Andere Lösungen

The Dig (e)

                        The Dig: Complete Walk-Thru
                       completed by: Beowulf [RAZOR]

WALK = Click the crosshair on the specified location to make Boston go there.
TALK = Click on the target person, or USE the PenUltimate to communicate
       with them.
USE  = Select the specifed object in your inventory by clicking on it, then 
       click that on the target item.
TAKE = Click on the specified object, then place it in your inventory by
       either right clicking, or clicking the object on the little "I" at 
       the bottom left of the screen.
GOTO = Click on the appropriate location on the screen to go there. For
       instance, if the walkthru says "GOTO statue", move the cursor around
       the screen until the word "statue" appears, then click there.
EXAMINE = USE the magnifying glass in your inventory on the specified item.


You'll find several light bridge generators in Cocytus and you'll need to
know how to fix them in order to complete the game (and make travelling less
tiring). A light bridge generator is labelled as a "strange device" and each
one has a panel and a lens associated with it. The game randomly "misaligns"
the light bridge lenses and you'll have to repair one light bridge internally.

You'll know which light bridge you have to internally repair because its the
only one whose panel you can open (you can't open the panel on operational
ones). If the light bridge is operational, try clicking the button on it.
If it makes a high-pitched sound, the lens is properly aligned. If it makes
a low-pitched hum, then lens needs to be moved. USE the lens to move it, and
test it again by pressing the button on the device. After you have properly
aligned the lens, click and HOLD DOWN the button on the device. A line will
be drawn on the display from the spire you are surrently at to the center
light hub. After the line is complete, release the button and the
light bridge is complete.

If all three lens positions don't work, you'll need to repair the generator
first. USE the panel to open it. USE the panel again to look at the control 
prisms. The goal is to have the light source in the center touch each prism 
and finally split off to its appropriate target color gems (i.e. red light 
to red gem, blue light to blue gem, green light to green gem). Aim the
source at the bottom left hand prism, then spin it (by clicking on it) until 
it directs the light to the three other prisms. Spin the three other prisms
until they focus their light beams on the appropriate colors. After you've
properly aligned them, Boston will annouce how impressed he is with himself.
Leave the panel, and then follow the steps above to enable the light bridge.

And now for something completely different...


TALK to Miles about the Flying Pig (tool chest) to get her to release it.
USE the Pig. Boston will bring the chest down to the surface of the asteroid.
USE the Pig to open the hatch. USE it again to look inside. TAKE Explosive 
Unit Alpha and Beta, the Zero-G digger and the shovel. GOTO asteroid. GOTO
space. GOTO quadrant 2. USE Zero-G digger with target surface. USE Explosive
Unit Alpha with dirt. USE arming key with Explosive Unit Alpha. GOTO space.
GOTO quadrant 3. USE shovel with boulder. USE Explosive Unit Beta with
surface. USE arming key with Explosive Unit Beta. GOTO space. GOTO shuttle.
TALK to Borden about nuclear explosive. Borden will detonate the explosives,
then you'll return to the asteroid and venture inside. USE the Zero-G digger
on the three odd projections to uncover three metallic plates. USE all four
plates, one by one. After pushing in all four plates, GOTO the dark tunnel
uncovered by the largest metallic plate. After emerging inside the hollow
asteroid, GOTO the pedestal. TAKE all four plates. GOTO the square
indentation. USE all four plates, one by one, on the appropriate locations
in the indentation. Sit back and watch the fireworks. After your little
space ride, you'll end up on the surface of an alien planet: Cocytus.


GOTO clearing. GOTO the far left "?" (it's an alien ship). Walk to the left
a bit, then GOTO wreck. USE chest to open it. TAKE device. USE hanging wire.
An alien ghost will appear briefly and leave an engraved rod behind. TAKE
the wire. TAKE the engraved rod. GOTO outside. Walk back to the right, then
GOTO clearing. GOTO the top "?" (an alien graveyard). USE shovel with grave.
TAKE the tusk and the jaw bone. GOTO clearing. GOTO the far right "?" (a
dirt slope). USE the device. USE the shovel on the small mound you detect.
TAKE the bracelet that you uncover. GOTO clearing. GOTO dais. USE shovel
with small hole. Brink will take over shoveling and fall down the hole,
killing himself in the process. Maggie and you scramble down the hole Brink
uncovered to find yourselves in what appears to be the nexus of an 
underground city. Maggie decides to go exploring by herself, so you're on 
your own...for a little while.


Walk to the left until you come to a ramp. GOTO ramp. USE the control panel.
Each icon on the control panel represents an action for a maintenance robot.
The top left button is Backspace (to correct single mistakes) and the bottom
left button is Cancel (clears all actions). The actions and their color
codes are as follows:

Purple - Move Left
Yellow - Move Down
Green  - Move Right
Blue   - Move Up
Red    - Pick-Up/Release

The correct combination of actions to pick up the fallen lens and replace it
in its slot is:


After entering in this code on the control panel, GOTO exit. USE the
triangular button to activate the maintenance robot. He'll pick up the lens,
replace it, and the power grid will be restored to the city. USE the loose
plate. TAKE the blue crystal. GOTO nexus.

Walk to the left until you see a purple engraved rod lying on the ground.
TAKE the rod. Walk back to the right a bit to the door that is directly to
the left of the ramp (there's a large boulder to the left of it). USE the
panel by the door. EXAMINE the purple engraved rod. Remember the key code
on the rod, and set the panel lock to match the code on the rod (Click on
the panel's symbols to make them change). The door will then open. GOTO the
open door.


USE the blue glowing button marked "?". This will call the tram to the
station. GOTO tram. After a quick ride, you'll be depostited at the museum
station. Walk down the stairs and to the right. GOTO outside. GOTO up. USE
the strange device (a light bridge generator). Activate the lightbridge (see
the section above titled "How to Activate a Light Bridge"). GOTO door. TAKE 
the glowing crystals. TAKE the tablet. GOTO each of the four displays and
watch them. TAKE the red engraved rod. GOTO the left hand door. After speaking 
with Maggie in the library, GOTO the museum. GOTO outside. GOTO down. GOTO
water. After watching the turtle creature being eaten, GOTO path. GOTO tram
to return to the tram station. GOTO tram. 


After returning to the main station, GOTO nexus. Walk to where Brink's body
is lying. TAKE the plate that is lying next to him. USE the glowing crystals
on Brink's body to resurrect him. Walk with Brink back to the left and GOTO
the museum tram. GOTO the tram. After arriving at the museum tram station,
USE the weakened door. Brink will help you pull the door open. USE the
open door to enter the life crystal chamber. TAKE the cannister. TAKE some
life cystals. GOTO door. GOTO outside. GOTO fossil. Remember the bone
structure for the creature (or try to!) and then GOTO exit. GOTO water.
Brink will take off on you, and you'll see the sea creature eat another
turtle. This time he'll spit the bones back out. GOTO the loose bones.
Now the fun part: You have to re-arrange the bones in the shell so they
match those of the fossil you saw earlier. To pick up a bone, click on it.
To spin it around, right click. To place it, click where you want it to go.
When you think you have completed the skeleton, GOTO exit. If you arranged
everything right, the loose bones will now read "dead creature". Otherwise,
GOTO the loose bones and double-check. When you're done, USE the canister
on the dead creature, the USE a life crystal on it. The sea creature will
swallow the alien bomb and blow up. GOTO water to dive in. You'll surface
in an underground cavern. GOTO chamber. TAKE plate. TAKE orange engraved
rod. GOTO cavern. GOTO water. GOTO path. GOTO tram to return to the museum
tram station. GOTO tram. After returning to the main station, GOTO nexus.


Walk to the door directly to the right of the ramp and GOTO the panel by
the door. EXAMINE the orange engraved rod and remember its code sequence.
Set the shapes on the panel to match those on the rod to unlock the door
to the planetarium tram. USE the open door. USE the tram call. GOTO the tram.
GOTO outside. GOTO up. Walk to the edge of the chasm where the water rises
into. Click on the point marked "far side" just before the water rises into 
the chasm (this make take a few tries) and you'll do the "wave" over to the
other side. USE the shovel with the boulder to make a rock bridge for later 
travelling. GOTO up. USE the lens. USE the strange device (another light
bridge generator). Activate it (see above). GOTO exit. Walk to the right
a bit then GOTO crevice. TAKE the blue rod. GOTO outside. GOTO plateau.
A "critter" will rip an important part out of the planetarium door lock.
Walk to the right to the door. TAKE the cover, dowel, rib cage and rod.
USE the dowel on the hole in the metal "wheel". USE the pole to move it
into place. USE the pole to pick it up again, then USE it on the pin (dowel).
USE the rib cage on the hook. USE the rod on the rib cage to make a trap.
Time to play sheepdog...USE the bottom hole directly to the left of the
door to make the critter come out. He'll wander over to the left of your
trap. Walk carefully to the bottom of the screen, then walk below the metal
wheel to the other side. Walk back to the right through the metal wheel
and you'll scare the critter into your trap. USE the bracelet on the
critter. USE the trap to let the critter go. TAKE the rod. USE shovel on
the cave. GOTO cave. USE the blue device (a tracker) and Boston will walk
to the spot it points at. USE the shovel on the tracker spot. TAKE the
machine part. GOTO opening. USE the machine part on the panel. USE the cover
on the panel. USE panel to open the door. GOTO door. TAKE the twin scepters.
TAKE the green engraved rod. TAKE plate. USE gold scepter on faint light.
The planetarium screen will appear: the goal here is to align the moons
with the planet into an eclipse of the smaller moon (as seen in the museum). 
USE the gold scepter on the brightest point of the planet (top right'esh) 
to move the large moon into position. USE the silver scepter on the darkest
point of the large moon to move the smaller moon into an eclipse. A small
cutscene will show the eclipse of the smaller moon through a rock spire.
The critter will take the machine part from the door and lock you inside.
USE the button by the door to open it. GOTO outside. Walk to the left, then 
GOTO clearing. WALK to the left, then GOTO overlook. GOTO down. GOTO tram.
GOTO tram to enter the tram and return to the main station. GOTO nexus.


Walk to the right until you come to the alcove to the right of the where
you entered from the canyon. GOTO alcove. USE each of the three plates you've
collected on their appropriate place in the alcove. GOTO nexus. Walk to the
left until you come to the ramp. GOTO the dark tunnel. Walk to the left and
USE the button on the outside of the airlock. Walk into the airlock and USE
the button inside there. USE the button again to open the left hand airlock
door. GOTO the left-hand airlock door and you'll enter the tram control
center. GOTO the glowing panel. USE the blue rod you found with one of the
three holes on the right hand side. Three sliding crystals will appear.
Click on the "dead" crystal to select it as the active one (the very top of
the crystal will illuminate to show that it is selected). Slide the
sliding crystals up one by one and watch as the "dead" crystal lights up.
The goal here is to light the crystal up as much as possible until it
becomes "alive" (lights up completely blue). The combination I found to work
was with the left hand sliding crystal slightly up, the middle sliding
crystal all the way up, and the right hand crystal all the way down. Once
the "dead" crystal is re-lit, GOTO exit. You'l see a quick animation of a
tram rolling by on the left hand side (this is the tram you just enabled).
GOTO airlock. USE airlock button. USE it again to open the right hand door.
Walk to the right and GOTO dark tunnel to return to the nexus.


Walk to the door directly to the right of the glowing column. USE the tusk
on the panel to pry it open. USE the wire on the panel. USE the wire on the
sparks to power up the lock. USE the panel. EXAMINE the green engraved rod
and remember the code sequence. Set the panel design to match that of the
rod and the door will open. GOTO open door. USE tram call. GOTO tram. The
tram will take you to the map room station. GOTO ledge. GOTO cavern. Walk to
the right, then GOTO pit. GOTO opening. GOTO opening to find another
lightbridge generator. Activate it. GOTO map room. USE panel (the map
generator). EXAMINE each of the four colored rods you have found and enter
each one of their codes into the generator panel. As you enter each code, a
"map" will appear and show you a picture of that area. After viewing all of
the map displays, GOTO pit. GOTO chamber. GOTO ledge. GOTO tram. GOTO tram
to return to the main station. GOTO nexus.


Walk to door directly to the left of the glowing column. GOTO panel. EXAMINE
the red engraved rod, and enter in its code on the panel to open the door
to the tomb tram. GOTO open door. USE the tram call (This is the tram that
you enabled in the tram control room). GOTO tram. The tram will transport you
to the tomb spire. GOTO spire. GOTO plateau. GOTO path. GOTO strange device.
(Yes, another lightbridge generator). Activate it. GOTO engraving. (This
engraving depicts the method used to open the crypt). GOTO exit. GOTO cave
interior. GOTO platform. You'll meet up with Brink here again. He'll tell
you to go away, so just GOTO cavern. GOTO out. GOTO edge. USE shovel with
stone plate to uncover the entrance to the tomb. GOTO hole. USE blue crystal
with hole to light up the tomb. Walk over on top of the stone marked with
the two moons in the bottom left hand side on the tomb. The stone will sink
down opening the shutter above you. USE rod on loose stone to lock the
shutter in place. GOTO outside. Since the shutter is now open, you'll be able
to see it to the left now, although it's covered in dirt. USE dirt to
uncover the lens. This will focus the light from the now eclipsed moons onto
the floor, and open the crypt. After Boston returns to the tomb, USE statue.
The statue will crumble. USE crypt. The crypt "elevator" will lower you
down into the tomb. Walk to the left and USE broken bones. A life crystal
will fall onto the bones and create a "guard dog". USE a life crystal
(glowing crystals) on the other set of broken bones. The two guard dogs will
scrap it out and both end up dead. USE the engraved rod you found in the
spaceship wreck on the slot. GOTO door. GOTO pyramid. USE engraved rod on
panel. USE life crystal on alien corpse. The alien king will attempt to talk
to you. Just stop talking to him and Boston will attempt to contact Maggie
to tell her about the alien language. Maggie will get attacked by an alien
spider. Time to play hero...


GOTO walkway. GOTO door. Walk to the right and GOTO up to return to the
tomb entrance. GOTO outside. GOTO path. GOTO cave interior. GOTO platform.
Brink will be acting a bit strange and will refuse to help you. but you'll
need his help. GOTO cavern. USE flashlight on bat creatures to distract
Brink. GOTO platform. TAKE crystal stash. Brink will return and you'll make
a deal with him to help Maggie. GOTO cavern. GOTO out. GOTO bright light to
take a lightbridge shortcut. GOTO map spire. GOTO map room. GOTO out. GOTO
pit. GOTO chamber. Walk to the left a bit, then GOTO nest. You'll see Maggie
trapped by the spider monster. TALK to Brink. Ask him about the monster.
He'll suggest a diversion, and leave you free to figure out a way to save
Maggie. You'll end up by a waterfall. GOTO falls source. USE grate to see
how to divert the water flow to the grate near Maggie. USE rock to hold
the water gate in place. GOTO down. GOTO nest. TALK to Brink. Ask him about
the grate. He'll lead the monster in front of the grate, and Maggie will
unplug the grate sending the monster flying. After freeing Maggie, Brink
will take all of Boston's life crystals and take off again. GOTO the top
door. GOTO ledge. GOTO opening. USE tablet on Robbins (she'll take the
tablet and decipher it). After Maggie reveals the hidden island, GOTO the
opening on it. TAKE plate. GOTO door to return to the island. GOTO opening.
GOTO cavern. Brink should call you sometime around now asking for help.
Walk to the right, then GOTO pit. GOTO opening. GOTO opening to reach the
lightbridge generator. GOTO bright light to take the light bridge. GOTO
planetarium spire. Walk to the right and GOTO crevice. USE jaw bone with
Brink to saw off his hand. He'll agree to test the final metal plate with
you, and you'll all return to the alcove by the canyon entrance. USE plate
on the empty slot to open the door. Brink will give up on you and take off
yet again. GOTO open door. USE tram call. GOTO tram. You'll be deposited
outside an alien laboratory. GOTO door.


GOTO console (the glowing green one at the bottom). You'll notice that a
part is missing from it...perhaps on purpose. GOTO exit. Climb up the ramp
to the top and GOTO outside. Walk to the left. USE nest to brush it off
the lightbridge lens. Activate the fifth and final lightbridge. GOTO light
bridge. GOTO museum spire. GOTO down. GOTO tram. GOTO broken door. TAKE a
few more life crystals. GOTO door. GOTO outside. GOTO up. GOTO bright light.
GOTO tomb spire. GOTO edge. GOTO tomb. GOTO crypt. Walk to the left, then
GOTO door. GOTO pyramid. USE engraved rod on panel. USE a life crystal
(glowing crystals) on the alien corpse to bring him to life. This time
Maggie will take over and speak to the alien. Ask him about everything you
can, until every option turns blue (This isn't absolutely necessary, as you
only need to know about the lab, but it will fill in many blanks for the
storyline). After you ask him about the alien device enough, he'll agree
to let you know where to find the missing "eye part" for the lab machine. 
Ask him about the eye part until he gives you an engraved rod and tells you 
to check it in the map room. Stop talking to him. TAKE the Creator's
engraving. GOTO walkway. GOTO door. Walk to the right and GOTO up. GOTO
outside. GOTO path. GOTO light bridge. GOTO map spire. GOTO map room. GOTO
panel. Enter in the code from the Creator's engraving, and the map will
reveal the location of the hidden piece: a small beach. GOTO pit. GOTO
chamber. Walk to the left, then GOTO nest. Walk to the right, then GOTO
door. GOTO beach. TAKE eye part to reveal the glowing eye part. 
(It's hidden in a rock cairn by the beach). TAKE the glowing eye part. GOTO
falls. GOTO nest. Walk to the left and GOTO door. Walk to the right, then 
GOTO pit. GOTO opening. GOTO opening to return to the light bridge. GOTO
light bridge. GOTO cathedral spire. Walk to the right, then GOTO lab.


Boston and Maggie will walk down to the green console to try out the final
eye part. Brink will appear and take all of Boston's crystals, but he
forgets to check Maggie. GOTO console. USE eye part with gap in machinery.
Boston realizes that there is still something missing with the machine. GOTO
exit. TALK to Maggie, and ask her about the alien device. She'll whip out
her only life crystal, and give it to Boston. Maggie will move into position,
and Boston will attempt to activate the machine. Unfortunately, one life
crystal is not enough, so you'll have to talk to Brink about getting more.
GOTO console. TAKE machine part. Walk up the ramp to the top, then GOTO
outside. Walk to the left, then GOTO light bridge. GOTO tomb spire. GOTO
cave interior. GOTO platform. Brink will talk to you and mention he has
built a life crystal machine, but it is missing a part. TALK to Brink.
Ask him about the eye part. He'll agree to let you generate life crystals
in a 50/50 split. Stop talking to Brink. USE eye part with slot. The machine
will generate two life crystals, and Boston will take them both, despite
Brink's complaints. TAKE eye part. Brink will try to kill Boston, but will
end up falling off the cliff. GOTO cavern. GOTO out. GOTO light bridge.
GOTO cathedral spire. Walk to the right and GOTO lab. Walk down the ramp to
the green console. GOTO console. USE eye part on gap in machinery. USE a
life crystal with each of the empty slots in the console. GOTO exit. TALK
to Maggie. Ask her about the alien device. She'll offer to control the
machine, and will activate it, opening The Eye in the center of the
light bridges but killing herself in the process. Walk to the top of the
ramp, then GOTO outside. Walk to the left. GOTO light bridge. A monster will
appear from inside The Eye and chase you back to the light bridge generator.
As soon as the monster leaves, USE the strange device (the generator). USE
switch. The light bridge will disappear and the monster will fall to his
death. Activate the light bridge again. GOTO light bridge. GOTO The Eye.
GOTO portal. Sit back and watch the endgame! 

NOTE: For a slightly different end-game, try getting another life crystal
and resurrecting Maggie (hence, breaking your promise to her) after she kills 
herself while activating the machine.

                            T H E    E N D

A great game...truly worth actually buying (I did). The cel animations
and cut scenes are incredible and really add to the games atmosphere. The
games puzzles were good (except that annoying HOLD-down-the-light-bridge-
switch one), and make it fairly challenging. Awesome soundtrack too...the CD
music really set the mood for the game, although I'm not sure about buying 
the soundtrack. ;)
                                        - Beowulf [RAZOR]