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Blood (e)


                  Blood Cheats & Secrets FAQ v0.1 - 10/03/97
                     Steve Wells -

Q: What is "Blood"?

A: To date, Blood is the latest in a long line of Doom clones, i.e.
first-person perspective 3D shootemups.  Blood is written by a team
working at Monolith Productions, and uses the Build engine designed by
3D-Realms which was used in Duke Nukem 3D among others.

The Text files that come with the game describe all the various
enemies and weapons, so I won't bother with that here, or for even
more information, you can visit the official Blood homepage at

Q: What cheats are there?

A: Blood has more cheat codes than I've ever seen in any game.  Some
of them have duplicated effects, and some of them, despite being
recognised by the game, don't actually appear to do anything.  Here
they all are:

BUNZ                    All Weapons, Ammo and Guns Akimbo.
CALGON                  Level Warp.
CAPINMYASS              Disable God Mode.
COUSTEAU                200 health.
EDMARK                  Displays "Those were the days".
EVA GALLI               Toggle Clipping.
FORK BROUSSARD          No Ammo, Armor or Items.  1 Health.  Delerium.
FUNKY SHOES             Super-Jump.
GOONIES                 Gives you the full map of the level.
GRISWOLD                All Armor.
HONGKONG                Same as "LARA CROFT".
IDAHO                   All Ammo & Weapons.
JOJO                    Delerium.
KEYMASTER               All Keys.
KEVORKIAN               Suicide.
KRUEGER                 Sets you on fire.
                        Displays "Flame Retardant".
LARA CROFT              All Ammo & Weapons. Displays "Lara Rules."
MCGEE                   Sets you on fire.
                        Displays "You're Fired".
MONTANA                 All Ammo, Weapons and Items.
NOCAPINMYASS            God Mode.
ONERING                 Invisibility.
RATE                    Displays current framerate.
SATCHEL                 All Items.
SPIELBERG               Level Warp.
SPORK                   200 Health.
STERNO                  Temporary Blindness.
TEQUILA                 Guns Akimbo.
VOORHEES                Displays "I will not cheat, I will not cheat"
.			and if repeated "I am a compulsive cheater".

Implemented but non functional:


Q: What are the secrets

A: Secrets in Blood, as with Duke-3D, Quake and presumably others, are
areas that aren't usually in the direct path required to be taken to
complete a level, and often will require looking in odd places,
getting to hard to reach spots and trying to open every wall you see.
Here are the list of currently known secrets in Blood Shareware v0.99.

Episode 1:

Mission 1 - Cradle to Grave:

Secrets: 11

#1      After climbing out of the grave, immediately in front of you
is a piece of metallic wall curving outwards towards you.  Open this
and it slides around to reveal a box of TNT.

#2      After stepping outside of the doors where you meet your first
zombie, turn back towards the doors and "open" the bushes to the left
of the door, it will slide up revealing the empty grave of one Eric
Draven and a shield.

#3      Downstairs there is another graveyard with a tomb with "In
loving memory" on the side of it, on top of this is the "Guns Akimbo"
powerup. There are 2 ways of getting to this.  Either jump ontop of
the nearest tombstone and jump onto the top of the tomb, or you can
jump out of the window later on and walk across the top of the fence,
jumping over the gap in the middle.  Using this powerup with the
alternate fire mode of the shotgun (both barrels) means instant death
for all but the toughest enemies.

#4      In the altar-room with the "rest in pieces" sign on the far
wall, walk straight down the middle of the room towards this sign, and
the altar will slide forward revealing a few rats and a box of flares.

#5      Behind the curtains in the altar-room is a piano-organ, active
this and a small panel slides up in front of you revealing a "Beast

#6      In the morgue, just opposite the window with the 2 bundles of
TNT in front of it, is a door with a crack in it.  Blow it up with TNT
to reveal some armor.

#7      Around the other side after blowing up 2 TNT barrels, another
empty wall-coffin appears with some rats and some fire armor in it.

#8      In the crematorium, after you have the fire armor, run down
the conveyor into the fire, grab the life-seed and then run out the

#9      Near the end of the level a zombie climbs out of a stone
coffin, behind the lid to this coffin is another secret area with some

#10     ?

#11     ?

Mission 2 -


Work in progress - If you have any more secret areas, please tell me
so that I can update this list.  I wanted to get it out fairly
quickly, mainly so I could beat everyone else to it ;^) - CityTech Computers
Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand   Honda GB400   NO JUNK EMAIL!  -  Personal Homepage - Pages me ASAP using I.C.Q.
the top of the fence,
jumping over the gap in the middle.  Using this powerup with the
alternate fire mode of the shotgun (both barrels) means instant death
for all bu