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Ehrgeiz (e)

*Game: Ehrgeiz                                      *
*Game Version: Japanese                             *
*Faq version: 0.1                                   *
*Console: PlayStation                               *
*Memory Card: 1 Block                               *
*Game Type: beat'em up & RPG                        *
*Software House: NAMCO & Squaresoft (Dream Factory) *     
*Author: Gianluca Urbani                            *
*E-Mail Address:                      *

WARNING! This Faq is ONLY for personal use; if you want to place it on a web page or site you
         must ask me for permission; you can found this faq at  If you want to
         help me founding GameShark's Codes or moves, please send me an E-Mail at
         If this faq is (according to you) terrible, horrible or wathever you want i'll be very
         sorry :( ; I hope that this faq will help you! BYE BYE

This Faq is best viewed in 800 x 600 with notepad.


1- Game Controls
2- General Informations
3- Move List
   Lee Shuwen
   DASHER Inoba
   PRINCE Naseem
   YOYO Yoko
   Cloud Strife
   Tifa Lockhart
   Han Daehan
4- Quest Mode
5- Pro Action Replay/Game Shark codes (PAR/GS)
6- Secrets
   Secret Characters
7- Special Thanks

1- Game Controls:


Forward  = f         Forward-Up   = fu                 Rotate Totally the Pad = 360°
Back     = b         Forward-Down = fd                 ? + ?                  = simultaneously
Down     = d         Back-Down    = bd                 Leave ???              = l???
Up       = u         Back-Up      = bu                 (example: lf >>> leave forward)
Triangle = T         Hold ???     = h??? 
Circle   = O         (example: hf >>> hold forward)
X        = X         L1           = L2
Square   = S         R1           = R2  

Button's Effects:

T >>> Punch          L1 = L2 >>> Jump
O >>> Magic          R1 = R2 >>> Block
X >>> Kick           Start   >>> Menu
S >>> Punch          Select  >>> Nothing  

NOTE 1: L1 & L2 have the same effects    
NOTE 2: R1 & R2 have the same effects
NOTE 3: Triangle and Square (T, S) have the same effects

2- General Information:


There are four option at the main menů (from the high/left to the low/right):

1) Ehrgeiz God Bless the Ring (this is the Arcade Mode)

 - Arcade Mode >>> here you can find the secret characters and you can see the true and 
                   the false endings
 - VS Mode     >>> here you can fight with one of your friends
 - Practice    >>> here you can find the moves of the characters 
 - Option      >>> here you can modify the rule of fight and see all the Full Motion Videos of the
 - Exit        >>> return to the main menu

2) Brand New QUEST (Godless The Dungeon)


3) Mini Games:
 - Infinity Battle >>> this is a kind of Survival Mode (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
 - Battle Runner   >>> run and fight against a carachter (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
 - Battle Beatch   >>> make three beach's game against a carachter (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
 - Battle Pannel   >>> this is a particular kind of fight (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

4) Memory Card:

 - Load     >>> load a previus game file
 - Save     >>> save the game
 - Exit     >>> exit from this menu  

3- Move List:

NOTE 1: run to the wall and hold S to lunch your carachter to the enemy (every carachter)
NOTE 2: i don't know the real name of the moves that i found and i thought to write near every
        move a little description
NOTE 3: 360 °, S+X+R1 ; this is a THROW that every carachter can make

- Godhand:

1)  T, T, T              >>> COMBO
2)  hR1, S, S, X, S      >>> COMBO               
3)  hf, T, T, T          >>> COMBO
4)  T, T, X, T           >>> COMBO
5)  hR1, X, S            >>> COMBO
6)  O                    >>> Special (you can drive the gun's hit with the directional botton)
7)  hO                   >>> Special 2 (powerful gun attack)
8)  hO, S                >>> Special 3 (high gun attack)
9)  hO, O                >>> Special 4 (low gun attack)
10) hf, X                >>> Run attack
11) hd, O                >>> Bomb (you can press also the other direction)
12) L1, O                >>> Bomb from the air (you must press O while you are in air)
13) 360°, O              >>> Four bombs (very fast) 
14) T+O                  >>> Little Uppercut
15) X+T                  >>> Uppercut
16) X+T                  >>> Trip
17) X+T, S               >>> Big punch (you must press Square before the carachters make the trip)
18) X+T+O                >>> Kazuya's Punch 
19) hR1, X+O             >>> Kazuya's kick
20) hR1,                 >>> Mega punch
21) hR1, S+X, T, T, T    >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
22) hR1, S+X, X, X, X    >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
23) hR1, hS+X            >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
24) hR1, hS+X            >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X, hS         >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
26) hR1, S+X, hX         >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X, hO         >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
28) hR1, S+X, hO         >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
29) hR1, S+X             >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
30) hR1, S+X             >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)

NOTE 1: you can control the shot with the directional pad 

- Lee Shuwen:

1)  T, T, T, T           >>> COMBO
2)  X, X                 >>> COMBO
3)  S, X, X              >>> COMBO
4)  S, X, S              >>> COMBO
5)  S, S, X, X           >>> COMBO
6)  X, S                 >>> COMBO 
7)  hR1, S, X, X         >>> COMBO 
8)  hf, S, S, X          >>> COMBO
9)  O, O                 >>> COMBO (Spear attack)
10) T+O, S, S            >>> COMBO
11) hR1, hf, S, S, S     >>> COMBO
12) hR1, hf, X, X        >>> COMBO
13) hR1, hf, X, S        >>> COMBO
14) hO                   >>> Powerfull spear attack
15) hf, X                >>> Run attack
16) L1, O                >>> Spear attack from the air (you must press O while you are in air)
17) X+T                  >>> Shoulder's hit
18) X+T+O                >>> Big Uppercut
19) hR1, X+O             >>> Spear attack 2
20) hR1, S+O             >>> Air kick
21) hf, S+X              >>> Particular punch
22) hd, continually R1+S >>> This is a STRANGE blow
23) hR1, S+X             >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
24) hR1, S+X             >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X             >>> THROW (make this move on the left or right of the carachter)

- DASHER Inoba:

1)  T, T, T      >>> COMBO
2)  X, T         >>> COMBO
3)  hR1, T, T, T >>> COMBO
4)  hX, T        >>> COMBO
5)  hf, X, X, X  >>> COMBO
6)  R1+X, T      >>> COMBO
7)  hR1, X, X    >>> COMBO
8)  hS           >>> Mega punch
9)  hX           >>> Mega kick
10) hf, T        >>> Hand's blow
11) hR1, X+O     >>> Air blow 2
12) 360°, S      >>> Air Kick
13) S+X          >>> Uppercut
14) X+O          >>> Trip
15) hR1, O, O    >>> Air blow
16) R1+T         >>> Stronger hand's blow
17) S+X+O        >>> ??????
18) S+X          >>> Kick attack (while you are getting up)
19) O            >>> Special (THROW)
20) hO           >>> THROW
21) hR1, S+X     >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
22) hR1, S+X     >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
23) hR1, S+X, hS >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
24) hR1, S+X, hS >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X, hX >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
26) hR1, S+X, hX >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X     >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
28) hR1, S+X     >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)  

- Sasuke:

1)  T, T, T            >>> COMBO
2)  T, T, X            >>> COMBO
3)  T, T, T, X, T      >>> COMBO
4)  X, S, S            >>> COMBO
5)  hR1,  T, T, T      >>> COMBO
6)  R1+X, T            >>> COMBO
7)  hS                 >>> COMBO
8)  hf, T, T, T        >>> COMBO
9)  S+X, S+X, S        >>> COMBO
10) O+X, X             >>> COMBO
11) S+O, S             >>> COMBO
12) hR1, hf, X, X      >>> COMBO
13) hR1, hf, S, S      >>> COMBO
14) S, X, S, S, X, S   >>> COMBO (very quickly)
15) hf, X              >>> Low kick
16) O                  >>> Special
17) hO                 >>> Special 2
18) hR1, O, O          >>> Air special
19) hf, S+X            >>> Kick attack
20) O, X               >>> Special 3 (very quickly)
21) hR1, X+O           >>> Sword's blow from the air
22) hR1, S+O           >>> Air kick
23) S+O+X              >>> ??????
24) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
26) hR1, S+X, hS       >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
28) hR1, S+X, hX       >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
29) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)

- PRINCE Naseem:

1)  T, T, T, T         >>> COMBO
2)  X, X, X            >>> COMBO
3)  T, X, X, T         >>> COMBO
4)  T, T, T, X, X, T   >>> COMBO
5)  T, T, X, T         >>> COMBO
6)  X, T               >>> COMBO
7)  hf, T, T, T, T     >>> COMBO
8)  hR1, S, S, S       >>> COMBO
9)  hR1, X, S          >>> COMBO
10) O                  >>> Special (flame)
11) hO                 >>> Special 2 (two flame)
12) hO, S              >>> Special 3 (high flame)
13) hO, X              >>> Special 4 (low flame)
14) hR1, O,O           >>> Air Special
15) hf, X              >>> Low kick
16) S+X                >>> High kick
17) S+O                >>> High punch
18) S+X+O              >>> Mega punch
19) hf, S+X            >>> Air attack
20) hR1, X+O           >>> Air kick attack
21) hR1, S+O           >>> Air kick
22) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
23) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
24) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the side right of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X, hS       >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
26) hR1, S+X, S, S, S  >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)

NOTE 1: you can control the flame with the directional pad

- YOYO Yoko:

1)  T, T, T            >>> COMBO
2)  X, X, X, T         >>> COMBO
3)  T, T, X, T         >>> COMBO
4)  X, T               >>> COMBO
5)  T, X, T            >>> COMBO
6)  X, X, T            >>> COMBO
7)  hf, T, T, T        >>> COMBO
8)  hf, X, lf S        >>> COMBO
9)  hR1, X, S, S, S, S >>> COMBO
10) hf, S, X, S        >>> COMBO
11) hR1, S             >>> Kick
12) hR1, hS            >>> High kick
13) 360°, S            >>> Kick 180°
14) S+X                >>> Air kick attack
15) X+O                >>> ??????
16) S+O                >>> Middle kick
17) hf, S+X            >>> Low attack 
18) hf, hS+X           >>> Air kick attack 2
19) O                  >>> Special (YoYo attack)
20) hO                 >>> Special 2 (YoYo defensive)
21) hR1 O, O           >>> Special 3 (ball attack)
22) hR1 X+O            >>> Air kick attack 3
23) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
24) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X, X, X, X  >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
26) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)

- Jo: 

1)  T, T, T            >>> COMBO
2)  X, X, X, X, X      >>> COMBO
3)  T, X, X, X, X, X   >>> COMBO
4)  T, T, X            >>> COMBO
5)  hR1, S, lR1, S     >>> COMBO
6)  hR1, X, X, S       >>> COMBO
7)  S+O, X, X, S, S, S >>> COMBO 
8)  X+O, S             >>> COMBO
9)  R1+S, hR1, S, S    >>> COMBO
10) X, X, X, T         >>> COMBO
11) hf, S+X, S, S      >>> COMBO
12) hf, S+X, X, X      >>> COMBO
13) S+X                >>> Air kick attack
14) O                  >>> Special (mutation in a tiger)
15) hR1, O, O          >>> Special 2 (air mutatin)
16) hf, S              >>> Middle kick
17) hf, X              >>> Low kick
18) S+X+O              >>> Rolling attack
19) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
20) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
21) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
22) hR1, S+X           >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
23) hR1, S+X, S, S, S  >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
24) hR1, S+X, X, X, X  >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
25) hR1, hS+X          >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
26) hR1, hS+X          >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)         

NOTE 1: when you morph into tiger (move n° 14), press O to retake the human form  

- Cloud Strife:

1)  T, T, T, T               >>> COMBO
2)  X, X, T                  >>> COMBO
3)  T, T, X, T               >>> COMBO
4)  T, X, X, T               >>> COMBO
5)  hR1, hf, S, S            >>> COMBO
6)  S+O, S, S                >>> COMBO
7)  hR1, X, f, qcf S, S      >>> COMBO (VERY DIFFICULT)
8)  S+X+O, S                 >>> COMBO
9)  hf, T                    >>> Middle kick
10) hf, X                    >>> Low kick
11) S+X                      >>> High kick
12) X+O                      >>> Low kick 2
13) 360°, S                  >>> High kick 2
14) L2+X                     >>> Air kick attack
15) L2+S                     >>> High kick 3
16) hR1, X+O                 >>> Air kick attack (the same of the 14)
17) hf, X+S                  >>> Low attack 
18) O                        >>> Special (Sword)
19) hR1, O, O                >>> High sword attack (with the sword)
20) T, T, T                  >>> COMBO (with the sword)
21) X, X, X                  >>> COMBO (with the sword)
22) R1+S+X, S+X, S+X         >>> COMBO (with the sword)
23) S+X, S+R1                >>> Limit Break "BRAVER"
24) S+X, S, S,               >>> Limit Break "CROSS SLASH" (with the sword)
25) hO                       >>> Limit Break "Meteorain"
26) hR1, S+X                 >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X                 >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
28) hR1, S+X                 >>> THROW (make this move on the left or right side of the carachter)
29) hR1, hS+X                >>> THROW (make this move on the front of the carachter)
30) hR1, S+X, rotate the pad >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)

NOTE 1: if you want to fight without sword after you took it, press R1 button
NOTE 2: qcf (see move n° 7) = d, d/f, f 

- Tifa Lockhart:

1)  T, T, T           >>> COMBO
2)  X, T              >>> COMBO
3)  T, X, T           >>> COMBO
4)  T, T, X, T        >>> COMBO
5)  hR1, T, T, T      >>> COMBO
6)  hR1, X, T         >>> COMBO
7)  hf, T, T, T       >>> COMBO
8)  S+X, S+X          >>> COMBO
9)  hf, S+X           >>> Low attack
10) O                 >>> Special (Red flame)
11) hf, O             >>> Special 2 (Blue flame)
12) hO                >>> Special 3 (Green flame)
13) hO, S             >>> Special 4 (High red flame)
14) hO, X             >>> Special 5 (Low red flame)
15) hR1, O, O         >>> Special 6 (Air blue flame)
16) L2, S+O           >>> Special 7 (Air blue flame 2)
17) L2, X+O           >>> Special 8 (Air blue flame 3) 
18) X+O               >>> Low kick
19) S+O               >>> Middle kick
20) 360°, X           >>> High kick
21) hR1, O+X          >>> Air kick attack
22) hR1, S+O          >>> Air kick
23) S+X               >>> Air kick attack 2
24) hR1, S+X, hX      >>> Limit Break "Beat Rush" (THROW)
25) hR1, S+X, hS      >>> Limit Break "Somersault" (THROW)
26) hR1, X            >>> Limit Break "Waterkick"
27) hR1, S+X          >>> Limit Break "Meteodrive" (THROW)
28) S+X+O             >>> Limit Break "Dolphin Blow" 
29) hS+X+O            >>> Limit Break "Dolphin Blow" (more powerfull)
30) hR1, S+X, X, X, X >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
31) hR1, S+X, T, T, T >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
32) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
33) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
34) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
35) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
36) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
37) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
38) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
39) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move on the left or on the right side of the carachter) 

- Sephirot:

1)  T, T, T, T, T     >>> COMBO
2)  X, X, T           >>> COMBO
3)  T, X, X, T        >>> COMBO
4)  T, T, X, T        >>> COMBO
5)  hR1, T, T         >>> COMBO
6)  hR1, X, T         >>> COMBO
7)  X+O, S            >>> COMBO
8)  S+X+O, S, S       >>> COMBO
9)  hR1, S+O          >>> Air kick
10) hR1, X+O          >>> Kick attack
11) X+S               >>> Air kick 2
12) 360° S            >>> High kick
13) hf, S             >>> High kick 2
14) hf, X             >>> Low kick
15) hf, S+X           >>> Low attack
16) O                 >>> Special (change position)
17) O, S, hO          >>> Meteorain
18) O, X, hO          >>> Meteorain 2
19) O, O              >>> Special 2 (sword)
20) hO                >>> Meteorain 3 
21) S, S, S           >>> COMBO (make this move with the sword)
22) X, X, X           >>> COMBO (make this move with the sword)
23) S+O, S, S         >>> COMBO
24) O, S, S           >>> COMBO
25) hR1, X+S          >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
26) hR1, X+S, S, S, S >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
27) hR1, X+S, S, S, S >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
28) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
29) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
30) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
31) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
32) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
33) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
34) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
35) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
36) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)

NOTE 1: if you want to fight without sword after you took it, press R1 botton

- Han Daehan:

1)  T, T, T, T, T     >>> COMBO
2)  X, X              >>> COMBO
3)  T, T, X, X, X     >>> COMBO
4)  hR1, S, S         >>> COMBO
5)  hR1, X, S         >>> COMBO (to change the position)
6)  X continually     >>> COMBO (with the position changed)
7)  S continually     >>> COMBO (with the position changed)
8)  X, S, S, S, S     >>> COMBO (with the position changed)
9)  S, X, S, S, S     >>> COMBO (with the position changed)
10) S+X, S            >>> COMBO 
11) S+O, S            >>> COMBO (to change the position)
12) hf, S, S, S       >>> COMBO 
13) hf, S+X, S        >>> COMBO
14) hf, X             >>> Low kick
15) S+X+O             >>> Strong kick 2
16) O                 >>> Special (missile)
17) hO                >>> Special 2 (three missile)
18) hR1, O, O         >>> Special 3 (air missile)
19) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
20) hR1, S+X, S, S, S >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
21) hR1, S+X, X, X, X >>> THROW (make this move in front of the carachter)
22) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
23) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
24) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move in the back of the carachter)
25) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
26) hR1, S+X          >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
27) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
28) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move on the left side of the carachter)
29) hR1, S+X, S       >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)
30) hR1, S+X, X       >>> THROW (make this move on the right side of the carachter)

NOTE 1: to return to the base position press again R1 or O

Quest Mode:


5- Pro Action Replay/Game Shark Codes:

Infinite Energy P1      >>> 8011E70E 0100
Infinite Energy P2      >>> 80122522 00A0
Infinite Power P1       >>> 8011F406 00D0
Infinite Power P2       >>> 8012321A 00D0
Infinite Time           >>> 800F68C4 18FF or 1900 (they have the same affects)
P1 without Energy       >>> 8011E70E 0000
P2 without Energy       >>> 80122522 0000
P1 without Power        >>> 8011F406 0000
P2 without Power        >>> 8012321A 0000
Time at 0               >>> 800F68C4 0000

NOTE 1: there isn't a Master Code
NOTE 2: this codes works in the Quest Mode too

6- Secrets:


7- Special Thanks:

- I want to thank my best friend Senio "Akuma" Rotondi  for his moral help and
for the Game Shark codes.

- I want to thank Kao Megura  because he gave me the inspiration to make this
faq (even if he doesn't know it ^____^!!!)