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Castlevania (e)

  ____          _       _                  _          __   _  _   
 / ___|__ _ ___| |_ ___| |_   ____ _ _ __ (_) __ _   / /_ | || |  
| |   / _` / __| __/ _ \ \ \ / / _` | '_ \| |/ _` | | '_ \| || |_ 
| |__| (_| \__ \ ||  __/ |\ V / (_| | | | | | (_| | | (_) |__   _|
 \____\__,_|___/\__\___|_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|_|\__,_|  \___/   |_|                                                                    
Version 1.0 1/26/99
This FAQ is Copyright 1999, Rob Ledrich. It is not to be reproduced or placed 
anywhere, in any form, without my permission. This FAQ is not to be published
in any magazine or housed on any website, without written permission from the 
author, Rob Ledrich (


1) Introduction
2) Items and Things
3) Characters and Story
4) Walkthrough (doesn't exist)
5) Other Things

Section 1)Introduction
(this FAQ was completed the day before the game came out)

   Welcome to my Castlevania 64 FAQ. I was wracking my brain for something to 
write a FAQ about and I couldn't come up with anything that didn't already have 
FAQS covering every detail. So I figured since I owned every Castlevania game 
released in America, I might as well do a FAQ on the next Castlevania. Nintendo 
up a small preview site and that's where I got 99% of this information. This FAQ 
doesn't currently have a walkthrough, but it will as soon as the game is 
If you see this FAQ anywhere other then email me and tell me.
  If I don't have a walkthrough up soon after the game comes out, feel free to 
e-mail me, I might be able to help with your problem. My email address is and my ICQ number is 901192. Be sure to keep an eye out for my
NES Castlevania II FAQ, version 2.0 coming in the next few weeks.

Section 2) Items and Things

   As with most previous Castlevania games, your characters can pick up weapons
and use them at the cost of something (usually hearts, in this game it's 
crystals). Below are charts listing weapons and items found in the game.


   After each name in brackets is the amount of money the 
   demon charges for the item

*Roast Chicken and Rost Beef* [5000, 10,000]

   The chicken gives you back 4/5 of your health and the beef gives you 1/2.

*Healing Kits* [20,000]

   These give you back 100% of your health and it seems that these are
   extremely rare.

*Purifying Crystal* [1000]

  In the game you can be bitten by vampires, this cures you.

*Cure Ampules* [200]

   These cure poison, that's it.

*Sun and Moon Cards* [2000]

   They change day into night and vice versa. 

*Red Jewels* [2000]
   These function like the hearts in previous Castlevania games, they power the
   special weapons.

*White Jewels* [NA]

   These allow you to save your game to a controller pak.

*Gold Bags* [NA]

   These contain money which allows you to buy things off of a demon somewhwere
   in the castle.

*Power Ups* [NA]

   As in most castlevania games, these power up your primary weapons.   


   This game has secondary weapons that cost jewels to use. 
For this game, they dropped the watch. The cost in jewels is
listed in brackets after the name of the weapon.

*Knife* [1 Jewel]

   This weapon is weak, but it can travel long distances fast.

*Axe* [2 Jewels]

  This is a medium range weapon that travels in an arc.

*Holy Water* [3 Jewels]

   This weapon is flaming Holy Water. It has pretty limited range.

*Cross* [5 Jewels]
   In previous Castlevania games this was called the Boomerang, but 
now it is called a croos and it behaves like a boomerang.

Section 3) Characters and Story

   You can play as one of 2 characters in this game. The first is named 
Reinhardt Schneider, and he is a decendent of the Belmonts. His primary
weapon is a whip. Carrie Fernandez is the second character. Her primary
attack is a very cheap heat seeking fireball that makes things way too 
easy. there were supposed to be more characters, but they ran out of time.

   I'll put the complete story of the game here when the game finally gets

4) Walkthrough (doesn't exist)
I'll put a walkthrough here when the game is released.

5) Other Things

Here's some Q&A. 

Q. What N64 accesories does this game use?

A. It uses the Controller Pak. That's it. It's doesn't rumble, it doesn't
   use the expansion pak.

Q. How big is the cart?

A. 96MBits, which is equal to 12MBytes. It's the same size as Shadows of the

Q. How Much is it?

A. It depends where you shop. Electronics Boutique is going to have it for 

Q. How long is the game?

A. I've heard many different 'estimates' of the length. It seems that Carrie's
game is extremly short and extremely easy compared to Reinhardt's game.

Things to do: Add a walkthrough, get a better logo, add more detailed 
              descriptions for everything, actually get some substance for 
              this FAQ, add better story and character info.

This FAQ is Copyright 1999, Rob Ledrich. It is not to be reproduced or placed 
anywhere, in any form, without my permission. This FAQ is not to be published
in any magazine or housed on any website, without written permission from the 
author, Rob Ledrich (

Important URLS: (Nintendo's Castlevania Site) (Official Konami Site) (the only place where this FAQ is to be found) (the place where I got my cool ascii title)