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Undying (e)

   Clive Barker's Undying
Copyright EA Games, 02/19/01
       Secret's FAQ
 Written by SupaSaiyajinBob

|           Introduction            |
Hello, my name is Bobby and I've noticed that there isn't any comprehensive
list of all the other things you can do in Clive Barker's Undying. Sure you can
look real hard and find all the secrets, but can you create a superhowler with
no legs and a spear through it's face while standing on a giant sheep? You can
after reading this guide.

I've tried to be as straightforward as possible to avoid any confusion, and I
have left out a few development codes in the cheat section that don't seem to
work with the first release US version of the game. If anyone out there has any
other codes, cheats, secrets, hints or tips, or especially any more items that
work with the Bring [Itemname] code, I would be happy to include them, giving
you full credit. Even if you just want to say, "Hey, Bob. Undying is da bomb!"
then feel free to e-mail me at Happy secret hunting!

|       01. Table of Contents   |#TC|
01. Table of Contents              [#TC]
02. Cheats                         [#CH]
  02a. Item Lists                  [#IL]
  02b. Map Names                   [#MN]
03. Easter Eggs                    [#EE]
  03a. Butterfly Shooting Gallery  [#SG]
  03b. Miniature Theatre           [#MT]
  03c. Giant Sheep                 [#GS]
  03d. Disco of Death              [#DD]
  03e. Patrick Strikes Out         [#PS]
04. Tips on Gameplay               [#TG]
  04a. Bosses                      [#BO]
05. Thanks/Credits                 [#TH]

|            02. Cheats         |#CH|
In game, press Tab to open the chat box, type in your cheat, then press enter.
For the cheats that say [0,1], 1 is on and 0 is off.
Note: Some cheats only stay active on the maps in which you activated them.

Code				Effect
AddAll				Recieve every spell and weapon, with ammo
AmpAttSpell			Increase current spell level by 1
AssAll				Summons a Donkey
Astral				Enable noclip mode
BecomeLight [0,1]		Toggles a radiant light
BehindView [0,1]		Toggles 3rd person view
CastGlow			Makes selected enemy glow white
CastFire			Makes selected enemy start on fire
ClearWeather			Stops weather effects
DeAmpattSpell			Decrease current spell level by 1
DebugHUD			Toggles a list of debug values
DebugMsg			Toggles debug messaging
DestroyJoint			Removes the joint of a selected enemy
DetachJoint			Detaches the joint of a selected enemy
Eh				God Mode
EnemyCrosshair			Prevents the crosshair from turning green when
				targeting an enemy
Exit				Exits the game
ForceHide [Name]		Turns all [Name] sprites invisible
Flight				Toggles Oneiros flightmode
GibHim				Turn the selected enemy into gibs
GiveMe [Itemname] [Amplitude]	Puts item in your inventory with amplification
				for spells
Hide [Name]			Turns all [Name] sprites invisible normally
InfiniteMana [0,1]		Toggles infinite mana
LoadGame #			Loads the game in slot #
ModFOV [#]			Modifies the field of view by #
MShat [#]			Acts as though you were hit by Mind Shatter,
				# indicates strength of attack
NoDetect [0,1]			Toggles whether enemies can see you
PDP				Player Damage Protocol, shakes the screen
Pie				Restore mana to maximum
QuickLoad			Loads the quicksave
QuickSave			Saves a quicksave
Quit				Exits the game
RainDance			Makes it rain
RenderWeapon			Toggles weapon sprite on an off
SaveGame #			Saves the game to slot #
SetJumpz [#]			Sets jump height, 250 is default
set Aeons.[enemy] Health ###	Set the selected enemy's health to ###
set Aeons.[enemy] Mana ###	Set the selected enemy's mana to ###
set Aeons.Patrick Health ###	Set Patrick's current health to ###
set Aeons.Patrick Mana ###	Set Patrick's current mana to ###
SetFOV [#]			Set the field of view at #, 110 is default
SetGroundSpeed [#]		Set how fast Patrick runs, 400 is default
SetSkill [#]			Set the skill of the level
ShowActorNames			Shows the names of the selected sprite
ShowAll				Shows all level triggers
ShowArrow			Shows an arrow at the crosshair pointing at you
ShowFPS				Shows Framerates
ShowPawnNames			Shows info on the selected sprite
ShowStealth			Shows stealth info
ShowTex				Shows info on the selected texture in debug mode
Slomo  [#]			Sets game speed, 1 is default
SnowDance			Makes it snow
SnuffAll			Removes all sprites from the level
SnuffPawns			Removes all enemies from the level
TestBlood [#]			Splatters blood on the screen relative to #
ToggleHide [Name]		Toggles whether or not [Name] sprites are
Unhide [Name]			Turns all [Name] sprites visible
UseAmplifier			Uses an Amplifier straight from your inventory
UseHealth			Uses a health item straight from your inventory
UseLantern			Uses the Lantern straight from your inventory
UsePowderOfSiren		Uses a Powder of Siren straight from your
UseWizardEye			Uses a Wizard's Eye straight from your
WeaponSounds			Toggles whether your weapons make any sounds
Woo				Gives Patrick maximum ammo
WoundPawn			Sticks a spear into the selected enemy

Bring [Itemname]		Spawns the requested item
Open [Mapname]			Starts a new game in the specified map
Start [Mapname]			Starts a new game in the specified map

|          02a. Item List       |#IL|
When using the Bring [Itemname] cheat, insert these codes to get the
corresponding item.

MolotovAmmo		A Molotov Cocktail
Phoenix			A Phoenix that gives you 3 eggs
Revolver		Your standard Revolver
Scythe			The Scythe of the Celts
Shotgun			Your Standard Shotgun
Speargun		The Speargun
Stone			The Gel'ziabar stone, cannot use
TibetianWarCannon	The Tibetan War Cannon

BulletAmmo		Regular Revolver ammo
PhoenixAmmo		1 Phoenix Egg
PhosphorusShellAmmo	Phosphorus Shotgun Shells
ShotgunAmmo		Regular Shotgun ammo
SilverBulletAmmo	Silver Revolver Bullets
SpearAmmo		Regular Speargun ammo

Amplifier		Increases current spell by one level
ArcaneWhorls		Increases mana regeneration rate
Dynamite		A bundle of Dynamite
EtherTrap		1 Ether Trap
HealingRoot		Adds 1 to your health items
Health			Adds 1 to your health items
HealthVial		Adds 1 to your health items
Lantern*		Acts as a flashlight
ManaWell		Increases maximum mana
MercuryFlask		Quest item, comes with the Monastery Key
MistFlute*		Cannot use
MontoHeart*		The heart of a Monto'Shonoi, cannot use
PowderOfSiren*		Creates a smokey veil
ScarrowInk*		Cannot use
SleedSeed*		Cannot use
StalkerLure*		Cannot use
TimeIncantation		Quest item, comes with the Silver Key
TranslocationScroll*	Cannot use
WizardEye*		Allows Patrick to see the area around where
			the Wizard's Eye was placed

AaronsRoomKey		To Aaron's Room, comes with Aaron's Jaw
AbbotKey		The Abbot's key
BethanyRoomKey		To Bethany's Room
BethanysGateKey		Unlocks gate leading to Bethany
ChapelKey		Opens the Chapel doors
ChestKey		Opens a chest containing Trapdoor Key
EastWingKey		Unlocks the East Wing of the Manor
EnergyKey		Found in Oneiros
GardenKey		Permits travel to the gardens
GoldKey			A golden key
KitchenKey		A key to the Kitchen
LighthouseGateKey	Opens the gate ot the Lighthouse
MonasteryKey		Opens the Monastery doors
PriestKey		A priest's key
SeaChestKey		Opens the chest in the Cave
ServantKey		Allows more access to the Manor
SilverKey		A silver key
StudyKey		Opens the Study doors in the manor
TowerKey		Unlocks the Tower doors
TrapdoorKey		Allows access passed the Trapdoor
WidowsWatchKey		Permits entry into Widow's Watch
WorkRoomKey		Opens the Workroom door

DispelMagic		Cures status effects and removes magic barriers
Ectoplasm		Shoots streams of energy
Firefly*		Doesn't work
Haste			Quickens Patricks movements and attacks
IncantationOfSilence*	Doesn't work
Invoke			Kills Skeletons, resurrects dead enemies
Lightning		Shoots a bolt of lightning, charges spears
MindShatter*		Severly limits enemies field of vision
Phase*			Doesn't work
PowerWord*		Continually hits all visible enemies for massive
			damage; very high mana consumption rate
Scrye			See passed the corporeal plane
ShalasVortex*		Doesn't work
Shield			Cretes a frontal shield
SkullStorm		Summons skull bombs
Ward*			Places an organic booby trap, can hurt Patrick

AaronBoss		Summons Aaron during the boss fight, invincible
AaronRevenant		Summons Aaron who flies around
Ambrose			Summons Ambrose, invincible
AttackInhabitants	Summons a Sil Lith Inhabitant
Bethany			Summons Bethany, invincible, creates Stalkers
BethanyFlickeringStalkerSummons Bethany's Stalkers
BethanyMonto		Summons Bethany's greater Monto'Shonoi
BossHowler		Summons a strong Howler
DarkBat			Summons a bat
DecayedSaint		Summons a Skeleton
Drinen			Summons a Dri'nen guard
FlickeringStalker	Summons a Stalker
GuardianPhoenix		Summons a Phoenix
HandMaiden		Summons a Hand Maiden
HoodedMonk		Summons a hooded Monk
Hound			Summons a Gel'ziabar Hound
Howler			Summons a regular Howler
HowlerEating		Summons a regular Howler eating
HowlerHanging		Summons a regular Howler hanging
Jemaas			Summons a Jemaas tribesman
JemaasChieftain		Summons a Jemaas chieftain
JemaasCroucher		Summons a crouching Jemaas tribesman
JemaasDancer		Summons a dancing Jemaas tribesman
JemaasJumper		Summons a Jemaas jumper, can jump from high heights
JemaasLongJumper	Summons a Jemaas jumper, can jump long distances
JemaasRock		Summons a Jemaas tribesman
Jile			Summons a plant that attacks with vines
Jile_Tentacle		Summons the vine of a Jile
Kiesinger		Summons Otto Kiesinger, invincible
King_Ass		Part of the Undying King
King_Body		Part of the Undying King, attacks
King_L_Arm		Part of the Undying King
King_L_Mandible		Part of the Undying King, attacks
King_Mouth		Part of the Undying King
King_R_Arm		Part of the Undying King
King_R_Mandible		Part of the Undying King, attacks
King_Tentacle		Part of the Undying King
Lizbeth			Summons Lizbeth, invincible
MeleeJumper		Summons a Jemaas jumper, has no speargun
MiniBoss		Summons a Green Howler
MiniMonto		Summons a lesser Monto'Shonoi
MonkArcher		Summons a Monk with a Speargun
MonkSoldier		Summons an unhooded Monk
Monto			Summons a greater Monto'Shonoi
Rat			Summons a rat
RestingDarkbat		Summons a bat hanging upside-down
Scarrow			Summons a Scarrow
ScryeMonk		Summons a Monk only visible with Scrye
ScryeSoldier		Summons an invisible Monk
Sleed			Summons a Sleed
SpeedyHowler		Summons a weak but fast howler
Tribesman*		Summons a Jemaas tribesman
Trsanti			Summons a Pistol Trsanti
TrsantiChucker		Summons a Dynamite Trsanti
TrsantiLt		Summons a Shotgun Trsanti
TrsantiWitch		Summons a Witch Trsanti
UndyingKing		Summons the Undying King, unable to attack, invincible
Verago			Summons a Verago

AaronsJaw		Quest item, comes with Aaron's Room Key
BigSheep		Summons a BIG sheep
Butler**		Summons a butler from the manor
ChunkyMaid**		Summons a fat maid from the manor
DamageTrigger		A trigger to cause damage to an object. Some projectiles
			cannot pass through it.
Donkey			Summons a Donkey
Evelyn			Summons Eveline's zombie
Gibs			Creates blood, has no use
Groundskeeper**		Summons a Gardener from the manor
Jemas_FirePot		Creates a Jemaas Fire Pot, does not explode
Jeremiah**		Summons Jeremiah
Patrick			Summons Patrick, freezes game
LightningRod		Summons the lightning rod used to learn Lightning
Maid**			Summons a skinny maid from the manor
MaidTarget**		Summons a skinny maid from the manor
MonkStaff		A monk's staff, cannot use
OldPot01		Creates a very large empty pot
OldPot02		Creates a medium empty pot
OldPot03		Creates a small empty pot
OldPot04		Creates a large empty pot
Projectile_Book1	A Poltergeist's book, cannot use
Projectile_Candle1	A Poltergeist's candle, cannot use
Projectile_KitchenKnife	A Poltergeist's knife, cannot use
ScriptedPlate		A Poltergeist's plate, cannot use
Scroll*			A random scroll, has no use
Sedgewick**		Summons Sedgewick from the lighthouse
Sheep			Summons a sheep
Torch			Creates the flame of a torch, has no use
WaterGlobe		A candle meant to work underwater, has no use

 * Not available normally in game
** Killing them ends the game.

|          02b. Map Names       |#MN|


|          03. Easter Eggs      |#EE|
Throughout the game are a couple areas only accessible to those players who are
observant and persistent. Below are the five hidden places and the rewards of
finding each.

|03a. Butterfly Shooting Gallery|#SG|

Begin the game. Continue through until you first see Aaron's ghost. Shoot the
two square panels at the top of the door at the end of the hall, by the health
pack. Inside is a ten-level minigame in which you have to shoot butterflies.

|      03b. Miniature Theatre   |#MT|

Open Manor_EntranceHall_FromKitch and there should be three paintings to your
left. Jump into the two at the ends and you should hear a click. The middle
painting will rise and a short theatre programme will follow.

|         03c. Giant Sheep      |#GS|

Open Monastery_Present_Cove and continue through this level normally until you
have entered the barn. Jump over to the ruined building and continue up the
stairs to the destroyed second floor and head back towards the barn. In an
enclosed space should be some ammo and behind you is the barn itself. Walk out
onto the plank facing the barn and jump several times until a giant sheep walks
out from behind the barn.

|        03d. Disco of Death    |#DD|

Open Oneiros_HowlingWell and continue into the building above you. On the wall
behind the purple barrier is a square button. After pushing it, fly up onto
the roof of this building and scrye until you see a purplish haze. Fly into
the haze.

|     03e. Patrick Strikes Out  |#PS|

Open Manor_Entrancehall_Night_ReturnFromCove and go through the double doors.
A fat maid will come out of the door to your left when you try to enter it.
Follow her up the stairs to the window and stand between her and the window
until Patrick makes his comment, then chase her around the stairs.

|       04. Tips on Gameplay    |#TG|
This section contains all the information that I've gained that's helpful about
this game. Nothing in the section is madatory to beat the game, or even any of
the "side-quests", such as getting all the amplifiers, etc.

Even though it might appear as though they can't, both rats and bats can hurt
you. Simply avoid them.

Always keep an eye (or ear) out for places that you can Scrye. Even if it does
not give you any useful information, it's usually pretty cool and adds to the
atmosphere of the game.

Try to save two Amplifiers so that when you get Skullstorm, it will start off
at level 3. At this level, Skullstorm will take less mana to cast and will have
2 skulls instead of one. You should eventually get Skullstorm to level 5, where
it will summon 3 skulls total.

If you're running low on ammo, the Gel'ziabar Stone and Ectoplasm make a great
combination. You can either blast them back and avoid them, or keep them at bay
while you hit them with your spell. Of course, ammo doesn't become a problem by
the time you get the War Cannon, and then the Scythe.

Also, another good combination is the Scythe and Haste. The scythe usually will
kill an enemy in one hit if you decapitate it, Haste ensures you can strike
faster and retreat quicker if your hit was not successful. It also saves ammo
for those enemies that would require a ranged weapon.

When Aaron first starts attacking you, before the boss fight under Bethany's
room, he is invincible. Simply use an Ether Trap and he will be gone for the
next few minutes.

When attacking in frenzy mode with the Scythe, it drains a lot of mana. To fix
this you can simply turn frenzy mode on and attack, and as soon as the hit is
successful, turn frenzy mode off. It doesn't need to be active to process the
health, though the Scythe does have to remain equipped.

|           04a. Bosses         |#BO|

Equip the Stone and Invoke and concentrate on the Skeletons. When they're gone,
switch to the War Cannon and Ectoplasm and keep up the damage on Lizbeth. When
it looks like she is dizzy, decapitate her with the Scythe.

Avoid his attacks until a hound leaps from the wall and distracts him. Haste
makes this easier. When he is busy with the hound, shoot the stone from his axe
with your Revolver until it pops out, then just hit him with the Scythe.

As soon as the loading screen finishes, hit him with Ectoplasm to distract him
and then hit him with the Scythe until he falls down the center hole. Follow
him, using Flight to avoid falling to your death, and strafe and use Skullstorm
until he dies. If he escapes during the first part (before falling into the
hole), then hide behind the pillars and use Skullstorm to take out the Veragos.

As soon as the loading screen finishes, hit him with your Scythe to lop off his
arm. He will move into the center of the room and fire off his chains at you.
Hide behind pillars or the hanging chains and when his chain gets caught, run
up to him and hit him with your Scythe.

The easiest way, if you can manage it, is to very quickly dispatch her guards
with Skullstorm and fly up and behead Bethany with the Scythe while she is
summoning more guards.
The usual way is to defeat her guards with the War Cannon or the Shotgun and
Skullstorm, then kill every Monto'Shonoi she sends at you. When
Bethany tires of this tactic, she will fly to the other end of the ring, where
you can jump up and behead her with the Scythe.

Undying King
Place about 5 or 6 sticks of Dynamite at the Undying King's base to quickly
blast away it's legs and really get the battle going. Use the Gel'ziabar stone
to amp up Skullstorm to level 6 (or at least one level higher than it already
is) and blast away at it's head when it opens to reveal it's brain. Eventually
it will close and open it's mouth to suck you in. If you have time, throw in a
fully charged Skullstorm, but even one skull will do enough damage to close his
mouth. Then his head will open again. Repeat attacking his head and mouth with
Skullstorm until he dies. Stay away from the shoreline to avoid the tentacles,
but don't get too close to him or he'll suck you in. It shouldn't take more
than 8-10 minutes, tops.

|        05. Thanks/Credits     |#TH|
Thanks to EA Games for putting out this awesome game that has consumed the
better portion of a year for me.
Thanks to CJayC and for hosting this FAQ and all the others
that have helped me throughout the years.
Thanks to for some different tips on boss battles.
Thanks to for it's comprehensive
information regarding game mechanics.
And thanks to everyone who has played this game, I hope you had as much fun
playing it as I did.

If anyone has anything to add, my e-mail again is
Thanks for reading!