Corridor 7 - Alien Invasion (e)


* Always, always, always, before you begin each level, turn on your proximity

* Never start looking for secret rooms and passageways until you have finished
  killing all of the aliens.

* Whenever you are fighting an alien, always keep your distance from that alien.

* Whenever you are in a long (or short, for that matter) hallway, fire your
  weapon.  This will cause most (sometimes, all) of the aliens which are in
  that hallway to begin to move.

* You have probably noticed by now that, while in open rooms, the aliens move
  diagonally from left to right, and that this so that they will be harder to
  hit.  If you are close to the perimiter of the floor which you are on and you
  are fighting an alien, move out into that perimiter.  This will lure that
  alien into the perimiter and keep it from moving from side to side.

* Only use your plasma rifle for getting the aliens to begin to move and for
  firing at the aliens when you are in a hallway and cannot get a good angle
  on them.  Othwerwise, use your M343 minigun or, if you can't use your M343
  minigun, use your alien dual blaster to kill them.

* Refuel whenever your health or ammunition is at 50% or lower.

* Use your proximity mines sparingly because you never know when you will
  really need them.

* Gather every suit of body armor which you find.

* Try to gain access to every secret room which is on the level which you are
  on because these places are the key to your survival of this game.

* There is something about this game which IntraCorp, Inc. does not tell you
  about in either their hint book or manual.  What they don't tell you is that
  you can use your visor to tell whether or not a computer offers you red or
  blue access or whether or not it is just a computer which displays the
  message "Intruder Alert".  In order to make your visor tell you this, press
  the  key twice.  After you have done this, if the computer displays 
  the message "Intruder Alert", its screen will have nothing on it.

* Note the locations of all Health Chambers, medic packs, and ammunition
  stations which you run into so that you can more quickly find them when you
  need them.

* Remember that your best ally is the element of surprise.  Whenever you
  are at an intersection of two or more hallways and you know that an alien is
  just around the corner, turn yourself so that you are facing in that alien's
  direction, press and hold down the  key and press the arrow key which
  will move you in the direction which will bring you to the point at which you
  are facing that alien and then quickly fire.  If you try this method, you
  will find that it requires a great amount of speed to work completely.

* If you have gotten ahold of the floor plan, play the game from the proximity
  map.  This will prevent you from accidently moving into an area which is
  full of aliens and having all of those aliens start up and fill you with
  holes.  If you don't have the proximity map, play the game from the screen,
  spending a few seconds looking at the proximity map and a few seconds
  looking at the screen.

* EGNever pick up adrenaline boosts or alien charge packs or use any 
  Health Chambers, medic pacs, or ammunition stations if you don't need to.HF
  Save them for when you do need to.  You will find that on the presidential
  level, doing this can mean the difference between winning this game and
  finding that winning this game is totally hopeless.

* Whenever your health and ammunition are at 100%, save your game.  Save your
  game at the beginning of each level and in tight situations, also.

* Whenever you don't have a floor plan, proceed through the level which you
  are on with caution because you never know just what is around the next
  corner.  Proceeding this way is especially good when you are playing on the
  presidential level.

* When playing on the presidential level, the Tymoks and Enirams seem
  invincible, but they are not.  Press the  key and the left or right
  arrow key (whichever one is needed to get out of the way of the projectiles
  which their guns fire) twice while constantly firing at them and moving

                                       * This document was created by Matthew
                                         Ingersoll, winner of "Corridor 7:
                                         Alien Invasion" on the presidential