Andere Lösungen

Dino Crisis (e)

Date: Mon, 19 July 1999 03:16:00

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                                 DINO CRISIS WALKTHROUGH v0.1
                                     for Sony Playstation
                                       by Stinger 3:16

This  FAQ is for private  and personal  use. It  can only be reproduced  electronically, and if
placed on a web  page or site, may  be  altered as  long as this  disclaimer and the  copyright
notice appear  unaltered and in full. This FAQ is not to be used for  profitable or promotional
purposes, etc.
Dino Crisis is (c) Capcom and (c) Sony Entertainment.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

1.  I N T R O D U C T I O N
2.  B A S I C  M O V E S

3.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

4.  W A L K T H R O U G H
     * EASY MODE
     * NORMAL MODE (Under Construction)

5.  M A P S
     * MAP #1 : FIRST FLOOR
     * MAP #2 : SECOND FLOOR
     * MAP #3 : BASEMENT 1
     * MAP #4
     * MAP #5
     * MAP #6 : BASEMENT 2
     * MAP #7 : BASEMENT 3
6.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

7.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

1.  I N T R O D U C T I O N

I can't read  Japanese  so I don't  know the name of  the key or room.  If you have any trouble
reading my walkthrough, please check the maps section.

2.  B A S I C  M O V E S

  Up           Move forward
  Down         Move backward
  Right        Turn right
  Left         Turn left
  X            Run (while holding forward)
  Square       Action/Shoot (while holding R1)
  Circle       Action/Shoot (while holding R1)
  Triangle     Open Character Menu
  R1           Aim
  R2           Turn 180°
  Start        Pause
  Select       Game Option
3.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

Unlike Resident Evil  Series or Silent Hill, in Dino Crisis there are no typewriter or notepad.
Instead,  on the map,  you will see a room with a letter 'S' inside it. It is a Save Game Room.
All you have to do is go into that room and then just exit that room. Then you will be given an
option to save your game.  So you can save as many as you like  because you don't need anything
to save your game.

4.  W A L K T H R O U G H

You're in the Area I.  Go West to meet Gail.  After the scene enter Room 1 (room with the green
door,  near where Gail is).  Inside  Room 1  take the key  on top of the left shelf,  and don't
forget to take the medikit also on top of the other shelf  (you must push a shelf first).  Exit
from Room 1.  Go to the  South door of Area I,  and you will see another scene.  Rick asked you
to activate the generator.  Gail then will take your key. Follow him to Area II. Enter the West
door to Area III.  Continue walking until you see Gail and a human corpse.  Talk to Gail. Enter
Room 2  (room behind Gail).  Inside Room 2 go to the end of this room where you see two panels;
one in front of you (first panel) and the other on your right (second panel). This is the first
puzzle,  it's  very  easy.  Press  the  Action  button in  front of the first panel.  The right
combination is (from left to right) Red - Blue - Green - White.  Or just simply press the right
button,  middle,  and then the right  (right - middle - right).  Now press the Action button in
front of the second panel.  That should activate the generator.  Now try to exit from this room
and you will hear a scream and a gunshot.  Continue to exit this room. Outside, you will notice
that Gail is missing.  Walk forward and you  will see some scene.  After the scene a big lizard
(or a small dinosaur)  will attack you.  You can kill it or just run to Area II.  Enter Area I.

Rick  will  contact you and  tell you to meet him on the  Control Room  (in your map,  it's the
blinking red room).  Now enter Room 3  (the door to your North). Inside Room 3 walks North then
you will see a scene.  Continue walking to the  West and you will see a laser fence.  Beside it
there's  a red  switch to deactivate it,  but right now you can't  deactivate it  (when the red
light turn green then you can deactivate it).  So you must enter the air duct.  On the air duck
follow the path and go down at the first hole you see.  Now you're in the Room 4 (BTW, the room
behind you is a Save  Game  Room).  Walk  South then West a little.  Now you should see a door.
Enter it and you're in the Control Room.  There will be some scene.  After the scene, go to the
Save Game Room.  Inside the Save  Game  Room walk to the door  North of you.  Beside that door,
there's a red switch.  Push it.  Take the  DDK-H (the spinning object on the left shelf). Enter
the room to your left  (still on the Save Game Room).  You will see a dead man. Take up the LEO
medal near the dead man.  Open the safe,  the  combination number is 0375.  Take the key inside
the safe. Go to Room 5 (save is necessary).  You will see some scene. Kill the Dino. Deactivate
the laser fence.  Go to Room 6.  Take the DDK-H on top of the locker.  Go to Room 7.  Go to the
Second Floor. Go to room 8. Kill the Dino. Go to Room 9. Kill the hard-to-see Dino (it's on the
corner in front of you).  Open the safe at the wall on the back room, the combination number is
7687.  Take the weapon modifier  (I don't know what is it).  Exit Room 9.  Right now you should
have  2 DDK-H;  one is the code disk  and the other is the key disk.  Go to the door leading to
Room 10. Press Action button on the switch beside that door.

The Code is   : H B C E F A G D I
The Key is    :   B C   F   G   I
The Answer is : H     E   A   D

Enter Room 10. You will see another scene. Now you have the SOL Medal. After the scene take the
DDK-N.  Walk around the table until  you're attacked by a T-Rex.  It eats the survivor and now,
the T-Rex wants to eat you.  Shoot it, and after a couple of shots it will go.  Now use the SOL
and LEO Medal on the red box on the wall near the break window. SOL on the left and LEO goes to
the right.  The number combination is 705037  (if you upside down SOL you got 705,  and LEO you
got 037,  if you combine the two you got 705037).  Take the L-Disk. Go back to the First Floor.
Go to  Area IV  (the door to your North).  On the right  door there's another corpse.  Take the
DDK-N  nears the corpse.  Exit.  Go to the door on the South  (under the staircase).  Rick will
contact you. Unlock the door (you know how, right?).

The Code is   : A B N D E F G H
                A B W C D F G H
                A B D F G H O M
                A B D E F G H R
The Key is    : A B D F G H
The Answer is : NEWCOMER (Eliminate all A-B-D-F-G-H from the Code)

Enter  Room 11.  Take the map on the center of the room.  Enter  Room 12.  Deactivate the laser
fence.  Continue walk  until  two  Dinos  attack  you.  Kill  them.  Enter  Room 13.  Take  the
key on  the end  of this  room  (near the whiteboard).  A Dino will  attack  you  (again).  Tap
X rapidly to release yourself.  Gail will enter and kill that Dino.  After the scene enter Room
14. Unlock the North door.  Go back to Control Room. Another scene will occur. Gail tell you to
restore the power for the basement.  Go back to Area I. Enter Area V. Go down the stairs to B1.
On the  West  wall  of this room  you will see a  panel with a flashing green light.  Press the
Action button in front of it.  Take the plug (I think).  Use the plug on the panel on the South
wall.  Press the right button,  middle, left, right, middle, and right (right - middle - left -
right - middle -right).  Now activate the generator.  Rick will asked you to the  Control Room.
On your way to the  Control  Room,  you will be attacked by a  Dino on Room 3.  Kill it.  After
arrive at Control Room,  Gail said that he saw something on the B asement, then Regina received
a call from  someone,  maybe  Tom,  and  Rick wants to save him.  But  Gail wants to search the
basement for any survivor,  it might be  Dr. Kirk.  Gail and Rick argued.  You will be given an
option.  If you want to follow  Gail  choose the first option.  But if you want to follow  Rick
choose the second option.

Exit the room.  Down the stairs to B1.  You're now in Room 15.  Walks North then East.  There's
another scene.  Kill the baby Dino if you want.  Enter the Save Game Room.  Take the ID Card on
the desk at the end of this room.  Enter Room 16.  You will meet Gail. He saw someone and chase
him,  but the gate between Gail and Regina is closed before Regina could across. So Regina must
find another way,  which is through the elevator from the first floor.  Now enter Room 17. When
you  across the  broken  elevator,  a  Dino will attacked you.  Kill it.  Continue walks  East.
Deactivate the laser fence.  Unlock the door to Generator Room.  Back to first floor. Now go to
Room 5.  Deactivate the laser fence. Enter Room 18. Take the DDK-E and the Fingerprint Machine.
Go to Area IV.  Use the Fingerprint  Machine on the dead man.  Go back to  Room 14.  Use the ID
Card on the computer. The combination number is 47812.


5.  M A P S

                                 M A P  # 1  :  FIRST FLOOR
                                |                          |
                                |                          |______
                                |                                 |
                                |            IV                    \ to Map #4
                                |                                 |
                                |                           ______|
                                |                          |
                                |  __________/__________   |
                                | |                     |  |
              __________________|_|               ___   |__|_______________________
             |        |            \       7     |to |   \                         |
             |   6     \ 5 ___/___|              |2F |  |__________________/___  3 |
             |        |   |       |______/_______|___|__|                      |   |
             |________|   |   S   |                 |   |                      |   |
             |         \  |       |       11         \   \        14           |   |
             |        |_/_|_____/_|                 |   |                      |   |
             |________|        |  |__________/______|   |                      |   |
                      |   18   |  |    |___|__|_____|   |______________________|_/_|
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                      | 14        |  |                  |                 |_/__|   |
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                      |  |        |   \      13         |_/___         I           |
                      |  |Control |  |                  |     |                    |
                      |  |Room    |  |                  |  V  |                    |
                      |  |____/___|__|__________________|_____|__________________/_|
                      |  |to |  | |      |              |                |         |
                      |  |B1 |__| |      |              |                 \        |
                      |__|___|    |  2   |              |      III       |    II   |
                                  |      |              |                |          \ to Map #4
                                  |__/___|              |    ____________|_________|
                                    |  |                |   |
                                    |  |                |   |
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                                    |  |______________/   /
                                    |                    /
                                    |            _______/
                                    |           |
                                    |           |
                                    |           |

                                M A P  # 2  :  S E C O N D  F L O O R
              |         |         |            |
              |         |         |            |
              |         |          \           |
              |         |         |            |
              |         |   10    |            |
              |         |         |            |                     ____       ______
              |         |         |            |                    /    \     |to|   |
              |         |         |    8       |                   |      |    |1F|   |
              |___/_____|_________|            |___________________|      |____|__|___|
              |         |                              |                              |
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                           |           \       |
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                                 M A P  # 3  :  B A S E M E N T  1
                                                      |             |
                                                      |             |
                                                      |             |
                                ______________________|__/______    |
                               |                       \        |   |
                               |   __/________________|         |   |
                               |  |      |            |         |___|
                               |  |       \           |    S    |
                               |  |______|____________|         |
                               |        \             |         |
                               |_______|              |_/_______|
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                                       |              |   |
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                                 ______|              |
                                |_/                   |
                                |  | 16 _______/______|
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                                |  |    \                        |        ||     |
                      __________|  |___|__________________  17    \       ||     |
                     | 15          |                      |      |        ||     |
                     |   ___/______|             _________|      |        ||     |
                     |  |          |            |         |      |        ||     |
                     |  |    S     |            |          \     |        ||     |
                     |  |          |            |         |       \       ||     |
                     |  |__________|            |_________|______|________||_____|
                     |  |to |
                     |  |1F |

                                            M A P  # 4
                                       |                     |
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          |                                  |         |                                   |
to Map #1  \                                 |         |                                   |
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          to Map #1  \                          |
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                                             M A P  # 5
                                                                           |           |
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                                  M A P  # 7  :  B A S E M E N T  3
                  |     |         |
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                  |     |              |      |to|           |_____     |_______|
                  |     |              |      |B2|           |      \   |
                  |     |_____/________|____/_|__|___________|  S  |____|_________
                  |     |    |  |      |/_       |   |       |      \       ||    |
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                  |     |                        |            \              \    |
                  |_____|                        |___________|______________|_____|


S          =  Save Game Room
to XX      =  Staircase to XX Floor
/ or \     =  Door
Green Area =  Area you have explore
Grey Area  =  Area you haven't explore
Blue Area  =  Your current area
Red Area   =  Objective area

6.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family
3. Game FAQS (what a great site)
4. My computer

7.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

For  those of you who  want to send  comments,  questions,  or information  regarding this FAQ,
send them to :

Feel free to e-mail me about any mistakes or additions concerning this FAQ, but don't forget to
mention "DinoCrisis" in the "Subject" field.

Thanks for reading my FAQ and please send in any comments, questions, or informations!

This document copyright (c) 1999 Stinger 3:16