Fatal Fury 2 (e)


 _____                    _____                  ____
|  ___| _______     _    |  ___|   _ ___ __   __|___ \
| |__ /|__   __/\  | |   | |__| | | |    \ \_/ /  __| |
|  __/  \ | | /  \ | |   |  __| | | |    _\   /  / __/
| | / __ \| |/ __ \| |__ | |  | |_| | |\ \ | |  | |___   
|_|/_/  \_|_/_/  \_|____||_|  |_____|_| \_\|_|  |_____|  93b7-93b25

    ___ NOTES ___
- this listing is presented in the usual "right facing" manner.
- "A/C" means to hit either the A or C button, likewise with "B/D"
- "B&C" means to hit B AND C simultaneously.
- Dots "." indicate "charges".  Hold the Joystick there for a moment.

 _ General __________________________________________________________
|  A / C                          Light/Heavy Punch                  |
|  B / D                          Light/Heavy Kick                   |
|  (close,towards opponent) C     Throw                              |
|  (close,towards opponent) D     Character Specific                 |
|  A + B                          Jump Between Levels                |
|  C + D                          Strong Attack                      |
|  (far, stick released) C        Taunt                              |
|  -O -O  or  O- O-               short hop/jump/leap                |
|                                                                    |
|     While on different Levels (foreground/background)              |
|  stick up/down                  roll between levels                |
|  buttons                        attack between levels              |

 _ Terry Bogard: Martial Arts Master ________________________________
|  |   /  O-  A/C                 Burning Knuckle                    |
|  O  O                                                              |
|  |  O  A/C                      Rising Tackle                      |
|  O. |                                                              |
|  |   /  O-  O   B/D             Crack Shot                         |
|  O  O        \                                                     |
|  |  \   -O  A/C                 Power Wave                         |
|  O   O                                                             |
|     ?  ?  ?                     Exploding Power Wave               |

 _ Andy Bogard: Koppo Specialist ____________________________________
|   /  -O  A/C                    ZaneiKen (Shadow Slice)            |     
|  O.                                                                |
|  |  \   -O  A/C                 Shoryudan (Rising Dragon Punch)    |
|  O   O                                                             |
|   /   O  B/D                    Khudan (Sonic Split)               |
|  O.  /                                                             |
|  |   /  O-  A/C                 HishoKen (Flying Crunch)           |
|  O  O                                                              |
|     ?  ?  ?                     Sparkling Khudan                   |

 _ Joe Higashi: Youthful Muetai Pro _________________________________
|   /   O  B/D                    Slash Kick                         |
|  O.  /                                                             |
|  tap A/C quickly                BakuretsuKen (TNT Punch)           |
|  |  \   -O   O  B/D             Tiger Kick                         |
|  O   O      /                                                      |
|  O-   /  |  \  -O  A            Hurricane Upper                    |
|      O   O   O                                                     |
|  -O  O-   /  |  \  -O  B&C      Super Hurricane Upper              |
|          O   O   O                                                 |

 _ Big Bear: Orthodox Wrestling Champ _______________________________
|   /  -O  A/C                    Giant Bomb                         |
|  O.                                                                |
|  hold D for 10 seconds          Super Drop Kick                    |
|  \   C                          Larriot Drop                       |
|   O                               (must be done at close range)    |
|     ?  ?  ?                     Fire Breath                        |

 _ Jubei Yamada: Judo Devil _________________________________________
|  O-. -O  B/D                    Nihon Sekoi Dash                   |
|  |  O  A/C                      Ooizuna Otoshi (Body Drop)         |
|  O. |                             (must be done at close range)    |
|  O-. -O  A                      Senbe Shuriken (Cookie Cutter)     |
|     ?  ?  ?                     Super Ooizuna Otoshi               |

 _ Chin Shin Zan: Muscular Master of Lump Giving ____________________
|  |  \   -O  A/C                 Kirai Hoh (Tempest Blast)          |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  |  O  A/C                      Dai-Taikobarauchi (Belly Blast)    |
|  O. |                                                              |
|  O-. -O  B/D                    Hagan Geki (Bone Crusher Blast)    |
|     ?  ?  ?                     Super Kirai Hoh                    |

 _ Kim Kap Hwan: Taikwando Taitin ___________________________________
|  |  O  B/D                      Hienzan (Flying Slice)             |
|  O. |                                                              |
|  |   /  O-  B/D                 Hangetsuzan (Moon Cresent Slash)   |
|  O  O                                                              |
|  jump  |  B/D                   HishoKyaku (Flying Kick)           |
|        O                                                           |
|     ?  ?  ?                     Flurry of kicks + Hienzan          |

 _ Mai Shiranui: Gorgeous Ninja _____________________________________
|  |   /  O-  A/C                 Ryuenbu (Dragon Flame Fandango)    |
|  O  O                                                              |
|  O-   /  |  \   -O  B/D         Hisatsu Shinobibachi (Deadly       |
|      O   O   O                                        Ninja Bees)  |
|  |  \   -O  A/C                 Kachosen (Butterfly Fan)           |
|  O   O                                                             |
|  |  O  A/C                      "Swan Dive"                        |
|  O. |                               may only be done on her stage  |
|  -O  O-   /  |  \   -O  B/D     Flaming Hisatsu Shinobibachi       |
|          O   O   O                                                 |


Ok, here it is.  Thanks to Han HongGyu, we now have all of the SuperMoves.
I have tested them all and they all appear to work as listed.  If you 
believe you have a shorter version of any killer move, please let me know.
(I suspect this of Terry's and Kim's.)

Spoilers, since you might want to figure the moves out yourself instead...

===== cut here =====

                    F A T A L    F U R Y    I I

                     (revised April 1st 1993)

             Send corrections to:      kalex@eecs.umich.edu
             Supermoves courtesy of:   hanyu@eve.kaist.ac.kr

Most characters:  (buttons are A B C D)  [unofficial section]

   light punch               A
   light kick                B
   heavy punch               C    (medium kick for Kaphwan)
   heavy kick                D
   throw                     close, towards + C
   character-specific        close, towards + D  (some characters)
   taunt                     far,  centered + C

   fierce attack                          C + D
   change foreground/background           A + B
   (if characters already on different levels, many things will change
    fgnd/bgnd, such as stick up or down to roll between levels, or 
    C or D or C+D to attack between levels)

   supermoves      See below; require your health bar to be flashing red.

Martial Arts Master  TERRY BOGARD

   Burning Knuckle                           |   /  O-  + punch
      [flaming fist lunge]                   O  O 

   Rising Tackle                             |  then  O  + punch
      [straight up feet first]               O        |

   Crack Shot                                |   /  O-  O   + kick
      [forward somersault kick]              O  O        \

   Power Wave                                |  \  -O  + punch
      [flame on the ground]                  O   O

   Exploding Power Wave                      |  / O- / | \ -O + (B)+(C)
      [SuperMove]                            O O    O  O  O 

Koppo Specialist  ANDY BOGARD

   Zaneiken (shadow slice)                    /  then  -O  + punch
      [quick running shoulder]               O

   Shoryudan (rising dragon punch)           |  \  -O  + punch
      [dragon punch]                         O   O

   Hishoken (flying crunch)                  |   /  O-  + punch
      [fireball]                             O  O

   Kuhadan (sonic split)                      /  then   O  + kick
      [foot dive, powdered toast man]        O         /

   Flaming Foot Dive                         | then \  -O  O O + (B)+(D)
      [SuperMove]                            O       O    /  |

The Youthful Muetai Pro  JOE HIGASHI

   Slash Kick                                 /  then   O  + kick
      [flaming foot lunge]                   O         /

   Bakuretsuken (TNT punch)                  punch repeatedly
      [rapid punches]

   Tiger Kick                                |  \  -O  O  + kick
      [flaming knee hop]                     O   O    /

   Hurricane Upper                           O-  / | \  -O  + punch
      [tornado]                                 O  O  O

   Giant Tornado                             -O O- / | \ -O + (B)+(C)
      [SuperMove]                                 O  O  O

Orthodox Wrestling Champ  BIG BEAR

   Giant Bomb                                 /  then  -O  + punch
      [charging lunge]                       O

   Super Drop Kick                           (D) for 10 seconds, release
      [what the hell?]

   Lariot Drop                               close,  \  + (C)
      [a nasty throw]                                 O

   Flame Breath                              -O \  |  / O- -O + (B)+(C)
      [SuperMove]                                O O O


   Nihon Sehoi Dash                          O-  then  -O  + kick
      [run up and throw]

   Senbe Shuriken (cookie cutter)            O-  then  -O  + punch
      [cookie frisbee]

   Aerial Throw                              jump, close,  |  +  (D)
      [unofficial]                                         O

   Ooizuma Otoshi (body drop)                close,  |  then  O  + punch
      [spinning piledriver]                          O        |

   Sparkling Spinning Piledriver              / then | \ -O  O O + (B)+(C)
      [SuperMove]                            O       O  O   /  |

The Muscular Master of Lump-Giving  CHIN SHIN ZAN

   Dai-Taikobara Uchi (belly blast)          |  then  O  + punch
      [belly flop]                           O        |

   Hagan-Geki (bone crusher crunch)          O-  then  -O  + kick
      [body ball]

   Kirai Hoh (tempest blast)                 |  \  -O  + punch
      [booger glob]                          O   O

   Electric Glob                              / then | \ -O + (B)+(C)
      [SuperMove]                            O       O  O

TaiKwonDo Taitin  KIM KAP HWAN

   Hienzan (flying slice)                    |  then  O  + kick
      [upwards somersault kick]              O        |

   Hangetsuzan (crescent moon slash)         |   /  O-  + kick
      [forwards somersault kick]             O  O

   Hishokyaku (flying kick)                  jump,  |  + kick
      [repeated head stomp]                         O

   Flurry Kick & Razor Kick                  |  / O- / | \ -O + (B)+(D)
      [SuperMove]                            O O    O  O  O

The Gorgeous Ninja  MAI SHIRANUI

   Ryuenbu (flame fandango)                  |   /  O-  + punch
      [flame swish]                          O  O

   Kachosen (butterfly fan)                  |  \  -O  + punch
      [fan toss]                             O   O

   Swan Dive [unofficial]                    |  then  O  + punch
      [only in her own stage]                O        |

   Hisatsu Shinobibachi (deadly ninja bees)  O-  / | \  -O  + kick
      [tumbleweed across screen]                O  O  O

   Flaming Tumbleweed                        -O O- / | \ -O + (B)+(C)
      [SuperMove]                                 O  O  O 

 Ken Alexander                     Computer-Aided Engineering Network
 kalex@eecs.umich.edu                          University of Michigan 