrot and Pinky
leave, he talks in private with the Magnificent Molecule Man. Mutant accuses
Molecule Man of doing something to his second-in-command, Chinchilla...
Afterwards, you can either go into the room where the telephone rings and then
transform into the Mutant or you can go out into the hall and find that the
locked orange door is now open. The latter leads to a green house. If you go
into the room with the Mutant you can touch the painting on the wall of a green
house and you will be teleported there...

3. The Greenhouse
Walk around a bit and you will find a rake, which will be your primary weapon
through most of the game. Walk a bit further and Rootrot will jump out of
nowhere. If you try attacking him with the rake he'll merely be knocked back a
bit but be unscathed.
After trying to fight him off for a bit you'll hear a voice saying "Let us
in!" Get away from Rootrot and open the door and a swarm of bees will come in
and distract him. Go through the door and you'll find yourself in a hedge maze.
There are huge, creepy flies that appear out of thin air. You can kill them
with a few blows from your rake. In the maze is a piece of hero gear. See the
Super Power section on how to find it.
On one of the hedge walls is a green portal. Follow the right wall from the
entrance and you'll eventually find it. The portal takes you back to...

4. Mutant HQ: Floor 5
...the brick hallway. Go out into the main hall. One of the elevators will be
open; go inside of it.

5. Mutant HQ: Floor 8
	On this floor there's only the Control Room and Pinky Flamingo's office.
Go into Pinky's office and you'll find yourself standing in 'slowsand'. Pinky
will erase the door then leave you alone. There's a huge rat walking around the
room. When it passes in front of you, grab its tale and it will pull you out.
It will then break open a vent in the wall. It will then guide you through the
vents. When it just starts walking back and forth, go left and you'll come out
into the hall again.
No go into the control room. An alarm will go off and a robot will appear. Use
the rake to destroy the robot. Press the 'off' button and the alarm will shut
off. The monitors will then show you that the Mutant sent a message to the
world that he plans to take it over using his 'green beam'.
Go outside again. If you've been in both Pinky's room and the control room
then an elevator will be open.

6. Mutant HQ: Lobby
Go near the front door. It will turn into the Mutant. Run back into the

7. Mutant HQ: Basement
There's a locked door, a (useless) jukebox, and a printing room. Enter the
Go into the back room and look in the bucket to find a key. Go back to the
main room to find the monster from the beginning reassembling itself. You will
now have a rake to fight back but it doesn't do much good.
There's a red circle on the floor; use the rake to push the monster onto it.
The monster will then be bounced onto the conveyer belt and be killed when it
hits the machinery. Go back outside.
You can unlock the door with the key you found earlier, though you don't need
to, though there's a piece of gear in there that you can only get now. See the
Super Power section for details.
Two elevators will be open... The one on the left will take you to your next
mission but the one on the left will take you to the optional Floor 6, which
contains a piece of gear...

7.1. Mutant HQ: Floor 6
You can simply go back in the elevator to get back to your mission. The only
thing this floor has to offer is a piece of super gear. Pick up the gun on the
floor of the hall across from the elevators; it will help you fight off the
robots that will plague you here. In the door at the end of this hall is a room
that looks interesting but, sadly, contains nothing important.
Go outside and go to the left. Make the first left and you will come to a door
on the right. Open it to find yourself on a ledge. You can jump across the
platforms to reach a piece of super gear. See Super Power section for more info.
When you're done here, go back to the elevator. Unfortunately, your gun

8. Mutant HQ: Floor 7
This floor contains 3 rooms. The second two are just storage rooms but the
first is an art room. On the floor you'll find a paintbrush and a slide. Hold
the slide up to the white screen and you'll see the Galloping Gazelle. There's
also a painting of him, but without any green.
Go out into the hallway and find the pipe dripping green slime. Take out the
brush and its tip will be covered with the slime. You can use it to paint in
the rest of the picture in the art room. When you do so it will turn into the
Galloping Gazelle (voice of Adam West!). He'll tell you that Pinky trapped him
there. He leaves to go find him.
Go out into the hall to find the Gazelle stopped by a purple panther. After a
brief fight Molecule Man shoves the Gazelle safely into an elevator. The
panther turns into the Mutant who then chases after Molecule Man. Go into the

9. Mutant HQ: Floor 8
Go into Pinky's office to find Feedback, of the League, being forced to listen
to some cheezey music. Turn the dial on the music device twice. He'll then
thank you and flip you a coin. Go out to the elevator.

10. Outer Space
The elevator will fall apart and your comic will float away from your grasp. A
hand reaches down and you'll be pulled onto a platform. You'll meet the
egotistical Captain Bob of the League. He'll tell you to track down the comic;
it contains a clue to the Mutant's weakness. He'll then disappear through a red
portal. Follow him through it.

11. Mutant HQ: Floor 8
Take the elevator in the middle to continue your mission or the elevator on
the right to go to the optional Floor 3.

11.1. Mutant HQ: Floor 3
You can simply go back in the elevator to get back to your mission. The only
thing this floor has to offer is a piece of super gear. Pick up the gun on the
floor of the first threshold on the left; it will help you fight off the rat
men that will plague you here.
Take the first left. Eventually you'll find a door on your right. The gear is
in a cage in this room; see Super Power section for more info.
When you're done here, go back to the elevator. Unfortunately, your gun

12. Mutant HQ: Floor 7
Go into the third room. There is a vending machine containing comics. Use the
coin Feedback gave you to get one. Then go back to the elevator.

13. Mutant HQ: Floor 5
	Go into the orange door on the left. Open the door to Room 509...
Captain Bob is in there. He will take the comic from you then transform into
the Masked Mutant. He will throw the comic on the ground and Chinchilla will
rise out of it. She then blasts you through the door into another world.

14. The Ice World
There's a large golden molecule. When you approach it you'll hear Magnificent
Molecule Man asking you to help him. Go through the only door.
Rat men will appear here. Use your rake to kill them. There's super gear here;
see the Super Power section for more help.
	Take the first left. Go straight; ignore the first left but take the second.
Go up the stairs and jump onto the platform. Jump to the next ledge and follow
the path along to another set of stairs. Jump up over them.
Jump over the gap, make a right, jump over the next gap, make another right,
and jump over the next gap. Jump straight across the last gap and pick up the
small golden molecule.
Drop down to find the entrance door. Go through it and use the small molecule
on the big one. Molecule Man will appear and take you through the ice world
until you come to Chinchilla, torturing a group of penguins.
Molecule Man will flee, leaving you to fight Chinchilla alone. She will stand
in the center of the rink shooting snowballs at you. Pick up the hockey stick
in front of one of the goals. Your goal is to deflect the snowballs as they
come to you toward the score thing in the ceiling. After hitting it five times
it will fall through the floor, taking Chinchilla with it. The downside is that
now the ice is breaking apart and you are trapped in an icy river.
Avoid the chunks of ice. Eventually you'll come to a sign that says there's an
elevator to the right. Stay on the right side. Soon you'll come to a sign that
warns of a waterfall ahead. Stay to the right until you reach the chunck of ice
in front of the elevator. You'll find one of Chinchilla's golden shoes; pick it
up, openthe elevator, and go inside. For some reason a penguin talks to you

15. Mutant HQ: Floor 7
You should hear an announcement that conversion completion will be in 10
minutes, but don't worry, you're not actually timed.
Go into the second room. You'll meet Flo of the League. Pinky will soon show up
and Flo will create a blue portal for you to escape through.

16. Icy Obstacle Course
Jump across to the 4th moving platform. Careful that when you jump to the next
one you don't get crushed. As soon as the weight lifts up, jump onto it then
onto the next one. Same drill for the next platform. Then jump onto the last
one and go through the portal.

17. Mutant HQ: Lobby
The Galloping Gazelle will call from a window, telling you to go to the art
room. Go inside the lobby. The right elevator will continue your mission and
the middle elevator will take you to the optional Floor 6...

17.1. Mutant HQ: Floor 6
	See section 7.1 for details.

18. Mutant HQ: Floor 7
Go inside the art room. Gazelle will greet you but Pinky jumps out of nowhere
and erases the door. He and Gazelle begin fighting. Soon, Pinky erases one of
Gazelle's legs. Throw him Chinchilla's golden leg
and he'll kick Pinky out of the room. He'll then tell you to go up the stairs
to search for the Mutant's beam.
	Climb the stairs and go through the portal.

19. The Frog World
You are in a small room. Open the door and cross the bridge jumping over the
three gaps. Open the door on the other side.
You'll find a river of slime. Harmless frog people are carrying baskets
around. There's super gear somewhere here; see the Super Power section for more
Cross the bridge to find a two-headed creature with a whip. A frog will drop a
green object and the creature will blast it. Continue along the path to a
stream where you'll meet Brooke. She tells you that to leave this place you
need to destroy the creature, Wartlock, be stealing his blaster.
The blaster is at Wartlock's feet. If you get close to him he'll whip you.
Stand at the foot of the stairs and jump up to grab the blaster. Quickly back
away (but not into the slime!). Wartlock will start chasing you, trying to whip
you. You can talk to Brook and she'll tell you to use the blaster to destroy
Shooting Wartlock will push him backward. Get him to fall back into the river.
The frogs will thank you and give you a telescope. They'll also unlock the exit
	Wartlock's blaster will disappear. Go through the blue portal.

20. Mutant HQ: Floor 7
Dina will meet you. She'll tell you to meet in the storage room. Go into the
last room in the hall where the League of Good Guys
are holding a meeting.
Galloping Gazelle, Feedback, Dina, Flo, and Magnificent Molecule Man are
inside. Molecule Man insists on his innocence and literally gives you his word.
Feedback tells you to go to the control room. Everyone disperses and a voice
says that you have 5 minutes left (don't worry, not really).
Go back to the elevators. The one in the middle continues you with your
mission and the one on the right takes you to the optional Floor 3.

20.1. Mutant HQ: Floor 3
You can simply go back in the elevator to get back to your mission. The only
thing this floor has to offer is a piece of super gear. Pick up the gun on the
floor of the first threshold on the left; it will help you fight off the rat
men that will plague you here.
Take the first left. Eventually you'll find a door on your right. The gear is
in a cage in this room; see Super Power section for more info.
When you're done here, go back to the elevator. Unfortunately, your gun

21. Mutant HQ: Floor 5
Pinky will chase you down the hall. You'll hear a voice saying "Free me! I'm
much more forceful than I look!" Get the hose and fire it at Pinky. He'll
explode (huh??) leaving his gun for you to take. Go into the elevator.

22. Mutant HQ: Lobby
Dina will tell you to go to the basement; Rootrot's up to something. Follow
her through the elevator.

23. Mutant HQ: Basement
Go up to the door with the lock. Through the window you'll see Feedback
sleeping. Vine reach up through the floor and grab hold of him. If you haven't
unlocked the door yet, use the key to do so now. Inside you'll be attacked by
Rootrot. Keep shooting him back toward the fan until it slices him up.
Feedback will be freed. An announcement tells you there are 2 minutes left.
Feedback gives you his guitar. He then falls back to sleep (another 'huh??').
Go outside and into the elevator.

24. Mutant HQ: Floor 8
Go into the control room. The door inside requires a password. Use the card
Molecule Man gave you and it will open. Go through the portal.

25. Masked Mutant's Tower
At some point during this level, it will be announced that only 1 minute
remain. This time they WILL time you.
Open the door. There's a long flight of stairs infested with big spiders and
flies. Use the guitar or the gun to make the spiders jump high up; when they're
up, run past them.
Soon Molecule Man will set traps for the bugs: huge spikes: He'll offer to
help you up. If you approach him he'll take you most of the way up; if not
he'll leave you to climb the stairs for yourself.
To get past the spikes, jump diagonally to the stairs beside them. Go through
the door at the top onto the roof.
The Mutant is there along with a large group of rat men. The Mutant will flee.
You can easily kill the rat men with the guitar. When you get the chance, jump
to the next building where there are two Dinas.
One will throw a red earring toward you and the other will throw a pink one,
each proclaiming to be the real Dina.
If you take the pink one it will explode; take the red one. The blaster you
got from Pinky will now shoot bombs. The false Dina will turn into the Mutant
and flee. Follow him.
This area his full of rat men that keep reappearing. Bombs will kill them with
one hit. The Mutant will get into a machine with starts shooting green blasts
at you.
Climb the stairs and jump to the next platform, then to the one left of that,
then to the one left of that. Finally, jump to the long platform that the
Mutant's machine is on.
You will then automatically switch the telescope of your gun with the one the
frog's gave you. Look through to see a target on the huge rotating vat. You
must hit it with bombs about 5 times. You can do so by jumping and shooting.
While you wait for it to come around, you can hit the Mutant with bombs to keep
him from firing at you.
	After you've destroyed the vat, you've won the game.


Greenhouse: It's in the hedge maze. Seriously it's too nerve-wracking to
decribe the location. Just follow the right wall from the entrance and you'll
find it.

Mutant HQ: Basement: The first time you visit it, get the key and unlock the
door. Go down the stairs and enter the vent. At the first fork, make a left. At
the second fork, make the second left. At the third fork, make the first left.
Keep going to get the gloves.

Mutant HQ: Floor 6: See section 7.1 for more help. When you come to the ledge,
jump to the platform directly in front of you. Then turn around and jump to the
platform to the left of the entrance. Then jump across the rest of the
platforms to the other side and grab the belt. Then jump back across and get
safely to the elevator.

Mutant HQ: Floor 3: See section 11.1 for more help. In the room with the gear,
kill the two rat men. Opening the coffin will also open the cage. Quickly open
the coffin and run to the cage to get the cape. If you get trapped behind the
cage, you can simply open it normally.

Ice World: Go through the door. Go down to the end, make a left, a right, and a
left. Go up the stairs across from you and walk along the platform until you
reach a drop. Drop down and go through the door. Climb the stairs, jump across
to the ice platform, then jump up onto the ledge with the boots.

Frog World: It's towards the side opposite of Wartlock's throne.

The 3 alternate endings are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

1. Conditions: Die at the final showdown against the Masked Mutant.
Description: The world has turned into a desert and you see remnants of the
League of Good Guys' costumes. You can hear the Mutant laughing.

2. Conditions: Defeat the Masked Mutant without acquiring the entire super hero
Description: The Mutant is consumed by the green slime. You will see a newsfeed
of the world turning back to normal. The League of Good Guys congratulate you
and make you a member.

3. Conditions: Acquire the entire super hero costume and defeat the Masked
Description: Same as ending #2 but you see yourself in the superhero costume
cheering with the rest of the League of Good Guys. Afterwards you fly away. The
Super Power page then pops up and says "A Hero is Born."

A big thanks to R.L. Stine and Dreamworks for making this game possible.