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Scratches (e)

 ___                       _           _
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| (_(_)   ___  _ __   _ _ | ,_)   ___ | |__     __    ___
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Introduction to this guide


Welcome again to another walkthrough by me: Michele!

Since I couldn’t stay away from writing survival horror guides for too long,
I’ve decided to move from console games and back to an old PC. I’ve
recently picked up this game, Scratches, and was pleasantly surprised to find a
modern PC horror game that actually freaked me out. This game is a standard
point and click game that has you inspecting literally anything and everything
through an old Victorian manor and its surrounding grounds.

This guide contains SPOILERS!!! This guide will do one thing; help you get to
point A to B with all the help necessary to do so. If you DO NOT want someone to
hold your hand throughout the game, then please do not use my guide, I promise I
will not be offended.

Ok, if you’re ready to solve the mystery of the Blackwood manor then read on!

OoOoOoOoOoOoO                 TABLE OF CONTENTS                 OoOoOoOoOoOoO

1. Introduction

2. Legal/Contact Information

3. Revision History

4. System Requirements

5. Basic Controls/Setup
   A. Navigating the game
   B. Using items
   C. Helpful Hints
   D. Understanding “Triggers”
6. Story

7. Walkthrough – Scratches

8. Walkthrough – Scratches “The Last Visit”


Legal Information


Scratches Walkthrough
Copyright 2007 by Michele Steidinger aka acorn_buddy_5
All rights reserved
Started: 15th of January 2007
Finished: 23rd of February 2007
Version: 0.7


This guide may be distributed as long as it:

1) Remains complete in its original form, completely unaltered! If you would
like to use my guide, in part or in whole, you must ask first!

2) Contains this copyright notice (I would like credit for putting effort and
time into making this guide)

3) Is not for profitable gains (unless it’s me who’s profiting ^_^)

Presently, the only sites allowed to host this guide is:
GameFAQS at

If you wish to host this guide, suggest changes or simply comment, e-mail me at I love hearing comments so please feel free!

         E-MAIL RULES

* Positive remarks will be answered promptly; negative remarks (unless
constructive) will be ignored. Not to be rude but that’s how it is.

* Please include the title Scratches in your emails to reduce confusion.

* I will only respond to those emails written in the English language and as
such, I will only reply to emails in English. Although I can read and write in knowledge is very limited and I would feel bad if I could not
properly communicate with your email questions and comments. Thank you all for

2006 Got Game Entertainment, LLC, copyrights “Scratches”. All Rights reserved.
The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

Their respective trademark and copyright holders own all trademarks and
copyrights contained in this document.


Revision History


- Version 0.1 (January 15, 2007)
  Introduction and Legal Information is added.
  Revision History created and updated.
  Basic controls/Setup and System Requirements created.
  Story finished, Walkthrough started.

- Version 0.2 (January 17, 2007)
  Made some good progress on the first day and I’m almost at the first night.

- Version 0.3 (February 7, 2007)
  Pretty disgusted with myself for not having the time to work on this when I
promised the message boards I’d be all over it. Bear with me guys I’m trying! So
far managed to leave off after the visit to the nursery.

- Version 0.4 (February 12, 2007)
  Started back up again and making good progress. I’m on the last day and should
hopefully have this completed very soon!

- Version 0.5 (February 21, 2007)
  Once again working on finishing this. Haven’t had much time to play recently
but have made some significant additions.

- Version 0.6 (February 23, 2007)
  I’ve kicked it into high gear and forced myself to complete this guide today
and I have. There will be updates as long as people comment, otherwise this
guide is a complete walkthrough so enjoy!

- Version 0.7 (April 4, 2013)
  I’ve gone back to this amazing game after 6 years of the last admission of
this guide. I’ve revised some phrasing and corrected a few things. Also, to
those that are still playing this game, I’ve finally included the Director’s Cut
addition “the last visit” to the guide. It has it’s own walkthrough at the end
of the main guide.


System Requirements


Minimum system requirements:
· 800 MHz CPU
· 128 MB RAM
· 16 MB OpenGL-compatible video card
· 24x CD-ROM drive
· Sound card

 Recommended system requirements:
· 1.6 GHz CPU
· 256 MB RAM
· 32 MB OpenGL-compatible video card
· 24x CD-ROM drive
· 5.1 surround sound card
· 450 MB free hard drive space.

No special software is required and Scratches supports any Microsoft Windows
operating system.

For those playing the Director’s Cut version, a patch has been created to
address some bugs as well as provide the player with updated graphics to the
Scratches experience. I downloaded my patch from and highly
recommend the site to those using my guide.

OoOoOoOoOoOoO                 BASIC CONTROL/SETUP               OoOoOoOoOoOoO

This portion of the guide will describe how to navigate the main game and it’s
various menu items as well as instructing the player (that’s you) how to
recognize the various cursor functions and understand the actions they
correspond to. At the end of this section I will briefly tell you how to use the
many items you will acquire throughout the game.

Immediately after starting up the game, and after the Nucleosys logo finishes,
you’ll be brought to the main menu. At any point during the game you may return
to this menu simply by pressing the ESC key on your keyboard. Here you can view
the various functions of this game. Below is a brief chart describing what each
icon does.

|  Main Menu Icons  \-------------------------------------------|
|  - Back  : Return to the game (if one is in progress)         |
|  - New   : Start a new game                                   |
|  - Setup : Access the “Setup” menu                            |
|  - Load  : Load a previously saved game                       |
|  - Save  : Save the game currently in progress                |
|  - Quit  : Quit the game                                      |


You will explore the manor and its grounds by sole use of the mouse. The cursor
will change depending on the type of action Michael can perform. By pressing the
left mouse button, the action will be executed. Below is a chart describing the
various forms the cursor will take and what each action does.

| Cursor Icons/actions \-----------------------------------------------------|
|  - Closed hand                  : No action is currently available         |
|  - Pointing finger Upwards      : Walk in the indicated direction          |
|  - Hand with Magnifying Glass   : Examine something in further detail      |
|  - Open Grasping hand           : Take or use an object                    |
|  - Pointing finger Downwards    : Back away (when zoomed in on something)  |
|  - Timepiece/Watch              : The game’s loading, please wait          |


Throughout the game, Michael will come across a wide variety of in game items
that will aid him in his quest. To access the inventory simply click the right
mouse button. Now you can see all of the items that you have collected thus far
in the game. The default items include a magnifying glass, gold key, a suitcase,
and a case containing your typewriter. There are over 30 items that can be
found, used, and combined to solve the mystery. There is no limit to how many
items you can carry at once.

During anytime in the game you obtain a new item and would like to receive
further information on it, simply right click the mouse button, select the
magnifying glass and place it over the item you’d like to examine. Michael will
make a comment on each item you inspect.

If at any time you think an item can be combined with another item in your
inventory, simply choose the item and place it over the item you wish to combine
it with and click the left mouse button. If the items do not combine, it’s
because they do not go together. There are several times during the game that
will require you to combine items within your inventory.

Items in your inventory can also be used with various objects outside your
inventory. For example, the default gold key you start the game unlocks the font
door of the manor. Open your inventory, select the gold key by pressing the left
mouse button, and then either right click or press the ESC key to return to the
game and use the key on the door.

If an item can be used on an object outside the inventory, you’ll notice that
the item will shine brighter on the screen when held over the section it can be
used on. At this point when the item shines bright, use the left mouse button to
perform an action on the object in question. If an item shines over an area but
cannot be used, simply try another item. If nothing works, then perhaps you do
not have the right item for that particular puzzle yet.


~ Search your surroundings carefully, paying attention to every detail. The
creators of this game have provided a creepy atmosphere for you to solve this
mystery, now use it to your advantage!

~ Useable items can be found in every nook and cranny. Check every drawer, every
corner and every magnifyable spot! Chances are if you can zoom in on an object
to inspect it closer, you might need to come back to it later in the game to use
an item on it.

~ If you get stuck, call your buddy Jerry. He’s there for a reason and can
provide some insight on where you need to go next.
~ Read all the documents you find as they provide some very important story line
information that could be crucial to figuring out the mystery. If you see an
important date, check the upstairs attic and inspect the newspapers there for
more information.

~ Even if it seems like you’re using an item incorrectly or going in the wrong
direction, remember that this game wants you to be creative! Even if it seems
like barbed wire and a mirror wouldn’t normally go together...try it anyways,
and you’ll be surprised how far you’ll go. (Hint hint ;)


You will continue to progress through this game as soon as you activate the in
game “Triggers.” Your character is a regular human with no ESP powers. He cannot
find or use items that he doesn’t know about. For example, there’s a key in a
vase that you must use to unlock the basement. However, until you find and
inspect the photo showing you which vase to look in, the key becomes
inaccessible to you.

If you’ve searched through the whole house and find yourself not
progressing...try calling Jerry as he plays a huge part in activating Triggers
to help move you along. If you receive a busy signal when trying to call Jerry,
that means that he has nothing more to say, try searching around the house again
because something new may now be available. Be creative and try everything!

OoOoOoOoOoOoO                     STORY                         OoOoOoOoOoOoO

You will step into the role of Michael Arthate, an upcoming writer with big
plans for a sequel to his already famous book. He moves to Blackwood manor in
hopes to gain inspiration for the ending of his latest book. However, Michael
uncovers the grim past of the houses previous inhabitants while searching
through the manor. Rumors from the town say that Mr. Blackwood murdered his wife
after going mad and then committed suicide. As few know exactly what happened
within the walls of the manor, Michael takes it upon himself to discover the
truth. In so doing, Michael soon comes to the conclusion that he may have awoken
something terrible in the house, something that has been lurking within the
manor for many years. Can you help Michael discover the truth behind the murder
at Blackwood manor?

OoOoOoOoOoOoO              WALKTHROUGH - SCRATCHES              OoOoOoOoOoOoO


   Welcome to the meat and potatoes of this guide. Throughout this
walkthrough, as mentioned previously, I will help you to solve the
mystery that surrounds Blackwood manor and its grounds. I promise to
hold your hand and take you step by step so you don’t get lost.

   SPOILERS ABOUND!!!! This is NOT a spoiler-free walkthrough. I
strongly advise against using this guide unless you are stuck...which
tends to happen frequently. You will get much more out of the game if
you play through it yourself and only use this guide as a reference.
All right, enough of me...lets get going!

OoOoOoOoOoOo                 INTRODUCTION                OoOoOoOoOoOo


The opening scene begins in the maid’s bathroom. Slowly, the camera shows you
black and white still photos of the Manor house and its surroundings. The final
picture shows a rather ominous looking door that leads to the basement of this
house. The basement...where the scratching noises are...

OoOoOoOoOoOoO              SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12TH               OoOoOoOoOoOoO

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

After the cut scene is over, turn around to face your car. Go inside your car by
opening the door. Click on the glove compartment to the left of the steering
wheel and take out the keys to the car. Exit the car back to the driveway.

At this point face the manor and walk towards it until you reach the front door.
Stand right in front of the door and open your inventory where you’ll see a
. Use the  on the door and go inside.
*Note* For whatever reason the game designers have decided that they would mess
with you. Throughout the entire game, whenever you go to open the front door to
the manor (no mater which direction you’re coming from) you will have to click
the space opposite from where you visually see the doorknob. You will be
clicking on an invisible doorknob positioned on the left side of the door,
instead of the “false” one situated on the right hand side. Don’t ask...I never
did figure it out why they’d do such a thing :)

~~~ Main Hallway ~~~

You’ll be returning to this part of the manor quite often so store this location
in your memory. After standing in the doorway for a few minutes you’ll hear the
phone ring. Once it does, walk forward into the reception hall.

~~~ Reception Hallway ~~~

After entering this small room go ahead and pick up the phone from the small
table. It’s your buddy Jerry! When you’re done listening to him, position your
cursor near the bottom of the screen to back away from the phone. Return to the
Main Hallway.

~~~ Main Hallway ~~~

Go through the open entryway and into the Front Room.

~~~ Front Room ~~~

There’s a very nice looking piano here along with a nice assortment of books. In
fact, there’s a very interesting book you should read that’s lying on the small
table with the tea cups in the center of the room. Apparently, it’s a dairy of
sorts left by somebody living in the house tormented by their choices and the
beginning of the noises. After reading the diary, inspect the fireplace and
other furnishings here. When you’re done, try turning on the light switch that’s
on the wall next to the fireplace to discover that the power seems to be out.
When you’re ready head on through the door that’s next to the light switch.

~~~ Study ~~~

Check out the various items and furnishings in this fancy room then move over to
the desk to read another diary. Seems like Mr. Blackwood discovered a tribe and
a ceremonial mask in Africa while he was doing some construction on a bridge.
The desk itself has four drawers that you can inspect. Check the second drawer
on the left and pick up the empty  and then check the third drawer and
take the . The drawer on the right side of the desk is locked for
now but remember its location for later. When you’re done, head through the
large double doors to enter the Dining Room.

~~~ Dining Room ~~~

There’s not much to see in this room. Once again try the light switch near the
door to discover that the power is still out. Some interesting items to check
are the liquor cabinet for a funny comment and the paintings that adorn the
walls. You can also enter this room via the Reception Room with the phone.
Afterwards, go through the doors to the left of the double doors to enter a
small hallway.

~~~ Small Hallway ~~~

You can see some stairs going up to your left as you enter this area. Check out
the pottery in the corner near the window and the small table with the mirror if
you’d like. When you’re done, simply cross the hall and enter the door in front
of you to enter the kitchen.

~~~ Kitchen ~~~

Wow this room is a dump! Head over to the sink area and inspect the cabinet left
of the sink with some dishes on it. Open the second drawer to receive a .
If you check out the inside of the dirty fridge here you’ll see some bones. Who
keeps bones in their fridge? And worse, the keys to...wherever are missing from
the little key rack near the door. (This is important later so make sure to
check the key rack.) The glass door leads outside, while the door on the left
leads to the maid’s room and the little gray door next to it which leads to the
basement. The basement door is locked for now so go into the Maid’s Room.

~~~ Maid’s Room ~~~

Walk straight ahead and inspect the desk here. Take the  off the top of
the desk. If you view it with the magnifier in your inventory, Michael will
notice that the paper has some weird markings on it. Take a look at the photos
lying here as well. Open the drawer on the right and take the  also,
make ABSOLUETLY sure that you inspect the photo that is partially hidden in this
drawer. The picture shows the key rack in the kitchen but this one has a key on
it! Look what happens to be under the key...the very vase you may have spotted
back in the small hallway! Anyways, let’s continue investigating this room.

If you check out the small nightstand next to the bed and open the drawer,
you’ll find a book on photography. In the other drawers in the room, you’ll find
more pictures and camera equipment. Go through the door in the back of the room
next to the desk.

~~~ Maid’s Bathroom ~~~

A makeshift darkroom! Doesn’t this look like a familiar location? It should, as
it was in the opening movie. Inspect the pictures in closer detail if you’d
like, then leave this place and return to the small hallway.

~~~ Small Hallway ~~~

To save some time later, open your inventory and use the pencil on the paper you
picked up back in the maids room. The pencil will reveal that the strange
markings are actually Italian! One problem though, you can’t translate it. Don’t
worry though as we’ll come back to it later, but that’s not why we’re in this

Remember the picture I told you to look at back in the maid’s room with the key
rack? Well apparently the key fell off the rack and into the vase below it. The
vase was then moved guessed it, this room. It’s sitting next to two
other vases by the window. However if you click on the vase there’s no key.
Confused? You can’t see the key because there’s no light in the room! This is a
prime example of the games “triggers.” Never fear though, simply open the
curtains and re-check the vase. Pick up the  and go up the stairs here.

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

This long hallway is home to many rooms and various paintings along its walls.
You can also return to this hallway via the staircase in the main hallway.
Notice there is stairs leading up to a third floor as well. Since we came up the
back stairs, enter the room through the stained glass door on your left.

~~~ Second Floor Bathroom ~~~

There’s not a whole lot to do here. Check the stand by the mirror and open the
middle drawer on the bottom. Take the  and leave.

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

Face down the longest part of the hallway. You’ll see two doors, one your left
and one on your right and a third door at the end of the hall. First let’s enter
through the room on the right.

~~~ Main Bedroom ~~~

This is a very nice room, too bad it’s not yours ^_^ Anyways, take a look around
the room making sure to check everything you can. In particular, check the
painting with the lady holding the crystal ball next to the door you enter from.
If you click on the ball, the painting swings back, revealing a safe. Feel free
to mess around with it, but it can’t be opened at this time. There’s a dresser
to the left of the safe that holds a mirror. Remember this for later. Exit the

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

Enter the room directly across from the main room with the double doors.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

Oh African Art! Can you say...OBSESS MUCH? Anyways, along the right wall there’s
a glass display case that holds masks and it looks like one of them is missing.
There’s also a glass case displaying vases and wall scrolls hanging on the wall.
Inspect the lion claw necklace on the half mannequin, which is to the right of
the door when entering the room; we’ll be coming back to this later. On the
other side of the room in the right corner, there’s a pair of irony elephant
tusks on display on a stand. The handle on the stand won’t move however, so
leave it alone for now. If you take a close look you’ll notice there’s a letter
addressed to Mr. Blackwood concerning the natives he mentioned in his diary
earlier. When you’re done looking around, exit the room.

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

Now for the final room on this floor! Enter the last room through the door at
the end of the hallway.

~~~ Guest Bedroom ~~~

This will be your room for the duration of your stay here at Blackwood Manor. By
now you’re probably wondering what the heck those two suitcases are in your
inventory and when can you get rid of them? Well, walk over to the desk on the
right side of your room and open your inventory. Place the typewriter case down
on the desk and then open it. Click on the typewriter and the papers to put them
on the desk. You can read the paper to see how far you’ve come in your work. You
can close the case and then click it to move it underneath your desk although
there’s no harm if you choose to leave it on top.

Now back away and notice a small table to the left of the desk. Go into your
inventory and take out the remaining suitcase and place it on the small table.
Open it up and read the letter from Jerry about the manor. Next, take out the
 and the . MAKE SURE to check Jerry’s business card, as you will
not be able to call him until you learn his number. You don’t need to write the
number down though as the game remembers it for you. Take a look at Michaels
first book, after all that’s why you’re here, so that he can finish writing the
sequel. Also MAKE SURE to read Michaels notebook because you secretary Barbara’s
phone number is in there. Had enough suitcase fun?

When you’re done looking at the contents of the suitcase, take a look at that
trashcan next to the desk. There’s a crumbled up section of the diary you read
earlier in the front room. After reading it, move over to the fireplace. To the
right side of the fireplace on the ground is a doctor’s bag. Open it up and take
the . Take a look around the rest of the room if you’d like then
return to the hallway.

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

Go up those stairs leading to the third floor. (They’re next to the second floor
bathroom in case you forgot.

~~~ Third Floor Hallway ~~~

At the top of the stairs you’ll notice there are two doors right in front of you
and a door on the left. If you try to open the door on the left you’ll discover
it’s stuck and won’t open. Oh well might as well go through the door on the far

~~~ Third Floor Bathroom ~~~

This bathroom was) under construction as you can tell. Inspect the cinder blocks
to the right of the door. Pick up the  that’s resting on the bricks.
Exit here through the door on the left.

~~~ Workshop ~~~

This whole floor was undergoing heavy remodeling as you can see. The only thing
of interest here is the little stove by the window. You can insert the  you just picked up into the stove now if you’d like although it’s not
necessary. Leave this room back into the hallway when you’re done looking.

~~~ Third Floor Hallway ~~~

Make a right when you exit the room and head down the hall passing the ladder
leading to the attic. Right behind the attic ladder is a door. Inspect the
doorknob and look through the keyhole to discover that there’s a key on the
other side. Look down and to your left and you should see some paint cans with
newspaper under them. Grab a  and then slide it under the door. Use
that  you picked up earlier on the keyhole. Take the 
from under the door and...CRUD! The key landed somewhere not on the newspaper.
Figures...All right leave this door alone for the time being and if you so
choose talk a walk up the stairs in the back that leads to the tower. There’s
nothing to do there for now but you might as well know where it is for later.

Head back to the ladder you passed earlier, climb up it and open the door.

~~~ Attic ~~~

There’s a cool music box to the left of the doorway. If you place the flower
into the holder and turn the key, it’ll play a lovely little tune. Afterwards,
walk forward to the end of the room and open the chest next to the newspapers.
Take out the . You’ll be coming back to this room many times to check
important dates with the newspapers here. After looking around this room you may
leave and return now to the main hallway’s reception room to see if you can do
something about the electricity.

~~~ Reception Room ~~~

Pick up the phone and call Jerry. Afterwards, call him again and ask him about
the previous inhabitants of this manor. You’ll learn that a murder has taken
place here and you’re given a date (May, 1963) to check later with the
newspapers in the attic. After that phone call, dial up Barbara’s number. Then
call Barbara again so she can translate that  for you. When
you’re done chatting with your friends, go into your inventory and combine the
 with the envelope you found.  Then go back into your inventory
and use the pen on the envelope to get an . Let’s get that
letter to Barbara! Head out the front door to the driveway.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Walk all the way back to the gate you parked your car in front of. On the left
hand side you’ll see a mailbox. Open the mailbox and read the letter inside.
Apparently you missed the electrician by a few minutes and now you won’t have
power all night! Mwhahaha Put the  inside the mailbox and
close the mailbox door. Now head back inside to call Jerry.

~~~ Reception Room ~~~

Call Jerry and complain about the electrician. Jerry wonders if you’ve tried the
fuses to make sure they’re working. Well fuses are only kept in one place: the
basement. Then call Jerry again asking him about the safe. He says he doesn’t
have the combination on him at the moment but he’ll give it to you tomorrow.
Anyways, we need to get some light so head down to the basement. It’s the
smaller gray door in the kitchen in case you forgot. Use the 
we’ve found earlier in the vase to unlock the basement door.

~~~ Basement ~~~

Once here go down the stairs and you should see the fuse box hanging off the
wall on the left. Open it up and play around with the fuses by flipping the
switches. Nothing seems to be working so head back upstairs to call Jerry again.
BTW, while you’re down here feel free to check out the room. If you inspect the
furnace you’ll get a creepy feeling and some comments.

~~~ Reception Room ~~~

Call Jerry again telling him that the fuses aren’t working. Jerry then instructs
you to find some candles for the time being. Hang up on him and begin the search
for candles. Search the following rooms, the dining room, the study, the front
room, the kitchen, and all the drawers and cabinets for candles or even oil for
that lamp of yours.

After checking enough drawers, you’ll receive a message from Michael indicating
the search for candles is useless. At this point return to the phone and call
Jerry back. The man’s latest idea has you running to town to get some candles.
Well let’s head out to your car.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Walk back to your car and get in. Use the keys you took out of the glove box and
place them in the ignition. Click the keys to make the car start...OR NOT!!!!
Michael you dumb’ve left the lights running and now the battery is
dead. Well looks like you’ll have to spend the night without electricity,
candles, or oil for the night. Head back to the manor.

~~~ Reception Room ~~~

Might as well call Jerry to inform him that your battery has died and you won’t
be heading into town for those candles after all. Since we’ve got some time to
kill before the evening sets in, why don’t you head up to the attic and see if
you can find anything on that date (May, 1963) Jerry gave you earlier.

~~~ Attic ~~~

Head to the newspapers in the back and click on them to read the article on May,
1963. It seems like the maid accused Mr. Blackwood of murdering his wife,
Catherine, then burying her in the ground right outside the house in the garden.
After this exciting discovery, I think it’s time to go to bed. Head back to the
guest room at this time.

~~~ Guest Room ~~~

Walk over to the bed and click on it to go to bed.
You’re soon awakened by loud drumming noises. So get up and head out into the

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

It seems to be louder out here and seems to be coming from the Gallery. Head
over there now and enter.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

As you enter the Gallery, look to your left to notice that the stand containing
the elephant tusks is gone and in its place is a boarded up door. Walk over to
it and look on the floor to see a hammer. Pick up the  and end this

~~~ Guest Room ~~~

Now you’re actually awake and you hear something that sounds kind of
like...scratching. Walk towards the fireplace in the room and notice the noises
are louder here. Use the  on the fireplace to receive a comment.
Now leave this room and head downstairs to the Front Room.

~~~ Front Room ~~~

Use your  on this fireplace as well. Seems like the sounds are
coming from below you. Guess you should check out the Basement.

~~~ Basement ~~~

Go ahead and open the door to the Basement. Thankfully, your character is smart
and won’t head down there since its dark and you have no light source. New plan!
Remember your nightmare? The one in which you heard those bogus drums? Let’s
head back to the Gallery and see if we can’t find anything new.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

Once here, move towards the stand with the elephant tusks. Look on the floor
where you found the  and inspect the board along the bottom of the
cabinet. There’s not a lot you can do at this point but remember this spot for
later and  head back to your room and go back to sleep.

~~~ Guest Room ~~~

Hrm...The scratching has stopped. Anyways, click the bed and go back to sleep.

OoOoOoOoOoOoO              SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH                 OoOoOoOoOoOoO

~~~ Guest Room ~~~

You’ll awaken to a raging storm. Guess your stuck staying indoors today. Let’s
go downstairs.

~~~ Reception Room ~~~

As soon as you hit the bottom of the stairs you’ll hear the phone begin to ring.
Answer it to hear from Jerry. He has some important information for you. He
finally has the code for the safe in the upstairs Main Bedroom. The code is
<03211>. Let’s go use that code!

~~~ Main Bedroom ~~~

Click on the crystal ball that the lady in the picture is holding to reveal the
safe. Click on the dial and input the code you received from Jerry not too long
ago. When the safe opens, take the . Then, read the paper
about the addition of the second floor of this manor. Let’s head upstairs now
and use your newly acquired key.

~~~ Third Floor Hallway ~~~

Turn to your left and head around the corner to that door you tried to open
earlier (with the newspaper and the boring tool) and use the 
to open it.

~~~ Painting Room ~~~

Walk towards the table in this room and inspect the floor plan. If you click on
each room individually you can see what each one is called. Take a close look at
the room next to the Main Bedroom on the second floor. Eureka! A hidden room!
We’ll be exploring it later no worries. For now, make sure to pick up the
 and the  from the table before leaving. (Check
between the pencils and the containers.) Also, grab the  from off of the
stool to the left of the table. Now leave this room and head into the room
adjoining it.

~~~ Construction Room ~~~

As you enter the room, you’ll see a ladder; go ahead and climb up it. At the
very top of the ladder, click on the  to add it to your inventory. To
the left of the  sits a very dirty green and red can. Use the  in
your inventory on the can so you can read its label. This can has a little bit
of oil still inside it. Use the  on the can to pierce it. Now use
the  in your inventory on the can with oil to fill the lamp with oil.
Click back once and pull a 180 so that you’re now facing the dangling rope in
front of you. Use the  in your inventory to cut the rope. Note: cut as
close to the beam as you can. Then, get off the ladder and pick up the .
You may have to walk over the rope, turn around and then pick it up.
After you’re done, leave this room by way of the door left of the ladder which
is now unlocked from this side.

~~~ Third Floor Hallway ~~~

Let’s try to figure out what that map showed us and find that hidden room. We
know it’s on the second floor somewhere next to the main bedroom. Gasp! While
looking out a window from the tower didn’t you by chance notice another window
next to the main bedroom? You didn’t? Well it’s there, trust me, and that’s
where we’re headed!

~~~ Tower ~~~

Ok my friends; we’re going to leap out of the window and into the hidden room,
but first some preparation. We’ll need to attach the  you’ve found earlier
to something sturdy. Climb the tower and stop at the second window you pass. If
you open it, you can look out it and view you’re new destination: the hidden
room. Continue walking up the stairs and look slightly up and to the left near
the windows to find a lamp hanging from the wall. Well attach your  to it
but it won’t be strong enough. Directly underneath the lamp fixture is a large
crack in the wall.

Use the  on the crack to make it even larger. Now pan the camera down to
the floor and click on the , which is coiled up. The  has now been
inserted into the large crack you just made. Now, head back to the second window
and you’ll see the  now hanging outside the window. Now click on the
 three times to swing across to the other side and enter the hidden room.

~~~ Nursery ~~~

Well this room obviously has been abandoned, lets find out why. First, check out
the drawers to your left. Make sure to read the birth certificate, which is
underneath the rattle. Looks like the baby’s name has been erased, and its
nursery abandoned and forgotten, surely sounds suspicious. Make sure to get a
good look at the blocks on the floor and notice that they spell out the word
BIN. On the floor is another block labeled: O as well as two more stacked blocks
with an A and an H on them. Maybe the child was spelling its name? Head back to
the tower via the rope when you’re done looking around here.

~~~ Tower ~~~

All right, now that your back, I think it’s time to inspect those newspapers
that you might have noticed back in the Attic seeing as though we just
discovered a new date in the Nursery.

~~~ Attic ~~~

Walk to the back of the room and search the newspapers for the date August 1961.
You’ll discover what I’m sure you already guessed the deceased baby was Mrs.
Blackwood’s, though why they would board up the room afterwards...some food for
thought. Head now for the Gallery to find some more clues.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

Turn to your left and walk to the elephant tusks on the stand. Inspect the
bottom of the stand and use the  on it to pull away a board. You’ll see
two wheels that seem a bit rusty. Use the  on both of them and then
click on the stands gold bar to push it aside. It’s the door from that weird
dream you had! Use the  on the boards and enter a new room.

~~~ Secret Room ~~~

This room appears to have zero lighting, but we now have a trusty lamp complete
with fuel! Use the  on the  then click on the lamp to shed
some light on the situation (corny.)

GOOD GRIEF!!!!!! A...Mask...>_>

Look to your left and check out a very suspicious looking mask on the small
display stand. Now turn to your right and notice the bamboo poles that are
leaning up against the window. Click on the poles to move them aside, giving the
room a bit more light. Now take a look at the left side on the mask stand.
There, atop some boxes, is yet another journal for you to read as well as a note
from the good doctor. Apparently, the mask sitting in this room was stolen from
the tribe back in Africa. I’m thinking Blackwood should’ve left it alone. Let’s
leave this room and head back to the Guest room to work on Michael’s book for a

~~~ Guest Bedroom ~~~

Walk over to the typewriter on the desk on click on it to begin writing.
Afterwards, click on the paper to read what Michael wrote. Guess exploring a
creepy old house and starting to unravel its mysteries makes for some good
inspiration. Let’s see what Jerry’s up to, as we haven’t heard from him in a

~~~ Reception Hallway ~~~

Click on the phone and give Jerry a call. Afterwards, head back upstairs to your
room and go to sleep.

~~~ Guest Bedroom ~~~

Click on the bed to turn in for the night.

Well I hope you enjoyed your few hours of sleep because something has woken you
up again! Remember that mask you found in the Secret room? Maybe you should go
back and check on it, you know, just to make sure it’s safe. Enter the Secret

~~~ Secret Room ~~~

Where did the mask go?! I have a bad feeling about this. Quickly, leave the room

~~~ Guest Bedroom ~~~

Gasp. I guess it was just another nightmare. Sounds like there are more of those
scratching noises going on in the basement. Well, we do have a lamp with plenty
of fuel this time around so let’s head to the basement to check out what’s
making those noises.


If you wanted to check on the mask back in the Secret room you can. It doesn’t
matter whether you do so or not.


~~~ Basement ~~~

I hate to say this, but we’re going into the basement, in the middle of the
night, where those terrifying noises are, by ourselves, gulp. Suck it up man!
Open the door to the cellar, and then open your inventory. Use the  on
the  so we can see. Head down the stairs and walk straight to the
furnace that you were feeling uncomfortable by earlier. Open the door of the
furnace and enter it. Click forward and enter the hole you see in front of you.

Leave the furnace and get the heck out of the basement! You’ll hear some noises
as you scrabble for the exit. Back to the kitchen I say!

~~~ Kitchen ~~~

Never again will I venture into a dark basement where there’s a potential threat
on my life. The light in your lamp has gone out and you need to sleep. Head back
to the guest bedroom and try to attempt this.

~~~ Guest Bedroom ~~~

Click on the bed and get some rest.

OoOoOoOoOoOoO              MONDAY, OCTOBER 14                   OoOoOoOoOoOoO

~~~ Guest Bedroom ~~~

It’s another day so let’s get to it! Since it’s not raining outside, I’m
thinking we can explore some other locations besides the house. But first, lets
go downstairs!

~~~ Front Room ~~~

Is it cold in here or is it just me? Walk over to the fireplace here and use a
 on the logs to warm the place up a bit. Now, let’s inform Jerry that
we’re still alive and the experience we had during the evening.

~~~ Reception Hallway ~~~

Give Jerry a call then after the conversation; it’s time to go outside!

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Since this is the first time we’ve been outside, get your boundaries by
exploring the first stop on today’s tour: The Garage. To get there, head towards
the mall box you put that letter in two days ago and turn to your left. You
should see a garage with a padlock. Use the  on it and go

~~~ Garage ~~~

Take a look around here and notice the bike on the left hand side of the room.
You can play around with the pedals if you’d like, noticing that if you spin the
pedals the light at the front on the bike flashes on. Pretty cool! Move towards
the tool bench and take the  that’s on the floor next to it. Inspect
the toolbox and remove the  and the  and when you’re done
raiding the garage, leave.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Now that you’ve got the  lets head back inside and make our lives
easier with an upcoming puzzle. Head back inside and upstairs to the Main

~~~ Main Bedroom ~~~

Walk towards the dresser to the left of the safe. There’s a mirror on display
here. Use the  on the mirror to free it from the stand. Next stop:
the Mausoleum! To get there, go through the kitchen and exit the door there to
the outside. Once back outside, continue walking straight until your reach the

~~~ Family Mausoleum ~~~

There’s some wires wrapped around the door to prevent intruders. Go ahead and
use the  on the wires to break in, and then enter the tomb. (You’ll
automatically receive the wire.) Once inside, check out the plaques on the
pedestal in front of the coffins here. These coffins hold the bodies of Mr. and
Mrs. Blackwood. Open the lower coffin to find the remains of Mr. Blackwood and
the upper coffin to empty coffin?! Where’s the body? Look on the floor
between the plaques and pick up the . Turn completely around and notice
the stairs leading down on your right hand side and go down them. More coffins
down here for you to inspect though most of the plaques are illegible. One holds
the remains of a dead cat. However, notice the rather small brown coffin laid
here. Remember the hidden room that contained the nursery? There was a birth
certificate you read mentioning the death of a baby; this must be the one. One
thing though, you can’t read the baby’s name on the plaque because there’s not
enough light.

Solution: get some light! Head back upstairs and turn to look at the coffins
with your back against the door. Aim up at the ceiling and notice the glass
dome. Now use the  in your inventory on the dome. What do you mean you
missed?! All right slacker, head back downstairs to retrieve your rock (it’s at
the bottom of the stairs) and try again. The second time you use the  on
the ceiling, it breaks allowing light to pour in. Go back downstairs and read
the name of the baby. The baby’s name is...well you still can’t read it because
there’s not enough light.

Solution: get more light! Head back upstairs to the door but don’t go out it
yet. Look to your right and slightly up to see a candleholder minus the candle.
Go into your inventory and combine the  with the . Place the
 onto the candleholder and the sunlight will be reflected off it
and will shine into the downstairs area. Now let’s check out the baby’s name!
The baby’s name is...”R”! Give up for now as the rest has been rubbed out.
Lets head back to the reception room and rant to Jerry for a bit, shall we?

~~~ Reception Hallway ~~~

Give Jerry a ring and he tells you about Mr. Blackwood’s death on July 1963.
Since you’ve got a new date let’s head upstairs to the attic and read some

~~~ Attic ~~~

Once here, check out the newspapers and select the date July 1963 and jot down
the number of the police chief. Head back downstairs and give the retired chief
a call.

~~~ Reception Hallway ~~~

This time you’ll have to manually input the number so punch in 01665 65217 and
call the police chief. He seems really excited you called too...Guess he’s still
upset about not finding the body of Mrs. Blackwood. I’m thinking you should go
check to see if that letter you sent out came back so head outside to the
mailbox now.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

The letter is indeed translated! After reading the note from the maid Eva,
you’ll discover that perhaps she saw something that wasn’t supposed to be seen.
She even took a picture of Mr. Blackwood’s crime! Lets head back into the house
and to her room to locate that photo.

~~~ Maid’s Room ~~~

Walk towards the small nightstand next to the bed once you arrive. Click
underneath the nightstand to zoom in on the floor. Now click on the floorboard
to reveal a hiding spot that contains the photo of Mr. Blackwood dumping what
appears to be a body into a hole in the front garden. You can’t take the picture
with you; so make sure to get a good look at the location. Make special note of
the shadow the tower is casting in relation to where the hole is. (This is
important later.) It’s time to inspect the greenhouse, so head out of the front
of the house at this time.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

After exiting from the front door of the manor, walk around to the right of the
fountain and follow the path here. When the path splits continue moving to the
right and you’ll reach the run down greenhouse. The door to the greenhouse is
stuck so use your  in you inventory on the knob of the door and go

~~~ Greenhouse ~~~

Upon entering this run down place, you’ll notice a lot of uncared plants (many
dead) and a giant tree in the center. There’s an over turned potted plant
covering a drain and a faucet on the side of the tree with no running water.

Head upstairs, by moving to the right of the tree, to inspect more. As you walk
around to your left, notice that there’s a shovel stuck in the dirt. The earth
is to hard to remove the shovel now, but maybe with some water...Look down on
the floor to see a hose. Go ahead and click on the end of the hose to make it
dangle from the second floor to the first. Then click the other end of the hose
to place it into the hard earth with the shovel. We’ll have to get the water
working though.

For now, move around to a small table with plants on it. First open the left
drawer to read more diary entries from Mr. Blackwood. Then open the right drawer
and take the . Use the  on the plant on the
table to receive some . Let’s leave to go get that water
working. Head back into the mansion and enter the basement.

~~~ Basement ~~~

Once down the stairs, head towards the small wheel on the right wall, which
controls the water. Use the  on the small wheel Seems as though you
need more umph! Use the  on the  to get the wheel to turn.
Don’t forget to pick the  back up before you leave! Now, head back to
the Greenhouse.

~~~ Greenhouse ~~~

After entering, heads towards the dangling hose you dropped from the second
floor earlier. Click the end of the hose bottom to connect it to the faucet.
After doing so, turn the faucet on then head back upstairs and pull the 
from the now softened dirt. You may have tried to pick up the key at the base of
the tree in which you’ll noticed that it’s too far away for you to reach.
However, if the drain were filled with water you’d be able to reach it. One
problem...the drain is blocked by an overturned potted plant. Head to the side
of the room with the overturned plant and use your  on it to
unblock the drain. Then head over to the base of the tree, make sure to remove
the hose from the facet. Once the water has completely filled the drain, reach
to take the key. OR NOT! The filled drain washes the key away. (Who could’ve
seen that coming?)  Let’s go track it down!

Exit the Greenhouse at this time. Once outside, click forward twice than turn
right and click once. Continue until you see a tree in the middle of a pool of

~~~ Sanctuary ~~~

Walk forward until you’re directly in front of the pool of water facing the
tree. Look down into the water and retrieve the . At this time, head
back into the manor and enter the front room.

~~~ Study ~~~

Walk over to the desk here and use the  on the locked drawer on the
right side. Make sure to read the letter that’s there and then inspect the box
with the lock on it. Remember those blocks back in the nursery that I told you
not to forget about? As well as the mysterious “R” on the baby’s coffin? Put
those letters together and you have finally figured out the deceased child’s
name! The combination to open the lock is “ROBIN” or in other words...59097
Enter this code and open the box. Inside the box is a mechanical device that
shifts in the middle. You’ll have to click the wooden piece in the middle and
the sides a certain number of times before the inner lock is released.

The solution is: click the centerpiece until the wooden piece looks like this:
(/). Then, click the tiny knob on the right wall of the box once. Now, click the
centerpiece of wood again until it faces the other way and looks like this: (\).
Afterwards, click the knob on the left wall of the box. Finally, click the piece
of wood on the bottom of the box and the inner chamber opens. Remove the  from the chamber and exit the manor via the front door.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Take the same path as you did starting towards the greenhouse except this time
take the left brown path instead of the right one. Continue forward until you
reach the chapel. Once you’ve reached the doors, use the  you just
picked up, unlock the doors and proceed inside.

~~~ Chapel ~~~

Once inside turn until you find some stairs leading up to a roof space. Open the
cabinet that’s there and flip through several pages of the Bible until you come
to a huge . Remove the  and then go back down the stairs and towards
the altar. Walk around the altar until you’re facing the cross with Jesus Christ
upon it. Look down at your feet at this point and you should see a metal ring in
the floor. Use your  on the metal ring. The stone on the floor sides
back reveling something that appears to be an underground room beneath the
altar. Turn to face the foot of Christ and take the  you found upstairs
and use it on his foot. Then use your  on the INRI sign above Christ’s
head and the cross tilts forward revealing a secret room below the chapel. Head
down into this new area.

~~~ Hidden Room ~~~

Once here, turn to your right and use your  on the candle to light up
the room. On the desk is a newspaper dated March 26 and describes a really nasty
god that reincarnated into a lion and how to prepare an amulet. (This is very
crucial to the final puzzle you’ll have to solve later!) According to the
directions, you’ll need to mix the victim, the victimizer, a rare medical plant
and a branch from a certain tree. Well go ahead and pick up the  from
the table and make sure to read the letter addressed the Christopher before you
leave this room.

~~~ Chapel ~~~

Exit the chapel and return to the manor to give Jerry a well-deserved phone

~~~ Reception Hallway ~~~

Call Jerry and find out that he’s totally worried about the fact that you’re
still there at the manor and wants you to get out! After talking with Jerry,
head outside towards the mailbox.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Looks like you just missed someone at the front gate! Anyways, open the mailbox
and read the eviction notice. The police will be here tomorrow if you haven’t
left the grounds; I’m guessing this is what Jerry was trying to tell you about.
Seems as though he didn’t actually reserve the place for you at all and you’re
staying there illegally @_@ Well turn to face your car and click on the truck to
open it. Take out the  and enter the garage.

~~~ Garage ~~~

Enter here and walk over to the bike on your left hand side. Place the  on top of the box that’s next to the bicycles rear tire. Then, click on
the device that’s on the rear tire to connect the cables to the battery.
Finally, click on the pedals of the bike to charge the battery back up. Take the
now  and head back to your car.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Place the  back into the trunk of your car then close the
trunk door. Now enter the car from the right side and click on the key that’s in
the ignition. Michael is feeling a bit guilty for leaving the mystery of the
manor behind because he feels as though he has disturbed the dormant forces
dwelling within. All right Mikey, we’ll help you figure out the mystery! Walk
around the fountain to the left and turn to face the brown dirt path ahead of
you. Click forward one time and then turn the camera to face the barren earth on
your left side.

~~~ Manor Garden ~~~

Recall the picture that Eva the maid took back in her room. You’re facing the
very location that Mr. Blackwood buried his wife. Turn around and face the
tower’s roof and looks for its shadow on the ground in the barren garden on the
left. Use your  to dig at the tip of the towers shadow to unearth the
body of Catherine Blackwood. Once she’s uncovered, use your  to pull a
tooth from her mouth. And go ahead and click on the spade to rebury her out of
respect. Let’s head back inside and go upstairs to the Gallery.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

Once you’re in the room, turn to your right and inspect the necklace of the lion
claw that’s to the right of the door. Again, use your  removing the
claw and then head downstairs into the kitchen.

~~~ Kitchen ~~~

Now boys and girls we’re going to do something I deem disgusting. Walk over to
the coffee grinder in the middle of the table. Click on the top of the grinder
to raise the lid. Then place Mrs. Blackwood’s tooth in the grinder. Close the
lid and click on the handle to grind the tooth up. >_< Click on the drawer
that’s on the bottom of the grinder and take the  remains. Now do
the same thing with the lion’s claw. Open the top of the grinder, place the claw
inside, close the lid, click on the handle to grind everything up, and then take
the  remains from the bottom drawer. At this point, open your
inventory and mix together the  and the 
remains. Then take the  and combine that with the . Ok now it’s time to make that amulet! Let’s head upstairs to the
Workshop to bring it all together.

~~~ Workshop ~~~

After entering the room, head straight for the stove that’s on the table to
begin cooking up the amulet. First, if you haven’t already done so, place the
 into the stove opposite the other rod already in place. Then, place
the  on top of the stove. Then place the  on top of the lid. Finally, use one of the  on the bottom of
the stove to cook the stuff together. After it’s done, take the .
Open your inventory and combine the  with the  to form
the . Ok it’s time to defeat evil so head to the Gallery.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

Once here, move left and enter the secret room behind the stand with the
elephant tusks into the room with that spooky African mask.

~~~ Secret Room ~~~

OK let’s do it! Take out the  from your inventory and click on the mask.
You’ve cleansed the evil of the manor...Congratulations! You should be feeling
rather full of yourself by now so let’s head back to the front room to sit down
and have a drink!

~~~ Front Room ~~~

I thought we just cleansed the evil, so why am I still hearing those damn
scratching noises! I’m going to first clam down by having a nice cup of tea and
sitting by the roaring fire that’s...burned out...Sigh. Walk over to the
fireplace to see what the problem is. Gosh, that kind of looks like a grate in
the fireplace doesn’t it? Click on the grate and enter the secret passageway.

~~~ Secret Passageway ~~~

You entered a creepy sort of dungeon with nothing but a barred door. Go through
the door into a bigger room. You’ll see a huge opening in the wall in front of
you, but first let’s look around the room. Some things to definitely inspect
are: the table, the teddy bear with the torn neck (click on the neck for a
creepy comment), the pail on the floor in the left corner and finally, the raw
meat underneath the back window. When you’re ready head move towards the opening
the wall. Try to enter to hole by continuing to click forward until you see a

CONGRATULATIONS YOU’VE BEATEN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!! But don’t forget, if you own
the Directors Cut you can play an additional story!!!


   Welcome to the meat and potatoes of this guide. Throughout this
walkthrough, as mentioned previously, I will help you to solve the
mystery that surrounds Blackwood manor several years after the
conclusion of the original game. I promise to hold your hand and take
you step by step so you don’t get lost.

   Thankfully, this extra game plays just like the first one with the
same controls and settings. So for those of you that have played the
original game things should be very similar, if you haven’t played
the original scratches game, I HIGHLY suggest you do as this game
ties up the loose ends from the first and you will be completely lost
until you do.

   SPOILERS ABOUND!!!! This is NOT a spoiler-free walkthrough. I
strongly advise against using this guide unless you are stuck...which
tends to happen frequently. You will get much more out of the game if
you play through it yourself and only use this guide as a reference.
All right, enough of me...lets get going!

OoOoOoOoOoOo                 INTRODUCTION                OoOoOoOoOoOo


The opening scene has you listening into a discussion with your boss. In the
Last Visit you play as a reporter continuing the investigation of Blackwood
manor. The house will be demolished in 2 weeks and your boss is under the
impression that anyone has any chance of finally figuring out what really
happened there. Michael, from the original game, will not speak with the press
so that lead is out and Jerry is doing some time for fraud, imagine that >_> So
basically you’re on your own in perhaps finally bringing this case to light. The
scene shifts to showing you driving up to the manor, seems like we’ve done this
before :)


~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Start walking up the drive until you see a path veering off to the right towards
the garage. Don’t go inside, but look down to your right and pick u a .
Course you couldn’t head inside the garage anyways as it’s completely full of
junk. At this point continue on towards the house.

On the way you’ll notice the fountain has dried up. Hang a left here towards
where the greenhouse and chapel used to be. You’ll be stopped suddenly by a
large body of water that’s completely flooded the path. Apparently we left the
hose running in the greenhouse a little too long in the first game @_@  In any
case, you won’t be able to access those areas. However since we’re ere get out
your  and dunk it in the water. Why? Well...wouldn’t you like to know :)
Right now, approach the house for real this time. At the base of the stairs,
notice a hole in the ground along with some gold trinkets lying about. Click on
the objects and hole here for some commentary.

Now, finally proceed to the house and enter.
*Note* for those of you that have played the first game, you should notice right
away that the game designers have moved the doorknob to where it should’ve been.
No longer are you clicking a blank spot on the door.

~~~ Main Hallway ~~~

Once inside you can see how rundown the place has become over the years since
Michael last was here. Graffiti lines the walls, junk and trash litter the
floors and this once beautiful house has gone to pot.

Some of you are probably wondering about the final room of the previous game,
you know that one where that...thing...chased us? Why don’t we go check it out?
Walk into the front room and click on the grate inside the fireplace to head on

~~~ Secret Passageway ~~~

Well this place hasn’t changed much. Course, the last time we were here the door
was also still on its hinges >_> Anyways, proceed inside the dungeon room and
have a look around.

Not a whole lot have changed here either. You can check the teddy bear against
the wall for a comment but the large hole is far more...interesting. Approach
the hole and you’ll notice you can pickup something on the ground. Reach for it
to get a comment regarding an “angry cat” but we know better don’t we folks?
Continue trying to pick up the object to get swiped at. Since we can’t reach the
object and I don’t want tetanus...I suggest we leave for now and explore what’s
left of the house. Though...if you’d like, you can try to throw the water in the
can at the cat for an additional remark. :)

~~~ Main Hallway ~~~

You can explore the ground floor at your leisure however, you won’t get very
far. The study is inaccessible, the dining room had its room flipped, the small
hallway is destroyed, you can’t access the kitchen due to the doorknob thieves
and the back stairway is blocked off with fallen beams. PHEW! So we might as
well check out the upstairs. Return to the main staircase to do so and enter the
first door at the top of the stairs.

~~~ Guest Room ~~~

As our reporter will tell you, this is the room where Michael stayed during his
visit to Blackwood. Have a look around, checking out the open suitcase for a
comment. Head back to the hallway and enter the door to your left.

~~~ Main Bedroom ~~~
This room too has been vandalized. Check out the bottle of “Thalidomide” inside
the open drawer of the dresser. When you’re ready head back into the hallway and
go through the double doors directly in front of you.

*Note* A fast check on Google reveals that Thalidomide used to be prescribed to
women during pregnancy. At the time this was common but year’s later scientists
and doctors discovered that this drug caused birth defects...possibly explaining
Robin’s deformation.

~~~ Gallery ~~~

Strangely, I’m glad this room was destroyed; it always gave me the creeps!
Inspect the broken display case for a comment, then head around back to the
storeroom behind what used to be the elephant stand. As you might have
suspected, the mask has disappeared as well as all the notes and anything else
of value. When you’re through you can head back out into the hallway.

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

At the end of the hall you’ll notice some stairs leading up to the attic.
Needless to say, we won’t be heading up there. Instead enter the final door on
this floor.

~~~ Second Floor Bathroom ~~~

Well this room is certainly, dismal. Walk forward and check the window to learn
it’s been covered with mud? can try to check the tub but it’s too
dark to see anything. So let’s leave for now and head outside the house for some
fresh air.

~~~ Manor Driveway ~~~

Ok remember that hold we checked out earlier? Well head over to it now and grab
the  filed with water and pour it down the hole. You’ll hear a noise that
kinda sounds like an unhappy cat. I wonder if we managed to clear out that
creature in the dungeon room. Before we go back down to check, make sure to
refill the  with some more water from the flooded path.

~~~ Secret Passageway ~~~

Approach the large opening in the wall without fear, the “cat” is no longer
there. Now finally we can grab that object, which turns out to be...a
 Good God the doorknob thieves haven’t taken them all Whahahaha :)
Let’s check out a door missing a knob. Go upstairs to the ground floor and head
to the kitchen. Place the  on the door and head inside. You could also
try to fit the  on the door leading to the Study but for whatever
reason, it simply doesn’t fit.

~~~ Kitchen ~~~

Once here, reminisce about old tooth grinding times and note all the changes.
It’s still pretty bare but you can examine the cans on the shelves and the
cupboard next to the sink for some commentary. The back door as well as the door
leading to the maid’s room is too damaged to be opened. Guess it’s the basement
for us...Yippie >_>

~~~ Basement ~~~
It’s rather dank down here this time around but you still get the feeling of
foreboding. Let’s try and make this trip a quick one! You can inspect the
furnace for a comment. Grab the  from the top corner of the furnace as well
as the blue bottle of  from inside a cardboard box on the floor.
That’s all there is down here so now we’ve got some cleaning supplies let’s see
if we can’t get that mud off of the window in the upstairs bathroom.

~~~ Second Floor Bathroom ~~~

Once you’ve arrived approach the dirty window. Open your inventory and combine
the  with the  If you try using it on the window you’ll be
informed the rag is too dry. So combine the  wit the water in the  and
then use the  on the mud coated window. Once the grime has been removed you
can check the tub. Checking it reveals...the evil cursed mask from the first
game!!! Click on the mask for a comment. And...well...I guess...that’s it for
now so...let’s leave the bathroom into the hallway.

~~~ Second Floor Hallway ~~~

You know something...that kinda felt a bit cheap. Let’s go back in the and have
another look at that mask.

~~~ Second Floor Bathroom ~~~

Approach the tub and push back the shower curtain, to experience the conclusion
of this reporter’s time at Blackwood manor.

CONGRATULATIONS you’ve beaten “The Last Visit”!!!!! Hopefully some light has
been shed on this mystery once and for all :)

OoOoOoOoOoOoO                   CREDITS                         OoOoOoOoOoOoO

I couldn’t have done anything without the assistance of the following people or
sites, so...

                         THANK YOU SO MUCH TO:

~ - For creating that beautiful ASCII
artwork on the first page! I fail at being artistic so that helped a ton! ASCII
used is: Doom

~ - For providing me with the patch for the Directors
Cut version of the game; without it I would’ve never completed The Last Visit

~ Josh – For helping out with the latest and last version of this guide

~ Game FAQS for generously hosting this guide.