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Age of Empires - Der Aufstieg Roms (e)

   A G E   O F   E M P I R E S :  T H E   R I S E   O F   R O M E
                     Age of Empires: Rise of Rome      
                           For the PC/Windows                  
                              By Scott Ong

This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ should remained unaltered and the disclaimer
remains unchanged. This FAQ is owned and made by me. So don't try to
get any ideas on it or I will get YOU! This FAQ cannot be sold for
profitable purposes in any form! 

Version 1.0 - Contains the main document. Some sections are still 
This FAQ can be found at the following address:
Scott's Homepage 
Cheat Code Central

This FAQ is under the protection copyright law. Any unauthorised
usage of it will result to severe penalty. This FAQ is copyright of
Scott Ong 1999. This FAQ can be only reproduced electronically and it
cannot be sold for profitable purposes! This is my fifth FAQ and also
my very first FAQ for the PC. Please stop software piracy.

Contact the Author
- ICQ: 39117037
- E-mail:


The very first update for my first FAQ for the PC. Currently it is
under progress as there are many stuffs to cover such as strategies for
the scenarios, list of units and much more.
Hopefully I have sufficient time to do this
- Adding solutions for the remainding scenarios
- Added more information about combat.
- Added information such as Hot Keys, for fast building a unit.
- Added more units to the list. [presently it is partially incomplete.]
- Added comments to the units section.

   xxxxxxxxxxxx            C O N T E N T S          xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       |XX|                                               |XX|
       |XX|       1.    INTRODUCTION                      |XX|
       |XX|       2.    LIST OF UNITS                     |XX|
       |XX|       3.    LIST OF BUILDINGS                 |XX|
       |XX|       4.    LIST OF TECHNOLOGIES              |XX|
       |XX|       5.    GAMEPLAY                          |XX|
       |XX|       6.    CODES ON THE GAME                 |XX|
       |XX|       8.    CREDITS                           |XX|
       |XX|                                               |XX|

On with the new chapter of Age of Empires...

1.    I N T R O D U C T I O N
Welcome to the latest versions of the Age of Empires series:
                        ___    ____  _______
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                     / _____ \ |  | |   __|
                   _/ /_   _\ \|__| |  |_____
                  /____/   \____\__/|________|
     ________ __   __  _____      ______   _____   _____   _____
    |__   ___|  | |  ||  ___|    |   _  \ |_   _| / __  \ |  ___|
       | |   |  |_|  || |__      |  |_|  |  | |  | |__\__\| |__
       | |   |   _   ||  __|     |   _  /   | |  \____  \ |  __|
       | |   |  | |  || |____    |  | \ \   | |   ____| | | |____
       |_|   |__| |__||______|   |__|  \_\  |_|  \______/ |______|
                                O F
                 _______   _____   ___     ___  ______
                |   __  \ /  _  \ |   \   /   ||   ___|
                |  |__| ||  | |  ||    \_/    ||  |__
                |   _  / |  | |  ||  \     /  ||   __|
                |  | \ \ |  |_|  ||  |\___/|  ||  |____
                |__|  \_\ \_____/ |__|     |__||_______|

                 "Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome!"

                                             Logo created by Scott Ong

Experience all the conflict, intrigue, greed and power as you create the
most feared celebrated civilization in the history. Wedge war on a grand
scale with this highly anticipated add-on pack that extends Age of 
Empires into a new era of world domination.

The Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome is the addition to the mostly 
anticipated strategy game Ages of Empires. The new series have consists
of new technologies such as Logistics and Medicine. The Age of Empires
Expansion requires you have to have the older version of Age of Empires.
Well, here is the system requirements before you considered to buy the 
expansion pack of AOE.


o   Multimedia PC with Pentium 90 or higher processor (Pentium 120 for
    Gigantic Maps)
o   Microsoft Windows 95 or later, or Microsoft Windows NT Workstation
    4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later.
o   Microsoft Age of Empires 1.0 or later.
o   16 megabytes (MB) of RAM for Windows 95 or later. 24 MB for 
    Windows NT [and for Windows 95 or later for an 8-player multiplayer
o   30 MB of avaliable hard disk space.
o   Local bus SVGA, 256-color video display with at least 1 MB of VRAM
o   Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.
o   2x CD-ROM drive (4x recommended)
o   Windows-compatible sound card with speakers or headphones to hear
o   28.8 Kbps (or faster) modem and Internet access for head-to-head 

Since that it is an expansion from the previous version of AOE, we will
always expect changes. Here is a list of changes:

o    Stone Throwers, Catapults and Heavy Catapults now received a 
     limited predictive firing benefit from Ballistics, based on the
     target unit's speed. All slow units in range are hit, some medium
     units are hit and all fast units are missed.
o    Persian civilization no longer has the farming penalty
o    Some random maps contains cliffs.
o    Allied Town Centers are visible when you start an allied game.
o    The population indicator and timer appear at the top of the screen
     when you press F11
o    The Hot Key to build a Swordsman is now Z
o    The Hot Key to build a Scout is now T
o    If you select the Full Tech Tree option before starting the game,
     you can't build Fire Galleys
o    In multiplayer games, there is now an in-game option to change the 
     population limit using the Game Settings
o    Chat is automatically set to Allies Only in an allied multiplayer

Well that's all let's proceed to the units.

2.     L I S T    O F    U N I T S

Units are the key in playing Age of Empires. Age of Empires has an 
innovative design of troops such as action of the troops. The list of 
the units can be found from your game manual. But I have also added the
stats of special units such as animals, trees and berry bushes and the
elite special troops! 
|   ** LIST OF GROUPINGS **   |   For the first time, I have added the
|-----------------------------|   bar codes [which I am going to call
|                             |   it]. Hopefully, this provides more
|--- [2 - 1] MISCELLANEOUS    |   easier way for people to read the 
|--- [2 - 2] INFANTRY         |   FAQ, after all my FAQs are quite
|--- [2 - 3] ARCHERS          |   wordy ^_^;) For example if you want
|--- [2 - 4] CAVALRY          |   to check on infantry units, just 
|--- [2 - 5] SEIGE WEAPONS    |   simply check the list of units 
|--- [2 - 6] BOATS            |   rangning from between the intervals
|--- [2 - 7] GAIA             |   [2 - 2] and [2 - 3].
|--- [2 - 8] SPECIAL TROOPS   |
|--- [2 - 9] SECRETS TROOPS   |


In the instruction booklet, there is no groups being assign to 
Villagers. Priest is considered as a military unit. I have try to 
figure a suitable group for them and decide to place them under the 
Miscellaneous Group. These units are very important as they could does 
something which other units can't do. For example, the villagers can 
gather materials such as Food, Wood, Stone and Gold [food is an 
exception whereby you could have fishing boats to do so]. The Priests 
are very important as they could heal hit points of units, thus saves 
you resources from making more units.

[2 - 1 - 1] VILLAGERS
Age:            Stone                                               
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center.                                  
Cost:           50 food                                             
Hit points:     25                                                  
Attack:         3                                                   
Armor:          –                                                   
Range:          –                                                   
Speed:          Medium                                              
Create at:      Town Center                                         

Villagers can be assigned different tasks (builder, farmer, fisherman, 
forager, gold miner, hunter, repairman, stone miner). Hunters and 
villagers used in combat have increased attack strength.Researching 
Stone Mining increases stone mining efficiency. Siegecraft increases 
stone mining efficiency and allows villagers to destroy walls and 
buildings. Gold Mining increases gold mining efficiency. The Wheel 
increases speed. Jihad increases combat strength.

- Villagers are very important as they possess great importance in
  gathering materials such as food, wood, stone and gold. That's your
  criteria in have the villagers as the main population. 
- Assign them in 4 main groups:
  <> WoodCutter - for gathering wood for your population.
  <> Hunter/Forager/Fisherman - for gathering food for your population
  <> Stone Miner - for gathering stone for your population
  <> Gold Miner - for gathering gold for your population.
- Build technology buildings such as Granary and the Storage Pit near 
  sources (forests, berry bushes, fishing sites, stone mines and gold
  mines) to reduce distance from the sites. 
  Storage Pit could store:
  -> Wood, Gold, Stone, Food [from fishing and hunting]
  -> Food [from farming and berry bushes]
- Hunting Tips:
  When hunting, have about two villagers to hunt a gazelle as it 
  will take one shot for it to go down. As you know you must attack
  the hit point of the gazelle before you can start gathering food 
  from it. Try rear the gazelle near the storage site [Storage Pit or
  your Town Center], to do this, just simply approaches them. You can 
  get up to 150 food from a gazelle. Refer to Gaia unit list for the
  stats of the gazelle. Lions and crocodiles are rather strong [has a
  total hit points of 20] but nab you only a mere 100 food. Elephants
  are much better have more hit points and have a huge amount of food
  about 300 food! Assign three more hunters to attack the Elephant.
  Stock at: Town Center, Storage Pit [it depends which is closer]. The 
  hunter has four attack points
  How to hunt? please refer to the CAMPAIGN section.
- Fishing Tips:
  When fishing, have about three villagers and pick a shallow site [
  normally you will find Shore fish, which will nabs 250 food and has 
  no hit points.] Fisherman has three atatck points. Villagers can 
  cross shallow waters, you will see partially submerged pebbles on the
  ground. (crocodiles roam there too..). To do fishing in the seas, 
  have villagers building the Dock and create more fishing boats. Shore
  fish is being collected at the faster rate compared to berry bushes.
  Stock at: Town Center, Storage Pit. How to fish, refer to CAMPAIGN 
  section for more details.
- Foraging Tips:
  When foraging, have three villagers and pick a berry bush to forage.
  [It will be better not to have to many villager forage at a single
  berry bush as it's kinda small ^_^;] Build a Granary near the 
  foraging site. [this will cut down the distance for the villagers
  to bring to food to the Granary] Note that the food gather is 
  really slow.
- Farming Tips
  I quite dislike this idea.. The gathering of food is slow and you have
  to waste time in building a farm. I myself think that it will better 
  to have fishing boats out to sea. However farms are rather important 
  as the natural food resources are being used up eventually. So I would
  suggest that you build farms late in the game.
- Cutting Trees Tips
  When chopping wood, have aleast 10 villagers for a forest. Trees 
  found in the forest can give you 40 wood, whereas trees found standing 
  alone will gives you 75 wood. Building a Storage Pit near the forests
  for easy traffic. Every tree has a total hit points of 25. It will 
  take more than 8 hits for a tree to go down, before you can start to
  gather wood. Assign 4 villagers to a tree and you could gather wood
  at the fastest speed. Woodcutters has three attack points.
- Mining Tips
  When mining for stone or gold, I would recommend you to have a group 
  of miners for each resources which are rather important late in the
  game. Stone could allows you to build defensive buildings such as 
  Watch Towers and Walls and Gold will allows you to research 
  technology. Just keep on replenishing your supplies.

[2 - 1 - 2]     PRIESTS
Age:            Bronze                                              
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, build Market, build 
Cost:           125 gold                                            
Hit points:     25                                                  
Attack:         –                                                   
Armor:          –                                                   
Range:          10                                                  
Speed:          Slow                                                
Train at:       Temple                                              

A Priest heals friendly and allied units and converts enemy units. If 
your diplomacy is set to Neutral or Enemy, your military units will 
attack Priests from other civilizations. Researching Astrology allows 
faster conversions. Mysticism increases hit points. Polytheism 
increases speed. Fanaticism speeds Priest rejuvenation after 
conversion. Monotheism allows conversion of enemy Priests and buildings. 
Afterlife increases range.

- Priests generally are good units in combat and healing. Priest needs
  to rejuvenate after a conversion is made. Have a Priest to convert a
  new. Converting a unit could also allows you to exceed the population
  limit. If the Priest has successfully finished a conversion, he could
  still heal lost hit points.
- Never ever tried to convert units such as Chariots, Scythe Chariots,
  Boats and definately not the Chariot Archers. These are rather hard 
  to convert. Tried to convert a Watch Tower and turns the enemies' 
  defense to your attack. 
- A Priest can't heal oneself. Have them work in groups.


[ 2 - 2 ]   INFANTRY UNITS

I quite like Infantry units as the combat is realistic where you will 
hear the sounds of pain (when the warriors are hit). The infantry units
are best when comes to hand-to-hand combat and are quite cheap compared
to cavalry units. Early infantry units like Clubman are quite useless
except for the increased of hit points, but let's says if a villager has
an one-to-one combat, whom will win? Before you can start to building
military-technology buildings such as Archery Range, Stable, Academy,
and Seige Workshop, you must build the basic building Barracks. There 
is now a new technology [in the expansion series, the Logistics] which 
makes creating infantry units are more favourable compared to Cavalry 
units. However they are quite weak against Cavalries [except the 
Slinger, as they will withstand more damage compared to other units 
which is +5 damage!]. All except for the Slinger are short-range [i.e.
that's means that they can't attack when far from an enemy]. Mostly
upgrades for infantry units can be found from the Storage Pit. Have 
them in the frontline (except for the Slinger) while the Archers at the 

[2 - 2 - 1]   Clubman
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks.
Cost:           50 food
Hit points:     40
Attack:         3
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Train at:       Barracks

The Clubman is the weakest of the infantry units. The Clubman can be 
upgraded to the Axeman. Other infantry units include the Short 
Swordsman, Broad Swordsman, Long Swordsman, and Legion.Researching 
Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack strength. 
Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze 
Shield and Iron Shield increase piercing armor.

- This units are quite weak as they possess the same attack strength
  as the villagers! However their high hit points and the upgrades 
  could make them a more worthable uint when comes to hand-to-hand 
  combats when compared to the villagers. Have a one or two to guard
  your base when early part in the game.

[2 - 2 - 2]   Axeman
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, upgrade to Battle Axe.
Upgrade cost:   100 food
Cost:           50 food
Hit points:     50
Attack:         5
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Upgrade of:     Clubman
Train at:       Barracks

The Axeman has more hit points and attack strength than the Clubman. 
The Axeman cannot be upgraded. However, you can research the Short 
Swordsman, which is stronger than the Axeman.Researching Toolworking, 
Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack strength. Leather Armor, 
Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze Shield and Iron 
Shield increase piercing armor.

- A better unit compared to the Clubman. This unit has an upgrade of 
  +10 hit points and +2 attack power. This unit is very destructable
  when working in groups [when working adjacent with Archers Group]

[2 - 2 - 3]   Slinger                                          (NEW)
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks
Cost:           40 food, 10 stone
Hit Points:     25
Attack:         2
Armor:          -
Range:          4
Speed:          Medium
Special:        +2 attack vs. archers, +2 armor vs. missile weapons, 
                Ballista, Helepolis; increased attack vs. walls and 
Train at:       Barracks

The Slinger is an infantry unit used to defend against early archer 
and Watch Tower attacks. Bronze Shield, Iron Shield, and Tower Shield
increases piercing armor. Alchemy increases attack strength. Stone
Mining and Seigecraft increase attack strength and range. Note that
Slingers does not recieve armor upgrades from Leather Armor, Scale
Armor and Chain Mail.

- Never have infantry units attack the Cavalry Group, but an exception
  is this unit. Have this unit work with the Archers Group. The 
  Slinger has an exceptable range of 4. Assign these guys behind the
  walls. [Walls provide protection against infantry and cavalry attacks]
  The Slinger can does +2 damage to Archers, kept this to your 
  advantage. However the Slinger has a mere 25 hit points which I will
  recommend a Archer than this unit.

[2 - 2 - 4]   Short Swordsman
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, research Short Sword.
Research cost:  120 food, 50 gold
Cost:           35 food, 15 gold
Hit points:     60
Attack:         7
Armor:          1
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Train at:       Barracks

The Short Swordsman is not an upgrade of the Axeman. It is a separate 
unit with more hit points, attack strength, and armor than the Axeman. 
The Short Swordsman can be upgraded to the Broad Swordsman.Researching 
Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack strength. 
Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze 
Shield and Iron Shield increase piercing armor.

- The begining infantry unit that uses swords as its main weapon. This
  unit is quite good and cheap [but it requires you to mine gold]. A
  decent attacking power of seven, make this unit destructive when comes
  to one-on-one combat. Never assign this unit against a Cavalry unit.
  Have them work it groups. 

[2 - 2 - 5]   Broad Swordsman
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, research Short Sword, 
                upgrade to Broad Sword.
Upgrade cost:   140 food, 50 gold
Cost:           35 food, 15 gold
Hit points:     70
Attack:         9
Armor:          1
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Upgrade of:     Short Swordsman
Train at:       Barracks

The Broad Swordsman has more hit points, attack strength, and armor 
than the Short Swordsman. The Broad Swordsman can be upgraded to the 
Long Swordsman.Researching Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy 
increases attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail 
increase armor. The Bronze Shield and Iron Shield increase piercing 

- Same cost of the Short Swordsman, but these units can be more 
  damaging, it have reached the Legion status. 9 attack points is
  considered rather damaging and it is still upgradable!

[2 - 2 - 6]   Long Swordsman
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, research Short Sword, 
                upgrade to Broad Sword, upgrade to Long Sword.
Upgrade cost:   160 food, 50 gold
Cost:           35 food, 15 gold
Hit points:     80
Attack:         11
Armor:          2
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Upgrade of:     Broad Swordsman
Train at:       Barracks

The Long Swordsman has more hit points, attack strength, and armor than 
the Broad Swordsman. The Long Swordsman can be upgraded to the Legion.
Researching Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack 
strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. 
The Bronze Shield and Iron Shield increase piercing armor.

- This unit is also quite good, a better Short Swordsman. Great if you
  have them in groups and you will see them doing their worst.

[2 - 2 - 7]   Legion
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, research Short Sword, 
                upgrade to Broad Sword, upgrade to Long Sword, research 
                Fanaticism, upgrade to Legion.
Upgrade cost:   1400 food, 600 gold
Cost:           35 food, 15 gold
Hit points:     160
Attack:         13
Armor:          2
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Upgrade of:     Long Swordsman
Train at:       Barracks

The Legion is the ultimate infantry unit. The Legion has many more hit 
points and more attack strength than the Long Swordsman. You must 
research Fanaticism before you can upgrade to Legion.Researching 
Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack strength. 
Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze 
Shield and Iron Shield increase piercing armor.

- The research may be a bit costly, but it definately worth it. You can
  train tons of it. The new technology, Logistics have made this unit 
  a better one! You can train about 100 Legions if your population 
  limit is 50!

[2 - 2 - 8]   Hoplite
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, build 
Cost:           60 food, 40 gold
Hit points:     120
Attack:         17
Armor:          5
Range:          –
Speed:          Slow
Train at:       Academy

The Hoplite is the weakest of the elite infantry units. Upgrades include 
the Phalanx and Centurion. Researching Toolworking, Metalworking, and 
Metallurgy increases attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and 
Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze Shield and Iron Shield increase 
piercing armor. Aristocracy increases speed.

- The unit has a very high attacking power, but it was slow. Have the
  Archers do the back firing while you watches these units approaching
  them. -Very damaging- with being arranged in groups.

[2 - 2 - 9]   Phalanx
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, build 
                Academy, upgrade to Phalanx.
Upgrade cost:   300 food, 100 gold
Cost:           60 food, 40 gold
Hit points:     120
Attack:         20
Armor:          7
Range:          –
Speed:          Slow
Upgrade of:     Hoplite
Train at:       Academy

The Phalanx has more attack strength and armor than the Hoplite. The 
Phalanx can be upgraded to the Centurion.Researching Toolworking, 
Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack strength. Leather Armor, 
Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze Shield and Iron 
Shield increase piercing armor. Aristocracy increases speed.

- The upgrade does cost that much.. This unit is just a better Hoplite.
  20 attack points can nearly finished off a villager. Again, have the
  Archers do the firing as these units approaches the enemy.

[2 - 2 - 10]   Centurion
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, build 
                Academy, upgrade to Phalanx, research Aristocracy, 
                upgrade to Centurion.
Upgrade cost:   1800 food, 700 gold
Cost:           60 food, 40 gold
Hit points:     160
Attack:         30
Armor:          8
Range:          –
Speed:          Slow
Upgrade of:     Phalanx
Train at:       Academy

The Centurion is the ultimate elite infantry unit. It has more hit 
points, attack strength, and armor than the Phalanx. You must research 
Aristocracy before you can upgrade to the Centurion.Researching 
Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy increases attack strength. 
Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. The Bronze 
Shield and Iron Shield increase piercing armor. Aristocracy increases 

- The ultimate destructive weapon of all army. It can reduce damages 
  with its starting 8 armor, thus costing the villagers does no damage.
  These units can just remove any force from the face of the earth.
  But it's slow speed, takes you to assign archers to do firing while
  this unit is approaching its target..


[2 - 3]     ARCHER UNITS

Archers are good units, in my own opinion. They work like the Centaurs 
in Brigandine. They can attack enemies even they are at a far distance
from the enemy. Their speed are pretty average, but they can does 
damage without getting hurt, thus consuming more hit points. Have them
at the backyard, firing arrows at the foe and watch the infantry troops
approaching them for a fight. As you are further in the game, you get
better units such as Horse Archers, which works like a sniper.... 

[2 - 3 - 1]     Bowman
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range.
Cost:           40 food, 20 wood
Hit points:     35
Attack:         3
Armor:          0
Range:          5
Speed:          Medium
Train at:       Archery Range

The Bowman is the weakest of the archers. The Bowman cannot be upgraded. 
However, you can research the Improved Bowman, which is stronger than 
the Bowman. Other archers include the Chariot Archer, Elephant Archer, 
and Horse Archer.Archers fire arrows at enemy villagers, military units, 
boats, and buildings within their range.Researching Alchemy increases 
attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Leather Armor, Scale 
Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. Woodworking, Artisanship, and 
Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 3 - 2]     Improved Bowman
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                research Improved Bow.
Research cost:  140 food, 80 wood
Cost:           40 food, 20 gold
Hit points:     40
Attack:         4
Armor:          0
Range:          6
Speed:          Medium
Train at:       Archery Range

The Improved Bowman is not an upgrade of the Bowman. It is a separate 
unit with more hit points, attack strength, and range than the Bowman. 
The Improved Bowman can be upgraded to the Composite Bowman.Archers 
fire arrows at enemy villagers, military units, boats, and buildings 
within their range.Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. 
Ballistics increases accuracy. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain 
Mail increase armor. Woodworking, Artisanship, and Craftsmanship 
increase range.

[2 - 3 - 3]     Composite Bowman
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                research Improved Bow, upgrade to Composite Bow.
Upgrade cost:   180 food, 100 wood
Cost:           40 food, 20 gold
Hit points:     45
Attack:         5
Armor:          0
Range:          7
Speed:          Medium
Upgrade of:     Improved Bowman
Train at:       Archery Range

The Composite Bowman has more hit points, attack strength, and range 
than the Improved Bowman. Other archery units include the Horse Archer 
and Elephant Archer.Archers fire arrows at enemy villagers, military 
units, boats, and buildings within their range.Researching Alchemy 
increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Leather 
Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. Woodworking, 
Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 3 - 4]     Chariot Archer
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                research Wheel.
Cost:           40 food, 70 wood
Hit points:     70
Attack:         4
Armor:          0
Range:          7
Speed:          Fast
Special:        High resistance to conversion; triple attack against 
Train at:       Archery Range

The Chariot Archer is a powerful archery unit that combines the speed 
and mobility of the Chariot and the attack strength of the Improved 
Bowman. Other mounted archery units include the Elephant Archer, Horse 
Archer, and Heavy Horse Archer. You must research the Wheel before you 
can train Chariot Archers.Researching Nobility increases hit points. 
Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics increases 
accuracy. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. 
Woodworking, Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 3 - 5]     Elephant Archer
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range.
Cost:           180 food, 60 gold
Hit points:     600
Attack:         5
Armor:          0
Range:          7
Speed:          Slow
Train at:       Archery Range

The Elephant Archer combines the hit points of the War Elephant and the 
attack strength and range of the Composite Bowman. Other mounted archery 
units include the Chariot Archer, Horse Archer, and Heavy Horse Archer.
Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics increases 
accuracy. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. 
Woodworking, Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 3 - 6]     Horse Archer
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range.
Cost:           50 food, 70 gold
Hit points:     60
Attack:         7
Armor:          0
Piercing Armor: 2
Range:          7
Speed:          Fast
Special:        +2 piercing armor against Ballista, Helepolis, and 
                missile weapons.
Train at:       Archery Range

The Horse Archer is a fast archery unit with strong attack strength and 
range. The Horse Archer can be upgraded to the Heavy Horse Archer. 
Other mounted archery units include the Chariot Archer and Elephant 
Archer. Researching Nobility increases hit points. Researching Alchemy 
increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Leather Armor, 
Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. Woodworking, Artisanship, 
and Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 3 - 7]     Heavy Horse Archer
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                research Chain Mail for Archers, upgrade to Heavy Horse 
Upgrade cost:   1750 food, 800 gold
Cost:           50 food, 70 gold
Hit points:     90
Attack:         8
Armor:          0
Piercing Armor: 2
Range:          7
Speed:          Fast
Special:        +2 piercing armor against Ballista, Helepolis, and 
                missile weapons.
Upgrade of:     Horse Archer
Train at:       Archery Range

The Heavy Horse Archer has more hit points and attack strength than the 
Horse Archer. You must research Chain Mail for Archers before you can 
train the Heavy Horse Archer.Researching Nobility increases hit points. 
Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics increases 
accuracy. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor. 
Woodworking, Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.


[2 - 4]    CAVALRY UNITS

The guys that are mounted on horses and elephants. These units are fast
moving and has high hit points and decent attacking power. These units
are very destructive against infantry units [fancy doing +5 damage,
except for the slinger, worst of all they are fast-moving]. The early
units of these group are good for scouting area for any visible foe for
their fast-moving speed.

[2 - 4 - 1]   Scout
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable.
Cost:           100 food
Hit points:     60
Attack:         3
Armor:          0
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Train at:       Stable

The Scout is the weakest cavalry unit. The Scout cannot be upgraded. 
However, you can train Cavalry, which is stronger than the Scout. Other 
cavalry units include Heavy Cavalry, Cataphract, Chariot, and War 
Elephant.Researching Nobility increases hit points. Toolworking, 
Metalworking, and Metallurgy increase attack strength. Leather Armor, 
Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor.

[2 - 4 - 2]   Camel Rider                                       [NEW]
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable.
Cost:           70 food, 60 gold
Hit points:     125
Attack:         6
Armor:          -
Range:          -
Speed:          Fast
Special:        +8 attack vs. cavalry and horse archers; +4 attack vs.
Train at:       Stable

The Camel Rider is used by desert civilizations to defend against 
cavalry attacks. Camel Riders do not receive a cavalry bonus against 
infantry. Nobility increases hit points. Toolworking, Metalworking, 
and Metallurgy increase attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, 
and Chain Mail increase armor.

[2 - 4 - 3]   Chariot
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, 
                research Wheel.
Cost:           40 food, 60 wood
Hit points:     100
Attack:         7
Armor:          0
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        High resistance to conversion; double attack against 
Train at:       Stable

The Chariot is a fast, two-wheel cavalry unit pulled by horses. You 
must research the Wheel before you can build the Chariot.Researching 
Nobility increases hit points. Toolworking, Metalworking, and 
Metallurgy increase attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and 
Chain Mail increase armor.

[2 - 4 - 4]  Scythe Chariot                                     [NEW]
Age:            Iron
Prerequisite:   Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stabe,
                research Wheel, research Nobility.
Upgrade Cost:   1200 wood, 800 gold
Cost:           40 food, 60 wood
Hit points:     120
Attack:         9
Armor:          2
Range:          -
Speed:          Fast
Special:        High resistance to conversion; double attack against
                Priest. Scythed wheels damage adjacent enemy units
Upgrade of:     Chariot
Train at:       Stable

The Scythe Chariot is an upgrade of the Chariot. It has more hit 
points, more attack strength and more armor. Toolworking, Metalworking,
and Metallurgy increase attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor,
and Chain Mail increase armor. The Scythed wheels works like in the
case of the War Elephant. 

[2 - 4 - 5]  Cavalry
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable.
Cost:           70 food, 80 gold
Hit points:     150
Attack:         8
Armor:          0
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Cavalry charge bonus [+5 attack against Barracks units
                (except for Slingers)]
Train at:       Stable

Cavalry is not an upgrade of the Scout. It is a separate unit with more 
hit points and attack strength (including +5 attack against infantry, 
except for slinger) than the Scout. Cavalry can be upgraded to Heavy 
Cavalry. Other cavalry units include the Chariot and War Elephant.
Researching Nobility increases hit points. Toolworking, Metalworking, 
and Metallurgy increase attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, 
and Chain Mail increase armor.

[2 - 4 - 6]  Heavy Cavalry
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, train 
                Cavalry, upgrade to Heavy Cavalry.
Upgrade cost:   350 food, 125 gold
Cost:           70 food, 80 gold
Hit points:     150
Attack:         10
Armor:          1
Piercing Armor: 1
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Cavalry charge bonus [+5 attack against infantry except
                for Slinger]; +1 piercing armor against Ballista, 
                Helepolis, and missile weapons.
Upgrade of:     Cavalry
Train at:       Stable

Heavy Cavalry has more attack strength and armor (including +1 armor 
against missile weapons) than Cavalry. Heavy Cavalry can be upgraded to 
the Cataphract. Other cavalry units include the Chariot and War 
Elephant. Researching Nobility increases hit points. Toolworking, 
Metalworking, and Metallurgy increase attack strength. Leather Armor, 
Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor.

[2 - 4 - 7]  Cataphract
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, 
                research Cavalry, upgrade to Heavy Cavalry, research 
                Metallurgy, upgrade to Cataphract.
Upgrade cost:   2000 food, 850 gold
Cost:           70 food, 80 gold
Hit points:     180
Attack:         12
Armor:          3
Piercing Armor: 1
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Cavalry charge bonus (+5 attack against infantry except
                for the Slinger); +1 piercing armor against Ballista, 
                Helepolis, and missile weapons.
Upgrade of:     Heavy Cavalry
Train at:       Stable

The Cataphract is the ultimate cavalry unit. The Cataphract has more 
hit points, attack strength and armor than Heavy Cavalry. You must 
research Metallurgy before you can upgrade to the Cataphract. Other 
cavalry units include the Chariot and War Elephant.Researching Nobility 
increases hit points. Toolworking, Metalworking, and Metallurgy 
increase attack strength. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail 
increase armor.

[2 - 4 - 8]  War Elephant
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable.
Cost:           170 food, 40 gold
Hit points:     600
Attack:         15
Armor:          0
Range:          –
Speed:          Slow
Special:        Trample damage to all adjacent enemy units; attack 
                strength cannot be upgraded.
Train at:       Stable

The War Elephant is a cavalry unit with many hit points and special 
attack. The War Elephant causes trample damage to all adjacent enemy 
units. The War Elephant's attack strength cannot be upgraded because 
it already causes so much damage to other units. For example, if ten 
men attack a War Elephant, all ten men receive 15 points of damage, so 
that the War Elephant causes 150 points of damage per round. 
Researching Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increases armor. 

[2 - 4 - 8]  Armoured Elephant                                 [NEW]
Age:           Iron
Prerequisite:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable, 
               research Iron Shield
Upgrade Cost:  1000 food, 1200 gold
Cost:          170 food, 40 gold
Hit points:    600
Attack:        18
Armor:         2
Range:         -
Speed:         Slow
Special:       Trample damage against all adjacent enemy units; attack
               strength cannot be upgraded. Increased attacking vs. 
               walls and towers; +1 armor against missile weapons, 
               Ballista, Helepolis
Upgrade of:    War Elephant
Train at:      Stable

The Armoured Elephant is an upgrade of the War Elephant. The Armoured
Elephant has Siegecraft, more attack strength, armor and piercing 
armor. Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor.



Destructive weapons... This units can does damage ranging 40 ~ 70 and
does more with upgrades. This units has range and are very damaging. I
normally have them destroying structures and clearing forests to make 
way for other units. Their speed is kinda slow and thus it is essential
to assign units to protect them. The area-based attacks not only does
damage to the terrain, enemy foes and even your own troops. 

[2 - 5 - 1]  Stone Thrower
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                build Siege Workshop.
Cost:           180 wood, 80 gold
Hit points:     75
Attack:         50
Armor:          –
Range:          10
Speed:          Slow
Special:        Fire rate once/5 seconds; small damage area; minimum 
                range 2.
Build at:       Siege Workshop

The Stone Thrower is the weakest of the siege weapons. Upgrades 
include the Catapult and Heavy Catapult. Other siege weapons include 
the Ballista and Helepolis.Siege weapons are used to attack military 
units, buildings, towers, and walls. Researching Alchemy increases 
attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Engineering increases 

[2 - 5 - 2]  Catapult
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                build Siege Workshop, upgrade to Catapult.
Upgrade cost:   300 food, 250 wood
Cost:           180 wood, 80 gold
Hit points:     75
Attack:         60
Armor:          –
Range:          12
Speed:          Slow
Special:        Fire rate once/5 seconds; medium damage area; minimum 
                range 2.
Upgrade of:     Stone Thrower
Build at:       Siege Workshop

The Catapult has more attack strength and range and damages a larger 
area than the Stone Thrower. The Catapult can be upgraded to the Heavy 
Catapult. Other siege weapons include the Ballista and Helepolis. Siege 
weapons are used to attack military units, buildings, towers, and 
walls. Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics 
increases accuracy. Engineering increases range.

[2 - 5 - 3]  Heavy Catalpult
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                build Siege Workshop, upgrade to Catapult, research 
                Siegecraft, upgrade to Heavy Catapult.
Upgrade cost:   1800 food, 900 wood
Cost:           180 wood, 80 gold
Hit points:     150
Attack:         60
Armor:          –
Range:          13
Speed:          Slow
Special:        Fire rate once/5 seconds; large damage area; minimum 
                range 2.
Upgrade of:     Catapult
Build at:       Siege Workshop

The Heavy Catapult has many more hit points and more range than the 
Catapult. You must research Siegecraft before you can upgrade to the 
Heavy Catapult. Other siege weapons include the Ballista and Helepolis.
Siege weapons are used to attack military units, buildings, towers, and 
walls.Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics 
increases accuracy. Engineering increases range.

[2 - 5 - 4]  Ballista
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                build Siege Workshop.
Cost:           100 wood, 80 gold
Hit points:     55
Attack:         40
Armor:          –
Range:          9
Speed:          Slow
Special:        Fire rate once/3 seconds; minimum range 3.
Build at:       Siege Workshop

The Ballista can be upgraded to the Helepolis. Other siege weapons 
include the Catapult and Heavy Catapult.Ballistas are used to attack 
military units, buildings, towers, and walls.Researching Alchemy 
increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Engineering 
increases range.

[2 - 5 - 4]  Helepolis
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range, 
                build Siege Workshop, research Craftsmanship, upgrade 
                to Helepolis.
Upgrade cost:   1500 food, 1000 wood
Cost:           100 wood, 80 gold
Hit points:     55
Attack:         40
Armor:          –
Range:          10
Speed:          Slow
Special:        Fire rate once/1.5 seconds; minimum range 3.
Upgrade of:     Ballista
Build at:       Siege Workshop

The Helepolis has more range and a faster fire rate than the Ballista. 
You must research Craftsmanship before you can upgrade to the 
Helepolis. Other siege weapons include the Catapult and Heavy 
Catapult.The Helepolis is used to attack military units, buildings, 
towers, and walls.Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. 
Ballistics increases accuracy. Engineering increases range.


[2 - 6]   BOATS

[2 - 6 - 1]  Fishing Boat
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock.
Cost:           50 wood
Hit points:     45
Attack:         –
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Build at:       Dock

The Fishing Boat provides food by gathering fish and depositing them at 
the Dock. The cargo capacity of a Fishing Boat is greater than the 
carrying capacity of a villager. The Fishing Boat can be upgraded to 
the Fishing Ship.

[2 - 6 - 2]  Fishing Ship
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to Fishing Ship.
Upgrade cost:   50 food, 100 wood
Cost:           50 wood
Hit points:     75
Attack:         –
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Upgrade of:     Fishing Boat
Build at:       Dock

The Fishing Ship has more hit points and is faster than the Fishing 

[2 - 6 - 3]  Trade Boat
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock.
Cost:           100 wood
Hit points:     200
Attack:         –
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Build at:       Dock

The Trade Boat lets you trade with other civilizations to increase your 
stockpile of gold. The Trade Boat can be upgraded to the Merchant Ship.

[2 - 6 - 4]  Merchant Ship
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to Merchant Ship.
Upgrade cost:   200 food, 75 wood
Cost:           100 wood
Hit points:     250
Attack:         –
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Upgrade of:     Trade Boat
Build at:       Dock

The Merchant Ship lets you trade with other civilizations to increase 
your stockpile of gold. It is faster and has more hit points than the 
Trade Boat.

[2 - 6 - 5]  Light Transport
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock.
Cost:           150 wood
Hit points:     150
Attack:         –
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Medium
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Build at:       Dock

The Light Transport lets you transport up to five villagers, military 
units, or Artifacts across water. The Light Transport can be upgraded 
to the Heavy Transport.

[2 - 6 - 6]  Heavy Transport
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to Heavy 
Upgrade cost:   150 food, 125 wood
Cost:           150 wood
Hit points:     200
Attack:         –
Armor:          –
Range:          –
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Upgrade of:     Light Transport
Build at:       Dock

The Heavy Transport lets you transport up to ten villagers, military 
units, or Artifacts across water. The Heavy Transport has more hit 
points, is faster, and carries more units than the Light Transport.

[2 - 6 - 7]  Scout Ship
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock.
Cost:           135 wood 
Hit points:     120
Attack:         5
Armor:          –
Range:          5
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Build at:       Dock

The Scout Ship is the weakest of the war vessels. Upgrades include the 
War Galley and Trireme. Other war ships include the Catapult Trireme 
and Juggernaught.War vessels fire at enemy villagers, military units, 
and boats within range.Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. 
Ballistics increases accuracy. Woodworking, Artisanship, and 
Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 6 - 8]  War Galley
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to War Galley.
Upgrade cost:   150 food, 75 wood
Cost:           135 wood
Hit points:     160
Attack:         8
Armor:          –
Range:          6
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
Upgrade of:     Scout Ship
Build at:       Dock

The War Galley has more hit points, attack strength, and range than a 
Scout Ship. The War Galley can be upgraded to the Trireme.War vessels 
fire at enemy villagers, military units, and boats within range.
Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics increases 
accuracy. Woodworking, Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 6 - 9]  Fire Galley                                         [NEW]
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to War Galley.
Cost:           115 wood, 40 gold
Hit points:     200
Attack:         24
Armor:          -
Range:          1
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other
                units. +5 damage from Ballista, Helepolis, +10 from
                other seige weapons
Build at:       Dock

The Fire Galley is a short range vessel used to defend other ships. 
Fire Galleys are superior to Triremes in one-on-one combat. Fire 
Galleys take additional damage from Ballistics, Helepolises, Stone
Throwers, Catapults, Heavy Catapults and Juggernauts, whose heavy
artillery can shatter the Fire Galley's burning fire pots and set 
fire to the ship. Research Alchemy increase attack strength. Note 
that you can build Fire Galleys if you select the Full Tech Tree 
option before starting a game.

[2 - 6 - 10]  Trireme
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to War Galley, 
                upgrade to Trireme.
Upgrade cost:   250 food, 100 wood
Cost:           135 wood
Hit points:     200
Attack:         12
Armor:          –
Range:          7
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
                units; fire rate once/2 seconds.
Upgrade of:     War Galley
Build at:       Dock

The Trireme has more hit points, attack strength, and range than a 
War Galley. The Trireme cannot be upgraded. However, you can research 
the Catapult Trireme, which is stronger than the Trireme. War vessels 
fire at enemy villagers, military units, and boats within range.
Researching Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics increases 
accuracy. Woodworking, Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[2 - 6 - 11]  Catapult Trireme
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to War Galley, 
                upgrade to Trireme, research Catapult Trireme.
Research cost:  300 food, 100 wood
Cost:           135 wood, 75 gold
Hit points:     120
Attack:         35
Armor:          –
Range:          9
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
                units; fire rate once/5 seconds; small damage area.
Build at:       Dock

The Catapult Trireme is not an upgrade of the Trireme. It is a separate 
vessel with fewer hit points and a slower fire rate than a Trireme but 
it has much more attack strength, range, and is armed with a Catapult, 
which can fire at a location instead of at a particular unit. The 
Catapult Trireme can be upgraded to the Juggernaught.War vessels fire 
at enemy villagers, military units, and boats within range.Researching 
Alchemy increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. 
Engineering increases range.

[2 - 6 - 12]  Juggernaught
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Dock, upgrade to War Galley, 
                upgrade to Trireme, research Catapult Trireme, research 
                Engineering, upgrade to Juggernaught.
Upgrade cost:   2000 food, 900 wood
Cost:           135 wood, 75 gold
Hit points:     200
Attack:         35
Armor:          –
Range:          10
Speed:          Fast
Special:        Boats are twice as resistant to conversion as other 
                units; fire rate once/5 seconds; medium damage area.
Upgrade of:     Catapult Trireme
Build at:       Dock

The Juggernaught has more hit points and range and causes damage to a 
larger area than the Catapult Trireme. Like the Catapult Trireme, the 
Juggernaught is armed with a Catapult, which can fire at a location 
instead of at a particular unit. You must research Engineering before 
you can upgrade to the Juggernaught.War vessels fire at enemy 
villagers, military units, and boats within range.Researching Alchemy 
increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Engineering 
increases range.


[2 - 7]      GAIA



[2 - 8]      SPECIAL TROOPS



[2 - 9]      SECRET TROOPS


3.     L I S T    O F    B U I L D I N G S


[3 - 1]       Technology

[3 - 1 - 1]    Academy
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Stable.
Cost:           200 wood
Hit points:     350

The Academy lets you train elite infantry units, including the Hoplite, 
Phalanx, and Centurion. Researching Architecture increases the hit 
points and decreases the construction time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 2]    Archery Range
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks.
Cost:           150 wood
Hit points:     350

The Archery Range lets you train archers, including the Bowman, 
Improved Bowman, Composite Bowman, Chariot Archer, Elephant Archer, 
Horse Archer, and Heavy Horse Archer. You must build the Archery Range 
before you can build the Siege Workshop. Researching Architecture 
increases the hit points and decreases the construction time of this 

[3 - 1 - 3]    Barracks
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center.
Cost:           125 wood
Hit points:     350

The Barracks lets you train infantry, including the Clubman, Axeman, 
Slinger, Short Swordsman, Broad Swordsman, Long Swordsman, and Legion. 
You must build the Barracks before you can build the Archery Range, 
Siege Workshop, Stable, or Academy. Researching Architecture increases 
the hit points and decreases the construction time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 4]    Dock
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center.
Cost:           100 wood
Hit points:     350

The Dock lets you create boats, including the Fishing Boat, Fishing 
Ship, Trade Boat, Merchant Ship, Light Transport, Heavy Transport, 
Scout Ship, War Galley, Fire Galley, Trireme, Catapult Trireme, and 
Juggernaught. The Dock is also where fishing vessels deposit food and 
trade vessels deposit gold from trading. Researching Architecture 
increases the hit points and decreases the construction time of this 

[3 - 1 - 5]    Government Center
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, build Market.
Cost:           175 wood
Hit points:     350

The Government Center lets you build additional Town Centers and 
research technologies that improve your buildings and military units, 
including Writing, Architecture, Engineering, Logistics, Aristocracy, 
Alchemy, Nobility, and Ballistics. Researching Architecture increases 
the hit points and decreases the construction time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 6]    Granary
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center.
Cost:           120 wood
Hit points:     350

The Granary lets you build walls and towers, including the Small Wall, 
Medium Wall, Fortification, Watch Tower, Sentry Tower, Guard Tower, and 
Ballista Tower. You must research the Granary before you can build the 
Market. Foragers and farmers can deposit food from Farms and forage 
sites at the Granary instead of the Town Center. Researching 
Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the construction 
time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 7]    Market
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary.
Cost:           150 wood
Hit points:     350

The Market lets you build Farms, pay Tribute to other civilizations, 
and research technologies that improve your military units and the 
effectiveness of your villagers, including Woodworking, Artisanship, 
Craftsmanship, Stone Mining, Siegecraft, Gold Mining, Coinage, 
Domestication, the Plow, Irrigation, and the Wheel. You must build the 
Market before you can build the Government Center or Temple. Researching 
Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the construction 
time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 8]    Siege Workshop
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks, build Archery Range.
Cost:           200 wood
Hit points:     350

The Siege Workshop lets you build siege weapons, including the Stone 
Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult, Ballista, and Helepolis. Researching 
Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the construction 
time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 9]    Stable
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Barracks.
Cost:           150 wood
Hit points:     350

The Stable lets you train cavalry units, including the Scout, Camel 
Rider, Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, Cataphract, Chariot, Scythe Chariot, War 
Elephant and Armored Elephant. You must build the Stable before you can 
build the Academy. Researching Architecture increases the hit points 
and decreases the construction time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 10]   Storage Pit
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center.
Cost:           120 wood
Hit points:     350

The Storage Pit lets you research technologies that improve the armor 
and attack strength of military units, including Toolworking, 
Metalworking, Metallurgy, the Bronze Shield, the Iron Shield, Leather 
Armor for Infantry, Scale Armor for Infantry, Chain Mail for Infantry, 
Leather Armor for Cavalry, Scale Armor for Cavalry, Chain Mail for 
Cavalry, Leather Armor for Archers, Scale Armor for Archers, Chain Mail 
for Archers and Tower Shield. Hunters, fishermen, and miners can 
deposit meat, fish, stone, wood, and gold at the Storage Pit instead of 
at the Town Center.Researching Architecture increases the hit points 
and decreases the construction time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 11]   Temple
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, build Market.
Cost:           200 wood
Hit points:     350

The Temple lets you train Priests and research technologies that 
increase their powers, including Polytheism, Mysticism, Astrology, 
Monotheism, Afterlife, Jihad, Fanaticism, Martyrdom and Medicine. 
Researching Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the 
construction time of this building.

[3 - 1 - 12]   Town Center
Age:            Stone
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, build Market, build 
                Government Center.
Cost:           200 wood
Hit points:     600

The Town Center lets you create villagers and advance to the next Age. 
It is also where villagers can deposit food, wood, gold, and stone. 
The Town Center supports four villagers, military units, or boats. 
Priests cannot convert Town Centers. After you build a Government 
Center, you can build additional Town Centers to expand your 
civilization's dominance and build Town Centers closer to distant 
resources. You can also replace your Town Center if it is destroyed in 
combat. Researching Architecture increases the hit points and 
decreases the construction time of this building.


[3 - 2]        NON-TECHNOLOGY

[3 - 2 - 1]    Farm
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, build Market.
Cost:           75 wood
Hit points:     50

The Farm provides a reliable supply of food, which can be gathered by 
a villager. Because Farms produce food at a fixed rate, assigning more 
than one villager to work a Farm does not increase its productivity. 
Farms eventually go fallow, in which case you can build another one.
Researching Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the 
construction time of this building. Domestication, the Plow, and 
Irrigation increase Farm production.

[3 - 2 - 2]    House
Age: Stone
Prerequisites: Build Town Center.
Cost: 30 wood
Hit points: 75

A House supports up to four villagers, military units, or boats. You 
must have enough houses before you can create new units. If a House is 
destroyed, you do not lose the units it supported, but you must build 
new houses before you can build new villagers, military units, or 
boats. Researching Architecture increases the hit points and decreases 
the construction time of this building.

[3 - 2 - 3]    Wonder
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Advance to the Iron Age.
Cost:           1000 wood, 1000 stone, 1000 gold
Hit points:     500

Building a Wonder can be a victory condition that wins the game or it 
can provide score points. You can build more than one Wonder. 
Researching Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the 
construction time of this building.

[3 - 2 - 4]    Small Wall
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Small Wall.
Research cost:  50 food
Cost:           5 stone
Hit points:     200
Research at:    Granary

The Small Wall is the weakest of the walls. Upgrades include the Medium 
Wall and Fortification. Walls are defensive structures that can be 
built around your empire or important areas. Villagers and military 
units cannot move through standing walls; however, they can attack the 
walls. Stone Throwers, Catapults, Heavy Catapults, Ballistas, and the 
Helepoplis are particularly effective for destroying walls.

[3 - 2 - 5]    Medium Wall
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Small Wall, 
                upgrade to Medium Wall.
Upgrade cost:   180 food, 100 stone
Cost:           5 stone
Hit points:     300
Upgrade of:     Small Wall
Upgrade at:     Granary

The Medium Wall has more hit points than the Small Wall. The Medium 
Wall can be upgraded to the Fortification.Walls are defensive 
structures that can be built around your empire or important areas. 
Villagers and military units cannot move through standing walls; 
however, they can attack the walls. Stone Throwers, Catapults, Heavy 
Catapults, Ballistas, and the Helepolis are particularly effective 
for destroying walls.Researching Architecture increases the hit points 
and decreases the construction time of this wall.

[3 - 2 - 6]    Fortification
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Small Wall, 
                upgrade to Medium Wall, upgrade to Fortification.
Upgrade cost:   300 food, 175 stone
Cost:           5 stone
Hit points:     400
Upgrade of:     Medium Wall
Upgrade at:     Granary

The Fortification is the ultimate wall. It has more hit points than the 
Medium Wall.Walls are defensive structures that can be built around 
your empire or important areas. Villagers and military units cannot 
move through standing walls, however, they can attack the walls. Stone 
Throwers, Catapults, Heavy Catapults, Ballistas, and the Helepoplis are 
particularly effective for destroying walls.Researching Architecture 
increases the hit points and decreases the construction time of this 

[3 - 2 - 7]    Watch Tower
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Watch Tower.
Research cost:  50 food
Cost:           150 stone
Hit points:     100
Attack:         3
Armor:          –
Range:          5
Special:        Fire rate once/1.5 seconds.
Research at:    Granary

The Watch Tower is the weakest of the towers. Upgrades include the 
Sentry Tower, Guard Tower, and Ballista Tower.Towers are defensive 
structures that fire missiles at enemy villagers and military units 
within range.Researching Architecture increases the hit points and 
decreases the construction time of this tower. Alchemy increases attack 
strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Woodworking, Artisanship, and 
Craftsmanship increase range.

[3 - 2 - 8]    Sentry Tower
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Watch Tower, 
                upgrade to Sentry Tower.
Upgrade cost:   120 food, 50 stone
Cost:           150 stone
Hit points:     150
Attack:         4
Armor:          –
Range:          6
Special:        Fire rate once/1.5 seconds.
Upgrade of:     Watch Tower
Upgrade at:     Granary

The Sentry Tower has more hit points, attack strength, and range than 
the Watch Tower. The Sentry Tower can be upgraded to the Guard Tower.
Towers are defensive structures that fire missiles at enemy villagers 
and military units within range.Researching Architecture increases the 
hit points and decreases the construction time of this tower. Alchemy 
increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Woodworking, 
Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[3 - 2 - 9]    Guard Tower
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Watch Tower, 
                upgrade to Sentry Tower, upgrade to Guard Tower.
Upgrade cost:   300 food, 100 stone
Cost:           150 stone
Hit points:     200
Attack:         6
Armor:          –
Range:          7
Special:        Fire rate once/1.5 seconds.
Upgrade of:     Sentry Tower
Upgrade at:     Granary

The Guard Tower has more hit points, attack strength, and range than 
the Sentry Tower. The Guard Tower can be upgraded to the Ballista Tower.
Towers are defensive structures that fire missiles at enemy villagers 
and military units within range.Researching Architecture increases the 
hit points and decreases the construction time of this tower. Alchemy 
increases attack strength. Ballistics increases accuracy. Woodworking, 
Artisanship, and Craftsmanship increase range.

[3 - 2 - 10]   Ballista Tower
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Granary, research Watch Tower, 
                upgrade to Sentry Tower, upgrade to Guard Tower, 
                research Ballistics, upgrade to Ballista Tower.
Upgrade cost:   1800 food, 750 stone
Cost:           150 stone
Hit points:     200
Attack:         20
Armor:          –
Range:          7
Special:        Fire rate once/3 seconds.
Upgrade of:     Guard Tower
Upgrade at:     Granary

The Ballista Tower is the ultimate tower. It has more attack strength 
than the Guard Tower. You must research Ballistics before you can 
upgrade to the Ballista Tower.Towers are defensive structures that fire 
missiles at enemy villagers and military units within range. 
Researching Architecture increases the hit points and decreases the 
construction time of this tower. Alchemy increases attack strength. 
Ballistics increases accuracy. Woodworking, Artisanship, and 
Craftsmanship increase range.

3.     L I S T    O F     T E C H N O L O G I E S
Here you will find a complete list of technologies found in the game. I
have also included my comments and added new technologies. I have group
them according the research center. Technologies that can be found from
the Storage Pit will be grouped under the group "Technologies from the
Storage Pit".


Basically, all these technologies allows you to upgrade the attack 
points and armor points for the military group: infantry, cavalry and
Archers. Certain technologies are required to allow you to get the final
units such as the Cataphract, Armored Elephant and Heavy Horse Archer.
These technologies are cheap and reaching from 100 food to the maximum
of 250 food. Certain technologies required gold which ranges from 50 
gold to 400 gold. These technologies are extremely important when comes
to combat.

[3 - 1 - 1]   Toolworking
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit.
Cost:           100 food
Benefit:        provides +2 attack for hand-to-hand units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

- This technology is vital as it can get you better technologies as
  you advance through the next age. This technologies allows units such
  as infantry units and Cavalry units [except for the War Elephant and
  Armored Elephnat units]. This technology allows these units to 
  inflicit +2 damage. This technology will give the edge in combat. 

[3 - 1 - 2]   Metalworking
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research 
Cost:           200 food, 120 gold
Benefit:        provides +2 attack for hand-to-hand units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

- This technology is accessible if you have researched Toolworking. 
  After you have researched Toolworking, the icon disappeared and will
  be replaced by Metalworking. This technology actually nabs you another
  +2 attack for hand-to-hand units. Added the effect of Toolworking, 
  this nabs a total +4 attack points for any infantry units and cavalry 
  units (except for War Elephant and Armored Elephant]

[3 - 1 - 3]   Metallurgy
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research 
                Toolworking, research Metalworking.
Cost:           300 food, 180 gold
Benefit:        provides +3 attack for hand-to-hand units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

- You must research Metallurgy before you can upgrade to the Cataphract. 
  After you have researched both Toolworking and Metalworking, the icon
  of "Research Metalworking" will disappear and being replaced by 
  Metallurgy as soon as you approaches the new Age. Added the effect of
  Toolworking and Metalworking, this nabs a grand total of +7 attack 
  points for any infantry units and cavalry units (except for War
  Elephant and Armored Elephant)

[3 - 1 - 4]   Bronze Shield
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit.
Cost:           150 food, 180 gold
Benefit:        +1 infantry armor against Ballista, Helepolis, missile 
                weapons and Slingers
Research at:    Storage Pit

- Even though receiving armor upgrades from Leather Armor, Scale Armor
  and Chain, these armor still can't reduced the damage by missile 
  weapons (Archers group, Towers, Scout Ship, War Galley and Trireme).
  Therefore, it is essential to research Bronze Shield. This increases
  piercing armor for any infantry unit. (including Slingers)

[3 - 1 - 5]   Iron Shield 
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Bronze 
Cost:           200 food, 320 gold
Benefit:        +1 infantry armor against Ballista, Helepolis, missile 
                weapons and Slingers
Research at:    Storage Pit

- A better piercing armor for infantry units, nab a total of +2 
  piercing armor. You must research Bronze Shield before you could
  research Iron Shield. All infantry units will recieve this armor
  upgrade and applies to Slingers too. So what's the use of this
  armor? refer to the "Bronze Shield" section for more details. This
  technology is required for Armored Elephant.

[3 - 1 - 6]   Tower Shield                                        [NEW]
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Bronze
                Shield, research Iron Shield.
Cost:           250 food, 400 gold
Benefit:        +1 infantry armor against Ballista, Helepolis, missile
                weapon and Slingers.
Research at:    Storage Pit

- A new technology for better piercing armor for infantry units nab a
  total of +3 piercing armor. You must research Iron Shield before 
  you can research Tower Shield.

[3 - 1 - 7]   Leather Armor for Archers
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit.
Cost:           100 food
Benefit:        +2 armor for Archery Range units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 8]   Scale Armor for Archers
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Leather 
                Armor for Archers.
Cost:           125 food, 50 gold
Benefit:        +2 armor for Archery Range units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 9]   Chain Mail for Archers
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Leather 
                Armor for Archers., research Scale Armor for Archers.
Cost:           150 food, 100 gold
Benefit:        +2 armor for Archery Range units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

You must research before you can upgrade to the Heavy Horse Archer. 

[3 - 1 - 10]  Leather Armor for Cavalry
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit.
Cost:           125 food
Benefit:        +2 armor for Stable units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 11]  Scale Armor for Cavalry
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Leather 
                Armor for Cavalry.
Cost:           150 food, 50 gold
Benefit:        +2 armor for Stable units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 12]  Chain Mail for Cavalry
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Leather 
                Armor for Cavalry, research Scale Armor for Cavalry.
Cost:           175 food, 100 gold
Benefit:        +2 armor for Stable units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 13]  Leather Armor for Infantry
Age:            Tool
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit.
Cost:           75 food
Benefit:        +2 armor for Barracks and Academy units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 14]  Scale Armor for Infantry
Age:            Bronze
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Leather 
                Armor for Infantry.
Cost:           100 food, 50 gold
Benefit:        +2 armor for Barracks and Academy units.
Research at:    Storage Pit

[3 - 1 - 15]  Chain Mail for Infantry
Age:            Iron
Prerequisites:  Build Town Center, build Storage Pit, research Leather 
                Armor for Infantry, research Scale Armor for Infantry.
Cost:           125 food, 100 gold
Benefit:        +2 armor for Barracks and Academy units.
Research at:    Storage Pit



Great technologies can be researched from the Government Center. This
building allows to recieved upgrades on attacking power, increased hit 
points, increased speed, increased accuracy, increased range and allows
building time to be shorten. Certain technologies allow you to research
best units such as the Scythe Chariot, the Centurion, Ballista Tower 
and the ultimate navel vessel, the Juggernaught.








4.    G A M E P L A Y 
Here you will find a detailed section that teaches you about playing 
Age of Empires and Age of Empires: Rise of Rome. 

[4 - 1] THE BASICS
[4 - 1 - 1]   MOVING AN UNIT / A GROUP
** This applies to all units except for buildings and towers. **
Just simply click any unit. Next right-click the area where you wished
the unit moves towards it.

Just simply select an unit. Next hold the SHIFT key and then right-
click each point along the path. A waypoint marker appears. Next
Release the SHIFT key and then right-click the last point of your path.
The unit or group moves along the path that you have already created.

[4 - 1 - 2]   ORDERING A COMMAND

* FOR THE CASE OF MILITARY UNITS (except for Priest and buildings)
Just simply click any infantry unit, archer unit, cavalry unit, boat 
unit, villagers and towers. Next right-click the unit that you wished 
to attack. The unit will move to it and attack. For the case of Archer 
units, they will start attacking when the enemy unit is within their
range. For the case of the watch tower, it will shoot any enemy within
the range.

When clicking a villager and then right-click:
1. A tree: the villager will change his occupation into a woodcutter
   and could chop down trees for wood.
2. A berry bush: the villager will change his occupation into a forager
   and could forage berry bushes for food.
3. A lion/ a gazelle/ an elephant/ an alligator: the villager change 
   his occupation into a hunter and could hunt these animals for food.
4. A shore fish: the villager will change his occupation into a 
   fisherman and could fish for food.
5. A damaged building / a damaged boat: the villager will change his 
   occupation into a repairman and could repair buildings/boats by 
   restoring hit points.
6. A farm: the villager will change his occupation into a farmer and
   could farm for food.
7. A building site: the villager will change his occupation into a 
   builder and could build buildings [you will see the outline 
   structure of buildings with materials lying on the ground.]
8. An enemy unit: the villager will change back to "Villager" (if he
   was doing something else) and will attack the enemy.

When clicking a villager and then right-click:
1. An enemy unit: the priest will be able to convert that unit [
   regardless of any unit except for Wonder and Town Center] provided
   if he has sufficient rejuvenation. 
2. An allied unit/ own unit: the priest will be able to heal lost hit
   points for that particular unit. Healing takes time, and this 
   applies to convert, except it does not required rejuvenation.


Just click a military unit or boat. next click the Stand Ground button. 
The military unit or boat remains in the location. It only attacks an 
enemy villager, military unit, boat, building, or wall within its range. 
To clear the Stand Ground order, move the unit. 


The Stone Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult, Catapult Trireme, and 
Juggernaught, which cause area of effect damage, can fire at a general 
area instead of at a specific target, such as a military unit or 
building. The area attack could remove any tree that is within its

Just click a Stone Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult, Catapult Trireme, 
or Juggernaught. Click the Attack Ground button, and then click a 
location on the map. This also applies to some of the secret units.

[4 - 1 - 5]  GROUPING 

To form a group, just simply drag the mouse pointer over the villagers, 
military units, or boats you want to group. Or hold down the CTRL key 
and click each unit. 

To create a group. Select a group (as described above), and then click 
the Group button. When you click one member of the group, the other 
members are also selected.

To ungroup units. Click a member of the group, and then click the 
Ungroup button.

To assign a number to a group. First of all, select a group. next press 
CTRL and the number to assign to the group. For example, to assign the 
number 2 to a group, press CTRL+2. The number appears in the lower-left 
corner of each unit in the group. To select the group, press the number 
assigned to it. For example, to select group 2, press the 2 key. You 
can select groups ranging from 0 ~ 9


Build a Light Transport or Heavy Transport at the Dock. Next click a 
villager, military unit, or Artifact (or select a group), and then 
right-click the transport vessel to load. The units are loaded onto the 
transport. NOTE: when you have a group of six members entering a Light
Transport, there will be one member left outside the vessel. 

There is an alternate method: First of all, click an unit that you 
wished to place it inside the transport vessel. Next right-click the
vessel and the unit will approach the vessel. 

To unload a transport vessel, click on the transport vessel. Next click 
the Unload button. Lastly, click a location on shore or in shallows.
Alternate method: Just simply click the vessel and then right-click the
shores of the land and the vessel will approaches there and unload.

[4 - 1 - 7]   DIPLOMACY
Click the Diplomacy button on the menu bar. [the menu bar is located at
the top-right hand corner]. Next select your diplomatic stance toward 
each of the other players:

Ally –    Your military units do not attack other players' buildings, 
          villagers, military units, or boats.
Neutral – Your military units attack all buildings and military units 
          (but not villagers) who enter their sight.
Enemy –   Your military units (except Scouts) attack all buildings, 
          military units, and villagers who enter their sight.

[4 - 1 - 8]   ALLIED VICTORY
Click the Diplomacy button on the menu bar. Set your diplomatic stance 
to Ally for each civilization on your team. All players who want to 
pursue an allied victory must do this. Click Allied Victory. All 
players who want to pursue an allied victory must do this.

[4 - 1 - 9]   TRIBUTE
To pay tribute, just click the Diplomacy button on the menu bar. next 
click the resource(s) to tribute to a civilization (food, wood, stone, 
or gold). Each time you click the button, the civilization receives 100 
of the item. If you have less than 100 of an item in your stockpile, 
the civilization receives the amount you have minus the 25 percent fee. 
The button shows the amount of the tribute. Your stockpile of each item 
(minus the tribute) is shown at the top of the column. To confirming in 
paying the tribute, click OK. The resources are deducted from your 
NOTE: You need a market to do this.
E.g. let's said if you decide to pay a tribute of 100 gold, 25% of the
     fee will added (Coinage eliminate this fee), which means you have
     to pay 125 gold instead.

[4 - 1 - 10]    QUEUING UNITS
Adding units to a queue:
Just click on the building and then click the button of the unit that 
you wished to build. For example if you wished to train three Axeman,
just simply click the Barracks, and click the "Train Axeman" button
three times (you will see a small number appearing at the top right 
hand corner)
Deleting units from a queue:
Just simply right-click the unit button. For example if you wished to
remove an Axeman from the queue, just right-click the Train Axeman 
button once. To remove all units, just click the "Stop" button which is
marked by a red cross

If a building is queuing units, you cannot build other types of units 
there. For example, if you queue three Axeman at the Barracks, you 
cannot build other units there until three Axeman are built (or you
have stop the queue) The population indicator will flashes [press F11]
if you have reached the population limit or do not gave enough housing 
to build the next unit in the queue. If your building is destroyed or 
converted while producing queuing units, the resources for the units in 
the queue are returned to your stockpile (except for the unit that is 
currently in production)



[4 - 2 - 1]   UNIT ATTRIBUTES
Here you will see some explainations about the combat system works with
the following attributes.
Attack      |How much damage a unit inflicts. For example a villager   |
            |has an attack of 3 and he will take off 3 hit points from |
            |the enemy's total hit points.                             |
            |                                                          |
Armor       |Reduces the amount of damage a unit suffers in hand-to-   |
            |hand combat. For example, +5 armor reduces damage by 5.   |
            |                                                          |
Piercing    |Reduces the amount of damage a unit suffers from Ballista,| 
Armor       |Helepolis and missile weapons (Includes Archer group,     |
            |towers, Scout Ship, War Galley, Fire Galley and Trireme)  |
            |                                                          |
Range       |How far missile weapons fire. Certain units can only fire |
            |between specific distance.                                |
            |                                                          |
Hit points  |How much damage a unit can suffer before it dies. To      |
            |display a unit's hit points, click the unit. The colored  |
            |bar that appears above a unit shows its general health    |
            |(green = healthy, red = wounded). The unit's hit points   |
            |are shown in the status box in the lower-left corner of   |
            |the game screen (current hit points/maximum hit points).  |
            |Priests can heal wounded units.                           |
            |                                                          |
Fire rate   |How many seconds it takes a unit to attack again.         |
            |                                                          |
Speed       |How fast a unit moves. Certain units can move in a flash! |
            |                                                          |

| Civilization      |       Attributes                                 |
| Ancient Choson    | . Long Swordsman and Legion +80% hit points      |
|                   | . Tower +2 range                                 |
|                   | . Priest cost 30% less                           |
| Assyrian          | . Archery Range units have increased fire rate.  |
|                   | . Villagers 30% faster                           |
| Babylonian        | . Wall and tower hit points doubled              |
|                   | . Priest rejuvenation rate 30% faster            |
|                   | . +30% stone mining                              |
| Carthaginian [NEW]| . Transport +30%                                 |
|                   | . Fire Galley +25% attack                        |
|                   | . All Academy units and all elephant units +25%  |
|                   |   hit points                                     |
| Egyptian          | . +20% gold mining                               |
|                   | . Chariot, Scythe Chariot, and Chariot Archer    |
|                   |   +33% hit points                                |
|                   | . Priest +3 range                                | 
| Greek             | . Hoplite, Phalanx, Centurion 30% faster         |
|                   | . War ships 30% faster                           |
| Hittite           | . Stone Thrower, Catapult and Heavy Catapult hit |
|                   |   points doubled.                                |
|                   | . Archery Range units +1 attack                  |
|                   | . Warships +4 range (except Fire Galley)         |
| Macedonian (NEW)  | . Academy units +2 armor vs. Slinger, Ballista,  |
|                   |   Helepolis, missile weapons                     |
|                   | . Units with no range +2 line of sight           |
|                   | . Seige Workshop units cost 50% less             |
|                   | . Units 4 times more resistant to conversion.    |
| Minoan            | . Ships cost 30% less                            |
|                   | . Composite Bowman +2 range                      |
|                   | . Farm production +25%                           |
| Palmyran (NEW)    | . Free tribute                                   |
|                   | . Gold per trade trip doubled                    |
|                   | . Villager cost 50% more, have armor, and work   |
|                   |   20% faster                                     |
|                   | . Camel Rider +25% faster                        |
| Persian           | . 30% hunting                                    |
|                   | . War Elephant, Armored Elephant, Elephant Archer|
|                   |   50% faster.                                    |
|                   | . Trireme +50% fire rate.                        |
| Phoenician        | . War Elephant, Armored Elephant, Elephant Archer|
|                   |   cost 25% less.                                 |
|                   | . +30% woodcutting                               |
|                   | . Catapult Trireme and Juggernaut +65% fire rate |
| Roman (NEW)       | . Buildings cost 15% less, except towers, walls  |
|                   |   and Wonders.                                   |
|                   | . Towers cost 50% less                           |
|                   | . Swordsmen attack 33% faster.                   |
| Shang             | . Villager cost 30% less                         |
|                   | . Wall hit points are doubled                    |
| Sumerian          | . Villagers +15 hit points                       |
|                   | . Stone Thrower, Catapult, Heavy Catapult +50%   |
|                   |   fire rate.                                     |
|                   | . Farm production doubled                        |
| Yamato            | . Horse Archers, Scout, Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry,  |
|                   |   Cataphract cost 25% less.                      |
|                   | . Villagers 30% faster                           |
|                   | . Ships +30% hit points                          |

5.     C O D E S    O N     G A M E
An extra thanks to GameSages for the codes. This codes can be used, by
press the ENTER key and you will see a box with the word "CHAT". Next
type in the desired code, then press ENTER again. [it doesn't matter 

Transforms Heavy Catalpults to Big Berthas [better units]

Create a black-coloured car with a rocket launcher [Winsetti'sZ]. -Very 
easy to be converted!-

Creat a white-coloured card with a rocket launcher [Winsetti's other Z]
-Very easy to be converted!-

Convert Horse Archers into Black Riders

Added 1,000 Gold to your stockpile.

Create a Pirest unit [Saint Franics] that gives out Lightning Bolts!

Transforms Bowman to Composite Bowman which could camouflage into 
trees when not moving.

Causes all enemy units to die. 

Creates a Nuke Trooper with a rocket launcher.

Transforms Juggernaught into Flying Dutchman. Now the Flying Dutchman
could travels on both lands and sea.

Allows you to controls the monsters such as Elephants, Lions and 
Gazelles but you will lost the controls of your villagers.

Transforms animals into kings-type animals [example: Elephant being 
transformed into Elephant King]

Commits suicide. You will automatically lost the game.

Wins the current campaign

Priests will become faster and stronger.

Helepolis/Ballista have 100x Range Points

Catapults/Stone Thrower/Heavy Catpult will throws werid items such as
cows or villagers.

Kill player X

Turns flying creatures [Eagles and Hawks] into HP: 999 Dragons. No 
effect on the game. You will see Dragons wandering around at the sky.

Removes the fog of war.

Added 100 Food to your stockpile.

Create a Nuke Trooper armed with a laser-gun at a high rate.

o POW!
Create a BabyPrez with high attacking power!

Added 100 Stone to your stockpile

You resign from the battle.

Reveal the whole map

Buildings and units are being created instantly

Create a Zug 209 Robot [like the robot walkers at Star Wars]

Added 100 Wood to your stockpile.

If you have any codes that is not found here, mail me.

6.   C O M P L E T I N G    T H E    C A M P A I G N    S E C T I O N
This is an area where begineers whom should start off from. For this
section, I have included strategies/tips [mostly taken from the game]
and added how I have handled the problem. You easily ended the section
by pressing ENTER and typed "HOME RUN". For those whom want to finished 
the section without using codes, refer to the sections below. 
Presently, this section is still incomplete. It takes me some time to
gather up all the materials for each campaign.

|---- [6-1-1]  Hunting                 8,000 BC
|---- [6-1-2]  Foraging                7,000 BC
|---- [6-1-3]  Discoveries             6,500 BC
|---- [6-1-4]  Dawn of a New Age       6,000 BC

NAME OF SCENARIO:  Hunting  8,000 BC
OBJECTIVE:         Create 7 villagers.
STARTING:          50 Wood, 30 Food, 0 Gold, 0 Quarry
UNITS:             1x Town Center, 1x Villager.

As you begin the game, the map is being surround by a black fog, 
similar to strategy games like Command and Conquer. It is better to
explore the map/terrain as you will be able to find sufficient space 
for building structures. However if your villager returns back to the
Town Center. The area will be surrounded by the "fog of war". You will
not be able to see enemy structures as they are being covered by the

Around that island, you will find herds of gazelles which will provide 
the main source of food for your villagers. You need 50 Food to create
a villager. Just simply click a villager. Next right-click the gazelle 
which you wished to hunt. It will takes 2 hit for the gazelle to go 
down. The villager will becomes a hunter with attacking power +1. The
villager will start to hunt the animal, gathers food adn deposit it at 
the Town Center, where it is added to the stockpile [the villager will
collect until 10 Food and approached the Town Center, depositing it 
there]. To create a villager, just simply select the Town Center and
choose to create a Villager [that requires time...]

As the maximum amount of villagers that the Town Center could hold is
4 villagers/units, so it will be essential to build a House. Each 
House costs 30 Wood. Actually, there is no need for you to cut down 
trees as there is already enough Wood in your stockpile for building a
House. To get more Wood. Simply click the villager. Next right-click 
the tree that you want to cut down [trees at the forests have lesser 
Wood, so it is advisble for you cut down trees that stands on its own.]
To build a house, simply click a villager. Next pick "Build" and select 
the House Icon on the next toolbar.

- You must hunt the gazelles to increase your stockpile of food so that
  you can creat new villagers. As your population grows, you must build
  new houses before you can create new villagers.
- Villagers can move around gazelles and herd them closer to the Town
  Center before hunting them. This decreases the distance the villagers
  must carry the meat to the Town Center, where it is added to your 
- Food from hunting deteriorates overtime. so it is most efficient to
  assign more than one villager to gather the meat from the kill.
- Beware from alligators - they tend to eat away villagers whom wonders 
  near the shores Alligators can be hunted and provide food like the 

First of all, have that villager build a House. Next walk south and move
towards the gazelle, the gazelle will run away.... Lure it near the Town 
Center before you start to kill it. It will take two hits before you can
kill the gazelle. Note that this villager can't died as it will be 
Game Over if that happened. Next let's paid some attention to your 
toolbar found at the upper section of the screen. As you sees the 
villager brought the food to the Town Center, the Food stockpile will 
increase by 10. Wait for the Food stockpile reach 50, and start to 
create a villager. Once your second villager is being created, have him
hunt the same gazelle  [the more the merrier and meat can be taken from
it at a faster rate.] Next you must kill the threat, the alligator found
at the western side of the island. It will take 5 hits to go down. Now 
you can concentrate on building up your stockpile. Create a villager 
once you have reached 50 in your food stockpile. Do this until you have
seven villagers and you will complete the scenario!


NAME OF SCENARIO: Foraging  7,000 BC
OBJECTIVE:        Build 1x Storage Pit, 1x Granary, 1x Dock
STARTING:         0 Wood, 0 Food, 0 Gold, Quarry
UNITS:            3x Villagers, 1x Town Center

Before you can build anything, you required some wood in your stockpile.
Just simply select a villager with the left click. Next right-click the
tree [Palm, Tree Forest] which you want that villager to chop it down 
for food. Tree Forests has lesser wood compared to trees that stands on
its own.

As food is required for creating a villager, it is essential to forage
as there are only berry bushes found on that deserted island. Just 
simply click a villager whom you have wished to sent for foraging. Next
right-click the berry bush which you wants to forage from. Foraging is 
rather slow as the strength of a Forager is weaker than the strength of
a Hunter. That's the downside...however Berry Bushes last for a longer 
time compared to meat of the gazelles, elephants, lions and alligators
as it does not deteriote. 

To construct a building, you need materials such as wood [for the time
being..] Make sure that you have sufficient supplies in your stockpile.
If not, chop down more trees for wood. Just simply click a villager.
Next click "Build" and choose the building which you have wished to
construct. Next you will be given the transulcent "shape" of building.
Just click it on the ground where you wished to build. Note that 
buildings can be build too far from the Town Center or your villagers.
You can't overlapped buildings as the space has already been used for
another building. So take note.

- You must forage for food and chop wood to build houses in order to
  support new villagers. You cna then put the new villagers to work on
  chopping wood for building other buildings [Storage Pit, Granary and 
- Forage sites are plentiful across the rivers which you can cross the 
  shallow waters [there are pebbles partially submerged.]
- Villagers automatically deposit food from foraging yo the Town Center
  or the Granary, whichever is closer. Building a Granary near a forage
  site will reduce the distance that villager has to carry to a place
  where the food will be stocked.
- Villagers will automatically deposit wood at the Town Center or the
  Storage Pit whichever is closer. Building a Storage Pit closer to 
  Tree Forests is a good idea.

First of all, you need to get sufficient manpower so that you can 
complete the scenario at a faster rate. Forage some of the berry 
bushes located on the southeast of the Town Center. Do this until you
have about 150 Food in your stockpile. Take note of the crocodile 
located at the seaside. Kill it. Gather sufficient wood from the Palm
Trees about 150 Wood. Build a house and create 2 new villagers. Build a
storage pit and assign some villagers to chop down wood from the Tree
Forest at the northwest from the Town Center. Have the remainding 
villagers in getting food. After getting sufficient wood, build a Dock
at the edge of the seaside [Docks can be build entirely on land ^_^;]
Gather more wood. Next you need to build the granary and you will 
complete the scenario once you have finished it! Congratulations!


NAME OF SCENARIO: Discoveries   6,500 BC
OBJECTIVE:        Find the 5 Discoveries, before the Libryans find them.
STARTING:         15 Wood, 90 Food, 0 Gold, 0 Stone
UNITS:            1x Town Center, 1x Villager
ENEMIES:          1x Town Center, 1x Scout

Finding getting all villagers to one spot very tiring. There is an
easier way, that's to group them into teams. To group a team, first
hold the left click and drag it to the from a box to select the 
villagers that you want to form a group. Next press CTRL Key and a 
number 1~9. For example you want to call the group of villagers Group
3. After that command, you can call the group by pressing "3" on the
keyboard. This is an efficient way of group villagers, make work 

As usual, feel free to explore, but beware of nature predators such as
Lions and Alligators. The Libryans has a Scout which is much powerful 
compared to the villager. So it is recommended that you explore in 
groups. Refer to Section [4-1-1] for more details.

That's the objective of this scenario. On the terrain, you find huge
weird structures that looks like the remains of a strange monster. 
Just simply assign a character and walk over the discovery until you
saw a blue flag [is marked that you have made a discovery]. Do this
quicky before the Libryans found them. There are five of them. Here 
is the locations:

1. Discovery found northwest from the Town Center. There is a lion 
   hiding in between the forests, beware!
2. Discovery found south from the the Town Center. There are a herd  
   of gazelles found here.
3. Discovery found near the Enemy's Town Center. Beware the Scout
   and the Lion found there. The Enemy's Town Center is located east
   from your Town Center [it is being seperated by the cliff!]
4. Discovery found at the northeast of the map. It is being surrounded 
   by forests and there is another herd of gazelles. Top right hand
   corner of the map.
5. Discovery found at the northeast of the map. Top left hand corner
   of the map. It is being surrounded by a Palm Trees and there is a
   lion plus an alligator...


This section is quite tough... as your foe has a strong military, a
Scout. Make sure that your villagers always move in groups. Gathered
some wood to your stockpile [sufficient to build a storage pit, a
granary and two houses]. Build the Granary near the berry bushes found
at the south from your town center. Note that there is an alligator near 
the shores and the Scout is somewhere there. So don't go too far.. 
Gather more manpower [8 villagers will be enough] Assign 4 villagers to
kill the lion found at the forest northwest of the map. Don't bother to
hunt it. Instead of gathering food, build a storage pit at the forest. 
Next stock up the food and create more villagers. Do this until you 
have twelve villagers. Assign six healthy villagers and head west, 
passing through the cliffs and kill that lion.[it take about 4 hits]
Next kill off that Scout and you should be able to finish it without 
any casualties. Next target on the enemy's Town Center until it is 
destroyed and you will win the scenario!


NAME OF SCENARIO: Dawn of a New Age   6,000 BC
OBJECTIVE:        Advance to Tool Age
STARTING:         0 Wood, 0 Food, 0 Gold, O Stone
UNITS:            3x Villagers, 1x Town Center

Your villagers can become fisherman! Just click the villagers and right-
click on the fishing site [you will see fishes popping out from it.] 
Fishermen can gather food at the twice of the rate of a forager! Note 
that you can do fishing on the shore. To do fishing at the sea, you need
to build a dock. Build one and have a couple of fishing boats and have
a great time in fishing!

You must acquired two Stone Age Buildings [Storage Pit, Granary, Dock 
and Barracks] and plus have 500 food in your stockpile. After meeting
the requirements, select the Town Center and select the icon below the
"Villager" icon. Note that you can't create any villagers while 
proceeding to a new age.


For this scenario is rather special. Wood is more important than food!
First of all, have two villagers concentrate on fishing the Shore Fish 
found at north of your Town Center. Have the other villager concentrate
on chopping down Palm Trees for wood. After a villager have been created
have them villager assign to build a House. Next assign that villager to 
chop down trees for wood. After the fisherman have finished the Shore
fish site, concentrate on getting wood from the Palm Trees near the 
shores. Used up the food to create four more villagers! Next have the 
others build two Houses and a Dock. Assign every villagers to chop down
trees for wood. Have the Dock to create fishing boats [they can get 
15 food each time!]. Never ever stop chopping wood to build fishing 
boats. After the villagers has done finished chopping all the wood in 
that area, you can hunt that elephant found at the south of your Town
Center [hopefully you have build a Storage Pit long ago..]. After 
sometime, you will have enough food in your stockpile, advance to the
next age and victory will be yours!



5.    C R E D I T S

1. Thanks to Microsoft and Ensemble for producing such a great game.
2. Thanks to GameFAQs for submitting the FAQ online. Thanks to Jeff 
   "CJayC" Veasey for his support in hosting my FAQs online.
3. Thanks to the GameSages for most codes. 
4. Thanks to Cheat Code Central for the code on the Big Momma. 
5. Thanks to Microsoft Instruction Booklet which is bundled with the
