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Faxanadu (e)

                           F A X A N A D U 

                 The Complete Walkthrough (Well not yet)
                     Version 2.1 by Martin Nielsen

                       (C) Copyright 1996 - 1998


This is an independent publication, offered free of charge. The information
is provided without any warranty, written or otherwise. The author or any
of the individual contributors will not assume any responsibility for the
acuracy of the information in this publication.

You are not allowed to use parts of this publication without permission.
You are not allowed to put this publication on any CD or such, which
you charge money for. If you see it on such, please contact me.

Updates of this and/or any other publications written by me, Martin Nielsen,
are only available from NES WORLD homepage, which is located at

If you have any comments about this, or any other publication written by me,
then feel free to e-mail me at "".

- Martin Nielsen



        Full Title: Faxanadu
        Maker     : Nintendo (Falcon & Hudson Soft)
        Size      : 2 Megabit
        Type      : RPG/Adventure
        Other     : Silver cart! Save your game with a password.



The Elvers village Eolis, was many years ago a village with peace. But
now it's become a village with death and destruction. Meteors are
raining down on the World Tree and monsters are attacking and the villagers 
are running away in fear.

To regain peace you have to get inside the World Tree and remove the evil
from the throne in Zenis. It's your mission to do this, you are the only 
hope the villagers of Eolis have.


I expect that you have read the Faxanadu manual before you use this FAQ,
cause i'm not going to waste my time on writing how you save or restore
a game etc.

If you haven't, then DO IT NOW!

NOTE: I suggest that you do not use a Beeshu Zipper pad when playing
FAXANADU. The Zipper is too unprecise and you'll have nothing but trouble
if you use it, like using magic power when you dident want to, but the
Zipper pad wanted to (I've tested this!!).

A Beeshu Zipper joypad is the NES version of the Famicom TALENT joypad
released by "?" (not Beeshu). I wonder how this pad got its seal of

Also, I have included my own mantras I got while playing the game, if you
feel like cheating through this great game then feel free to use them, else
keep your eyes off them. (All mantras are tested and work) 

Ok, here we go.



If you put an item in the "item" box on the screen, you will have room for
an "extra" item on the item menu.



You start in the village Eolis where you have to meet the Guru who has 
something you'll need before you can talk to the king. (The Guru's house
has a bell on top).

Then head left till you reach the kings castle (You wont be able to enter 
without the "Ring of ELF" which was given to you by the Guru.

It would be a good idea to talk to the people you meet, they might have
some useful information.

Now enter the castle and go see the king, he has something to tell you.

The King will give you 1500 golds for weapons etc. If you use use all your
money, so that you dont have any left, you'll be able to get another 
1500 golds from the King. You can do this as many times as you want.

Use the money to buy a daggert, keys and other useful stuff before you
begin your journey.

Now, when you've got everything you think you need, head off to the right.

Exit the village Eolis and fight your way to the village Apolune.
(You need a J-Key to open the gate out of Eolis).

On your way you'll find a store (keep your eyes open) where you can buy a 
large shield and the magic called Death. Now do you have enough money? :)



You can stay here and collect money for the big shield and the death magic.
Tough I prefer to continue, because I do not need those yet.

However I do buy a little shield in Apolune, and get the rank: Aspirant.

Mantra: 5nEYAAkkAADhA4

Remember to bring a J-Key when you leave the village.

Go to the right until you reach a door, use the J-Key. 

Tip: Use as little magic as possible, because you'll meet a monster (boss)
     whom you'll have to kill by using magic (you can kill him with your
     daggert, but that's VERY hard!).

Defeat the monster, remember to get the Mattock. 

Return to the door you entered earlier. You can now choose to go back to 
the village (go left) or continue your journey (go right).  

It would be a good idea to return to the village and get a mantra and some
keys and other goodies (maybe even a new rank!).

Mantra: b3koAQkkAAEhBJw

To the right of the door (where you met the monster) you'll find a wall.
It's breakable, so use the mattock on it!

If you kill the two enemies, a bottle will appear. Go grap it, it's a red

continue your journey and you'll end up in the village Forepaw.



Mantra: S3ooAQkkAAEhA8A

When you enter the village Forepaw and man will tell you this, "Water from
3 springs flows into the fountain. Find the 3 springs and return the water
to the fountain".

In the village there is a man in a house who tells you this, "I hear quite
often about a fountain in the sky. When you go down from the town, you'll
come to a place where the sky opens above. They say a fountain is up in
the sky, but you need Wing Boots...".

If you dont have enough money for the Long sword (1600 golds) which is sold
in Forepaw, then leave the town and collect enough money. Other neat things
available in Forepaw are the Studded Mail (2500 golds) the a small shield
(1100 golds), collect money to buy those too if you dont already have them.

Wing Boots can also be bought in the shop where you buy the Long sword etc.
they cost 2800 golds (note: 1 pair of wing boots only lasts 30 seconds).
Remember! you need atleast 1 pair of wing boots to continue the game!!

Ok, now we've got the long sword, studded mail, small shield, keys and a
pair of wing boots, so let's continue our quest.

Mantra: dHpIAAtkCEASBjv

Go to the right and leave the village. Use the ladder down and go to the
left and follow the path down once more. Pass the screen with the door
(same screen which appeared when you used the ladder down from just out
side the village).

You are now on a scren with nothing in te expect for two blue enemies,
kill them so that they wont disturb you and continue right. Now get the
Wing boots from the item menu and press down and B to activate them
(Remember! Wing Boots only lasts 30 seconds each!).

Fly up by holding down A while pressing Up on the control pad. Dont bother
killing the enemies on the screen which appears. Keep flying upwards (fly
over the two enemies and one more screen up).

You're now on a screen with a small platform in the middle where an old man
is standing. Fly to the platform and talk to the old man. Listen to what
he says (man the old dude is falling asleep while you talk to him! >:-( ).

The 2nd of the 3 fountains will appear after you have finished talking to
the old man. Talk to him again and he will tell you to get the key from the
Guri in the Tower of Fortress and to search for the undiscovered first (1st)

Fall down from the platform in the sky to the place with the two enemies
using magic to kill you. Kill then and earn a few more golds. Now let
yourself fall down once more, to the place where you actuvated the Wing
Boots earlier, and head right. Kill the enemy and a red poition will appear
to the far right of the screen (you should be able to see it, its standing
on a small platform).

Now go left and follow the path until you reach the Village of Forepaw
again (the screen just outside Forepaw is the one with 3 flying enemies).
Enter the village and get a new mantra/password and maybe even a new rank.

Mantra: W3pYACtkYEIAZjw

While you're back in the village of Forepaw, it might be a very good idea
to buy some (a lot) red potions, they will come handy later.

If you dont have any "J" (J = Jack) keys, then go to the keyshop and buy
some (2 might be a good idea).

Ok, head right again and leave the village. This time use the ladders up
one screen (might be a good idea to kill the three flying enemies before
climbing the ladders). Here you use the ladder to the right and jump
over the holes in the path. Be careful not to fall down when you get
onto the ladder.

Continue left until you reach the screen with a door. Use a "J" (Jack) key
to open the door.

When you have entered the door, just follow the path to the right (thats
the only way you can go) until you reach the screen with a ladder. Climb
the ladder and follow the path left (back), be careful so that you dont
fall thru one of the holes, because then you have to go back (right) to
the screen with the ladder and try again.

When you come to the screen with the two enemies fireing magic at you, look
at the top of the screen and you'll see a ladder (above the left platform),
climb it.

Head right until you see a ladder going up (two screens to the right).
Climb the ladder and follow the path until you see another ladder going
up (one screen to the left).

Use magic on the blue "horse-like" enemy, wait for the other enemy to fall
oof its platform and then kill it. Now climb up the ladder and go to the

In the upper left corner there's a ladder (might be hard to see), climb
the ladder. DO NOT try to pick up the bottle on the screen, IT'S POISON!!

Kill the big white enemy using your long sword (stand on the block to the
right of the ladder), watch out for the bee's (kill them if you can).

After killing the enemy go right and climb up the ladder. You now enter
a room (screen) with stones falling from the top of the screen. Head right
as fast as you can so that you dont get hit by the stones. In the next room
grap the Elixir and go left (dont climb down). Kill the enemy playing the
piano thing (his music sucked anyway) as fast as you can. When you have
killed him, you will receive a pair of Wing Boots (make sure that there
is room for them on the item menu before picking them up).

Becareful not to loose all of your life so that you use the Elixir, because
you need to give it away later.

Go left, stand on the 3rd (left one) to jump onto the high pole so that you
can continue left. Now you have to kill the big white enemy again, and the
bee's. You kill the big white enemy by aiming for the head, this is the only
way you can kill it.

Now use the ladder down (same way as you cam up earlier). Again be careful
not to fall down on the bottle of Poison. Go right, fall into one of the
holes so that you fall to the screen below.

Go as far as you can to the right and climb the two ladders on the screen.
You now enter a screen with two "horse-like" jumping enemies. The best way
to kill these is by using magic at them. Be careful not to fall down when
you jump onto their platform after you have killed them.

Climb the ladder to the right (up). You can now see another old guy, go left
and use the ladder up (watchout for the bee's) and then head right again and
you're back on the screen with the old man.

Talk to the old man and give him the Elixir you picked up before. I sure
hope you dident use it, because if you did you have to go back and get
a new one for the old man, else he wont help you recover the spring.

Ok, now another spring has been recovered. Go left and jump into the big
hole, keep pressing left on the joypad. Grap the bottle of Ointment on
this screen (now you're unbeatable for some time) and then fall into the
hole on the lower right corner on the screen.

Go left, you have to climb a ladder one place to keep going left. It's
easy to see where it is. Just after you've climbed the ladder and gone
one screen left you will meet flying enemy. The best way to defeat it is
to use magic. But if you dont have enough magic power left you have to
do it the hard way (using the long sword). Take your time, and time
your magic shots. I hope you have some red potions left here, because
you will, with no doubt, need them here (atleast 2 are needed).

If you're a looser you just continue left and dont fight the dragon, then
you wont have to have red potions. Be a man, fight the lame enemy! :)

When the "dragon" is defeated you continue left. On the next screen
there's a house with a Guru who will give you the Joker key, which
will open the door to the last fountain.

Leave the Guru's house and use the ladder to the left. When you enter the
screen below, be careful not to touch the bottle of poison. Enter the door
below and go back to the village of Forepaw and get a mantra and maybe even
a new rank.


Fill up your item menu with red potions before you leave the town Forepaw
again. Ok let's head off to find the 3rd and last fountain. Leave the
village Forepaw by going right from the Guru's house. Use the ladder down
and follow the path until you reach this screen again (it has a door).

Get the Jo-key (Jokey key) from the item menu and use it to open the door.
Right after you enter the door, as fast as you can, go to theitem menu and
grap a red poition (after you've used it, repeat this).

NOW FIGHT THE DRAGON!!! (or just pass it if you dont feel like fighting it).

Go right and the 3rd and last fountain is ahead of you. Talk to the old man
and he will revive the spring. REMEMBER(!!!!) talk to him again after he
has revieved the spring and he will give you the "Ring of Ruby".

You have to use the ring to push a rock away from the spring, which is what
we're going to do next.

Head left (see if you can pass the dragon with out fighting it if you dont
feel like doing that and waste red potions), back to the Village Forepaw and
buy a "Q" (Queen) key if you dont already have one. Exit the village again
(to the right) and use the ladder up. Now go left (no need to use the ladder
up this time) and the spring is ahead of you.

Jump onto the spring and push the rock! (keep pressing left) and use the
ladder which will appear after you push the rock. Use the "Q" key in the
door and you're off to the next village, but make sure you have a pair of
wingboots!!! because you need them later. You can get wingboots in forepaw.


Go left and use the two ladders up. Keep going right (you have to use a
couple of ladders to do that) and you will enter the misty town of
Mascon. There is no Guru in Mascon!!!



The town has a shop which sells the Large shield, the Thunder magic and
Mattocks. Leave town and collect some money if you dont have enough to
buy all items. While you're at it fill up your items menu with red potions.
You'll also need atleast 2 "Q" (Queen) keys later, just thought I should
let you know.


When you have got all three items and a "Q" (Queen) key, leave town the way
you got in (to the left) and use the ladders up (there is one in the upper
right corner). Follow the path until you reach a house, be careful not to
fall though any holes in the ground (there is one to the right of the door
in the house!!! not the brown stones).

Ok, use a "Q" (Queen) key in the door and enter. There are guys (enemies)
in here clapping their hands together. I dont know why/how, but like every
third time they clap their hands together you get hurt.

In the house you just follow (use) the laders until you get the to the big
room with the red option in the upper left corner and a big mean bastard
jumping around below.

Grap the red potion and kill the big guy below. Then leave the house and
head back to the town, Mascon.  


There is a cool tool store outside which has stuff such as "the death
magic" (only 9800 golds *heh*), hour glases (5600 golds), Elixir's
(4300 golds) and CHEAP(!!) red potions (300 golds).

Follow the next lines of text if you want to visit the shop or jump to
the next line of *'s if you'd rather want to continue without this stuff.

Leave the town, Mascon, (right) use the ladder up over the wall. Do not
use the ladder on the other side of the wall all the way down to the
screen below. Instead kill all three bee's on the screen so that they
wont disturb you (use magic if you have to). Then jump on the rocks
all the way across the screen and fall thru the last hole on the screen,
keep holding right on the joypad.

Once you have fallen down onto the rocks go right. On the next screen you
have to be very careful, because if you fall through one of the holes,
because the you will have to go all the way back to the screen with the
tree bee's and repeat the manouvre.

Incase you do fall through s hole, go left until it's nolonger possible
and then use the ladder up. Then repeat the manouvre again.

Well if you do make it and pass the two screens, you will see a ladder in
the upper right corner on the last one, head for the ladder and use it.

On the new screen you just follow the ladders, dont fall down!! (like
anyone could do that here *heh*). Once you're on safe ground head for the
house on the screen (it's a tool shop! and he has some very nat stuff!!
but do you have enough money? ;).

When you want to continue the game, just go to the ladder and fall down.
Then go to the right and use the teo ladders up to the screen above. Go
right again and use the two ladders up. Go left again, watch out for the
holes in teh ground. You will enter a screen with 3 doors (houses). The
middle door leads to a Guru's house while the two other doors has enemies
behind them (and you cannot kill those!!)

- - - - - - - - - JUMP TO THE TEXT BELOW THE NEXT MANTRA - - - - - - - - -


Leave the town Mascon (to the right). Use the ladders on both sides of the
high wall. Use the ladder on the left side all the way down to the screen

Keep going left until its nolonger possible. Then look in the upper left
corner and you will see a ladder leading up, use it. Now go left until you
get to a screen with two ladder leading up, use them. Go left again
(watch out for the holes!) You will enter a screen with three doors
(houses). Do not enter the first and third door, there's an enemy behind it
and you cant kill it. The second (middle) door leads to a Guru (yay!). Use
the Guru to get a new mantra (password) and perhaps even a new rank.

Mantra: i5ucAvttiEIgXTA0 

Ok, time to move on. Exist the guru's house and use the ladder in the right
side of the screen, climb it and head left, watch out for the holes! When
you reach the end of the screen, just jump into the next one and you'll land
on a new platform. On this screen you'll see a ladder in the upper left
coner, try to reach it and use it.

now you'll enter a screen with a house. Watch out! there's a hole to the
left of the door. Well just jump across the hole and enter the door (you
need a "Q" Queen, if you haven't got one you have to head back to town and
get one... you should know how to get there.

Hmmm, so you're too lazy to go back to town and get key eh? Well then hit
Reset and enter my mantra above and you'll have a key. (But it might be
faster to head back to town you know, and more fun :)

When you're inside the builing........

Note: It doesn't matter which way you choose, because you'll end up the same
place. But if you wanna take the easy way, choose the left one, it's
longer than the right one though.

on the next screen you use the ladder to the right and then the one leading
to the screen above. Just follow the path and kill a couple of enemies.
at the end of the path climb the ladder and continue left. You'll get to a
screen with a huge hole which is a bit difficult to cross, but it's
possible. On the other side there's a ladder leading up, use it.
(Now jump to the text saying "THE BIG BAD BATS!")

Just follow the path left until you reach the end. In the top left corner
you'll see a lot of ladders, get the and climb the large one and slide left
to the one furthest to the left and you enter then screen above. Continue
up, dont bother entering the screen to the right of this one, because the
path ends there.

Ok, now fall into the hole in the right side on the screen and continue
right. You'll see a ladder, going downwards, use it. On this screen, DO
NOT FALL OFF THE LADDERS. To remove the snake, just try to get above it
and it'll fall off once it hits you, but you wont if you keep pressing
up on the control pad.

Continue right to the screen next to this. On the last ladder before the
next screen, remember to climb as far up as you can, or you'll fall off
when you enter the next screen. Just down onto the platform and head to
the small ladder, to the right. Climb the small ladder and continue right.
You'll now enter a screen with a ladder right in front of you leading up,
use it.

You'll now enter a screen with a big bad bat.... Dont bother killing it,
make sure your life bar is maxed out and try to avoid the beast while you
run to the right.

On the next screen you'll see another of these thingies, Kill it!!!!
(use the magic if you've got some). Be fast! and always have a red potion
ready! and dont stand close to the left of the screen or you'll be thrown
back where you came from when it hits you.

When you've defeated it, you'll receive the Pentant. Now go back where you
came from, beware of the bat.. you might have enough magic left to kill it.
Now head for the door which exits the tower.

Once you're outside, head for the ladder leading below and then go left.
You need a pair of wingboots here to get to the ladder in the upper left
corner of the screen. (I hope you bought some earlier, else you have to
go all the way back to the village Forepaw).

Ok, so you forgot to buy the wingboots? hmmm here's a mantra which will
give you the wingsboots and the pendant.

Mantra: t5OcIvtsiEIg1TCE 

Now use the wingboots to fly to the ladder in the upper left corner (press
down and B to activate them. Hold down A to fly).

Just head right until you reach a screen with many ladder leading to one
which goes to the screen above the one you're on. On the new screen you
should see a ladder in the right side, use it and go right to enter a



You might wanna visit the Guru now there's one :)

Mantra: 8IScIvtsiEIgzTCA 

Go to the store selling keys and buy a "K" King key. Then the store selling
tools where you can get the "full plate" armor. Also buy some red potions
if you wish, and can afford it.

Leave town, go to the right. At the bottom of the screen there a ladder
leading down, go there and use it. Now follow the screen to the right
until you cant get any further to the right. At the top of the screen there
a ladder you can use to move on.

Again, follow the screen to the right Dont mind the ladders you see, yet,
just keep heading right until you see a house. Enter and talk to the old
man. He'll teach you the magic called "fire" for 3000 golds. If you dont
have the money, exit and earn them.

Now head back to the screen where you save the ladders, climb the first one
but not the second in the upper left corner, it just leads to an unuseful
house. Instead go right and you should see a ladder in the upper right
corner, use that one.

Head left and beware of holes. You'll pass the unuseful house on your way.
You'll also pass two more houses, one where you have to use an "Ace" key
to enter and in the other house there's a man who tells you to return to
him when you've got the meteorite.

You'll come to a screen with only 1 ladder on the left side of the screen.
Well no need for that one, just continue left and the next screen will
have some ladders you have to climb. When you've climbed the ladders,
continue left and you'll find the tower of mist. Use a "K" key to enter
the tower.

Once you're inside the tower, go right, climb the ladder and continue right.
Climb the first ladder, kill the blue drahon (bat) and continue right. Next
you have to kill the guy throwing rocks at you and then continue right until
you reach a ladder, climb down and go to the left.

Mantra: pHycIvUtCISMMja (temp mantra! to be removed before a release!!)


This publication was written and maintained by:

Martin Nielsen               Fax        : (+45) 98 392 996
Satervej 1                   E-mail     :
9520 Skorping                

Author of NES WORLD!! (

Stuff in the works:

Nintendo Entertainment System FAQ update (version 4.0) *On Hold*
Linus Space Head's Cosmic Crusade Walkthrough *On Hold*
U*Fouria FAQ *Out Soon!*
Little Ninja Brothers Walkthrough *Terminated*