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Myth - Kreuzzug ins Ungewisse (e)

Myth single-player level

Crow's Bridge

Mission Summary: Repulse an attack of souless, ghols and thralls to save a village.

Walkthrough: The key to this level is to take out as many of the thralls as possible before 
the larger army of souless and thralls shows up. You must also do this while harrassing the 
ghols with warriors to make sure that they don't try a flanking move on your archers. Mass 
your army on one of the bluffs near to the bridge and attack early. Plant the four dwarven 
satchel charges near each other in a line about halfway between your army and the bridge. 
Next, use the dwarf to take out the thralls and lure them forward. Use the archers to wipe 
out what is left, keeping them high on one of hills for increased range. Once the souless 
show up, keep the dwarf harrassing the thralls from behind trees if possible. Have him 
detonate the scachel charge chain at an opportune moment (control-click on the landscape). 
If the charges don't take out the bulk of the army and it starts to look grim, retreat to a
better  position and take pot shots with archers and dwarves aiming for the souless. Once
the ranks  are sufficiently trimmed, have the warriors clean up any stragglers. Retreating
at the right  times and using satchel charges effectively are important in "heroic" and
"legendary" since the player is vastly outnumbered.

Traitor's Grave

Mission Summary: Follow a helpful peasant to kill the traitorous mayor.

Walkthrough: Mass your archers on the highest point of the first hill on the right. Use the 
jouneyman to take out any ghols that get close enough to harrass the archers, and use the 
archers to take out the souless while the dwarf takes out the thralls. Keep the dwarf in front 
of the archers but behind trees (so that souless can't spear him) and use the terrain attack 
(control-click) to attack in the middle of groups of thralls. Once the first sortee is over,
heal  everyone with even minor damage and continue to move towards the mayor. Take out any 
ghols that you see while you are moving. Once the mayor can be seen, he will start up the 
path. Use the dwarf to head his party off by detouring through the forest. Have the dwarf 
kill the mayor while the archers take out the ghols. Use the terrain attack to attack where 
the mayor will be.

Siege at Madrigal

Mission Summary: Find a large enemy force in the northwest corner (upper left) of the 
map and lure them back to where you started.

Walkthrough: Take out the ghols in front of the bridge with your warriors while the 
archers quickly move up to the top of the bridge. Take out the souless which try to take the 
peak of the bridge before they get there. Arrange your warriors in an arc ("6" or "7") around 
the base of the bridge. Set two archers in the water at the base of either side of the bridge, 
while the rest move to the top (not enough room for them all on the bridge and they'll start 
hitting each other unless the group is small). Keep these archers in a line, and slowly move 
down the far side of the bridge while aiming for the soulless. At some point, the army will 
turn and attack. Move the archers on the bridge back to the top. Try and take out one or two 
souless before retreating down the bridge. Have the archers on the side aim only for 
souless. When the thralls come down the side, close the arc around them and wipe them 
out. The enemy army will retreat back to the other side of the bridge. Repeat until they are 
totally wiped out.

Move the warriors up the road and into the center of the village square. Separate the archers 
into a few groups of three archers and wait for the wights to arrive. Set one group of archers 
to the northeast corner (upper right) of the village, and one near the bottom left. If the 
archers look like they will let one or two slip through, choose an injured, non-experienced 
warrior and have him make a suicide run alone at that wight. After killing a dozen or more 
wights, there should be no "red dots" on the overhead map. Keep the archers around the 
village, and send the warriors up the road. There will be a large group of ghols there, which 
should be ignored. Move off of the road and up the map until you see a huge army of thralls 
and souless. One of your warriors will say, "There's the army, let's head back to the bridge". 
Move the warriors quickly back to the village. Meanwhile watch the archers in the village 
and have them continue to take out any wights which show up. Once the warriors are back 
in the village, gather the army together and head down (south) with the archers in the lead. 
Take out the wights around the bridge and lead the army to the other side.


Mission Summary: Retrieve a book in a cathedral and then escape to the southeast.

Walkthrough: This mission can either be very difficult or relatively easy depending the 
path that you take to the cathedral. This walkthough will cover the simplest way to pass the 
level. As soon as the warriors appear in the World Knot, move them north out of the Knot 
(and out of the crossfire from the souless). As soon as the last warrior leaves the knot, the 
archers and dwarves appear. Select the archers and have the target the soulless. The ghols 
may make a run at the archers or they may run away. If they look like they may attack 
retarget the archers on the ghols. Try to take out one of the soulless, but don't let the
archers  move too far from the Knot. Move this second force out of the knot and the journeyman 
will appear. He is the only one who can carry the book, so keep him alive. Next, move the 
archers into the center of the coliseum to the south and the rest of the squad around to the 
east. Be sure to stay away from the western side of the coliseum, because a huge army is 
waiting there.

Inside the coliseum have the archers move to the southeastern corner where there is a ramp 
up, while the rest of the army moves to the same spot on the outside of the coliseum. As 
your archers are moving up the ramp, have them take out any nearby soulless, but keep 
moving towards the higher ground of the southeast corner. Once they are there, have them 
take out all of the nearby enemies. If necessary, use the warriors on any remaining Ghols, 
but don't let the warriors move too far south or to the western side of the coliseum.

With all nearby enemies dead, move the warriors in a line southeast towards the cathedral 
with the archers, the dwarves and the journeyman close behind. You will meet a group of 
soulless and thralls. Use the archers on the soulless, and attack with the dwarves to take out 
the majority of the thralls before having the warriors finish them off. There will be a small 
force of friendly units near the book in the cathedral that will go into your possession - 
make certain that your dwarves and archers don't take them out by accident. Once the 
enemies are cleared out, move the army into the cathedral with the warriors leading and the 
archers close behind and the dwarves and journeyman closely behind in the rear.

Have the journeyman heal everyone before picking up the book (select the journeyman and 
click on the shining book). The player will no longer have control of the journeyman and he 
will start to move to the southeast. A group of ghols carrying wight "puss-packets" will 
move up from the south. Keep your archers laying down a cover fire to keep them at bay 
and don't let the warriors get too bunched up. Move southeast quickly and make sure that 
the archers don't get too far away from everyone else. One you near the corner, the mission 
will end.

Flight from Covenant

Mission Summary: Escape with the book from the city of Covenant while avoiding a huge 
army in the center of the map.

Walkthrough: Even more so than Homecoming, this level can either be near impossible or 
reasonably easy depending on the path your units take to get to the tunnel. The center path 
along the road is a trap, so leave through the northern or southern part of the wall before 
heading east towards the tunnel. Although I have heard of people completing the level by 
marching south, I recommend going north through the swamps.

As the level starts, immediately send your dwarves east to take out the thralls that are in the 
pit. With a lot of attacking and retreating, it should be possible to take out all of them. 
Move the warriors, the journeymen and the archers north while the dwarves take out the 
thralls to the east. A group of thralls will move down from the north and another will move 
up from the south. Use the warriors to take out the group to the north while the dwarves 
attack the southern group while steadily retreating north. After the warriors have finished 
with the northern group, they will try to march north to take out a second group of thralls 
coming down. Don't let them. Instead make sure that the archers take out the wight in the 
rear first. Continue harrassing the southern group with the dwarves and attack the northern 
group with warriors once the wight is dead. Finish off all of the stragglers and then have the 
journeyman heal everyone.

Move the army through a hole in the wall into the swamp on the northern edge of the map. 
Keep the archers in front with the warriors in the middle and the dwarves and journeyman 
bringing up the rear. There will be several wights and a group of thralls in the swamps. Use 
the archers to keep the wights at bay, while the warriors quickly wipe out the thralls. There 
are several wights hidden completely under deep water, so try to stay to the islands, but 
don't stray too far south or you'll run into the huge army on the main road. March the army 
across the water with the archers leading and taking out any wights that stray too close.

Once on the solid land on the other side, take a diagonal route towards a road running from 
west to northeast. There will be several squads of thralls, use the dwarves and archers on 
them looking for opportunities to explode the wights (with the archers) where they'd do the 
most damage. On reaching the road, continue east and you will see a large thick stand of 
trees to the south of the road. The tunnel is on the far southern side of these trees. Move 
your army into the cave and the mission will end.

Force Ten from Stoneheim

Mission Summary: Destroy the World Knot to the east by setting a pileof satchel charges 
near one of the pillars.

Walkthrough: At the start of the level, one of the berserkers is chatting with a group of 
peasants. This level can be slightly harder if you decide to protect the peasants, but the 
outcome of the mission is not dependent on whether the peasants live or die. Move due east 
towards a stone on a hill (south of the way the eastern road goes). This is the final 
destination of the peasants. Move to the top of the hill and then down the northeastern slope 
towards an icy river with archers leading, followed by dwarves. On approaching the river, a 
group of thralls and soulless will be moving towards the hill. Attack from the hill using the 
archers on the soulless and the dwarves on the thralls. Be careful with the aim of the 
dwarven grenades no to blow up other dwarves or the archers.

On the defeat of this initial force, move the archers towards the river with a few dwarven 
backup units. On the far side of the river on a hill is a large force of soulless and thralls. 
Have the archers target the soulless and run away when the thralls start to move 
menacingly. Use the dwarves to attack the thralls only when they are on the western side of 
the river bearing in mind that any grenades that fall in or near the river will not go off due 
to the water putting out the fuses. With patience, use the archers to take out all of the 
soulless and the dwarves to take out the thralls. A group of ghols will cross the river aiming 
for the peasants, you may attack them or not - they will ignore you.

Move up the far side of the hill attacking any resistance with archers taking out the soulless, 
and the berserkers and dwarves taking out the thralls. Follow the road to the top of the hill 
and you will see the knot. Move one unit towards the knot and a group of soulless and 
thralls will appear. Using the same tactics as before, have the archers take out the soulless 
and the dwarves attack the thralls. Around this time, a small force will attack from the 
southeast. Have the berserkers make a suicide run (although it probably won't be suicidal) 
at these while the dwarves lay down the charges. Put down at least eight satchel charges 
near one of the "pillars" of the World Knot and move everyone away. With a dwarf, use the 
terrain attack to set off the charge and destroy the "pillar".


Mission Summary: Head east towards a pass and the remains of a campfireto discover 
(and defeat) what attacked the camp.

Walkthrough: This is one of the best levels of the game and to explain the level in a 
walkthrough can completely destroy the suspense of the level. I recommend that you read 
no further until you've tried the level a few times, but it is, of course, your choice. You
start  in between a set of statues. I recommend staying in this starting position for at least
the first few attacks - there are four waves of soulless and thralls with an occassional
myrmidon -  since it provides cover for the dwarves from the soulless. Move the berserkers
east and have them target the myrmidons. This will prevent them from flanking you later.
While the berserkers are busy playing tag with the myrmidons, move the dwarves behind one of
the pillars and move the warriors in a long line in front of a long line of archers.

When the berserkers have killed the myrmidons, move them north - out of the way of the 
approaching army of soulless and thralls. Wait until this army has neared the statues and 
then move the berserkers in a flanking move to attack the soulless from behind while the 
dwarves and archers take out the thralls from the front. Heal any near-dead units and repeat 
this tactic several times until the four armies are destroyed. Move the army east following 
the tracks of the enemy. There will be two soulless on a hill to the east - you may avoid 
them by going in a circle just out of range to the south, or you may attack. Use only the 
archers and heal any of them before they die - they will be extremely useful later. Move 
southeast towards a marker stone and fork in the road and a group of reinforcements will 
move up from the south. Heal everything that is even slightly damaged and move east. You 
will see a smoking campfire and a lot of body parts. This is where it gets tricky and I 
recommend saving at this point.

There is a small ramp up on the southern side of the campfire - move the archers and 
journeymen up onto the ramp, and set the berserkers and warriors on the western edge of 
the mountains in an encirclement formation ("6" or "7"). Have the dwarves set a trap of 
satchel charges near the fire and near the base of the cliff below the ramp. An army will 
start to move in from the east. Have the archers attack the soulless but don't let the archers 
march off of the ramp. Move the dwarves up the now somewhat crowded ramp as well. A 
large blue beast that looks like a dyed version of the Incredible Hulk (called a Trow) will 
move in from the east and will attack when the rest of the force is defeated. You may want 
to go to the characters section and read up on defeating Trow, but the key is to attack with 
an army encircling it from all sides. Ideally, you hope that the dwarves can set off the 
charges when the Trow walks onto them, but if this doesn't work, have the archers target 
the Trow and berserkers encircle it followed by the warriors when the berserkers have died. 
It is rumored that healing the trow with your journeyman will "freeze" him, but most 
choose to take it out the traditional way. Killing the Trow and the rest of the enemies will 
end the level.

Ambush at Devil's Overlook

Mission Summary: Destroy a large force of soulless (well over 100) moving down a 

Walkthrough: Many people find this to be a very difficult level, but it really isn't that hard 
if you remember one thing: use the formations and the whole group of dwarves to have 
them all drop satchel charges simultaneously - not individually. When the level starts, stop 
the two dwarves to the east from laying any charges and move them west to the pile of 
charges near the western edge of the screen. Wait for the group picking up the star-pattern 
of charges to finish and them move them west to join the other two while moving all the 
other dwarves there as well. Have all of the dwarves stack up on 8 charges and then moving 
them all east using either formation "3" or formation "4". Have the group of berserkers and 
dwarves move east and when you start to see the first soulless moving westward, start 
laying charges by hitting "T". When these are dropped, move the dwarven squad back to 
the western edge of what has just been dropped and drop another making sure to keep the 
scattered formation. You want the charges close together, but not overlapping. Continue 
with the dwarves moving west and dropping charges so that a even minefield is laid out 
from the eastern middle of the lake all the way to the western end.

The soulless will approach the berserkers at this stage and right as the spears begin to fall 
have all but one of the berserkers make a suicide run east into the bulk of the approaching 
army while moving the remaining one west. This has two effects: one, most of your 
berserkers will die while inflicting amazingly few casulties, and two, the entire soulless 
army will now move west simultaneously instead in incremental steps. Once the minefield 
is laid and the dwarves have no more charges left, move them to the western end of the 
frozen lake and wait for the army to arrive (which shouldn't take long). Use the remaining 
berserker (you did keep one, didn't you?) to take out the first few soulless stragglers and 
delay the soulless army slightly while the back catches up with the front. The key to 
winning the level is to wait for the nearly all of the soulless to be on top of the minefield. 
Move the dwarves north and south until the soulless are nicely positioned in the center and 
are just starting to attack the dwarves. Have all of the dwarves attack the edge of the 
minefield, which should go off like popcorn blowing up the entire soulless army and ending 
the level.