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Granny (e)

"DEMENTIA"   ----------  WALKTHRU's
(Previously entitled "Granny" and afterwards "Armed & Delirious")

This game is both totally zany and quite complex.

	Some players may wish to play it completely without ANY assistance from Walkthru's, cheat-sheets, hints, or help from anybody.

	Others may want minimal help &/or hints.  These players should use the "Bare-Bones Walkthru".

	Some may want a complete description of what to do for whenever they need it during the game. These players should use the "Full Walkthru".  This walkthru contains not only the actions you MUST perform, but also a few which are not essential for finishing the game but provide a lot of incidental fun !

	Both walkthru's have been arranged with identically numbered sections.  In this way, anyone who chooses the "Bare-Bones Walkthru" and gets really stuck (or frustrated) need only go to the same numbered section in the "Full Walkthru" to get over the obstacle !

	Some players like to have printed walkthru's (complete, or just excerpts of trouble-spots) for ease of use, and so as not to have to exit the game at all if any problems arise.  Each walkthru was written in WinWord-6 (.Doc) format and utilizes several colours for extra clarity.  Both have been designed to incorporate double and dotted underlining so that in addition to a colour printer, they can also be printed perfectly comprehensibly on a black and white printer.  Two versions are available :- one in 14 point for very comfortable reading, and the other in 10 point which nearly halves the pages of hard copy (but, being smaller, is much more difficult to read) ----- also a (converted) version in 14 point HTML.
 H   A   V   E     F   U   N      W   I   T   H     " G   R   A   N   N   Y "  !! 

"Disclaimer"   These walkthru's were made before the game was officially released, and corrections/alterations have doubtless been made since then (maybe even patches have been added).  These may lead to discrepancies re the final version -- probably only minor ones (??!).

Len Green :-     19th September 1997.