Lost Vikings 2 - Norse by Norsewest (e)


                        Version 1.0 By CodeMaster

This follow-up to the 16-bit Lost Vikings adventure picks up where it's
predecessor left off and, in the proces, serves up some very
interesting and expansive gameplay. This strategy will help you get
through the each of the game's more challenging puzzles, the
ones that would normally frustrate you to the point of donning a Viking
helmet and charging your Saturn. 
For the record, this guide assumes that you've played the game a couple
of times and know the ropes as far as controlling the
characters is concerned (i.e., if it says "move Olaf left" and there is
only a small space through which to move.) Further, it assumes
that you know which items are needed to exit each level; a good way to
avoid any confusion is to pick up everything you find.


     Pick up everything! Anything that isn't bolted to the ground should
be in your inventory. 
     Don't throw items away! If your health is low and you find some
food, it might be tempting to ditch an item that doesn't
     appear to be doing anything for you. Don't do it! 
     Practice each Viking's moves; Erik, Baleog,Olaf,Scorch, and Fang
all have some obvious moves and not-so-obvious moves. 
     For a list of passwords to this game, check my Saturn Tips A-M
Page. It contains passwords for all the corresponding levels
     shown here. 


Bionic Punch: Perfect for getting those hard-to-reach flip switches,
punching baddies, and swinging (via pegs) from platform to
Sword Swipe: Nothing fancy, just Viking-style can o' whup-ass.

Bull Charge: Great for breaking away walls of crates or stones that are
one deep.
Rocket Boost Jump: You'll find that this is indispensable when it comes
to those not-so-easy-to-reach spots

Shield Glide: Hold the big oaf's shield over his head as he falls and
he'll glide as gracefully as a swan (almost).
Fart: This guy's got class! The Fart is perfect for breaking away stone
or crates in the ground and for getting just enough boost to
glide across chasms.
Shrink: Perfect for getting into those tight spaces.

Fire: Self-explanatory. Toasts anything in it's path.
Flying/Gliding: Similar in usefulness to Erik's Rocket Boost Jump.

Climb: Great for scaling walls when everyone else appears to be
Attack: Wherewolf-style can of whup-ass.


LEVEL 1: No puzzle he. Move all of your Vikings to the right past the
LEVEL 2: Move Olaf to the right and block the fireballs while everyone
else goes down the ladder Go down and hold the shield
overhead so your teammates can get past the dripping fire.
LEVEL 3: The key to solving this level is in utilising Olaf's shield
correctly. To get the necessary key, you'll have to place Erik on
Olaf's shield and Super Jump up. In addition, Olaf shield is the key in
protecting members of the team from the onslaught of
LEVEL 4: Erik's Bull Charge starts this one off and is followed by a
seires of Bionic Arm grabs by Baleog. Use Olaf to hunt around
in hard-to-see places for the necessary items to escape the level.
LEVEL 5: The key to this level is the proper usage of Baleog and Erik.
Make sure you get the immediatley accessible items in the
water with Erik before you have Baleog swing over the chasm. After
Baleog trips the door switch, dive in the water again with Erik to
retrive the items you'll need to exit the level. Lastly, make sure you
don't overlook the small passageway near the end of the level;
this is one through which Olaf needs to go and grab the necessary key.
LEVEL 6: The stumper in this level is finding out how to get the first
key. The answer is to move Olaf, with the shield over his head,
to the bottom right of the ladder. Then, move Baleog on to of the shield
and use his bionic arm to grab the key. Once you've freed
Fang, there's a small puzzle that involves him climbing the walls;
you'll need to use this ability to grab the elevator required to bring
your teammates up and exit the level. As always, Baleog is the offensive
choice for any and all encounters you might have.
LEVEL 7: After Erik has grabbed the first key, you need to give it to
Olaf if you want to open the door and survive. Use his shield to
black the fireballs coming from the other side. Once you've made it to
the elevator and on your waydown, you need to watch for the
fireballs; make sure Olaf is facing left with his shield in place to
defend agsinst them. At the bottom, quickly switch between Erik
(who needs to smash the wall in order to exit) and Fang (who needs to
kill all the baddies.
LEVEL 8: Again, your ability to quickly switch between characters is
tested here. After Olaf has returned with the gold key and Erik
and Baleog go down the ladder, use Erik to smash the wall and quickly
switch to Baleog to dispatch the enemies. If you're too
slow, both of them are dead. In addition, when you find the key that
seems to be out of reach, you'll need to use Olaf as a blocker
while Baleog comes up from behind and throws a bionic arm diagonally
upward. Once you've got the key, move everyone to the exit.
LEVEL 9: Since Scortch is introduced in this level, a key part of
exiting is the use of his unique abilities. Once you've freed him, use
him to kill the red dragon and the baddie; then fly directly up and grab
the dragon's egg, which you'll need in order to exit. When you
go through the first portal, make sure Olaf goes first with his shield
ready; follow quickly with Scorch to kill the attacking baddies.
Perhaps the biggest challenge in this level is learning to use the
balancing platforms. As a rule, use whoever can jump (Scorch or
Eric) as the variables in the balance equation and place the other two,
one at a time, on the platforms in order to bring them up.
LEVEL 10: The key to this level is the masterful use of Scorch. After
Baleog is in place and Erik has retrieved the scroll and gone
through the teleporter, use Scortch to fly directly above the bridge
that Erik dropped. Go directly up, kill the wizard and push the
block off the platform. Continue all the way down, then go up, then go
to the left. The necessary door switch is all the way to the
left, past the red dragon. Once this is done, the key needed for exiting
will be waiting for Erik near the starting point of the level.
LEVEL 11: The first problem here is figuring out how to unlock the first
lock. You need to place Olaf with his shield overhead just
under the lock, then climb up onto the shield and hit the lock. After
you've gone through that door, you might be wondering where
the red key is. After the first bridge is dropped and Erik moves over
it, look directly overhead; there it is! Use Erik to grab it and
unlock the door while Fang and Olaf take care of the Wizard. The key to
getting past the "three Rock" scenario is the following: the
1st and 3rd switches will provide safe passage for Erik if they are hit
alternately. When you've made it through the rocks, swim up
the other side of the canal with Erik and break the rocks blocking your
path - don't hit the switch directly above the rocks; simply
jump up and to the right. Use Fang to hit the switch; the bridge will
drop and Erik will have plenty of room to run and crush the wall
to the right.
LEVEL 12: As in Level 11, one of the biggest problems here is providing
safe passage through the rock puzzle. Here's the proper
sequence: Hit the middle button 1st, the right switch 2nd, and the left
switch 3rd. If you can't find the magic wand, try taking a look
to the left as you ride the series of air streams upward; after the
switch at the top is flipped, Olaf can go down to the next platform,
shrink, go in, and grab the wand.
LEVEL 13: The balancing platforms come into play again. The best way to
get Baleog and Olaf on the platform on the right is as
follows: Using Erik, jump onto the platform on the right, bring it down,
then move Erik of and use him to jump on the left-hand
balancing platform. After you used Erik to clear a path for the air
streams, use Baleog to continue up and kill all the baddies. Once
he's finished, Erik can come up and clear the way for Baleog; then bring
Olaf up. Drop Olaf down first to corner the baddie, then
send Baleog down to kill him and grab the items needed to exit.
LEVEL 14: The most essential bit of strategy for this level involves
placement of the bomb that Erik picks up under water. You can
either place it on the crates directly across from the starting point,
or on the crates to the right of the bottom of the elevator. DO
across from the starting point, move into the
room, hit the switch and drop the block down. You'll have to go down and
push the block to the right onto the spikes so Baleog can
go safely over. The next challenges here are the balancing platforms. In
order to successfully use them, you'll have to hang Baleog
by the peg between two platforms, put Olaf on the left platform and Erik
on the right platform. Then swing Baleog over to Erik's
platform; then, you can fart off the platform with Olaf, go left, down
the ladder, and push the block off to the right so it blocks the
LEVEL 15: Another new item comes to play here: the see-saw. You'll find
that using this piece of equipment well is essential to
beating the level. Getting Olaf to the top depends on your ability to
place Olaf on the left side of the see-saw and use Baleog to
swing and hit the right side of the see-saw, popping Olaf up into the
air. Once airborn, all you need to do is guide Olaf to the left and
grab onto the ladder. Once you've got everyone up there, you'll have to
decide what the heck to do with them. Assuming that you've
already used Erik to swim all the way over to the left and break apart
all the crates on that side of the ship, you'll need everyone to
move over there by jumping/farting/swinging across the chasm. Once,
there, you'll need to move left over another chasm (the bottom
of which is lined with spikes!). Use Baleog to hit all the red door
switches, then send Olaf off to the right, gliding down into the room
to the right of the flaming rope. That's where you'll get the
hardest-to-find key.
LEVEL 16: There are a lot of little nuisances in this level; but one,
huge puzzle stands as the biggest obstical. How do you get the
items out of the room where Erik steps on the pressure plate? First, you
need to get Erik and Olaf over to that section of the level.
Then you'll have to get the bomb and the key that are kept in the small
room to the right of the chasm (you'll have to use Olaf to get
them). Once you've gotten Olaf through the locked doors on the bottom
right side of the chasm, take the elevator up, then bring Erik
up out to the upper-left side of the chasm where the pressure plate is.
Make sure he's stepping on it before you proceed with Olaf.
Switch to Olaf, shrink down, walk all the way to the left (in front of
the cannon) and place the bomb. As soon as it goes off and the
crate is destroyed, run directly across the line to the left, run into
the room, grab the itema and come back out. Glide down to the
bottom right platform and follow with Erik before he gets killed by
cannon balls.
LEVEL 17: This is another level filled with brain teasers, but one in
particular deserves some hard-core explaining; it involves the
balancing platforms. In order to exit the level, you'll need to get
Baleog all the way to the top of the screen. Here's a step-by-step on
how to get there. Step #1: Position Olaf on the stationary platform on
the right and Baleog to the bottom left of the balancing
platform. Step #2: Use Scorch to bring the left balancing platform down,
move Baleog onto it, move Scorch up. Step #3: Use Scorch
to fly up to the right balancing platform down. Step #4: Move Olaf onto
the platform with Scorch. Baleog should then be able to walk
over to the left, hit the diving board and land right on top of the
thick chain that Scorch can manipulate to bring him over to the
pressure plate.
LEVEL 18: As with the last, the key to this level is manipulating Baleog
correctly. First, get him up to the mast level of the ship.
How do you do this? Simple; all you have to do is manipulate the door
switches so that (a) Fang can go up to the left and bring
down the elevator and (b) Olaf can go up the same way and fart on the
necessary crates to clear the way for Baleog. Once he's up
there, you simply need to put him on top of Olaf's shield so he can hit
the necessary door switch with his arm.
LEVEL 19: There are a lot of puzzles in this level, but one deserves
explanation because it's deceptively easy. All you need to do in
order to get that elusive key is the following: Move Erik to the
upper-right corner of the level onto the pressure plate, move Scorch up
to theleft of Erik to activate the other pressure plate that drops a
stone beneath the key. Then use Baleog to go up the elevator,
walk over onto the stone and reach up to grab the key.
LEVEL 20: There are two fundamental challenges here. The first is
getting access to the bouncing platforms. To do this, you simply
need to take Olaf to the second platform over from the starting screen
and have him glide off and down to the left. Shrink him down,
go into the teleporter, and you'll be beamed up on top of some stones.
Fart on them to come down and push the block off to the
right. This opens up the bouncing platforms for all three. The second
challenge is exiting the level with the balancing platforms.
Once you reach this room, remember to keep Baleog from dropping down to
the ground; if he falls, you won't be able to counter-
balance Olaf up on the left platform. Once Olaf is on the other side,
standing on the pressure plate, bring Baleog down to the left
platfoem, counterbalance him with Erik and you're all set.
LEVEL 21: In order to reach the final area of the game you've got to do
the following: Take the air stream up with Erik and hit the
switch. Switch to Olaf and take him up the air stream; fart on the
bricks when you reach the top. Bring Baleog up to the switch to
the far right. Switch to Olaf, shrink down, grab the bomb and give it to
Erik. Next, bring Erik down and blow up the wall to the right;
as this happens, be sure you've got Olaf pushing right on the block in
front of him to block the obstical coming down.
LEVEL 22: The various moves needed to bring each character into this
level's later realms are sure to baffle even the most experi-
enced player, so here are some sure-fire pointers. Once you've crossed
the bed of spikes with Baleog and hit the necessary
switches, you need to get back across the bed and back in the
teleporter. The catch is that you'll need Olaf's help; he'll have to
shrink down and find his way to the balancing platforms where you'll
need to raise yourself up.
LEVEL 23: After swinging across three consecutive pegs with Baleog,
chances are that you've gone ahead with Fang and Erik and
tried to finish the level to no avail. You've got to get Baleog up to
the top of the screen and here's how you do it: After you've gone
past the three pegs (with the moving platform on the ground), you must
take the air stream up (with Erik) to the next platform (below
the teleporter skull). Move Erik left, over the poisonous plant and onto
the elevator. Bring it down and pick Baleog up.
LEVEL 24: So you've gone down the fiery cavern and made it to the
balancing platforms but you don't know what to do. Get Baleog
on the left side and Erik and Olaf on the right; then use Baleogs arm to
reach up and grab the bomb. Give it to Olaf to use on the
wall to the left. Then, using Olaf, go join Erik in the next room;
bounce him up next to the bridge. Then hit the red switch that will
lower the bridge, allowing Erik plenty of room to hit the wall on the
LEVEL 25: Torch distribution is generally a problem; particulary in this
level, since there are two very dark places and only one
torch. I've found that the best thing to do is to give the torch to Erik
first. Let fang climb the walls and go to the right until he goes
into complete darkness. Let him walk for a second until you hear a
"click", then switch to Erik; you'll find that you can go down into
the water, come back up, kill the gorrila and let Scorch in through the
passage that was opened by Fang. As you progress to the
right, you'll find Fang unharmed.
LEVEL 26: As the game draws to a close, intricate timing becomes more
and more important. Level 26 has two prime examples of
this. The first occurs after Baleog and Erik come down the elevator and
free Olaf. The see-saw like thing on the bottom requires
perfect timing. The best thing is to put Olaf on the right side of the
thing and drop Baleog down on the left. Once airborne, you'll
need to dodge the fireballs and guide yourself to the item-filled
cavern. The second instance where precise timing is required comes
after this, with the tea-cups surrounded by lightning. Unfortunately,
the only sure-fire way to manage this is a gentle finger on the
D-pad and an even gentler finger on the jump button.
LEVEL 27: This time around, you not only have to control your guys with
intricate timing, but you've also got to deal with what is the
most brain-busting puzzle. Here's the problem: You need to send two
Vikings up the ari shaft without getting shocked. At the same
time, though, you need someone down below controlling the electricity
flow near the balancing platforms. Send Erik and Olaf up the
air shaft and use Fang (once he's turned on the air shaft) to keep watch
on the balancing platforms.
LEVEL 28: All right, time to cut to the chase. You're not getting
anywhere unless you know how to get your guys down into the
thick of this level. You've got to counterbalance Baleog so he can go
off into the air shaft first (this is the only way he can go). Get
him over to the right side, put him and Olaf in so they're even, then
jump in with Olaf. Walk Baleog immediately off to the right. Once
everyone's down, remember to use Olaf's shield for a running surface so
Erik can break that hard-to-reach wall.
LEVEL 29: Yet another expansive and very demanding level. This demands
perfect control of all your characters. And I mean
PERFECT! To start off, you'll need to get Scorch over to the right
switch. Then use Erik to explore the area, have him get the goods
and exit.
LEVEL 30: Olaf takes the left, Scorch takes the center, and Fang takes
the right. The next-to-last level is nothing if not big. The key
to success in this one is the following: You need to take Scorch through
the center portal and do bvattle with the (under?) boss. In
order to beat him, you must kill the baddies at the bottom of the screen
and collect the bombs they leave behind. Then go to the top
of the screen, and drop the bombs on the boss as he rises to chase after
you; you'll have to do it so the bombs deflect his path into
the electric current. Once he hits the current, he'll give up the key
which is absolutely vital to finishing the level.
LEVEL 31: The perfect end for such a huge and complex game. Start it off
woth Olaf versus the Boss. Collect a bomb from him by
hitting the fire switch on the left. Then quickly shrink down, walk
across the blue platform and return to normal size. As he begins to
ascend up the chasm to your right, quickly jump across and drop the bomb
on his head; this will divert his path to the right. Quickly
move to the right and hit the fire switch so he runs into it and collect
the key he drops. The other boss encounter worthy of
explanation is when Fang and Scorchare stuck undernesth the two blocks
and it appears that they'll be crushed. You need to run
up with Olaf, have him shrink down and hand something important to
either of the two...