Andere Lösungen

Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (e)

CRUSADERS OF THE DARK SAVANT is a BIG game. Plan on playing for a 
couple of months, at least. It is also a very non-linear game. You 
can wander pretty much all over as you choose. But there are certain 
times when you must have a certain thing in hand to go on from where 
you are, and it could require a long search far across the countryside 
before you found it - and even then you might not recognize it. In 
order to avoid multiple cross-country searches, I have chosen to lead 
you along a much more linear path which will take you first to the 
required item, and later on we will come to the place where it is used. 
There is also a lot of randomness in the game. Even though you may 
choose to follow me step by step in this walkthrough, your game will 
NOT be exactly like mine. Where you come across happenings that I do 
not describe, you're on your own. 

    For example: This particular paragraph is being written as I 
    (we, if you're following) am/are en route from Nyctalinth to 
    Dionysceus. I have just met/traded with 'Mick the Pick' (an NPC) 
    and also met 'Rodan Lewarx' (another NPC) from whom I bought the 
    ?CRYPT? map. I can have no idea where/when/from whom you'll get
    it. (Or even IF you will!). In this connection, the only map which
    you must actually have in your inventory (at a point very late in
    the game) is the ?LEGEND? map. If you get it, guard it carefully.
    Other maps are important. Though called 'maps' they are not what
    you might expect - to use one, you click on the item, click on
    'READ' and a valuable (but usually obscure) instruction appears
    on your screen. I will quote the essentials when it's time.

        This walkthru is intended to be used in conjunction with
        a set of 79 - count 'em - 79 !!! GIF maps available as 
        CDSMAP.ZIP in GAMERS forum LIB 9. MAPALL.GIF shows the 
        layout of the maps covering the outside territory. Exterior 
        maps are uniformly on 30x20 grids. If you have a system 
        capable of printing .GIF files they can be printed, trimmed 
        and pasted. DON'T try to paste them ALL together - at 1/4" 
        per square, the whole thing will cover a 40x50 inch area. 
        I told you this was big! City and dungeon/cave maps mostly 
        DO need to be either pasted or hand-copied together, though. 
        The Dragon Cave map, for example, is in 4 sections. 
        These maps are not perfect. There are a couple of missing 
        squares in the Witch Mountains, and a couple more missing in 
        the Dragon Cave. They should suffice for finding your way around.


        Your game package includes a very well-written manual. I am 
        not about to include a re-write here. Build your party
        carefully - you'll be spending a long time with it. My team,
        if you care, is a vanilla combination of two fighters, a
        thief, a ranger, a bishop and a psionic. And I did not use
        the 'change profession' option which many players report having
        used to great advantage. I did use a couple of Dracons. I found
        their acid-breathing ability a big help in the early stages
        while I was still at low levels with poor weapons and armor.

    FORESTED AREAS - This walkthru will instruct you to 'leave city A
        by the east gate, and follow the road to the south gate of 
        city B'. But you should pause and smell the flowers. The 
        off-road forest contains many, many encounters. Most are battles, 
        rewarding you with experience points, gold and other treasures. 
        Some are trading/learning opportunities. Some are simply 'found' 
        treasures. So, even tho your main objective is to get from A to B, 
        take the time to get off the road and explore the forest.

    SAVE - QUIT/NO SAVE - RESTORE. The most useful survival technique. 
        Many treasure chests contain random items. Some traps cannot be
        disarmed. Saving immediately before opening the chest allows you
        to back up to the save if you trigger the trap and are seriously 
        hurt and/or if you don't like the goodies inside. But don't be 
        greedy. While critical items will be re-offered each time the 
        chest is opened, if you repeat when offered one good item along  
        with a collection of losers, you may not ever be offered the good 
        item again.

        Item identification is costly. An 'assay' is free, but gives you
        only the name of the item, who can/cannot use it, effect on Armor
        Class (if any) and the like. Learning more of what it will do
        requires a level 3-6 Identify spell at 8 points per level. Saving
        before identifying, then restoring allows you to do it free.

        Many combats take place at random times and in random locations.
        Many have a random number and assortment of monsters. Saving 
        frequently as you move along allows the luxury of terminating 
        a too-tough battle and either trying again or avoiding it 
        altogether until your stats/equipment have improved (without 
        having to go too far back).

        Each team member can carry 20 items in inventory. Of these, up to 
        8 are necessary to hold 1 or 2 weapons, a protective item such as
        a ring or amulet, a helmet, body armor, leg armor, shoes and
        gloves, leaving 12 open. 6x12, or 72 slots may sound like a lot, 
        but not so. You will get items quite early in the game which are
        not used until much later. Especially until you acquire enough 
        spell points, you need to carry potions to cure poison, disease,
        paralysis and the like. You need space to carry treasures to sell
        and you need space to accept treasure-chest items until you can
        decide what to keep. For some items (potions and keys, for 
        example) identical items can be merged to save slots. But once
        merged, they cannot be 'unmerged'. They can be used one unit at a 
        time, but if you have 12 merged potions, you cannot divide them 
        between two members and you cannot sell half. If the member who 
        is paralyzed during battle is the ONLY member carrying the 
        'cure paralyze' potions, he cannot cure himself during battle. 
        (If the battle is won without his help, however, the potions can 
        be transferred to another member who can accomplish the cure.)
        DROPPING items is easy, but dangerous. In review mode, click on 
        the item and click on drop. Going back to adventure mode, the 
        item's symbol will appear in the lower right corner. (Easy to see
        if it's a bright colored potion - not so easy if a tan doublet.).
        Same for items you choose to 'leave' when unloadig a treasure chest.
        They appear in the lower right corner. Click on an item there, and
        the cursor asks 'WHO?'. Click on a member and the item is added to 
        his inventory. 

        If you are not sure whether a found item is critical to the 
        game, you can attempt to sell it. If the item IS critical, 
        you will get a message 'You need that!'. But a critical item 
        CAN be DROPPED. And dropping is the only way to dispose of a
        critical item after it has served its purpose. 
        Most players choose one or more specific places to stash 
        unneeded items they cannot or prefer not to sell. The Abbey 
        in NEW CITY is one popular location. Partly because it is 
        reputedly safe from thieves and looters, (tho I never lost 
        any item anywhere) but also because it has enough squares 
        to accomodate several piles. If you decide to retrieve an 
        item you don't have to go through dozens to find the one you 
        want. (Of course, if you think you might want to retrieve an 
        item it would be well to write down what it is and where you 
        left it. Nobody said life was easy!) 

        The purpose of this walkthru is to take the reader to a successful 
        ending of the game. It does NOT attempt to evaluate all 500-some  
        items available to be found, and I will comment on them only when 
        they are significant or particularly interesting. 

        SWIMMING - You WILL need to swim, several times, to complete CDS.
        Start collecting swim points at the earliest opportunity. All
        team members need it. Anything less than 10 points and you drown
        instantly upon entering the water. Above 10, you gain one point
        of ability for each square of swiming. Each additional 10 points 
        (to 50-60) allows an additional square of swimming. Even 100 
        allows only 5 or occasionally six squares of movement. Battle 
        while swimming or heavy loads carried also drain stamina. The 
        Restfull spell helps, but does nothing for the caster, who uses 
        as much stamina to cast it as is gained by the spell. Best 
        solution is to carry LOTS of 'Heavy Stamina' potions. Rest and 
        SAVE before entering the water, and watch those points!

        MAPPING - The member carrying the Journey Map Kit needs to 
        increase Mapping skill as quickly as possible, up to about 70, 
        to take full advantage of the kit. 

        ARTIFACTS - One member needs the Artifacts skill to be able 
        to 'assay' found objects. 

        SCOUTING - One member needs the Scouting skill to notice buttons 
        which will open secret doors and to find treasures buried in trash.

        SKULDUGGERY - one member needs to build this skill for successfully
        opening doors and treasure chests


BANE OF THE COSMIC FORGE (Wizardry 6) had three different endings. If you 
finished BANE, your party can be imported to CRUSADERS OF THE DARK SAVANT. 
Your starting location in CDS depends on which BANE ending you experienced. 
A fourth starting location is for newly created parties not imported from
BANE. Another major difference is that imported parties will have a
Journey Map Kit (though not yet the mapping skill to use it) while new starts
will have neither. NEW CITY is the real jumping-off location, and this 
walkthru will begin near there. 

      IMPORTED TEAMS will find themselves somewhere in a forested area.
       1. If you finished with the 'best' BANE ending, you will start 
          CDS in location 1 on map B-4. Move south 2, west 1, south 1 
          and west 2 to a road. Moving south on the road you will come 
          to a field of Wild Orchids which will put you to sleep. 
          You will wake at location 2 on map B-5.

       2. If you travelled with the T'RANG you will start in location 1
          on map B/C-0. Go west 1, south 4 to a road. Follow the road 
          generally west (do NOT enter NYCTALINTH) then generally south
          (zig-zagging on the way). When you reach a left turn (east) on
          map A-4, follow the road east then south again until you reach
          the field of flowers which will put you to sleep. You will wake 
          at location 2 on map B-5. Go south to 4 to find a treasure chest.

       3. If you travelled with the UMPANI you will start in location 1
          on map F/G-5. North 1, West 4, South 1, West 1 and South 2 to
          a road. Follow the road East, south and west to UKPYR. A guard 
          will ask if you want to be a recruit - the answer is yes. Using 
          the UKPYR map, travel easterly, then south to 1 and exit. GOOD
          LUCK - the monsters here are tough. Follow the road to 
          MUNKHARAMA. Using the MUNKHARAMA map go north to location 1 
          and exit. Follow the road to New City. Using the NEW CITY map, 
          go to location 1 and exit. You are now with the rest of us, 
          on map B-5, at location 6. Go west, then south to 4 to find 
          a treasure chest.

       NEW TEAMS will start at location 1, map B-5. EQUIP. You NEED a 
          Journey Map Kit. You are facing west. Carefully follow  map 
          B-5 to 4 at the southern tip of this small peninsula. Here 
          you will find a treasure chest containing the Map Kit.

       ALL - Just before reaching the chest, you will find skull bones on
         the beach at the water's edge AT 3. Take them. If you don't 
         use them they can be sold. Imported teams should take the map 
         kit even tho they don't need it. It too, is salable.
    At location 5 on map B-5 is a ladder leading to a small dungeon. Not 
    a required exercise, but will provide some experience points (XP), 
    some goodies (and some not so good - check 'em before using) and a good
    After descending the ladder to location 1 on the BEGINNER map, 
    explore the area to the north for some easy fights and XP. 
    Search to find a parchment at A. Read it. 
    Next, west to 2 - press the button to open a secret door. Explore 
    to find a chest. Returning to the ladder room go south and then 
    west to find a fountain at 3 which will restore ALL points (may 
    require multiple drinks). Go to 4 to find another button to open 
    another secret door. Find a chest which will, among other things, 
    contain the Old Gate Key. Use the key at 5 to open a grate and find 
    the ladder to the lower level at 6. At the far end of the lower 
    level maze is a grate leading to the lair of Ra-Sep-Re-Tep. Pull 
    the lever at 7 to open the grate. After defeating the monster, 
    find a chest at the east end of the pool. Notice that Ra-Sep's 
    bones return to the pool - he will resurrect and you'll meet him 
    again much later. This completes the BEGINNER DUNGEON and you can 
    return to the surface. But remember the fountain. At this stage 
    your hit, stamina and magic points are low and you may want to 
    return here to get healthy again. 
    At location 6 on map B-5,  find the entrance to

    Two maps - NEWCTY_N and NEWCTY_S. Should be used together, as 
    they make up one city. Explore the non-numbered areas for XP and 
    loot. We will be here several times, and I will lead you to the 
    critical items you will need for each foray into the hinterlands 
    so that your inventory won't fill up early with items not needed 
    until much later.
    You will find that most locked doors in NEW CITY can be opened
    with either Iron or Pewter keys which you will get after battles
    with Rattkin. However, most are 'picked' fairly easily by a low-
    level thief and each pick will build the skill so it's a good 
    idea to SAVE and pick. If the pick fails and the lock jams, you
    can restore and try again. If you can't pick it and don't have
    a key, the knock-knock spell may work. If THAT doesn't work,
    then the door probably requires a special key, or it can't be 
    opened from that side, or in some few cases, can't be opened at 
    all. Doors which look like metal-barred prison cell doors (which 
    I will refer to as 'grates') ALL require a special key or other 
    opening technique. None can be picked or 'knock-knocked'.

    Upon entering the city at 1, the guards will stop you and ask 
    what you want. Recalling the parchment you found, you can say 
    'PALUKES' and they'll let you in. If you're feeling strong, you
    can tell them nothing and try to fight your way in. 

    Visit Paluke at 3 and trade as you like. Ask about RUMORS to learn
    that a prisoner has been taken. Visit the inn at 4 and learn there
    is a black market being operated at the Arms of Argus. Buy a bunch
    of bananas. (Critical for Orkogre) Visit Arms of Argus at 5 and when 
    asked 'Who sent you?',say 'BLACK MARKET'. From now on you can 
    talk/trade here. BELCAZOR's Magik Emporium is at 6. Here in New 
    City, he's only open at night. 

        TRADING note: Anytime you have the opportunity to buy/sell, you
        can sell anything salable. The magic shop will buy weapons and
        the armor shop will buy magiks. Even 'Mick the Pick', who you
        will meet in the countryside, will buy off your whole inventory.
        He has unlimited gold and a MUCH bigger swag-bag than you. When
        you buy an item it disappears from the seller's inventory. If 
        you should want more of the same (and in some cases you will) 
        you must 'leave', then exit the shop and re-enter. His inventory 
        will have been replenished. Only works in shops - when you meet 
        a trader on the road and click 'leave' - he's GONE.

    Search at 7 to find a Black Wafer. Now let's see about that prisoner.
    Go to 8 and battle the guards. The door at 9 has a combination lock
    with color buttons. Examine the Black Wafer. 'BYYR' Press the buttons
    in that sequence - blue, yellow, yellow again and red. Find a ring of
    keys on the north wall at 10, and release the prisoner at 11. Before
    he leaves, he will give you a letter to get you past Lord Galiere at 
    the border and he will give you a verbal message (critical for 
    Orkogre) to take to the GORN King at

    Leave NEW CITY by the east gate. Follow the road thru D-5, D-4, 
    D-3, C-3, back into D-3 and at location 1 on D-3 (or thereabouts - 
    may be random) meet LORD GALIERE and his troops. If you give him Capt. 
    BOERIGARD's letter he will pass you through, and if asked, will tell 
    you that ORKOGRE is to the west and a little north. You will also 
    have the opportunity to talk/trade with him. (ALWAYS check out what's 
    available - maybe there will be a map that you have missed getting - 
    maybe other goodies. And anyone willing to sell will be willing to 
    buy, so it's an opportunity to clear out your inventory if you need 
    space or cash.) 
    You CAN also choose not to give the letter, and try to defeat GALIERE. 
    Lots of XP if you win. Usually it's a bad idea to fight anyone who 
    doesn't attack you - his friends don't like it - or you. In this case, 
    it doesn't seem to matter. My first time thru, I met GALIERE before 
    I even got to NEW CITY or met BOERIGARD, so I had no alternative 
    but to tromp on him. Didn't run into trouble later.

    Either way, go west into the forest (into C-3) and work your way
    to the far northwest corner. Go north into C-2, and find the entrance 
    to ORKOGRE at location 1. It is a ladder down, in the middle of a 
    3x3 clearing in the forest.

    ORKOGRE is a 3-level dungeon, illustrated on maps ORKOG-1 and 
    ORKOG-23. Remember once again that I have marked and will be 
    describing only essential areas. You should explore all - for needed 
    XP and loot. 
    Starting from location 1, level 1, go to 2 and descend to the cell 
    block. Ignore it for now. Go to the far end and at 3 descend into 
    the guard barracks. After a battle at 4 get the Armory Key and after 
    a battle at 5 get the Crown Key. Use the Armory Key to open the grate 
    leading to 6 and 7. LOTS of armor and weapons at 6 (several piles - 
    search all squares). If your inventory space is crowded, you may want 
    to haul it back and stash it at the foot of the ladder on level 1. 
    At 7 find Munk Meat and Munk Innards. One package of Munk Innards is 
    a critical item for DANE TOWER. 

    Return to level 1 and use the Crown Key to open the grate at 8. Pull 
    the lever at 9 to open the grate into 10 and find a chest. Pull the 
    lever at 11 to open the grate into 12. Press the button at 13 to open 
    a secret door. Find the ape at 14. Use the bananas. After the ape has 
    grabbed the bananas and gone, press the button at 15 to open a secret 
    door at 16. Pull the lever at 16 to open the grate into the Throne 
    Room. Meet the Gorn King at 17 and listen to his sad tale. When it's 
    your turn to talk, deliver the message from Capt. BOERIGARD. Remember 
    it? 'THE DARTAEN ALLIANCE IS BROKEN' (Spell it right - the CDS parser 
    accepts nothing but perfection.) He will give you some instructions 
    and the Key of the Gorn King. 

    Use the stair at 18 to level 2. Find and pull the lever at 19 to open 
    the grate at 20. Search the bedroom on the right (not marked) to get 
    Bone Combs and Brushes, and a Polished Steel Plate. (Both critical 
    items for later - the Bone Combs and Brushes for MUCH later.) 
    Press the button at 21 to open a secret door. Use the Key of the King 
    to open the grate at 22 and find a chest containing the ?TEMPLE? MAP. 

    Return to level 1 by the stair at 18 and work your way back to the 
    blood spot on the floor at 23. Search at 23 to learn there is a ray 
    of light coming from overhead. Facing south, use the Polished Steel 
    Plate to reflect the light onto the grate at 24 - the entrance to 
    MURKATOS' OUTER SANCTUM. Search at 25 to open the secret door at 26. 
    Search 26 to get a Ring of Steel Keys and a parchment containing 
    Murkatos' Last Words.  Read the parchment. 'THE PRISON IS THE KEY'.  
    OK, let's do the prison.

    Return to the stair at 2, descend to the cell block and start opening
    cell doors, using the ring of steel keys. At 27, find bread and (in 
    case you didn't get them at the inn) some bananas. At 28 and 29 are 
    battles. At 30, find a button to open a secret door at 31. At 31, 
    pull the lever to open a hole in the floor at 32. (Now would be a 
    good time to cast the 'levitate' spell if you have it.) Click on the 
    hole to drop down to a different section of level 3. Find a button 
    at 33 to open a secret door at 34, and find a ladder at 35. Up to 
    level 2 and find the lever at 36 to open the grate at 37 leading 
    into the Inner Sanctum. Defeat the Guardian and meet Murkatos' Ghost, 
    who is sufficiently pleased with your progress that he has a quest
    for you. (To find the Tomb of Vilet Kenabe, in the Old Cemetery at 
    NYCTALINTH) At 38 find some potions and a Bonsai Tree (critical for
    the Rattkin gate) At 39 press the button to open a secret door and 
    find a chest containing the Key of Azure and the Gem of Power. 
    The Gem, when equipped, will provide one party member with the POWER 
    STRIKE skill. At 40, pull the lever to open the grate at 41, leading 
    to a ladder at 42 which will return you to level 1. A lever at 43 
    opens the grate at 44.

    Use the Azure Key to open the grate at 45, where you will find a 
    fountain which will restore Magic points. This completes the ORKOGRE
    castle/dungeon. The ladder at 1 will return you to the surface,
    and you can haul your excess loot back to the shops in  NEW CITY, 
    sell it off and buy better weapons/armor/spells. Might take a couple 
    of trips - maybe pick up some XP along the way. 


    You no longer need BOERIGARD'S LETTER or the POLISHED STEEL PLATE. 
    Might as well drop/stash them - we're headed for the Abbey anyhow. 
    Enter at 12 (or either of the side entrances), go to 13 and meet
    Father Rulae who will talk to you about the Holy Work, MUNKHARAMA,
    what to say when you meet Brother Tshober and the statue near the 
    Abbey entrance . I hope everyone has 15 or more Swim points by now. 
    We've got to get to that statue. If not, go exploring around till
    you get them, then come back. Ready? Swim to the statue at 14 and 
    search. Search again and get the MOONSTONE. (critical for MUNKHARAMA)
    Now head for the west gate out of the city.

    Murkatos said to find a tomb in NYCTALINTH - but we are nowhere 
    near ready for that. Next stop is MUNKHARAMA (which is where 
    Father Rulae told us to go). At location 1 on map D-4 is the road 
    east to meet Brother Tshober at 1 on E-4. When he gives you the 
    opportunity to speak, say the words that Father Rulae gave you 
    'SLAY NOT HE THAT CANNOT HEAR'. Remember his response. (Critical 
    for the Secret School) He will give you a Cable Trolley. Talk to 
    him about the Holy Work and get some tips on finding it. Trade 
    with him if you like. When he leaves, use the Cable Trolley to 
    cross the river. Or maybe not.

   While you are right here, if your swimming skill is up to it, I can 
   tell you about some pretty good loot. If not, remember this note 
   and pick up on it later. If you examine this neighborhood on
   the map carefully, you will see that just to the north and east are
   a couple of forest areas that you can get to with two or three
   squares of swimming. The trick is to move (on land) to the square 
   north of where the road meets the water. Sidestep and swim two 
   squares north to a landing place. Rest, explore around 2 and rest. 
   Then another two-square swim north. Now you can explore the area 
   around 3. You can get to 4 on land, then go north to 5 on map E-3, 
   where you will find a chest. Return to the road by retracing
   your steps.

         FOOTNOTE HERE: If you didn't use the password and get the Cable
         Trolley from him, B.Tshober will charge a fee for helping you
         across the river. And he'll be stuck here forever in case you
         come back and need another ride. But since you did, he's now 
         free to roam and you'll meet him from time to time, happy (and 
         not so shober). He'll trade with you (might even have a map to
         sell). If you should decide to kill him (not really a GOOD idea
         because it will make Father Rulae unhappy) his ghost will lie
         in wait for you here. But you can kill the ghost for lots of
         points, go back out of the area (about to the north/south road)
         return here and kill the ghost again - and again - and again.

   When you are ready, use the Cable Trolley to cross the river and 
   follow the road south to

    There are two maps for the surface level - MUNK_N and MUNK_S. They 
    are not divided by a straight east/west line as you will see, in 
    order to give each of two main puzzles its own undivided area.

    After entering at 1, visit the well at 2. The answer to the question
    'What do you shout' is COIN. You will get four Well Coins for your 
    trouble. Go to 3 and open the door by using one of the coins. Pull 
    the lever at 4 to open a secret door behind door 5. Use a coin to 
    open 5 and get ready for the famous (infamous ?) 

   Study the southeast area past door 5. At the center is a room marked 
   'X'. To the NE, SE, SW and NW (clockwise) are four 1-square rooms 
   marked 'W', 'C', 'P' and 'S'. In each of these rooms you will find 
   a stone - the Bean of 'W'ands, 'C'ups, 'P'entacles and 'S'words.
   Further to the NE, SE, SW and NW are four 4-square rooms, each
   having a chalice in the corner adjacent to the nearest 'bean' 
   room. The object is to collect the four beans, put (by 'using') 
   a bean in each of the four chalices, then go to room X and 
   pull the spindle. Whether you have placed the correct bean in the
   correct chalice is shown by a listing of BLACKs and WHITEs, NOT in
   meaningful sequence. BWWW simply means that one bean was placed 
   correctly and three were not. If you have it, cast the levitate
   spell before entering room X. Anything but BBBB gets you dumped 
   into a dungeon below at 'A' where you will eventually find a ladder
   at 'B' leading up to the NE 4-square room and the opportunity to try

   I have never heard of anyone getting all black on the first try. I
   think the first try will always result in four whites. To avoid the
   necessity to blunder through all 24 possible combinations, I offer
   a more logical approach that worked for me. (The method, that is -
   the specific solution is not necessarily repeatable.)

                      Chalice located  NW   NE   SE   SW     Result
      Beans placed     first  try       S    W    C    P      WWWW
                       second try       W    S    P    C      BBWW
                       third  try       C    S    P    W      WWWW
                       fourth try       W    P    S    C      BBBB

    Explanation - on the first try (for lack of a better thought) each
    bean was placed in the chalice next to the room from which it came.
    Since all were wrong, all were moved. 'S' and 'W' were swapped and
    so were 'C' and 'P'. Two correct - two wrong. Third try - swap one
    pair only (but a different pairing). Swap 'C' and 'W'. All wrong
    again, BUT - it looks like the only possibility is that putting 'C'
    and 'W' back would give us two correct again, and that 'P' and 'S'
    are the ones in the wrong place and should be swapped. Result ?
    Success! All black. Reward ? A little gold, some XP and a secret door
    opened at 6 in the SE corner of the SE chalice room .

      FOOTNOTE: I replayed this, thinking that I knew the answer. After
      repeating the first try arrangement, I jumped straight to the 
      previously successful fourth try arrangement but got all wrong - 
      all white. I also think that different first try arrangements will 
      lead to different final solutions. VERY clever design/programming.

    Go through the newly opened door. Use the SOUTH map. Find a 1-square
    pool at 7. Try it if you like. SAVE FIRST! Facing west at 8 you will
    see a chest. Find in it a rubber bear. Equipping it and invoking its 
    power will give one person 5 swim points. Visit Brother Moser's
    Apothecary at 9. Here is where you can buy the Heavy Stamina potions 
    you will need later. Talk to Brother Moser and follow up on rumors 
    about the Secret School and Land of Dreams. He won't tell you all 
    he knows until you have found the Land of Dreams for yourself. Go 
    through the door at 10, press the button at 11 to open a secret door 
    and you are in the main pool-patio again. Use your third well-coin 
    at 12 and pull the lever at 13. This opens a secret door behind 14. 
    Use your final coin at 14 and go through to the 'Gran Melange' at 15. 
    Click and the sign changes to read 'Land of Dreams'. You can enter, but 
    you won't know 'what you are seeking' and will get thrown out. Now 
    that you know where to find the Land of Dreams (at the Gran Melange) 
    you can return to Brother Moser and he will lecture some more. If 
    you listen carefully you will get the clues you need in order to 
    get into the Land of Dreams. But if you go in now, you'll only get 
    an important door slammed in your face at the end. We've another 
    quest. Remember - Father Rulae at New City said to find the Holy Work.


    Time to read the ?TEMPLE? map. 'Find the Builder' ??? - Maybe on 
    the island in the middle of the pool? - we've been everywhere else.
    Find a landing spot before you start. Can't wast those precious
    swim points!. At 16, for example, it's a straight shot from beach-
    to-beach. In the center of the island is the statue of a familiar
    figure. Search and you discover that he is also known as the Builder.
    Search (while swimming) at each corner of the island ( J, J, J, and J)
    to find diamond, ruby, emerald and amber coins. Back to the shore. 

    In the four corners of the patio (at K) are four gazebos, each 
    sheltering an urn. One silver, one cuprum, one viridian and one 
    gold. Do a color compare and guess what to do with the coins. Make 
    the offering as the map instructed. (Diamond to silver, ruby 
    to cuprum, emerald to viridian and amber to gold. But it doesn't 
    matter - the urn won't accept the wrong coin. There was something 
    about opacity turning to radiance. Back to the statue and use the 
    Moonstone you got from the similar statue back at New City. Some 
    reward! KLUNK into a dungeon!

    Fear not. Using TEMPL-1A map, you have been dropped at location 1.
    on level 1 of the dungeon. (TEMPL-1B joins at the SW corner of 1A.) 
    To the west, stay away from 23 for now. If you decide to explore 
    it despite this warning, be prepared to be dumped painfully into 
    Level 2 at A (map TEMPL-23). A long and tough trip south and then 
    west will bring you to a teleport station at B (if you survive)
    which will return you to 2 back here on level 1.

    Press a button at 3 to open a secret door. Search at 5 to pull the
    sconce and open another secret door. Find a chest containing the
    Munk Key. At 7, find a ring of Rusty Keys. (They fit four doors at
    R.) Moving to TEMPL-1B, use the Munk Key at 8 and find your way to
    the stairs at 9. BE SURE to be rested and 'saved', and have all
    possible protective spells in place. You are about to face the Lord
    of the Dark Forest Munks and his gang, and they are TOUGH!. Ready? - 
    Go on down the stairs (TEMPL-23, level 2) and take him on. 

    Get the Key of Good Keep at 10 and the Key of the Temple at 11.
    (There are a couple more chests at C.) Press the button at 13 to
    open a secret door at 14. At 15, get a 'bo' (which when assayed will
    turn out to be a notched stick). OK? - Return to level 1 on
    map TEMPL-1A. Press the button at 16 to open a secret door at 17.
    Use the Key of Good Keep at 18 to get the Onyx Key at 19. Find a 
    hole in the wall (looks a little like a button) at 22 and use the
    notched stick. (This locks that trap door.) Pull the lever at 23
    to open the grate at 24 and go down the ladder at 25 to a different
    section of level 2 on map TEMPL-23. 

    Use the Onyx Key at 26 to get to a stair at 27 leading down to 
    level 3. Press the button at 28 and pull the lever at 29. SAVE.
    An altar holding a black globe will rise out of the hole in the 
    floor at 30. When you take the globe you will likely be gassed,
    one to most of the team will be paralyzed, and before you have
    a chance to recover you will have to fight. Be prepared to quit
    and restore. At the same time, a grate will close the exit.
    After the battle, you will discover that the globe is Wickum's
    Powerglobe - a critical item for the boat, much later. Pull the 
    lever at 29 again to re-open the grate and return to level 2.

    Go to 31 and look around. Directly south you will see a fountain
    at 32. Swim to it and have everybody drink to restore stamina. 
    Beside the fountain to the left, find and press a button to open 
    a secret door. Use the Key of the Temple at 33 to open the grate
    and find the Holy Work at 34. By the way - none of the grates at
    D can be opened from either side. Return to level 1. Find the 
    lever at 20 to open the adjacent grate and find a ladder at 21
    which is the exit from the dungeon. You will find yourself in a
    field at 'X' on map EF6. Follow the road west and north to return

    Now that we have the Holy Work and Brother Moser's clues, it is 
    time to do the 

    Go to 15 on the MUNKHARAMA map and enter. In answer to the question 
    'What do you seek?' reply 'INNER DREAMS'.In answer to the second 
    question reply 'WALK THE LAND OF THE LIVING DEAD'.

    Make a donation of 500 gold and you will be allowed access, but with
    a stern warning to stay away from the Black Door. 

    The upcoming maze of rooms with up and down ladders can be very 
    confusing, especially since some ladders face north/south and others 
    east/west. Be sure to cast the Direction spell and keep track of your 
    orientation. Note that 1 in the first room is the bottom of the same 
    ladder the top of which is numbered 1 in the second room.

    Start - Up ladder 1, down 2.
            Up 3 (3 ladders here) 
               Down 4. Find a monk, then find a smoking pipe at A
               Return up 4 
            Down 5 and up 6
            Down 7 (3 ladders here)
                Up 8 and down 9 to get a lecture at B and find a chest at C 
                Return up 9 and down 8
            Up 10 and down 11 (3 ladders here)
                Up 12. Find a monk, then find a pouch(Pastille) at D
                Return down 12  
            Finally, down 13 and around the corner to the Black Door at 14.

    Stop here.   You will shortly be offered the choice 
                 'Do you take the SWORD, GOWN, STONE, STAFF or RING', 
    with no idea what any of them might be. I suggest that you do a 
    special save before you go on. When you pop out of the dungeon 
    you can assay and identify the item you chose, and do a temporary 
    save. You can then reload this special save and go through the routine 
    again, selecting a different item. You can do it again and again, 
    till you have seen each item. (My temporary saves were TGOWN, 
    TSWORD etc.) When you have decided on the item you want to keep, 
    you can reload that temporary game as your ongoing game and proceed 
    from there. 

    As you step through the Black door, you will fall (but no damage), 
    Move forward and see a vision. When the vision is done, move ahead 
    again - and fall again. You are caught in a loop and can go 'round 
    again if you like. To break the loop, as soon as you finish falling
    the second (or later) time, merge the pastille with the pipe, and 
    'use' the merged 'pipe and pastille'. Then go forward again. This 
    time will be a different scenario, and you will get the sword/gown 
    offer. Depending on the item you choose, each member will get a 
    point increase in one statistic (all get the same). One choice 
    gives Piety, another Vitality and so on. Then each member gets a 
    point of Kharma, regardless of selection. Finally, you are popped 
    out at 15, where you can re-do if and as you choose. 

    When you have made your final selection and are ready to move on, 
    meet Xen Xheng at 16. He will greet you with one of the passwords 
    revealed to you by Father Rulae and Brother Tshober. Whichever he 
    offers, respond with the other. (Slay Not He etc., and Be Thankful 
    Ye etc.) He will ask for the Holy Work. He will ask if you would 
    like to study in the School of Five Flowers. Might just as well - 
    this quest can be accomplished along the way without detracting 
    from other tasks, and there is a small reward. Finally he will tell 
    you there's a chest available to you in the back room at 17. Then 
    he's open to talk/trade/lore. When you go for the chest, don't be 
    disconcerted by the 'disarm' anomaly. Xheng said to help yourself,
    so the chest is not trapped. Incidentally, one of the benefits of 
    this quest is that Master Xheng will meet you from time to time 
    hereafter, which will give you the opportunity to get the latest 
    rumors and will give you the chance to sell off excess loot in 
    wilderness places where there is no other such opportunity. At 
    last, leave the area by pressing the button on the south wall at 
    17 to open a secret door and you will find yourself in the northwest 
    corner of the MUNKHARAMA pool/patio. 

    If you didn't sell off to Master Xheng, you can do so at Brother 
    Moser's, and I'll met you at the south gate, where we can head for

    Departing by the gate at 18, follw the road east, south and back to
    the north on maps EF-6, and F-7 to the UKPYR entrance. As usual, 
    don't ignore the forest. Enter UKPYR at 1, meet the gate guard at 2
    and tell him that you want to enlist. Go to the recruiting station
    at 3, get accepted and sent to the Supply Depot at 4 for outfitting,
    which will cost 8000 gold. (The Supply Sergeant will want 9000, but 
    if you tell him you don't have it he'll give you a bargain - actually
    a REAL bargain - when you sell the outfit back, you'll get more than 
    you paid.)

    Next, to the firing range at 5, where you'll need 750 more for practice 
    targets (no bargains here!). Ignore the comment that anybody who
    gets 3 hits gets a promotion from the Captain. I practiced repeatedly
    with one member, eventually got three hits - but never saw a Captain
    and never got a promotion. Each member who practices gets the firearms
    skill. Have the member carrying the targets 'use' them at the far end 
    of the range. Have someone with a gun 'use' it. Three shots, get a 
    report and do it again. Simply pass the gun from one member to the 
    next. (Even tho the weapon will assay as 'unusable' for a profession, 
    it gets used anyhow.)

    Return to the recruiting station at 3 for your next mission - 'Find and
    kill the T'rang spies in the forest to the north'. 

    Exit the north gate at 6. I found the T'rang at location 2 on F-5, 
    just past where the road ends. They will offer a reward if you will 
    betray the Umpani and get the location of the Umpani space ship 
    for the T'rang. 

     FOOTNOTE here: I lied and said I would. Every time I returned to the
     area they popped out of the bushes and asked if I had it yet. Had
     to say no, so they said they would wait. Returned to the recruiter
     and admitted I had found the T'rang but had not killed them. He told
     me to 'go DO it'. Then I lied and told him I HAD killed the T'rang,
     but he simply took my typed 'YES' as tho I had said 'NO' and sent me
     back out again. Finally had to lie again to the T'rang, tell them
     I had the spaceship location, but refused to give it. That, at last. 
     brought about the necessary battle - I tromped 'em, reported back
     that I had done so, and finally got the next mission.

    I keep reminding you to explore the forest. While you're in this area,
    might as well find some of the flowers. On G-4, the blue flower is
    at 1 and the yellow one is at 2.  The white flower is at 3 on F-4. At 1 
    on F-4, you will feel a cold chill and a blackbird will fly overhead 
    crying 'AY-BIE'. (Maybe trying to say 'help me'? More about that later.)
    And don't go past 2 on F4. That's the entrance to the Sphynx (Whirlpool)
    cave, and we're not ready for it yet.

    Your next mission is to carry a message to Rodan Lewarx. Note:  
    read the message and see how obedient he is (not!) when he gets 
    it. When given the message, you will also get a Humpa Card. Use 
    the card at 7 and pull the lever at 8. You will be teleported to 
    inside location 21 at New City. Show your orders and deliver the 
    message.  While you are here, exit into the New City street, then 
    turn around and come back in.  This is one of the doors you could
    not open before, but from now on you will be able to enter at will. 
    And you can use the teleport device from now on to go back and forth 
    between New City and Upkyr. Take note of the door at 22 with the 
    combination lock. Use the teleporter to return to Ukpyr to report 
    to the recruiter.

    Final UKPYR mission - 'Report to General Yamo'. Before you do, 
    however, go back to the Supply Depot at 4 and sell off any excess 
    inventory. Things are going to get exciting in a bit, and you'll 
    need space. When you're ready, go to 9, find the general at 10 
    and report to him. After he has given you the Thermal Pineapple 
    (critical for Nyctalinth) and the bombs have stopped falling, 
    loot the city. 
    Search at 11 to find a security code. Searching at 12 will show you 
    a map emphasizing an island south of NEW CITY. Find chests at 13 and 14. 
    Searching the star map on the wall at 15 will give you the starship 
    coordinates the T'rang wanted - HORATHA Tracking S:48,9 D:34,82,+17
    Using the WizardEye spell at the Firing Range and Supply Depot will
    show you there are areas beyond the locked doors. They can't be 
    picked, but they CAN be forced, tho it takes tremendous strength.
    Don't bother. No goodies in either place.

    If you explored the area in NEW CITY where you delivered the message, 
    you found a door at 22 with numbered buttons. Wonder if that security 
    code you just found would work? Use the teleporter back to NEW CITY 
    and try. Yep, it does. (2723539). Behind the door find the Comm-Link 
    device. (Critical for the Forbidden Area) 


    While you are here, you can sell off your excess inventory, and you 
    can drop/stash some items you no longer need - the Pipe/Pastille, 
    the IUF orders you got in UPKYR, the IUF badge, YAMO's dispatch and 
    the Moonstone . Off again to more adventure! Next we go to NYCTALINTH, 
    with a stop on the way.


    Out the east gate - Follow the road thru D-5, north thru D-4, D-3, 
    C-3, D-3 again and C-2 to location 1 on C-1 - at the T-intersection 
    where the road enters C-1. Leave the road at 2, go north and a 
    little west toward 3. As you approach, there will be a series of 
    battles. When they are done, use the Bonsai at 3. When asked who 
    craves a boon, give the name of your party leader. There's a chest 
    at 4. Return to location 1 on the road and follow the road west thru 
    B/C-0 and on to the entrance to NYCTALINTH at 1 on B-1.

    This area is mapped on NYCT-N and NYCT-S. Go to the Landing Port 
    at 5 and get the T'rang Port Book at 6. Enter the Observation 
    Control Tower at 2. Learn a Computer Access Code at 3 and find 
    the TX-Coder at 4. (All critical for later.)
    Enter the High Chamber at 8 and talk to H'Jenn-Ra T'rang at 9. Pull 
    the lever at 10 to teleport to 29 in the T'rang house in New City. 
    Meet Shritis T'rang at 30. Whether you accept or decline the mission 
    he wants to give you seems to make no difference. He will leave. 
    Find a chest at 31 and get a Control Card. (Critical) As with the Umpani 
    quarters, exit to the street and re-entry will free up the door so 
    you can use it (and this teleporter) anytime. Pull the lever at 29
    and return to Nyctalinth. Report back to H'Jenn-Ra. and get a new 
    mission to acquire the ?BOAT? map for him/her. Make a careful note 
    of the spear code. 

    After this interview is over, be prepared for some tough battles. Get
    1 Finger Rod at 11 and 2 more at 7. (Notice that tho they seem to be
    the same, they can't be merged, so they must be different.)
    Go to the Tactical Depot at 13. Use a Finger Rod to unlock the door at 
    14. (If one doesn't work, try another.) Nothing there but a battle.
    Use a Finger rod on the door at 15, and after a battle at 16, get a
    weapon. Search at 17 to learn that it emits a mysterious ray.

    Now go to the LiveStock Breeding Grounds and use the last Finger Rod 
    at 18. At 19, at what appears to be a solid wall, meet a 'familiar 
    figure' (Murkatos' Ghost - remember - he sent you here) who says 
    'follow me' - and you can simply walk through the wall. Note - you can
    (and will) later walk thru again, in the same direction, but it's a 
    one way trip. You cannot exit this way. 
    At 20, find a chest containing a 'long-stemmed spade'. While exploring 
    the graveyard, STAY OUT of location 36. Or, if you would like to see 
    what happens there, SAVE, then enter. You NEED the object the 
    fast-moving banshee stole - and having lost it, there's nothing to do 
    but restore. At 21, find the grave of Notera Formi. First cast 
    levitate, then dig. You will drop into the south end of the Nyctalinth 
    Dungeon at 21. (The NYCT-DUN map shows a little bit of the south end 


    Be prepared for LOTS of poisoning, tho fortunately when you pass thru
    each trap the first time, it exhausts itself and you can go thru again 
    safely. There are two main tasks and one smaller (tho no less important)
    Least travel goes like this:

    Clear out the chest at 22. Find a ladder at 24 and go up to Nyctalinth
    proper at 24. Find the chest at 25. Find the statue at 26. Search. Dig 
    to get the little green statue with the funny name. Read the name 
    backwards. 'Time Bandit' - Hmm - might help outwit that quick little
    guy back in the graveyard. Press the button at 27 to open a door. 
    Back down the ladder to the dungeon at 24, and find some goodies 
    at 23. Now for the real battle.

    At 28 see some eggs. SAVE. Cast the Fire Shield spell if you have it,
    then use the Thermal Pineapple. If you burn up, restore and try again.
    Find another ladder up into the city at 29. Just before you round the 
    corner to 30, rest, save and get ready to fight. At 30, you are in
    H'Jenn-Ra's chamber. Kill him/her to get one or more maps. This time,
    I got the ?FOOLS? map and the ?DRAGON? map. As I mentioned before,
    some maps are in fixed locations, others are random. For example,
    my first time thru, I got the ?FOOLS? map by killing Ratsputin. 
    (?FOOLS? map has no use, tho one of the characters you meet on the
    road and trade with may buy it, but probably not.)

    Buttons at 31 and 32 will open secret doors. Go thru 32 to get to 
    a down ladder at 12. At 33, 34 and 35 you will find three seemingly dead 
    Savants. Use the Mysterious Ray Gun on each in turn. (Don't equip it -
    just use it.) From one of the three, after re-killing him, you will
    get another Computer Access Code. Leave the vats alone. Back up the 
    ladder at 12, find your way back to 18 and reenter the graveyard.

    Enter the cubicle at 37 and use the little green statue to get the
    Crux of Crossing. This is what you need to get through the energy 
    field at 38. Be sure you have the Remove Curse spell. The Crux is
    cursed, but must be equipped for it to be effective. While some 
    cursed items are good, this one is not. Having equipped the Crux, 
    go thru 38 and find the tomb of Vilet Kanebe at 39. Enter and go 
    down the ladder at 40. Find a chest at 41. Murkatos' Ghost said 
    that you would find 'a part of what you seek' here. In this case 
    it is the ?SERPENT? map. Retrace your steps an when outside the 
    energy field, remove the curse and uneqip the Crux.

    We've done all that needs doing except to get out of here and back
    on the road. You can't get out at 19, so it's back to the dungeon.
    At 21, again cast levitate, click on the hole to drop into the 
    dungeon and find your way out. I preferred 24 to 29, but it doesn't 
    matter. I'll see you at the NYCTALINTH exit at 1, from where we will 
    head south to

    En route, at or near location 1 on B-2 you should come across a 
    battle. JAN'ETTE the Helazoid is being beaten on by a gang of 
    T'rang. You will be asked if you want to help her - and you do.
    When you have won, and set her free, she will give yoa a token
    of her appreciation. Much later, when you follow her instructions
    and give it to the Helazoid Queen, you will gain a personal skill.
DANE TOWER  (Maps DANE-12, DANE34 and DANE-56
    Find a ladder at 1 on map A-4. There are six levels here - one below
    ground and five above (tho you really can't tell the difference). I 
    did a semi-permanent save just before entering each level (DANE1,
    DANE2, etc) so that if something went wrong, I could restart at 
    the beginning of a level, and not have to restart the whole tower. 
    So - down the ladder to

    From the ladder at 1, find the trading post at 2. Buy 2 packs 
    (3 each - total 6) of Jonga Powder. Talk and join the fellowship.
    Dues - 100 gold. Press the button at 3 to open a secret door. Use
    the Jonga Powder at 4. (This protects against a poison gas trap 
    at 5.) Find a chest at 6, defeat the Spirit of the Dane and get 
    Ashes of DIAM (critical). Get a Golden Idol from the chest. Place 
    the idol on the altar at 7 to open a door at 8. Go thru, pay a 
    fee of 250 gold and find the stairs at 9 to go up to level 2. 

    From the top of the stairs at 1, find an ad for BELCAZOR's Magik
    shop at 2. Use Jonga Powder at 3. Across the hall you enter a room 
    with a bunch of open holes in the floor. DON'T MOVE YET!. When you
    do move about, stepping on certain squares will cause various holes
    to open and close. if you step in a hole, you drop down,  into 
    the matching square on level 1. (The Jonga Powder on this level
    acts like a levitate spell, protecting you from harm.) The object 
    right now is to get to C. I think there may be some randomness  
    right after B - note the repeat of the 4-7-4-5 sequence - but 
    what worked for me was this routine. 
          A - 4 - 5 - B - 4 - 7 - 4 - 5 - 
                          4 - 7 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 5 - 6 - 5 - 9
    and through to C. At 10 is BELCANZOR's Emporium. (Per the ad, he's
    here only in the daytime.) Press the button on the south wall at 11
    to open a secret door; press another on the west wall at 12 and find 
    a Golden Idol at 13. Use the idol at 14 to open the grate at 15.
    At 16, pay your fee of 500 gold and find the stair to the next level
    at 17.

    From the top ot the stair at 1, follow the passage until you gome to
    a black 'door'. From here on, this level is mostly dark. Find the urn
    at 2 and use Jonga Powder. Protects against a 'purple haze' which
    would otherwise clobber you here and there. A fountain at 3 will
    restore stamina. Go to 4 and be teleported to 5. At 6 you will find
    out you don't know 'the word' and be abandoned but you will find the 
    Key of the Beast. Go thru the door at 7 (as far as you can) and 
    search at 8 to find a Golden Idol. Exit from 8 to the west. Find a 
    grate at 9 - the 'Lair of the Beast' and use the Beast key. Enter
    and defeat the beast. With his dying breath he says 'MOO'. Now you know
    the word. Go back through the routine at 4 and 5. When you get to
    6 again you will be asked if you wish to meditate on the word. You
    do. One or more team members will probably fall asleep. Those who do
    not will get the Mind Control skill. All should have it, so step back
    to 5 when the sleepers awake. Step forward to 6 and do it again,
    until everyone has the skill. You can do this as many times as you 
    like. Each time someone who already has the skill stays awake, he/she
    gets another point in the skill, which protects against some spells
    and ennables you to walk through the Orchid Field (north of NEW CITY)
    without falling asleep. When you are ready, go thru the door at 10,
    and walk right thru the wall to 11. Take the idol to the altar at 12 
    and use it, which will open the grate at 13. Enter, pay your fee of
    1000 gold, and at 14 find the stairs to level 4.

    This is a teleport maze. I have tried to make the coding as clear    
    as possible by matching numbered jump-spots with lettered landing   
    spots. That is, you jump from 1 to A, from 2 to B, 3 to C and so
    on. (Although actually location 1 is the start-point at the head 
    of the stairs from level 3.) 'X' marks two places that will drop 
    you back to 13 on level 3. The numbered spots are NOT all in the 
    order we will use them. Clear as mud? - Let's go.

    From 1 go to 3 - jump to C. Westerly to 4 - jump to D. From 5 jump
    to E. West to 6 - jump to F.  North to 7 - jump to G where you will
    find a chest contaning the Key of Stone. Move a step to 4 - jump
    back to D. Find 9 and jump to I. Find 2 in the SE corner and jump
    to B. Open the grate at 31 with the Stone key, and open the chest
    to get (among other things) the Stone of Gates . From 20 jump to
    T. Get to a 4 in the SW corner and jump back again to D. From 13
    jump into darkness (NW corner). Move 1 square north and see a
    vision of a black orb on a pedestal disappearing into the floor,
    then a girl making hand motions above it. You may not remember her
    from the game's introductory sequence, but she's Vi Domina and 
    we'll meet her again. She's important. When she's gone, you'll
    get another Golden Idol. Move 1 square west and jump to P. Find the
    altar at 17  and use the idol to open the grate at 18. Go thru to 
    8 - jump to H. Head SW toward 10, meet the priest and pay your 
    fee - 2500 Gold. From 10 jump to J and at 21 find the stair to level 5.

    From the stair at 1, enter the Chamber of Deadly Coffers at 2. ALL
    of the chests labelled A thru K are trapped - they will clobber you
    as soon as you approach them from the side showing the lock. The 
    damage is random. The same chest that will kill several members of 
    the party on one occasion will slightly wound only one or two on 
    another. Be SURE to save before you approach each chest so that you 
    can quit, restore, and try again if the damage is too great.  
    First, use Jonga Powder at 3 to protect against that purple haze. 
    Get the key from C and use it on the grate at 4. Get the key from F 
    and use it on the grate at 5. Get a Golden Idol at K. Get a key 
    from G and use it on the grate at 6 to get to the altar. Use the 
    idol there, which will open the grate at 7.
    Before you leave, however, there is another chest at 10. When you
    get to it, it will likely be empty, with an indication that someone
    got there before you. (Wasn't me! - all three times I tried it was
    already empty.) Randomness here. Twice, for me, the key from A opened
    the grate at 9. Once, it was the key from B. At any rate, if you want
    to try (and you should), get a key, find a button at 8 and press it 
    to open the secret door to 9. If the key works, open the chest at 10 
    and hope for the best. If not, restore (you DID save, didn't you?)
    and try the other key. Chests at D, E, J and H have nothing in them 
    but keys that don't fit anywhere. I has a few low-calibre items in it,
    but is usually pretty damaging. Don't spend a lot of time on it.
    When you are ready, go thru the door at 7, pay your fee (5000 
    this time!) and find the stair at 12 for

    Actually, as you will see, Level 6 has two additional small levels 
    associated with it. Level 6 has a couple of unique features, too.
    Be prepared to use the Map Kit OFTEN. The room at 2 spins you 
    around and drops you in a different spot (tho fortunately in the 
    same room) each time you enter it. And certain doors turn into walls
    (and walls into doors) as you move about. I have defined some, but
    not all, of these locations.

    From the top of the stair at 1, go thru 2 to 3 to find a chest with
    a Chrome Key. Step into the alcove at 4 to open a door at 5. Same at
    6 to open a door at 7. Go to 8 to open the door at 9. Around the 
    corner at 10, stop. The four grates on the left are going to spew
    fire as you pass. The fire shield spell may help, tho I didn't see
    that it helped much. Rest and save at 10. I found that I could get
    all the way to 12 and survive. Go into 11. Pull the lever on the west
    wall - JUST ONE TIME. (It re-sets itself and looks like it didn't
    work - but it did.) Rest and save again, because you're going to get
    scortched again when you come out and then be faced with a battle. 

    Use the Chrome Key on the grate at 12, and after a battle find a chest
    at 13 containing, among other things, the Book of IMMORTALS (critical). 
    Go to 14 to find a chest with another Golden Idol. (If you can't
    get to 14, you didn't handle the lever at 11 properly. Go back and try

    Work your way through those opening/closing wall-doors to the northwest
    corner and find a button on the south wall of 15 to open the door to the
    altar. Use the Idol at 15 which opens the door at 16. Enter and pay your
    10,000 fee. But you're not done yet.

    We've been hearing about this guy - now it's time to meet him. Step
    in at 17 to open a secret door at 18 and reveal a chest containing the
    Key of Ascension. Use it at 19 and be teleported to 20 on level 8.
    Don't pull the lever. Go down the stair at 21 to level 7 and down 
    again at 22 to the northeast corner of level 6. Talk to (actually, 
    listen to) the Magna Dane at 23. He will tell you how to summon the
    DEMONSPAWN and will tell you of the great reward that is yours when
    you bring him the Horn of Cornu. (These are the same instructions 
    you can read in the Book of the Immortals.) 
    Go back up the stairs to 24 on level 8. SAVE and then pull the lever.
    You will be transported to the edge of the hole at 25. Cast levitate, 
    then follow the instructions to summon the Demon. Use the Munk Innards. 
    Use the Ashes of Diam. Use the Stone of Gates. When the battle starts, 
    use the Book of the Immortals. When the battle is won, click on the hole 
    to drop down to 26 on level 7. Search to get the Cornu. Learn that 
    the Magna Dane is a double crossing so-and-so who isn't about to 
    fulfill his promises. Follow the passage to 27 and drop back to level 6
    at 28. (No fire from the grates this time.)

    One more trip thru level 6 to 20 and back to level 8. Down the stairs
    again (21, 22) and before you round the corner to confront Magna Dane
    for the last time, set up all your best defenses and SAVE. Gonna be
    a heckuva battle (probably - random enough that you can never tell.)
    Meet the Dane and his gang at 23 and flail away. When you are 
    victorious, search the Danes' body to get the Ring of Demons. Use it
    on the grate at 23 to enter his lair. Press the button at 29 to open
    a secret door and use the Cornu at 30 to get to the chest. The chest
    contains the Coil of Serpents (critical for later) and a Jewelled
    Cushion which can be sold. On the east wall at 31 is a restorative
    fountain. (Be careful - the one next to it on the left is poison.)
    Somewhere during this episode you should have gotten the ?CRYSTAL? map.

    Up the stairs (22, 21) to 20. NOW pull the lever and drop back to 32
    on level 6. We are finished with the Dane Tower. You CAN retrace your 
    way back down all those stairs and through the various mazes, but 
    the easy way out is to go to the EGRESS at 33 for the express transport
    down to the lobby with the exit ladder on level 1. You can sell off
    your excess inventory here, or at NEW CITY, which is our next stop.
    Following map A-4, turn east at the intersection, then east and south.
    On the way, we'll pass thru the Orchid Field (Mind Control protects
    here.) And should see a 'great gray whale' sail thru the sky overhead.
    Not sure what that's all about - may be a reference to one of the 
    space ships.

    Time to find out about Vi Domina. Enter the Forbidden Zone at 17,
    use the control card at 18 and  find a computer terminal at 19.
    Check the two parchments with computer codes that you acquired in 
    Nyctalinth. Use the Comm-Link Device on the computer. When it asks
    for SERVER, give it 023@41A2; and for HOST say BLACK SHIP COMMAND.
    Ask for PERSONNEL FILES, and then for VI DOMINA. Get her data and
    note particularly the reference to 'Pz'. Maybe Phoonzang? She will
    shortly appear, but the Dark Savant will toss her in the Security
    Cell. Notice that the door at 20 has flashing lights, and thru the
    adjacent window  you can see Vi  on the floor. Back to the 
    computer - use the Comm-Link Device again, and this time use the other
    code -  SERVER 018@67C1 and HOST - Central Security Access. Deactivate
    the Security Cell. The lights on the door at 20 will have gone out
    and you can enter. When Vi comes to, she rambles on about finding
    the Astral Dominae, 'located on a small island beneath a morgue' and
    about 'making a deal' with the Dark Savant. She will give you an
    item - Vitalia's Device - with which to call her when you find the

    You can now drop/stash the Comm-Link Device and the parchments with 
    the codes. (Keep the Control Card.) The Cable Trolly is no longer
    needed. (If you want to cross the river again, you can now swim it.)
    The Cornu of Demonspawn, the Book of Immortals and the Ring of Demons
    can be kept or dropped as you choose. They have some utility as weapons,
    but have no further Critical use. (DON'T equip the ring, though - 
    it will kill you.)

    Go to the Bank at 23, break into the vault at 24 and search to find a 
    Copper Penny. Take the Penny to the Curio Museum at 25 and use it 
    to enter. Be sure you have the Cure Disease spell. At 26 try to take 
    the Wand Majestik, but instead find a Rebus Egge - and get diseased. 
    Cure the disease. (If you don't have the spell, Father Rulae at the 
    Abbey (13) will cure you, but he'll want ALL your gold!)  
    If you don't have a Holy Water potion, visit Father Rulae and buy one.
    Go to the Library at 27. Inside, take the red book (Book of Fables) 
    and at 28  meet Professor Wunderland, who will tell you a long story. 
    Ask him about ARCHIVES, and he'll give you a Key of the Old City.

    When you are ready, leave NEW CITY by either gate -  the east gate
    to go north past the road to Munkharama or the west gate to go north
    past Nyctalinth then east. You can also go to the T'rang house here
    in NEW CITY and use the ANTHRACAX to teleport to Nyctalinth. 
    I'll meet you at the  'T' intersection at location 1 on map C-1 and 
    we'll head off for the 
    Follow the road a little east then north and east again into msp D-1.
    (If you're cutting and pasting the maps, note that D-1 is offset 5
    squares to the north.) Follow the road to its end, then work your way
    eastward thru the forest to location 1 on D-1, where you will find
    the 'smiling tree'. As soon as you approach the tree you will be
    picked up and tossed over the wall into a second story apartment of
    the RATTKIN RUINS (at location X  on map RATKIN-1. This area is 
    covered by three maps - RATKIN-1, -2 and -3. -1 covers the upper
    and lower levels of the structures. -2 is the western outdoor area 
    and -3 is the eastern forest. A note here - If you step away from X
    and then back onto it, the tree will pick you up again and redeposit
    you on the outside. We will, however, use a different exit.

    The structured area is a ladder-maze sort of like the early part of
    Land Of Dreams. Ladders are numbered 1 thru 10, same on the top and
    bottom ends. You should be able to handle it from here. There are 
    chests at A, B and C. If your lockpick skill is not that great, be
    sure to get the Brass Key from B before going after C. At 16, 
    near the top of ladder 4, is  Bertie's Weapon shop. Whatever else 
    you do, buy a Featherweight Potion.

    After exploring the interior, EXCEPT 15, find your way to 17 at the 
    southeast corner of level 1. In this vicinity you should meet 
    Blienmeis. Go ahead and make a charitable donation (only 20 Gold).
    This guy we do NOT want to irritate - not yet, anyway. Talk 
    (trade if you like). Ask about rumors. Follow up on, or ask 
    directly about RAKUZA, FUNHOUSE, and REFLEXTION. You may or may 
    not get some good answers.
    Now go to 15, around the corner from the top of ladder 9. You will 
    be told to put your hands through the window to prove you are a 
    genuine Thief! Do so, but they will find you not qualified, and you 
    will be sent away. They said you were so dumb you couldn't steal 
    from a blind man. Try to prove them wrong. Go back to 17 and meet 
    Blienmeis again - attempt to steal from him. You will fumble, but you 
    should get a ring. Equip it and you will be allowed into the Thieve's
    Guild. Lo and behold - old Blienmeis is the proprietor. Talk to him 
    again about RAKUZA, FUNHOUSE, and REFLEXTION. At this point, he should
    offer you the Ring of Reflextion (for 12000!) and should offer you
    a Nose (only 1000). You MUST have the Nose (shows in your inventory
    as a red rubber ball). I bought the Ring - had plenty of gold - it
    gives one member the Reflextion skill. But I never found that it did 
    much good.. (Check the Manual.)

    One more item on Blienmeis - If you have a fairy ninja, (or you just
    want the gold you can get for it) he has a Cane of Corpus. You have to
    kill him to get it, but he's very fast. Usually manages to run away
    and avoid the battle. If not (blind or no) he's supposed to be a tough
    opponent. I never managed to get him, but I understand some players 
    have done.

    Now go ahead and explore the rest of the outdoors for fun, adventure, 
    XP and Gold, using maps RATKIN 2 and 3. When you're ready, I'll meet 
    you at location 20, at the door of the

    Use the Red Rubber Ball on the door to gain entrance. Explore, but
    leave the door at 23 for last. Find a chest at 21 containing a 
    'bo' (which will assay to become a wooden dowel - critical). This
    chest sometimes also contains a LODESTONE. It has no use and you 
    can't sell it - all it does is weigh you down. Dump it! At 22
    find a 200-pound iron pyramid - also critical. You may need to do
    some inventory rearrangement in order to carry it, but carry it you
    must. Thru the door at 23 find a ladder at 1 and go down.

    You are at 1 on Funhouse level -1. There are four levels, and I have 
    numbered the ladders, stairs etc., identically on the top and bottom
    ends (1 through 16). Locations 20 and up are places to visit. You will
    need all of the maps at the same time, because there are many trips
    to make from level to level. There are four maps - FUN -1, -2, 
    FUN -12 (some small areas that wouldn't fit on -1 and -2) and 
    FUN -34 (combined). (Good practice for a later episode with
    50-some up-n-downs on EIGHT levels!)  
    Go down 2 to level -3. At 5/5 find a teeter-board. Step on the 
    right-hand end and a chain will descend thru the ceiling over the 
    left end. Use the pyramid to attach it to the chain. Take the 
    stair at 3 to level -2. Find a button at 20 to open a secret door 
    and find a spool handle at 21. Use the spool handle at 22 to wind 
    the chain up. Go up ladder 4 and around the corner at 23 find a 
    Tarnished Key. Down 4, down 3 and use the key at 24 to find a 
    Rubber Band. Take that back up 3 and 4 - use it at 25 next to a 
    grate which will not ever open. Back down 4 and 3 to the
    teeter-board. DON'T step on it yet!. Use the Featherweight potion, 
    and THEN step on the right-hand end of the board. Clever!

    Before we take on the major puzzle of the Funhouse - the Water Slide -
    we may as well handle a small side matter. Let's meet with BARLONE'.
    Take the stair at 9 down, and go to the grate at 26 to meet the Rakuza
    and Barlone'. He will offer a reward if you perform a task for him.
    Agree. After te tosses you out, back off to the foot of the stair
    and (in 'review mode') use the TX-CODER on the T'RANG PORTBOOK. You
    will learn of the next spaceship arrival that Barlone' wants. Go
    back to 26 and tell him '088:53'. He will tell you that a member of
    his family has placed a map in the Old City Archives, and will tell
    you that he may have another deal for you later. And out you go again.

    Your choice here. If you go back to the foot of the stair and come in
    again, he will tell you that he and his party are leaving, and that
    for the small sum of 40,000 Gold you can have all the treasure he's
    leaving behind. The treasure is random, so I don't know what you might
    get. Suggestion: Save your ongoing game here, then do a save under a 
    'temporary' name. Pay the money (assuming you've got it), and after
    he leaves, search at 27 to pull the sconce and open the grate at 28.
    Get the treasure (4 chests) and decide what you want to keep. There
    is a large number of items and your inventory will be quite full.
    Go back up at 9 and down at 6, around the corner and up at 8. Pull the
    lever at 29 to open the grate at 30. Now you can take the ladder up
    at 1 and go off to Bertie's shop and sell off the residue. If you 
    think you got a good deal, come back to the Funhouse and continue. If
    not, restore, bypass the treasure and continue from where you left
    off.  Of course, you could also restore and do the deal a second 
    time, hoping for a better selection.

        On one time thru, I liked some of the treasure and kept it. 
        Testing for you on a different trip, I took the treasure, 
        kept it intact and sold it all. Result was that I lost 6000 
        gold in the deal. Not that it matters much - at this point 
        I had around 200,000 and there wasn't much that I wanted to buy. 
        As I said, your choice. 

        If you don't need to go back to Bertie's, you don't need to 
        open the grate at 30. And it can always be done later. 
        Whichever/whatever, meet me on level -1 at the top of ladder 6. 
    Go to the top of the 'troughs' at T, cast levitate and jump in. 
    You will bounce off a grate on level -2 and land at T on level -3.
    Find a painted ball at 31. Pull the lever at 32 to open the adjacent 
    grate. Take the ladder at 7 down to level -4. Swim around the corner
    from 53 to 54 and find a Bar and Rope at 55. Retrace your way back
    to 7. Up 7 and up 6 to level -1. Now find your way to ladder 11. 
    Take it down and follow the passage, but stop at 33. SAVE, then go
    on until you see a brightly painted target. Use (throw) the ball.
    You may or may not hit the target, partly depending on the throwing
    skill of the thrower. If you miss, and had not saved, it would mean
    a trip back to 31 to get the ball to bring it back here and try
    again. With the save in place, you can restore to try again - as
    many times as need be until you hit. There's some randomness here,
    too. My best thrower has missed and my worst has hit! When you DO
    hit you will open the grate that you bounced off when you went down
    the troughs. 

    Work your way back up 11 and around again to the troughs at T. Jump
    in again and wind up at T on level -2 (now that the grate is open).
    Go to 34 and use the Bar & Rope on the hole.

    Now to set the switches on the water slide. (Yep - this ain't called
    the 'funhouse' for nothin'!) Start by going all the way around to 36,
    where you'll find a view of the water and a lever on the left.

          A NOTE here: I'm not sure which way this lever should
          be set. There are FIVE of them (we'll soon see the rest) 
          and the only thing that's sure is that all the left-hand 
          ones should be the same, and all on the right-hand (as
          you face the water) should be the opposite. What worked for
          me when I tested for you was UP on the left and DOWN on the
          right. When you go down the slide you should catch the 
          rope you just hung. If you wind up in the pool on level
          -4, just come back to this point and reverse everything.

    So - set this lever UP. At 13 go up, down at 14 to find a lever on 
    the right at 37. DOWN. Up 14, down 13 and at 38 is a lever on the
    right. DOWN. Go down at 12, find a lever on the left at 39 - UP,
    and a lever on the right at 40 - DOWN. OK - lets test it. Up at 12,
    and around on level -2 to BB. ride the belt up to B on level -1
    and go around the corner to S - the top of the slide. Jump in and
    enjoy the ride. If you catch the rope, fine. (If not, go back and
    reverse the levers.) Follow the passage til you come to a strange
    device at 43. Move forward, and at 41 you should get a black ball.
    Go back around to the hole in the water and jump in. You will land
    in the pool on level -4. Climb out and take 7 to level -3. Ride
    the belt at B up to level -1. Go all the way around to 47 and use
    the black ball to put it into the tube. Come back and go down the
    ladder at 10. Use that wooden dowel you've been carrying all day
    on the hole in the wall at 35. Now to S, and another trip down the
    water slide. Grab the rope again on your way by, swing out and
    you're  ready to go back around the corner to 43. THIS time when 
    you step on the platform, you'll be glad the dowel is there. 

    Up-up and awaaayy - to 44 on level -2. 
    Around the corner and up on 15 - down on 16 and at 45 find a rack 
    of spears. Do you remember what H'Jenn-Ra T'rang told you?
             First is not before the Third nor the Second,
             but first after the Sixth
             It is the Fifth that is first
             and the Fourth after the Third
             which is second - then The Way is revealed.
    Press the buttons as follows: 534261 - the grate will open and
    you can get the ?BOAT? map from the chest at 46. Up 16, pull the lever
    at 47 to open the grate at 48 and up the ladder at 49 to a field.
    You now stand at location 1 on map F-2. Work your way south to 1
    on F-3, then west into E-3 and back east to 2 on F-3. This is the
    entrance to the
    This is a fairly small and simple cave. The red flower is at 2. Find
    and pull a lever at 3 to open the grate to SPOT's lair. Defeat him
    and find the Necromantic Helm at 4 (Critical). There is a chest at
    5 containing some pretty good armor and weapons, but it's a long
    7-square swim from the nearest point at 6. You will probably need
    at least 24 Heavy Stamina potions to make it out and back. 

    Find your way back to location 1 of map F-3. Get a vine at 3. (When
    you try to climb it, it will fall into your hands.) Find two more
    vines at 4 and another at 5. These are heavy - watch out for an 
    overweight condition. Find the purple flower at 6. Take the vines
    to 7, merge them and use them. Climb down to 8. (SAVE first, of 
    course.) Work your way to 1 on F-4. (Where you heard the crow 
    calling, remember?) 

    This next exercise gets a little tricky. Read the Book of Fables
    to learn about the witches. It says that they gather 'just before
    the witching hour'. But they won't gather if you are there. so
    go just to the west, at 4, and with a combination of 'resting' and
    pacing back and forth to use up some time, wait until the sky turns
    full black. Then equip the Necromantic Helm, and re-enter the 
    chilly glade. If your timing is right, you will see a vision, and
    by moving to the squares north, south, east and west of 1, you will
    meet the companions of the four wicked witches, and will learn the
    names of the witches. At 1, the unfortunate good witch dances and 
    says 'Help Me'. If this sequence of events doesn't happen, the time 
    was wrong. Try again.

    Go back to the steep cliff at 8 on F-3, climb to 7 and go to 9 for
    the entrance to the

    The map of this area is in two parts - WITCH-N and -S.
    From the entrance at 1, go to 2 and find a mirror to meet the bad 
    witch of the South. Her name is 'Xandasa'. Pay the 1000 Gold, fight
    the battle and get the gold Teeth. At 3 is 'Barbana' of the east,
    at 4 is 'Carmela' of the West and at 5 is 'Naralda' of the north.
    Having acquired all four of the facial features see the image of the
    good witch at 6. Turn to 7 as she instructs and use the eyes, ears,
    nose and mouth. She will give you the ELYSIAD 'for the final battle'.
         I never used it. By the time I got to the end-game I had 
         a very powerful team and was fighting in 'easy' mode to 
         take no chances. I understand that at that time, equipping 
         the Elysiad will automatically resurrect any members who have 
         been killed (assuming SOMEbody survived, and you won the 
         battle) and gives them XP as though they had survived. 
         I always restored and re-fought anytime anybody got killed, 
         so I had no experience with that.
    She will also open a secret door so thet you can get to a chest at    
    8, containing the ?SPHINX? map. There is also a chest with some
    goodies at 9. After leaving the Witch Cave, go back down the vine
    at 7/8 on map F-4 and go to location 2 on F-4 to enter the

SPHYNX (Whirlpool) CAVE
    Read the ?Sphynx? Map to learn that the Rebus Egge needs to be brought
    into contact with salt. From the entrance at 1, go to 2 and swim to 
    3. Pull the lever which will open a secret door at 4 so you can get to
    5. Use the Egge there and the Sphynx will provide a bridge to 6. Search 
    6 to get the Wand Majestik (Critical). (Don't try to swim in the
    'W'-marked water area - you'll drown in the whirlpool.)
    When he gave you the 5-Flower quest, Xen Xheng said to return to him 
    when you had collected them all. After leaving the Sphynx Cave, find 
    your way south through UKPYR to MUNKHARAMA. Go to 15 at the school 
    (Land of Dreams) and find a note left for you by Xheng. Follow the 
    instructions. Merge the red and blue flowers. Merge the yellow and 
    purple flowers. Merge the two combinations to get 'Orchid Ambrosia'. 
    OK so far. Now you are to merge that whole thing with a 'solution' 
    of the white flower. Takes liquid to make a solution, so merge the 
    white flower with the Holy Water you've been carrying around to get 
    'Dahlia Water'. Now merge THAT with the Ambrosia to get a SNAKESPEED 
    Potion, which will give that skill to one member. 

    He also said to report to Father Rulae the finding of the Holy 
    Sacrament. On to 

    When you greet the good Father, simply say 'Holy Sacrament' and 
    after he leaves, you can enter the door behind him and go down the 
    ladder at 32 to find a healing fountain at 33 and a chest at 34. 
    It has been said that this chest should contain the important 
    ?LEGEND? map - but it never does. From now on, any time you want 
    to use the fountain, say 'Holy Sacrament' to Father Rulae, the door 
    to the ladder will be opened and the fountain will be available. 

    You have no further use for the following items, so you can drop/stash
    them if you choose - Book of Fables, TXCoder, T'rang Port Book, Spool
    Handle and the Note fron Xen Xheng. 

    Barlone' said that the ?LEGEND? map was in the OLD CITY. Well, let's 

    Find the 'Condemned Area' at NEW CITY location 36. If you can't pick
    the lock, a Pewter Key will work. Thru the door to the left, at 37
    find an odd sign on the wall and a hole. Use the Old City Key  to 
    open a secret door and find a ladder down. You are now at location 1
    on the OLD CITY map. Notice the footprints in the dust indicating that
    someone has been here. At 2, find a lever to open the grate at 3. At 4
    find a button to open a secret door and give you access to a chest at
    5. This chest should contain, among other things, another Old City Key.
    Use it to open the grate at 6. At 7, find a button to open a secret
    door. Find a chest at 8. Find a button at 9 to give access to a chest
    at 10. I don't know what you will find, but on three different tries, 
    all I found was wrappings - the map was gone. After exploring the rest
    of OLD CITY, find your way back to the ladder at 1 and return to the
    Well - we've GOT to have that map. There are two possibilities - one
    legitimate and one cheat. First, you can use the 'Find Person' spell 
    and go off to find all the people still alive, hoping that one of them 
    has the map and will sell it to you or that you can fight for it or steal 
    it.  I'll tell you the other way if we can't get it using the right way. 

        Here's what I did. I used FindPerson and leearned that all of 
        the T'rang NPCs were dead. The Umpani easiest to get to was 
        Tracker Rhallik, in Ukpyr. By the time I got to Ukpyr, FindPerson 
        told me he was in Tremontaine (the forest north of Ukpyr). Sure 
        enough, there he was, just a little way north. But he didn't have 
        the map available for sale. LOREing with him told me that Rodan 
        Lewarx had acquired the map from King Ulgar, and talking with 
        Rhallik told me that Lewarx was hunting for Shritis T'rang. 
        (Remember - he went storming off after Shritis when you delivered 
        the message from General Yamo.) FindPerson told me he was at 
        the Old Cemetery in Nyctalinth. So I used the Humpa Card and 
        teleported from Ukpyr to New City, then (using the T'rang 
        Anthracax) teleported to Nyctalinth. I tramped up and down in 
        the cemetery for a long while, but Lewarx was a no-show. Finally,
        FindPerson told me he was in Nyctalinth proper. Down thru the 
        underground and out to the surface. (Remember that's the only 
        way out of the cemetery.)

        After just a little exploration of Nyctalinth, Lewarx showed up 
        and he DID have the ?Legend? map for sale! So I've got mine - 
        and I hope you do too. It's gotta be there somewhere! The 
        legitimate thing to do is check out each living person - maybe 
        more than once - since the map passes from hand to hand. The far 
        less satisfying way is to cheat - download DSEDIT from CompuServe 
        Gamers Lib 9 and give it to yourself.

    So let's get the boat and take to the high seas. First, visit Sogheim 
    at location 38 at the New City Dock and Marina. Ask about rumors to 
    learn about BROMBADEG, the Demon of the Sea, who rises when the
    moon is full. 

    Now go back to the Curio Museum, and at 39 see three twisty heads. 
    The clue to the sequence is in the ?BOAT? map. Read it to see -
            'When fear has turned to anger, thee has lost thy
             soul and make the devil laugh. But to still thy 
             tongue and become amazed thou begets enlightenment
             and thus know bliss.

    Click on the heads as follows: scared imp, angry demon, laughing devil,
    silent devil, surprised imp, happy demon.

    A secret door will open and around the corner at 40 is a boat. Go on 
    board, Use Wikum's PowerGlobe. Move forward one square and press the 
    button on the south wall to open the way to the sea.

        Now you have some thinking to do and decisions to make. There 
        are two main areas left in the game - the Dragon Mountains 
        (Cave)/Sky City and Crypt Isle.

        Your party should be up around level 20 or better. The sea 
        provides LOTS of opportunity for battles and points - almost 
        every second or third square. And there are two more forests 
        - the Greater Wilds, entered on map B-7 and Lesser Wilds entered 
        on map D-7. No treasure in either, but some tough battles with 
        good point potential. A word of warning - if you decide to explore 
        the sea for points, be sure to keep careful track of your location. 
        It's easy to get lost. And if you find a fog-bank stay out of 
        it for now.   

    Crypt Isle is on map C-7, 23 squares due south from the boat dock. 
    Work your way south between the islands, then go 11 sqaures west. 
    In the southwest corner of C-7 is a promontory labelled 5. That is 
    the start-point for our next adventure, whenever you are ready.

    From 5 on C-7 follow the coastline east and south to the fog bank 
    at 5 on B-8. Move straight south til you come out of the fog at 6. 
    By the way - if you choose to move around in the fog bank, be
    warned that if you move into the squares marked 'x', you will
    run into a shoal and take considerable damage. (You, not the boat.)
    Now rest until the sky shows blackest night. While facing south,
    sidle east to 7 and notice a light on the cliff. Move to 8 and
    see the change in the light. Read the ?SERPENT? map. (Didn't make
    a lot of sense to me, either.)  Use the Coil of the Serpent to
    open a secret door into the cliff. 

    The Dragon Cave is a big area, on four maps - DRAG-NW, -NE
    -SW and -SE. The whole area is 38 squares east-west and 32
    squares north-south. Can be confusing, especially if you try to
    consult the maps separately. I suggest that if you have a printer
    which handles GIF files, you cut and paste these four together, 
    otherwise that you hand-copy the four onto one sheet. In order 
    to help clarify the map, I have shaded some of the caverns.
    Before entering, be sure you are healed and have your defenses up -
    (Enchanted Blade, Magic Screen, Armor-plate, etc.) Be sure to save.
    Tough fight coming up. From the cave entrance at 1, move south and 
    a little east to hear the siren's song and meet BROMBADEG! at 2.

    There are 5 caverns, reachable from different landing spots 
    (labelled 'L1-7') on the shores of the entry pool. As you move 
    about, there can be cave-ins which will hit you with considerable 
    damage (so stay well-healed) and will block the passage. (Blockages 
    are marked 'X', trigger squares 'x') You will not be totally trapped. 
    There will be another way out - you just can't retrace your steps. 
    But don't park the boat at the westernmost landing spots (L2 and L3). 
    After a certain cave-in you won't be able to get back there on foot, 
    and it's a heckuva swim from the landing spot you WILL be able to 
    get to (L4). 
    Read the ?DRAGON? map. (It means that in a couple of places you must 
    go back to someplace you have already been, and 'look again' to find 
    something new.)

    Park the boat at L1 and explore the small cave. Nothing there but a    

    Move the boat to L7. Explore to find a chest at 3. Good stuff.
    Move to L5 and explore to find several battles.

    Move to L4. Now things begin to get more complicated - and more
    rewarding. Walk east from L4, ignoring the first passage on the south.
    There's a cave-in site there. Find a chest at 4. There is talk about
    a 'pirate's curse'. You will find that when you opened the chest,
    the exit path was blocked at 5 - but a new path opened at 6. Face
    east at 6 (your scout should 'notice something') and search to open 
    a secret door. Enter and pull the lever at 7. (Hard to see.) The 
    lever has re-opened the passage at 5, and opened a new passage at
    8. You will find four chests at 9, 10, 11 and 12. BE SURE to SAVE 
    before opening each chest. The traps on these chests often trigger
    and cause great harm. Some good armor and weapons here, and in 11,
    the Dragon Key (critical for later). Work your way back to L4,
    avoiding the western part of this cavern to stay away from the 

    Now, finally, move to L6. This cavern leads to our chief reason for
    being here - the entrance to SKY CITY. Work your way to the southeast
    and facing south at 13, search to open a secret door. Find a chest at
    14. Around the corner at 15 is the ladder leading to


    The main puzzle in SKY CITY is the patio in which you arrive. The
    squares are bordered with a maze of invisible glass walls. You can pass 
    thrugh some of these walls, but not others. Even more interesting - 
    some of the walls are passable in one direction only! So you may enter 
    a square but not be able to back out again. What look to be 'X' marks 
    on the accompanying map are actually opposing arrowheads. A few walls
    are marked with a single arrow. You can move in the direction of an 
    arrow pointing away from you but not in the direction of one facing 
    you. So an 'X' wall cannot be passed in either direction. An unmarked
    wall can be passed in both directions. There are two squares (marked
    with a cross) that cannot be entered at all and there are no squares
    from which you cannot escape. Confused? - well, I've gone one step
    further and put in dotted lines to show the necessary paths to follow.

    You ARE going to save as you go, and keep a backup save too, aren't you? 

    I hate square-by-square instructions, but just to get you started, I'll 
    give them to you for the first step - the vist to

    From the arrival point at location 1, go 4 squares south, 1 west,
    1 south, 2 east, 1 north, 1 east, 2 north, 1 east, 1 south, 2 east, 
    2 south, 1 west, 1 south, 1 east, 1 south and you are at location 2.
    Follow the map to the entrance to the Queen's chamber at 3. More 
    walls. Meet the Queen at 4. Give her the Halazoid Banner you got for
    rescuing Jan-Ette and get in exchange a pendant which will give the
    Eagle Eye skill to one team member. Sell off your excess inventory 
    as you like - you should be loaded after the Dragon Cave. Buy whatever 
    you want - there's not much use for gold after this point. The Ankhs 
    and Amulets she has for sale will help your statistics. Be sure to 
    buy at least two credit cards. Talk to her about rumors and the 
    Great Test.  When you have completed your business with the Queen,
    exit at 5 for the
    Find a statue at 6. Search. You should know the answer to the question 
    "What is my name?". If you've forgotten, it's PHOONZANG. Go through 
    the next door to the

    Search at the statue at 7, and find one of those push-button thingies
    reading as follows:

                   SERPENT      PYRAMID      CROSS
                   GATE         STAR         SKULL
                   WAND         DRAGON       MAP

    The proper way to the solve the sequence is to use the ?STAR? map,
    to be found on Crypt Isle in the Hall of the past, in conjunction 
    with the Gaelin Stone - also on Crypt Isle, in the Hall of Gorrors. 
    You could also use the trial-and-error approach (362,000 
    possibilities). If you have enough strength (and it takes plenty) 
    you can skip the test by forcing the door. I've teased long enough. 
    I don't want to interrupt this episode by making a trip to Crypt 
    Isle and back. Besides - I've already been there. Push pyramid, 
    cross, serpent, dragon, wand, skull, gate and star. (I'll show you 
    how to get this answer when we get to Crypt Isle.) Get ready for a 
    battle and go thru the door for the
    Meet and defeat a METADROID. Tough. You'll meet a whole bumch of his            
    brothers (and his sisters and cousins and aunts) later on. Search
    at the statue at 8 to learn that 'a part of the key lies ahead' - 
    the usual hint that a map is in the offing. Go thru the door and at
    9 find a

    You may not see it at first, but it's there. TALK to it and say
    PHOONZANG to get in. (You won't actually get to see the inside - this 
    is handled in on-screen text.) Keep on answering 'yes' until you have 
    acquired a parchment (the ?GLOBE? map) and a ring (Ring of the Globe). 
    Then you can exit. Retrace your steps almost to the ladder at 1, but 
    not quite. Follow the dotted line a couple of squares west then north 
    til you are out of the glass-wall maze. Then at 10 find the

    Use one of the Credit Cards you bought from the Queen on the door 
    and enter. Don't drool too much over the weapons you can see (but 
    not touch) at A, B, C and D. You'll be able to get one (maybe two) 
    of them later. In the rooms on the north and south sides of the main 
    hall are some interesting views which may help in your understanding 
    of the whole great background story. At 11, find a chest containing,
    among other things, the Storage Key. Go to the northwest corner of
    the glass-wall maze, follow the dotted line straight south then move 
    southwest to 12 and use the Storage Key to enter the

    At 13 there is a vending machine (which accepts Credit Cards) for        
    Power Packs. You don't need any now, but you may want some later.
    Be sure to save at 14. (A misstep in the next few squares could 
    require a long trip to get back here.) Step into 15 and be teleported
    to 16. Now we are looking for the

    Follow the dotted line east 1, then go north to get the Key of Light
    at 17. Come back south and follow the dotted line  east, south and 
    southeast to 18. Trek on back to the Hall of Preservation to get your
    booty. The Light Key will open up any one of the four weapon lockers,
    but will then (as usual) disappear. You might want to save, get one,
    ASSAY and IDENTIFY it, quit/nosave/restore  and try the next til 
    you're sure which you want. If you have a party imported from BANE 
    and you happen to have brought over the Diamond Ring, you can use it 
    to get a second item, but the ring will be destroyed in the process. 

    If you chose a weapon requiring power packs, you may want to go back
    to 13 and get some (you may even want to go back to Dame KE-LI and
    get some more Credit Cards for even more Power Packs) In any event,
    when you're ready, work your way back to location 1. Go down the ladder
    to the Dragon Cave, find your boat and we'll be off to more adventure

    After leaving the Dragon Cave, move back to 6 on map B-8. Head 
    straight north til you're out of the fog bank. Then hug the coast on
    your right til you're back to 5 on C-7. East 11 squares and you will 
    find the islands. Land at 1 and use the Wand Majestik to meet the Sphynx 
    who helped you get it. Doesn't matter what you respond to her riddle.
    (Correct 'question' is "What is man?") She'll babble on briefly, then 
    open a door for you. Go down the ladder into CRYPT level 1, the

    Some unusual dangers here. An ugly spirit wants her 'BMOCYENOBBB'.
    (Remember the little green statue in Nyctalinth? Try reading this
    backwards.) A strange aura surrounds you, paralyzes everyone and
    puts you to sleep. (Fortunately, this sleep will cure the paralysis.)
    And EVILSPEAK will clobber you from time to time. Wander if you like,
    but you'll get hurt. I'm going to lead you as quickly as possible
    to the actions which will turn these things off. 

    From the entrance ladder at 1, go to 2, press the button to open a
    secret door and pull the lever at 3 to open the grate at 4. Go thru
    and find a button at 5 to open a secret door. Pull the lever at
    6 to open the grate at 7. Go thru and head west, then south to 11,
    but circle around to avoid a fire-ball trap at 10. At 11, find the
    body of an ugly Gorn Queen. Remember where you got the Bone Comb (!!)
    and Brush" ?. (From the Gorn King's bedchamber) Use them here. Now 
    go east to 12 to find an urn. Remember DANE Tower? Use that Jonga 
    Powder you've been hauling around. 

    Now that the invisible traps have been turned off, you can go back to 
    1 and start exploring. You need to search every square   maybe more
    than once around. There is some booty available, but what you're 
    really after is 2 TOMB keys for the grates at A and B, 2 CRYPT keys
    for C and D and 6 GORROR keys (usable on the next level down). 
    You may even have gotten some of these keys earlier in the game. 
    I got one at Orkogre and a couple at Rattkin. And if you don't get
    enough now, they sometimes show up in the lower levels. None of 
    these keys is critical to the game, but there are good battles 
    to be had and good treasure to be acquired if you can get them.

    A button at 16 will give you access to a chest at 17. Should be a
    couple of keys there. The fountains at 8 and 9 are poison. The ones at 
    13 and 15 restore stamina. The one at 14 restores hit points, but
    drains magic points. Remember - always save before testing a new
    fountain! At 18 you get a choice of unwrapping a mummy or leaving 
    it alone. Best leave it alone - it carries the Ankh of Death.

    The Key of the Dragon will open the grate at 19. Be prepared to meet
    the monster *DOOM*. When you are ready, go down the stair at 20 to the

    Let's take care of first things first. Read the ?CRYPT? map to learn
    that 'secrets lie along outskirting waters'. From the entry stair 
    at 1, go around the corner and swim to 2. Press the button to open 
    a secret door, then follow the passage to 3 to find a chest 
    containing the Jewel of the Sun. 
    What to do with it? Go back upstairs and back to your boat. Move west
    and land at 2, where you will see a block at 3 which looks solid. 
    But looks can be deceiving. Just walk into the west side of the 
    block to find an odd fixture on the wall. Use the Jewel of the Sun - 
    but nothing happens. Turn around and walk out. Walk and swim south 
    to find another block at 4. Again enter from the west to find - 
    nothing! Turn around and step out - Whoops! Not out! there's another 
    statue of old Phooney. You know what to do, don't you? - Right. Search. 
    Listen to a long speech and get the Locket of the Tomb. Turn around 
    and exit - to find yourself magically back at the block at 3. Your 
    boat is around the corner. Use it to get back to 1, then come back 
    to Crypt Level 2 - the Chamber of Gorrors.

    And now - if you're ready - the GORRORS themselves. At the lettered
    spots on your map you will find grates (use Gorror Keys) leading to
    the following monsters:

             A- The Spirit of DARBULLA
             B- The FIEND of 9 Worlds
             C- The HORRAGOTH
             D- The BEAST of 1000 Eyes
             E- The Thing from HELL
             F- The reincarnated Ra-Sep-Re-Tep (yep- from the very first)
    Make no mistake - except for wimpy Ra-Sep, these guys are TOUGH.
    Very few players have been able to defeat the BEAST, and even fewer
    the FIEND. The other three can be had by most with a good fight. Do a
    backup save before you take off for each battle. Your stamina will 
    be down from the swim when you reach the doorstep so rest and 
    recuperate before entering the door. Do a temporary save just after 
    opening the door, but before entering. That way, if you lose and want 
    to try again, you don't have to re-do the swim. And if you decide 
    to quit - either entirely or to come back later - you can 
    restore the backup save. The monster won't show until you enter, 
    so you can cast all the protective spells you want and really get 
    ready before you step in. When you DO win a battle, save again before
    touching the chest. The traps often trigger with disastrous results. 
    There are great treasures here, too, but they show up randomly. You 
    may have to restore and re-try a number of times before you both
    survive the trap AND get the best goodies. 

    There are two more mazes to solve before the next-to-final episode.
    You can come back here whenever you like to hit on any GORRORS you
    left behind, and you will have to come back through here in any 
    event before the final episode. When you are ready to move on, use
    the ?LEGEND? map while facing the west side of the Gaelin Stone at
    5 to get the Skull Key. Use the key at 6 to enter the

    and go down the stair at 7.
    This is the area I meant when I said that the up-n-down ladders in the
    Funhouse were practice for the future. There are 8 levels here
    with more than 50 vertical teleports. There are holes in the floor and
    (hard to see) holes in the ceiling. A hole in the ceiling tells you 
    that if you step into the square under it, (whether or not there is 
    a floor-hole) you'll go up one or more levels. A hole in the floor 
    with no ceiling hole above says you'll go down. (No need for Levitate 
    here, these drops are harmless.) Most of Level 2 is dark, there are 
    small dark areas on levels 3 and 4 and there's a water area on level 3. 

    Map CRYPT -3 covers levels 1-4 and map CRYPT -4 covers levels 5-8.

    This is the kind of puzzle I really enjoy working out. I spent several
    DAYS mapping it. I have numbered the teleport 'tubes' identically on 
    each level. (For example - if you move into 9 on level 2, 3 or 4, you'll
    end at 9 on level 1.) An 'up' arrowhead below the number says you go up
    from here and a 'down' arrowhead says you go down. A solid bar says 
    the tube stops here so you can walk across without teleporting. 
    One problem area - in the NW corner of level 6 is a 5x5 room with 5 down
    holes. Tho it looks like you should be able to get to 35 (in the middle)
    from any direction, you can get there ONLY from the west. Even then,
    about two times out of three, you'll jog to the side and hit 47 or 48
    instead. Save while standing at the west wall. When you move east toward
    35, and the jump takes place, if you don't see the entrance door just
    before you go down, you didn't make it. Restore and try again.

    This area has LOTS of battles with lots of points and some pretty good
    treasure. And as I said, I thought it was real fun to explore and work
    out. I'd really like you do do this area on your own, but if you want 
    the short step-by-step, here it is. Save often. Try not to step into or 
    under holes by accident.

    From the entrance on level 1, take 1 down to level 2. One square west,
    a button on the south wall gets you to a chest at A. Take 2 to level 1. 
    Take 7 to level 2(dark). Face south and search to press a button. One
    step south to chest B containing the Water Key. 

    Take 4 to level 1, 5 to level 2 (dark), 15 to level 3, 16 to level 
    4 (dark), 17 to level 5. Use the Water Key at C to get to a fountain 
    at D which will restore Hit points. 

    Take 33 to level 4, 28 to level 6, 19 to level 5, 34 to level 6, 35
    to level 7 (remember my warning about 35) and 38 to level 6 for chest
    E containing the Gate Key. 

    Take 43 to level 5. At F there is a always a battle, usually with high
    points. If you still need points you can step back after each battle, 
    rest if necessary and step forward again for another - and another - 
    and another.

    Take 25 to level 4, Use the Gate key to get to 50, and take 50 to level
    3. The chest at G contains the ?STAR? Map for Test 2 back in Sky City.
    Now do you see why I didn't want to come all the way here to get it?

    Take 30 to level 4, 28 to level 6 and 29 to level 5. In the four rooms 
    north and south of the passage are buttons for Dragon, Skull, Cross, 
    Tower, Egg, Moon, Sun and Star. Read the ?CRYSTAL? map to solve the 
    puzzle. The DRAGON is 'D' etc. (Note that it spells out 'DOMINAE'.)
    Press Dragon, Tower, Moon, Cross, Skull, Sun. Star and Egg. Now equip
    the Locket of the Tomb and step into the pentagram at H to open a 
    secret door to 61. Take 61 down to level 7 and 62 down to 8. Around 
    the corner at 63 is the stair to the final (at last!) dungeon/maze.


    Remember the META-DROID back in Sky City? Here's where you'll meet his
    relatives - by the drove - around every corner. You may hear that 
    you must 'step on every square' on this level - not so. At A thru G
    CRYPT and BOAT. You MUST step on each of these. But those mechnical
    monsters Do provide tons of points. Exploring the whole area is
    certainly worthwhile. But rest often enough to stay well-healed. And
    keeping ArmorPlate, Enchanted Blade, and Bless (among others) in force
    is very helpful.

    At I find a button to open a secret door. Step into J and the grate
    will open. Remember? 'You are the Key'. Stop at J, not only to rest 
    fully and set up your best defenses but to do a permanent save. I'll 
    tell you now, there are four (five if you count a duplicate pair) 
    endings to this game. The first dividing point comes at the end of 
    this automated episode, so if you want to check out all the options 
    (and save them for the probable sequel) you need to be able to 
    re-start at this point. And depending on the roll of the random dice, 
    the upcoming battle may be impossible. You need to be able to restart 
    here for that reason, too.

    When you're ready, go to the center of the chamber at K. Search to 
    find a crack in the floor. Use Vitalia's Device to call her. Reply
    'YES' to the questions she asks - "Do you have the keys? - Have you
    tried them? - Shall I try? After all the action is over, Vi will ask
    "Did you find a space ship? (Actually, kind of a dumb question, since
    that's where you got the ring she used to release the GLOBE. Well,
    maybe she doesn't know that.) For now, please answer truthfully - YES.
    (I'll tell you later what happens with a 'NO' answer, and you can
    decide if you want to play out the other endings.) She will tell you
    to go to the spaceship and call her when you're there.

    Find your way back to the entrance and go up the stairs to 63. The 
    quickest way out that I know of is this. Take 43 to level 5, 25 to
    level 4, 50 to level 3, 30 to level 4 and 9 to level 1 and there
    around the corner is the exit to the Chamber of Gorrors. 

    Pause here a moment - I promised I'd explain the solution to the
    Second Test in Sky City. Did you read the runes on the GAELIN Stone
    here? (At 4) If you did, you'll know that rearranged to read 
    counter-clockwise from the south, they are as follows:

      South                East              North                 West
      TEMPLE               BOAT             SERPENT               DRAGON
  Man Pyramd Moon -  Devil Boat Cross - Towr Serpnt Lantrn - Dragn Chest Key
      SPHYNX               CRYPT            CRYSTAL                 STAR
  Egg Chimra Wand    Skull Jewel Statu  Cube  Ball   Gate    Tablt Statu Star 
    The ?STAR? map says 'find a man, then read rightly' (in conjunction 
    with the buttons at the second test). To the right of 'Man' is 
    'Pyramid', which matches one of the test buttons. 'Devil' does not, 
    nor does 'Boat, but 'Cross' does. 'Tower' does not but 'Serpent' does. 
    'Lantern does not but 'Dragon' does. So the first four buttons to 
    push are Pyramid, Cross, Serpent and Dragon. The map then says 'when 
    you have come full circle, go below 'Man' and read rightly'. Thus in 
    like manner, we find Wand, Skull, Gate and Star. OK?

    By the way - in this game we will not pass this way again, so if you
    have any of the GORRORS still alive and you want to have another go 
    at them, now is the time. And there has been a lot of treasure 
    available, so if you've stashed some here and there and want to haul 
    it to Sky City for sale, this is the time to consolidate it near the
    entrance where you left the boat. Probably take several trips. Do as
    you like. 

    Next stop - SKY CITY. Find your way back to the boat, retrace your 
    way to and through the Dragon Cave and through Sky City to the 
    space ship for the

    You might want to do a save just before you reach the spaceship - 
    it's all in automatic from that point and you might want to see
    it again. If you don't want to read about it - STOP HERE.

    When you get to the space ship you will use Vitalia's Device once
    more to call her. But who shows up but the resurrected Dark Savant
    along with a badly beaten-on Vi Domina. No battle this time, But 
    you have a choice - keep the GLOBE and Vi dies, or give up the globe 
    to the Dark Savant and save the GIRL. If you did a save you can see 
    both endings. The text strongly suggests that you be a hero and save
    the girl. You will have an opportunity to do a special end-game save
    for use in the sequel.
    (If you do the unheroic thing and keep the globe, letting Vi die, 
    you will 'float endlessly in space'.)

    Alternate Endings - If you restore from just before getting the Globe,
    and lie - telling Vi you did NOT find a space ship, she will tell
    you to 'meet again where first we met' - The Forbidden Zone in
    New City. This is why you still have the Control Card which is 
    necessary for entry. Again, there are two 'good' endings here, so
    set up a save before entering. After calling Vi, you will go through 
    the same routine as at Sky City, except there will then be a great 
    final battle between the UMPANI and the T'RANG. You must choose 
    between aiding one side of the other. Either way, the side you support 
    will win, and they will give you and Vi a ride to the sequel in their

    I hope this walkthru has been helpful and that you have enjoyed 
    playing the game as much as I have enjoyed describing it to you.
    I'll wait for you at the beginning of the sequel!.

           WIZARDRY 7, CRUSADERS OF THE DARK SAVANT is published 
           and distributed by Sir-Tech Software.

           This walkthru written and the accompanying maps drawn 
           by Tom Needham, 70353,3477. Copyright (c) 1994 by 
           Tom Needham and TEG Magazine. All rights reserved. 
           No reproduction or distribution without permission.