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Batman Returns (e)

Batman Returns FAQ v1.0 written by Joshua Harring 
( on 9/4/99

Table of contents
I.   Intro
II.  Controls
III. Batman's Moves
IV.  Walkthru
V.   Disclaimer

I. Intro

Hello and welcome to my FAQ for Batman Returns for the Super Nintendo 
Entertainment System.  Batman Returns is a beat-'em-up action game 
similar to Final Fight, and is based on the movie of the same name.  
Batman Returns features excellent graphics, sound effects, and music, 
even today, five years after its initial release.  If you enjoy this 
type of action game and still have a SNES, I highly recommend picking up 
this game at a used video game place like FuncoLand.  It retails for 
less than $10 these days.

This FAQ can only be used with the Super Nintendo version of Batman 
Returns.  Although there are many games called Batman Returns for other 
platforms, the Super Nintendo version is unique among them, and 
therefore this FAQ will not be useful for the games on other platforms.  
Even though the NES version of Batman Returns is the most similar to 
this version, there are still enough differences for it to warrant its 
own separate FAQ.

This game features two different types of action scenes.  The first 
scene looks and feels very similar to games like Final Fight.  I will 
refer to this as the "3D Action Scene".  The other scene looks and feels 
like a platform-style action game.  The gameplay here is different from 
the 3D Action Scenes.  I will refer to this scene as the 2D Action 

There is also a unique level where Batman is racing along in his 
Batmobile.  In this level, Batman is moving forward, into the screen.  
This scene has its own separate controls as well.  I will refer to this 
as the Batmobile Scene.

II. Controls

This will be helpful for anyone who doesn't know which button does what 
(handy if you don't have any documentation for this game).

Directional Pad
3D action scene: Batman moves in any of eight directions along the 

2D action scene: Batman moves left and right, and also crouches.

Batmobile scene: The Batmobile moves left and right along the street.

A Button
3D action scene: Batman uses his Grappling Hook, which unfortunately has 
little use in these scenes.

2D action scene: Batman again uses his Grappling Hook, which can latch 
onto the ceiling or the bottom of a platform, and he can pull himself 
across large gaps by using it repeatedly.

Batmobile scene: No use.

B Button
3D action scene: Batman jumps.

2D action scene: Batman jumps.

Batmobile scene: No use.

X Button
3D action scene: When combined with either the L or R buttons, Batman 
throws a Test Tube which kills or damages all onscreen enemies.

2D action scene: When combined with either the L or R buttons, Batman 
throws a Test Tube which kills or damages all onscreen enemies.

Batmobile scene: No use.

Y Button
3D action scene: This is the basic attack button.  Depending upon what 
particular stance Batman is in (i.e. standing, jumping, grabbing 
someone), this button performs a particular move.  I'll outline those 
moves in just a moment.

2D action scene: If Batman is close to an enemy, he punches.  If he is 
far away, he throws a Batarang (which doesn't return to him).

Batmobile scene: This button fires discs straight out ahead of the 
Batmobile with which to kill enemy bikers.

L and R Buttons
3D action scene: These buttons cause Batman to put his arm up to block 
an attack.  Batman takes minor damage from blocking, but less than he 
would had he taken the attack without blocking.

2D action scene: Same as the 3D action scene, Batman blocks.

Batmobile scene: No use.

III. Batman's Moves

This section discusses the moves Batman has in 3D action scenes.  His 
moves are very limited in both 2D action scenes and the Batmobile scene, 
and have already been outlined above.

Punch - Press the Y button when Batman is standing to throw a straight 
punch for minor damage.

Standing combo - Press the Y button repeatedly.  When Batman hits an 
enemy with a straight punch, he will then go into a standing combo 
consisting of two punches, a knee to the mid-section, and finally a spin 
kick that knocks down.  The whole combo does good damage and can hit 
multiple enemies on the same side, but the time it takes to execute can 
cause Batman to be hit from behind.

Jump kick - Press the B button to jump and then while in the air, press 
the Y button to kick.  Batman can do this move while jumping straight up 
or jumping forward.  It knocks down, but causes minor damage.

Grab - Maneuver Batman so that he touches an enemy and he will grab that 
enemy.  While the enemy is grabbed, Batman can do the following moves:

 Slam - Press left + Y or right + Y to cause Batman to slam the enemy to 
the ground for decent damage.

 Grab combo - Press Y repeatedly to cause Batman to hit the enemy twice 
and then finish with a spin kick.  You can interrupt this combo at any 
time with a Slam.

Batman also has several Power Moves that cause high damage, but can only 
be done at certain times.  They are:

Cape Sweep - Pressing B and Y at the same time causes Batman to spin 
around with his cape extended, hitting enemies on both sides.  
Unfortunately, Batman loses a small amount of energy after using this 
move, so use it only when you're sure you would take more damage by not 
doing it.

Building Slam - If Batman grabs an enemy and there is a building in the 
near background, press up + Y to throw the enemy at the building.  This 
will also hit any other enemies that happen to be standing in the path 
of the thrown enemy.  You can break windows with this maneuver, too.

Head Butt - If Batman manages to grab two enemies on either side of him, 
press Y to slam their heads together, causing high damage and 
knockdowns.  It can be difficult to do this move however.

Test Tube - Press and hold L or R to block.  Then while in your blocking 
stance, press X to throw a Test Tube to the ground and shatter it.  This 
causes an explosion that takes up the whole screen, and kills most 
normal enemies and damages bosses.  Because you only have three uses per 
level however, they are best saved for bosses.

IV. Walkthrough

There are seven different levels in this game, with multiple areas in 
each.  You know you've passed into a new area when the screen goes white 
and the Batman symbol appears.  You progress to the next level by 
beating the boss of the level you're on.  Some levels have a couple 
bosses, and you'll have to beat both of them before moving on.

This walkthrough was written on the Easy difficulty setting.  More 
difficult settings have more and tougher enemies, and more powerful 
bosses, as well as different and better endings.  I may outline the 
differences between settings in future revisions of this FAQ.

Level 1-1
Type: 3D action scene

This level begins with people running in fear from the Red Triangle 
Circus Gang.  Go to the right and you will meet your first enemy, the 
Thin Clown.  He has only one attack, a punch.  When in groups, they try 
to surround you.  Kill them with standing combos.

Moving on you'll find a Biker going around in circles.  Stand on the 
edge of his circle and punch him as he goes by to kill him.  Then you'll 
run into a Biker who goes all the way across the screen and back.  Line 
up with him and jump kick him a few times to kill him.

You'll next run into a Bazooka Clown.  Some of them fire one shot and 
then leave, others hang around.  You can dodge the shot pretty easily 
(even causing it to hit other clowns) and if you can't dodge it, you can 
block it instead.  To kill Bazooka clowns, walk over to their side of 
the screen while staying above or below, then move up or down and grab 

After some more Bazookas and Thins, you'll find a small Heart.  This 
partially restores your life meter.  You'll also meet up with a Fire 
Clown who has two attacks.  He can thrust forward with his fire stick, 
or blow fire at medium range ahead of him.  He stops momentarily before 
either attack, so you can see them coming.

There's another Heart a little ways further, and you'll also meet up 
with Fat Clowns.  Their attack is easy to avoid, just stay out of their 
way when they jump and hit them when they land.  After some more Bikers 
and Fats, and grabbing a Heart in a mailbox, this area ends.

Level 1-2
Type: 2D Action Scene

Walk to the right and fight through the steady stream of Thin Clowns.  
They also sometimes attack from behind so be careful.  You'll meet up 
with Tall Clowns who throw sets of fire sticks.  Either jump and shoot 
him from out of his range, or run underneath a set of fire sticks and 
get close to him, then jump and punch him.  Either way works.

Fat Clowns bounce along in this level.  You can try to kill them (they 
take 2 hits), or run underneath them when they bounce.

At the end of this level is the Stungun Clown.  He has a couple of 
different attacks, rolling and jumping.  Jump and run under accordingly.  
Also use your Test Tubes; they get replenished at the end of the level.  
After beating him, the level ends.

Level 2-1
Type: 3D Action Scene

At the start of this level are some Thin Clowns, and also a few barrels 
that have a Test Tube and Points.  A little ways further is a Juggling 
Clown that tosses bowling pins at you.  Take him on the same way you 
take on Bazookas.  

A little ways further is a clown in the background who tosses Dynamite 
into the street.  After doing so, he becomes a Thin clown.  Just avoid 
the Dynamite until it goes off.  Fight your way through more Fats and 
Thins and you'll find a Heart.

Next you'll meet up with Knife Throwers who, um, throw knives.  Deal 
with them and the Thins and you'll find some Points.  Keep going and 
you'll find clowns in the street that walk towards you and throw 
dynamite.  Avoid it and then pummel the clowns.  After some more Bikers, 
Thins, Jugglers and Fires, the area ends.

Level 2-2
Type: 2D Action Scene

Walk to the escalator and ride up it.  If you see a Thin Clown jump up 
and shoot him before he slides down.  Stand still and Fat Clowns will 
bounce over your head.  When you reach the top of the escalator, walk to 
the right.

When you pass by the elevators, Thin Clowns and people exit out of them.  
Keep going and the building will be set on fire.  Go right, jumping 
through the falling fire and killing Tall Clowns.  You'll come to a part 
where you'll need to grapple to the right repeatedly to get over the 
flaming floor.  At one point you'll have to grapple back to the left for 
a second so that part of the ceiling can fall.  Keep going right and 
you'll beat this area and get back to the street.

Level 2-3
Type: 3D Action Scene

Out here you'll meet Sword Swallowers for the first time.  They're sorta 
like Fire Clowns with their attack.  Bash your way through Swords, 
Bazookas, and Thins, and open the Barrels that have Points and a Heart.

Keep going through more Swords and Fats.  Then there will be some Thins 
and Dynamites, followed by more Thins, Fats, and Bazookas.  The Fats may 
try to jump from the bench to the street, so stay out of their way.  
There's also a Heart here.  After some more Thins, you'll meet the boss, 
the Strongman.

He is accompanied by some Thins during this battle.  Whenever you see 
Thins and Strongman together, use a Test Tube.  Otherwise, don't.  
Strongman has a powerful punch and a couple other attacks, but he's not 
that difficult.  You should have him beat pretty easily.

Level 3-1
Type: 2D Action Scene

At the start of this level you're riding up an outside elevator.  Thins 
and Fats will break through the windows as you're going up.  Stand in 
the middle of the elevator, and whenever a Fat breaks through, move to 
the opposite side, then attack to knock him off.  The Thins are easy to 
kill as they try to climb up onto the elevator.  When this elevator 
stops, grapple to the right to a second one.  Ride this one up, beating 
the same enemies, and exit this area.

Level 3-2
Type: 2D Action Scene

Go right until you find a place to drop down.  Drop to the bottom level 
and go right until you reach the end of the platform.  Grapple to the 
right until you get to the next platform.  Jump up the stairs to the 
right and you will start riding up a beam.  Watch out for falling 
Dynamite, and kill the Talls, Thins, and Bazookas that attack.  If you 
stay ducked, you can avoid most attacks.  After the ride, grapple to the 
right to end the area.

Level 3-3
Type: 3D Action Scene

Here is the first fight with Catwoman.  She has several different 
attacks.  The first one is to attack with her whip.  You can see this 
coming.  The second one is to kick straight out.  This is a little 
faster.  She also does a claw attack where she backs up a little before 
she charges forward.  And finally she has one where she does multiple 
backflips before charging back and forth at high speeds.  This is 
difficult to avoid and does lots of damage.  Try to approach from an 
angle and grab her, then pummel her with a combo.  And use your Test 
Tubes here as well.

Level 4-1
Type: 3D Action Scene

This short area takes place inside a dark building.  Some Thins and Fats 
will drop on you from above.  You can see their shadows as they fall 
down, unless it's in a dark spot, then you can't.  Fight your way 
through them all and go to the next area.

Level 4-2
Type: 3D Action Scene

This is a different floor of the dark building.  Here you will fight 
Thins, Fires, and Swords.  They don't drop on you from above this time.  
Try not to grab the enemies as others can attack you if you do.  Get 
through this equally short area and go to the next.

Level 4-3
Type: 3D Action Scene

Here you fight Catwoman again.  She has the same attacks as before, 
except she doesn't do the multiple backflip attack this time.  
Therefore, she's easier.  Beat her the same way, but don't use your Test 
Tubes yet.  

Level 4-4
Type: 2D Action Scene

This is your first encounter with the Penguin.  His attacks include 
flying around while dropping explosive umbrellas.  Stay away from them 
while ducking underneath the Penguin if you need to.  He'll also toss 
some umbrellas off the side of the screen which return.  You'll have to 
duck under these.  Then he himself goes off the top of the screen and 
then flies in from the side.  When you hit him as he's flying in he 
moves up a little, so you have to hit him enough times so that he flies 
over you.  This can be difficult since he can come from either side, so 
you may want to use a Test Tube when he does this.  Otherwise jump up 
and shoot him whenever you can and you'll eventually beat him.

Level 5-1
Type: Batmobile Scene

In this scene, Batman is in his Batmobile racing forward at a mind-
boggling speed.  This is basically kind of like an obstacle course.  The 
first thing you encounter will be bikers that just race past you on one 
side and go back on the other.  Just stay in the center and shoot them 
when they pass the middle.  Next there will be packs of bikers with a 
space in between them.  You have to pass through this space.  Stay in 
the center of the road for the easiest time.  Next will be bikers that 
pass by you and turn around and shoot bazookas.  Avoid the shots and 
shoot the bikers.  After some more bikers will be powerful ones that 
shoot bazookas.  You have to shoot these guys a lot of times before they 
die.  Then there will be a small break in the action where you can pick 
up point symbols as they go by.  Get as many as you can.  Then you will 
have to deal with more bazooka bikers while also maneuvering through 
biker packs.  Finally after some more bazookas you'll encounter the 
Campain Vehicle.  This guy has tough armor and two different attacks.  
The first one is a couple of bazooka shots which you can avoid pretty 
easily.  The second one is tossing dynamite sticks onto three of the 
four lanes of the road.  Obviously try to stay in the lane that doesn't 
have any dynamite.  Just keep pounding away while avoiding the attacks 
and you'll win.

Level 6-1
Type: 3D Action Scene

This area takes place on top of a moving train.  You can't fall off, 
fortunately.  Go to the right and fight through Fats, Knifes, and 
Jugglers.  Then you'll encounter Dynamite Clowns and also a biker who 
rides alongside the train while tossing dynamite up onto it.  Avoid it 
while fighting through the Thins.

Next will be more Dynamites, Jugglers, and Fires to beat through.  After 
them the train will pass under barriers that you need to jump over.  
Fortunately the barriers will knock over most of your enemies, so you 
don't even need to fight them.  When the building appears in the 
background, that's when the barriers stop coming.  Now fight through 
Knifes, Thins, Fires, Jugglers, and Swords all the way to the end of the 
train.  At the end is a heart, then you'll jump off the stopped train.

Level 6-2
Type: 3D Action Scene

Here is the Organ Grinder boss.  He is accompanied by Thins, so use your 
Test Tubes when they're together until you run out of them.  Then avoid 
his two attacks, one is a standard swing with his weapon, the other is 
when he puts it down and turns the crank, shooting bullets out of it.  
Fortunately, the bullets are indiscriminate and can kill the Thins as 
well. (Does this remind anyone of the Edi.E battle in Final Fight?)  
Approach him from above or below and do grab combos to wear him down and 
eventually kill him.

Level 7-1
Type: 3D Action Scene

This is the final action scene with normal enemies.  Don't give up now, 
you're almost there.  First fight your way through Dynamite Clowns and 
Bazookas.  Next take on some more Bazookas and Bikers.  After that are 
some Fires and more Bikers.  

Then you'll fight some Thins while being surrounded by Penguins in the 
foreground and background.  These Penguins have rockets attached to 
their back, which they launch once.  Watch the shadows to see where the 
rockets land, or you can just stand still and block until it's over.  
There will be several screens of Penguins as you fight through Thins, 
Fats, Fires, and Swords.  At the end are some Swords, Thins and a lot of 
Knifes.  Beat your way through them all to reach the end of this area.

Level 7-2
Type: 2D Action Scene

Now you get to fight the Duck Vehicle.  It has two attacks.  In the 
first one the duck raises up and the whole vehicle moves towards you.  
Jump into the space between the wooden part and the duck and move to the 
other side of it.  It does this several times before doing its second 
attack.  The duck raises up just a little and fires four rockets that 
come down in different spots.  Best bet here is probably just to block 
one of the rockets.  Jump up and shoot the duck between attacks to cause 
damage.  Don't use Test Tubes here.

Level 7-3
Type: 3D Action Scene

This is the final battle with the Penguin.  He starts off with two 
attacks.  In the first one he shoots out a small fire stream from his 
umbrella that you can avoid pretty easily.  In the second one he moves 
up or down while shooting bullets out of his umbrella.  Stay above or 
below him and do grab combos.  After a while he does a third attack 
where he floats around and shoots explosive umbrellas.  Use a Test Tube 
when you see him start to float, and he'll be knocked down and go back 
to the first two attacks.  Once you beat him, you win.

In future revisions I will probably illustrate the differences between 
skill levels.  However, I do not know when I will have time to do this, 
since I move back to college this week and I don't bring my SNES to 
college.  So it may be some time.

Also, once you beat the game on the Mania skill level, a new difficulty 
setting called Special opens up.  Beat the game on Special for the best 

V. Disclaimer

This FAQ is copyright 1999 by Joshua Harring.  It may not be reproduced 
without my permission, whether on paper or electronically.  However, if 
you'd like to post it on a website, feel free to do so as long as you 
write it in its entirety, including this disclaimer.  No money may be 
made off this FAQ through sale - this FAQ is entirely free.  Thanks to 
CJayC of for his outstanding and everyday work on his 
fabulous site.