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Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (e)

Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur 

            You find yourself in the Graveyard, attempting to draw the legendary 
            Excalibur from the rock in which it has been embedded for so long. 
            Just as you feel the sword start to give, Merlin appears and tells 
            you the true story of your birth. He tells you that before you can 
            ascend to the Throne of England, you must prove yourself worthy. 
            Then he vanishes, leaving behind only a torque: The Quest for 
            Excalibur has begun! 
            GET TORQUE THEN EXAMINE IT. You will find that a torque is a kind of 
            necklace, and this one has strange crystals embedded in it. EXAMINE 
            CRYSTAL. Merlin will appear and tell you that by looking in the 
            crystal you can obtai help from him (hints). However, you can also 
            take temptation out of the way by typing HINTS OFF, which will 
            remove the hints until you re-boot the game. Now WEAR TORQUE, so you 
            don't lose it. 
            We'll assume you don't need a hint yet, so let's proceed. You've 
            been assigned a Quest by Merlin, and every knight knows there's one 
            thing you must do before setting off on a quest. Go east into the 
            chapel, then PRAY. Now, go west and you'll hear voices approaching 
            the graveyard. (If you don't, go south and OPEN GATE; you'll hear 
            the voices then.) You can still be arrested for a curfew violation, 
            so HIDE BEHIND STONE. You'll be a witness to the theft of Excalibur, 
            but there's nothing you can do about it now, so just WAIT. You'll 
            soon fall asleep. When you wake up in the morning, you hear Lot 
            telling the people a cock-and-bull story about you being dead, his 
            being in possession of Excalibur, and the rightful King. He plans to 
            hold his coronation in three days, so you don't have much time to 
            foil his plans. 
            GET UP, then go out and south, and you'll find yourself in the 
            Village Square, face to face with the Village Idiot. He'll tell you 
            to "Beware the Invisible Knight." ASK IDIOT ABOUT INVISIBLE KNIGHT 
            and he'll give you a clue which you really won't need if you play 
            your cards right. Since it's not very chivalrous to keep referring 
            to him as an Idiot, ASK IDIOT ABOUT HIMSELF. He'll tell you that his 
            name is FLOYD and reveal that he's not quite as stupid as people 
            might think. THANK FLOYD for some extra chivalry points. (It pays to 
            be polite!) 
            You suddenly remember that Merlin told you to come and see him 
            beyond the Meadow, so you'd better go do that. Go west twice to 
            Outside the Town Gate, then southwest. Uh-oh! Guess Floyd wasn't 
            kidding about the Invisible Knight! And guess what? He'll steal 
            everything you're carrying every time you go through the Meadow. But 
            we'll deal with him later. Right now, just continue northwest twice 
            where you'll meet up with Merlin. 
            Merlin will go into a lengthy explanation of how he's going to give 
            you help (but not too much!). Read what he says carefully. You 
            should probably jot down the five animals you can become. When it's 
            time to use the spell, it should be obvious which one will be better 
            for that particular task. Also make note of the restrictions. His 
            warning about people becoming upset doesn't apply to Floyd; Floyd is 
            not impressed by magic. 
            Go north into Merlin's cave. GET BAG, then LOOK INTO CRYSTAL BALL. 
            This is the source of power for the crystal you're wearing. Go 
            south, then southeast twice. Oh, well. It was a nice bag while you 
            had it! Don't worry, we'll get it back pretty soon. Go northeast and 
            east twice to the Village Green. Somewhere along here your stomach 
            should begin growling, and we must do something about it. Go south 
            into the Tavern, then south into the kitchen. You'll see some cheese 
            and a bird. The bartender won't let you get the cheese; for now just 
            EXAMINE BIRD. You'll find that he's jumping up and down in the cage 
            and apparently trying to communicate. If only you spoke BIRD! Well, 
            just WAIT until the cook is called into the tavern. You don't have a 
            second to lose! CYR OWL, and you'll be able to understand what the 
            OPEN IT. 
            TAKE BOTTLE AND CHEESE. The cook may come back just as you're 
            getting the cheese and bottle, but just go north, and you'll escape 
            with your booty. 
            Once back in the tavern, EAT CHEESE, then LISTEN for some 
            interesting clues about getting in the castle. Keep listening until 
            they lower their voices. Then, go north, east, and south to the 
            Smithy. EXAMINE HOLE and you'll find that it looks like a badger 
            hole. Ring any bells? CYR BADGER and go DOWN to his den. See those 
            old stones in the castle wall? Piece of cake! PUSH STONE, then go 
            east into the cell. CYR HUMAN (the prisoner is chained and he can't 
            attack you). ASK PRISONER ABOUT GUARDS, and he'll tell you they come 
            when he calls them. GET STONE, then HIDE BEHIND DOOR, and CALL 
            You may have to WAIT once for the guard to enter the cell. If you 
            do, read the description of what's happening carefully. When you see 
            that the guard has his back to you and is looking at the prisoner, 
            you'll be asked if you want to continue waiting. Say NO, then HIT 
            GIVE HELMET TO PRISONER. Now, go north, and east twice; MOVE 
            TAPESTRY, and go east again. Go north twice and you'll be behind the 
            throne. WAIT FOR BELLS. The King will divulge the new Password. 
            He'll give a Verse and Line number referring to the poem that came 
            with the documentation. Stop waiting and go south four times. This 
            is a good place to save your game. You're about to do something 
            dangerous; besides, you want to LOCK IN the password because it's 
            variable with every game. 
            This is a fine kettle of fish! You can't go back, and there's a fire 
            in front of you. How can you get through the fire? Didn't you ever 
            read "Fahrenheit 451"? Simple! CYR SALAMANDER, and go west through 
            the fire. (You'll drop the key and stone, but you don't need them 
            any more.) Once in the Kitchen, you'll see a pumice stone and a 
            barrel. CYR HUMAN. LOOK IN BARREL, and you'll discover there's water 
            in it! It's too heavy to lift, but if you PUSH BARREL, the fire will 
            be quenched. The prisoner will join you. You never know when a 
            polishing stone will come in handy, so GET STONE, then OPEN DOOR, 
            and go northwest. 
            Go south into the Armoury. Ah, just what a Knight needs! WEAR ARMOUR 
            (you can spell it the American way if you wish), and TAKE SHIELD. A 
            Knight can't be seen with a tarnished shield! POLISH SHIELD WITH 
            STONE, then DROP STONE. Go north and west. The guard will ask you 
            for the password, so type SAY "xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx" and you'll 
            find yourself outside the castle where the grateful prisoner will 
            tell you where you can find a hidden sword. At this point, he'll 
            Before going after your sword, you'd better retrieve what you 
            dropped when you became a badger. Go south and GET BOTTLE. Then go 
            east twice to the Village Green. CYR BADGER (handy little creature 
            isn't it?) and DIG IN ROOTS. Aha, there's the sword! CYR HUMAN and 
            GET ALL. Go west, north, northwest, and north to the Edge of Woods. 
            You'll see a Knight's pavilion there. KNOCK ON DOOR. (For an amusing 
            sidelight, instead of knocking on the door, BLOW THE HORN to see 
            what happens. Actually, a Pavilion is a tent, so I don't know how 
            you could knock on the door, but who am I to argue?) 
            A Knight will appear and invite you to a joust. He'll tell you to 
            mount up, so MOUNT HORSE, and he'll offer you your choice of lances. 
            It doesn't matter which color you choose. Just type COLOR (whichever 
            you want), and he'll give you that lance. You'll receive a series of 
            questions about what you want to do. Remember that a joust is a 
            chivalrous event. Nobody is supposed to get hurt. A good Knight will 
            never aim at an unprotected part of his opponent. Since neither of 
            you is wearing any leg protection or a helmet, always chose the 
            option to PROTECT YOUR BODY and AIM AT HIS BODY. After about three 
            sorties, he will fall from his horse (and so will you, but he goes 
            down first). He will declare you the winner, present you with an 
            ivory key, and leave. 
            Now, go north three times. Here's a beautiful Ivory Tower. Any idea 
            how you might get in? Right! OPEN DOOR WITH KEY, and you find 
            yourself in a circular room. Go down, and you notice that it gets 
            very dark down below. Who can see well in the dark? Ah, you're 
            getting very wise indeed, Arthur! CYR OWL. Go down into a dark room 
            with writing on the wall. READ WALL and write down what you see 
            there. (I'm going to make you do a little work here, even though 
            it's a walkthru!) Go up, CYR HUMAN, and GET ALL BUT KEY. Go up three 
            times, and you'll see an intriguing crack that's too small for you. 
            CYR SALAMANDER, go west, and write down what you see on the wall. Go 
            east back to the stairway, and CYR HUMAN. Leave your stuff; for now, 
            just OPEN DOOR. 
            You'll see an old man who says he'll reward you if you guess his 
            name. You don't have to guess! The words in the Abandoned Room are a 
            cryptogram of his name. The two lines in the cellar are the key -- a 
            substitution code. Every letter in "RIOTHAMUS" appears in the words 
            in the Abandoned Room. The letters above "RIOTHAMUS" are the 
            substitutions. In other words "S" appears above the "R" in 
            "RIOTHAMUS" so every time you see an "R" in the cryptogram 
            substitute an "S" for it, and so on. Once you've figured it out, 
            type "SAY xxxxxxxxxxx". 
            Voila! He'll give you a ring, instructions on what it does, and how 
            to use it! THANK OLD MAN, OPEN DOOR, GET ALL from the Landing, go 
            down twice, OPEN DOOR, and you find yourself back in the Clearing. 
            Going south twice will put you at the Enchanted Forest. Go northwest 
            twice, then north. When you try to pass the horse chestnut trees, 
            they'll start pelting you with conkers! You better act 
            quickly or you'll be pelted to death. CYR TURTLE, then PULL IN HEAD 
            AND FEET. Now, WAIT and continuing waiting until you are told "the 
            hail of conkers ceases." CYR HUMAN, and GET ALL. Going north will 
            take you to the Glade where you'll see some tiny footprints. 
            Aha! The Little People! This might be your chance to get some gold! 
            Since they obviously pass this way, maybe you should hide and wait. 
            HIDE BEHIND ROCK. You'll hears some sounds, so LISTEN, and you'll 
            hear someone complaining about the flatness of the food. Maybe that 
            bottle you picked up will come in handy after all! Go OUT, DROP 
            BOTTLE, then HIDE BEHIND ROCK again. WAIT. The leprechaun will soon 
            appear. Keep waiting until he is engrossed in the bottle, then stop 
            waiting, and GRAB LEPRECHAUN. 
            Oh, well, you didn't get your gold, but you did gain some points, 
            and who knows when you might want a good, stiff drink? Go south, 
            southeast, then a quick trek north. Take a look across the chasm. 
            Wild Boars are very dangerous. Your first problem is getting over 
            the Chasm. Well, that's easy, but you'd be over there without any 
            weapons! Better think about this for a while. Meanwhile, let's deal 
            with that pesky Invisible Knight. The way back is south, southeast, 
            south twice, southeast, south, _and_ southeast. 
            Oops! You've lost everything again. Well, not to worry: We'll soon 
            fix that! RUB RING. Voila! The Invisible Knight is no longer 
            invisible to you! Go east into the Pavilion and confront the Knight. 
            He'll hand over all your stuff voluntarily, then he'll ask you if 
            you want a brass raven's egg. Since you like oddities, answer YES, 
            and he'll pose a riddle. The answer is fairly obvious if you think 
            about it long enough. The first part of the sequence he's giving you 
            is firST, secoND, thiRD, fourTH. The answer is obviously SAY "TH". 
            He will give you the egg. PUT ALL IN BAG. (Some things won't fit, 
            but it's easier to do it this way. By the way, the bag can't be 
            Now go west, then southeast to the Field of Honor. Go east, and the 
            Red Knight will give you a list of things you must bring him before 
            he'll let yo pass. Go back west and south into the Shallows. Since 
            you're not a very good swimmer (especially in chain mail!), you'd 
            better use some magic. 
            CYR EEL, and go south. Going east will take you to a window in an 
            underground chamber. LOOK THROUGH WINDOW, and you'll see a beautiful 
            woman. This is Nimue, the Lady of the Lake. Nothing you can do about 
            her now, so go west, then southwest. You'll see a Kraken and a 
            sunken rowboat. EXAMINE KRAKEN, and you'll see an interesting 
            bracelet on its tentacle. EXAMINE ROWBOAT, and you'll have proof 
            that Lot lied about Excalibur! 
            That bracelet looks valuable: Let's get it! (You might want to save 
            here, first.) ZAP KRAKEN. He'll be unimaginably mad! Quickly go 
            northeast, then north into the Shallows. CYR HUMAN, then GET SWORD, 
            and CUT TENTACLE WITH SWORD. You're safe, but unfortunately, the 
            bracelet has gone into deep water. Not to worry. CYR TURTLE, then go 
            south where you'll see the bracelet. SWIM THROUGH BRACELET, and go 
            north. If you try to become human again, you'll choke, so PULL IN 
            It's time to resume our journey, so CYR EEL again, go south, 
            southeast, and northeast, and you'll see a slow minnow. Don't bother 
            to try to catch it now, but remember it for later. Continue north 
            three times. Along the way, pay attention to which way the river 
            flows -- it's important. When you reach the Ford, CYR HUMAN. Go 
            east, northeast, and up to the Dragon's Cave. If you try to go north 
            into the cave, the Dragon will say something that is a hint as to 
            how to deal with him. If it doesn't ring a bell, try to go north 
            again for an even broader hint. (The first was a quote from W. C. 
            Fields, a drunk.) If only you could have brought the jug with you! 
            Oh, well, for now, go down and southwest. GET APPLE from the tree, 
            and EXAMINE APPLE. Looks pretty toxic. Might come in handy. Go west 
            to the Ford. 
            If you go west from here you'll pass a Black Knight, and he won't 
            let you go back east without a fight, for which you're not equipped. 
            You can't go any further west from the Knight because of a bog in 
            which you'll get lost and drown. The only way back is BACK. But how 
            can you carry an apple when you're an eel? 
            Remember, I told you to pay attention to the flow of the river? It 
            flows from north to south! CYR EEL, you'll drop the apple, and it 
            will float away toward 
            the south. Go south three times (ignoring the minnow again), 
            southwest, northwest, and north. Lo and behold! There's an apple 
            floating here! CYR HUMAN and GET ALL. For some reason the bag 
            doesn't like the apple, so you'll have to carry it. 
            Go north, northwest, northeast, north, northwest, north twice, 
            northwest, and north to the South Edge of Chasm. Time to deal with 
            that boar (remember, the Red Knight wants a tusk). THROW APPLE AND 
            SWORD ACROSS CHASM. The boar will eat the apple and fall over dead. 
            CYR OWL and go north across the chasm. Once on the other side, CYR 
            We're off on another adventure. Go south, southeast, and northeast 
            twice to a tall tree. You can't climb the tree, but it looks 
            interesting, so CYR OWL, then go up. You'll see a raven's nest with 
            an egg in it. One of your Quests! The raven is circling around, and 
            you can't get the egg with it here, so LAND IN GROVE. CYR HUMAN, GET 
            BRASS EGG, then DROP BRASS EGG, CYR OWL, and go up again. The raven 
            will swoop down to investigate the brass egg. LAND IN NEST, CYR 
            HUMAN, and PUSH EGG FROM NEST. CYR OWL, and the raven will chase you 
            from the nest. LAND IN GROVE, CYR HUMAN, and GET ALL THEN PUT EGG IN 
            BAG. (We could have done this directly without first investigating, 
            but how would you have known the nest was there? Besides, by going 
            directly from point to point, we're going to have waste a lot of 
            time somewhere along the line.) 
            Go southwest twice, south twice, southeast, and northeast where 
            you'll find a cabin. OPEN DOOR, and you find an injured peasant 
            whose fire is about to go out. OPEN DOOR again, and you'll be 
            outside. A crutch and a slean are here. If you EXAMINE SLEAN, you'll 
            discover it's a device for cutting peat (a great fuel for fire). Go 
            northeast, and you'll see a sign warning you not to proceed, but the 
            peat here is dry and firm. So, CUT PEAT WITH SLEAN, then DROP SLEAN 
            because you've broken it. Go southwest, GET CRUTCH, then OPEN DOOR. 
            PUT PEAT ON FIRE. The peasant will wake up and thank you for your 
            kindness. GIVE CRUTCH TO PEASANT. He'll thank you again, then you 
            should ASK PEASANT ABOUT BOG. He'll give you directions. You should 
            immediately save the game because this is a variable. THANK PEASANT, 
            then OPEN DOOR to leave the cabin. Now that you have directions, go 
            back northeast to the Edge of Bog, and follow the directions you 
            were given. (If you're using the MAP feature, the entire map through 
            the bog will appear after you make the first correct move.) 
            Well, _this_ guy looks familiar. I think you're ready to fight him 
            now, so try going east again, and he'll tell you you have to fight 
            him. FIGHT KNIGHT, and watch the descriptions. Use "G" (for again) 
            to keep fighting him until you see he's lost his sword. CUT 
            MEDALLION WITH SWORD, and the Knight will vanish, leaving his armour 
            behind. It's useless, so ignore it. 
            Now we can deal with the dragon, but for some reason Merlin's bag is 
            not welcome East of the Ford; we'll have to carry what we need. GET 
            JUG then DROP BAG. Now go east twice, northeast, up, and GIVE JUG TO 
            DRAGON. WAIT until the Dragon passes out, then stop waiting. You 
            probably should save the game here. Go north into the cave, then 
            northeast. When the Basilisk starts looking for you, POINT SHIELD AT 
            BASILISK, and he will turn to stone. 
            Go northeast and you'll find yourself in a very hot room. And it's 
            getting hotter by the minute! A demon will tell you you have to give 
            the password to pass; he will even tell you the password! If you try 
            to SAY "NUDD," you'll find you can't speak. You're about to boil, so 
            go back southwest to get out of the heat. Go southeast, then 
            northeast, and you'll be in a room where you can see your breath 
            Quickly SAY "NUDD," and then, as your words freeze, GET BLOCK, and 
            go southwest before you freeze. Ignore the ghosts. Quickly go 
            northwest and northeast where the block will melt, and the password 
            will be said. The demon will usher you north into the Hall where a 
            girl is manacled. She's sitting on the Golden Fleece that you need 
            for the Red Knight, and she makes you a very attractive offer if 
            you'll free her. 
            KISS GIRL, and as you approach you see she has some very strange 
            features! Suddenly you realize who she is. Type HELLO NUDD. The 
            monster will reveal itself to you and try to strike a bargain. If 
            you unlock the manacles, you'll get the Golden Fleece you need. But 
            as the future King, you cannot let this evil creature loose in the 
            world! If you don't agree to do it, you won't get the Fleece! Wise 
            Knight that you are, you conceive a plan. AGREE to release her. She 
            will drop the Fleece. GET FLEECE. Then GET KEY from around her neck. 
            Now, follow your part of the bargain: UNLOCK LEFT MANACLE, LOCK LEFT 
            MANACLE, UNLOCK RIGHT MANACLE, and at this point, Nudd will catch on 
            to what you're doing. You have fulfilled your part of the bargain, 
            but the demon won't be free! Nudd will put a curse on you, and expel 
            you from the Hall. 
            You'll find yourself at the Dragon's lair again. CUT HAIR WITH 
            SWORD, and you have the final object you need to deal with the Red 
            Knight! Go down, southwest, west twice, and GET BAG. Then PUT FLEECE 
            AND HAIR IN BAG. Go back through the bog. 
            From the Edge of the Bog go southwest twice, south, southwest, 
            southeast, and east to the Red Knight. Now GIVE TUSK, HAIR, EGG, AND 
            FLEECE TO KNIGHT. He will let you pass. Go south twice to the Silver 
            Door. Ring any bells? UNLOCK DOOR WITH SILVER KEY, and go down. You 
            are now in the chamber where Nimue is being held captive. If you've 
            read Merlin's warning in the Instruction Book, you'll know how to 
            revive her. But right now you just need to kill some time. 
            Type WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE, and keep waiting until you are told 
            you're getting sleepy. Now, stop waiting and SLEEP. When you wake 
            up, you will be hungry and will have dropped everything, but don't 
            worry about it. Just go up, north twice, west, and south twice to 
            the shallows. CYR EEL, then go south, southeast, and northeast to 
            the minnow. EAT MINNOW. Go southwest, northwest, north, and CYR 
            One more item to get. Go north, northwest, northeast, east three 
            times, and south. CYR BADGER. I'm going to give you directions 
            through the maze, but just so you'll know how, the way to map the 
            maze is to DIG IN DIRT each time you enter a new room. Dig ONCE in 
            the first room, TWICE in the next room, etc. That way every room 
            will have a unique number of scratches, and you can find your way 
            through the maze. 
            From the Smithy go down, south, up, down, up, and you'll find 
            yourself on Thorny Island. A thorny sprig has fallen from the 
            bushes. GET SPRIG, then go down, north twice, up, and CYR HUMAN. GET 
            SPRIG again, and go north, west three times, southwest, southeast, 
            east, south twice, and down. 
            Nothing to do but kill time now. If you read Merlin's warning in the 
            documentation, you know how to wake Nimue. Type WAIT UNTIL 
            CHRISTMAS. When you become sleepy, stop waiting, and SLEEP. When you 
            awake, GET ALL. When conditions are right, take the appropriate 
            action to wake Nimue. Pay attention to what she says. After she 
            vanishes, GET GAUNTLET, and go back to the castle. Now, go up, north 
            twice, west, northwest, northeast, and east twice to Floyd. When you 
            woke up you were hungry. You can finish the game before starving to 
            death, but for the maximum points you should eat. GIVE RED GLASS TO 
            FLOYD. He will give you the dead mouse. It's not appetizing, but to 
            some creatures it might be a delicacy! CYR BADGER, EAT MOUSE, and 
            CYR HUMAN. GET ALL, and proceed east three times to the Great Hall. 
            In the best tradition of Knighthood, SLAP LOT WITH GAUNTLET. You 
            will be immediately escorted to the Field of Honor where you want to 
            FIGHT LOT. Since Lot is quite a bit more experienced than you, he'll 
            probably beat you, so you're going to distract him. DROP BRACELET, 
            then FIGHT LOT again. Being a true chivalrous Knight, you should 
            SPARE LOT. He will swear eternal allegiance to you, but I wouldn't 
            trust him for a second! 
            CALL NIMUE as she instructed you to do, and whes, 101 Experience 
            points, and 100 Quest points. Congratulations! 
            When prompted for a last wish, you can learn a lot by asking for 
            HINTS, and reading the Notices and Bibliography.