Andere Lösungen

Destrega (Rohzen) (e)

                 Destrega - PlayStation

                 (C) 1998 Koei Co., Ltd.
                   (C) 1999 Koei Corp.

       Walter F. Williams III (

*** This character FAQ is the property of the above author. ***
*** You are free to distribute this thing to anybody you    ***
*** want, as long as the original author is given credit    ***
*** for creating it.                                        ***

                       Character FAQ
           _____   _____   _   _   _____   ____   __  _
          |  _  | |  _  | | | | | |__   / |  __| |  \| |
          | |_| | | | | | | |_| |    / /  | |_   |     |
          |    <  | | | | |  _  |   / /   |  _|  | |\  |
          | |\  | | |_| | | | | |  / /__  | |__  | | | |
          |_| |_| |_____| |_| |_| /_____| |____| |_| |_|

Rohzen was also a representative of the Strega 11 years ago when
they tried to stop the Relics from coming into use again. Injured
and beaten by the Imperial forces, Rohzen disappears. He now
returns to gather the surviving Strega and put a stop to Zauber's
ambitious plans for world conquest. He is currently traveling
through Ipsen in search of other Strega survivors with Celia.

Tidu - speed magic (press Square)
     - travels at a high speed
Est - power magic (press Triangle)
    - deals a lot of damage
Foh - span magic (press Circle)
    - covers a wide area

Magic Type: Lightning
Rohzen commands the power of lightning, attacking his enemies
with electrical pulses. The best way to use his attacks is by
combining speed with power. The Tidu attacks alone won't do it,
because they often move to the side when they're near the enemy.

 Power - strong
 Speed - slow
 Homing - excellent
 Run - medium
 Dash - very slow
 Jump - high

Spell Description:
 First number in parentheses: damage at long range
 Second number in parentheses: damage at close range
 only one number in parentheses: damage at any range
 (#+$) multiple-hit combo: # - 1st hit, $ - 2nd hit, etc.
 #-way: will fire in # directions
 homing: follows the enemy
 [#]: 1 hit for # damage

Level 1 magic:
Tidu - Thunder Bolt (14-24)
Est - Thunder Ball (35)
Foh - Thunder Break (12-24) (5-way, homing)

Level 2 magic:
Tidu-Tidu - (34-36)
Tidu-Est - (47)
Tidu-Foh - (27-37) (3-way)
Est-Tidu - (58)
Est-Est - (72)
Est-Foh - (51) (3-way)
Foh-Tidu - (45) (5-way, homing)
Foh-Est - (58) (5-way, homing)
Foh-Foh - (37) (8-way)

Level 3 magic:
Tidu-Tidu-Tidu - (57-60)
Tidu-Tidu-Est - (63-66)
Tidu-Tidu-Foh - (40-52) (3-way)
Tidu-Est-Tidu - (61)
Tidu-Est-Est - (65-80)
Tidu-Foh-Tidu - (37-52) (4-way)
Tidu-Foh-Foh - (27-45) (5-way)
Est-Tidu-Tidu - (73)
Est-Tidu-Est - (80)
Est-Est-Tidu - (87)
Est-Est-Est - (73)
Est-Est-Foh - (79) (3-way)
Est-Foh-Est - (72) (5-way)
Est-Foh-Foh - (58) (7-way)
Foh-Tidu-Tidu - (46-60) (6-way, homing)
Foh-Tidu-Foh - (35-52) (7-way, homing)
Foh-Est-Est - (46-80) (6-way, homing)
Foh-Est-Foh - (37-66) (7-way, homing)
Foh-Foh-Tidu - (33-52) (9-way, homing)
Foh-Foh-Est - (43-58) (9-way, homing)
Foh-Foh-Foh - (22-45) (10-way, homing)

Special Magic Attack: Thunder Wall [102]

Close-Range Attacks:

Square - Quick attack
       - Hit this rapidly to form a combo
Triangle - Strong attack
         - Can knock down the enemy in a single hit
Circle - Sidestep attack
       - dodges the opponent, then attacks

Square - (12)
Squarex2 - (12+15)
Squarex3 - (12+15+15)
Squarex4 - (12+15+15+17)
Square + Triangle - (12+20)
Squarex2 + Triangle - (12+15+33)
Squarex3 + Triangle - (12+15+15+22)
Triangle - (22)
Circle - (22)

Charge Dash - (10)