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WWF - WrestleMania (e)


This FAQ is Copyright (c) 1995 by Andy Michelson.  It may not be altered or distributed without the authors permission.
E-Mail me with any comments and suggestions at Vaultkeepr@Aol.Com. This FAQ will be available in both Sony Newsgroups, on AOL at keyword:Gamewiz, Faqs and Uploads,

Section 1- Brief Overview.
Section 2- Moves for every character
Section 3- The characters and there moves.
Section 4- Hidden Characters and other secrets.
Section 5- Questions and answers
Section 6- Things Needed
Section 7- Credits
Section 1
	WWF WRESTLEMANIA has been in the arcades for a extremely short time.  It has, however become an instant hit.
What it lacks in the amount of characters it more then makes up for it by giving each character extreme depth from the amount of 
moves each possess.  The Sony Playstation version is practically identical to the arcade 
version other than a few minor differences.  If you are a fan of fighting games or the WWF this game is definitely for you.
Section 2
	The game consists of eight characters, the characters 
appear like this on the startup screen...
Doink           Razor Ramon
UnderTaker      Yokozuna
Shawn Michaels  Bam Bam Bigelow
Bret Hart       Lex Luger
The move key for this game is as follows...
Super Punch=/\
Super Kick=()
Block=L1 or L2
QCT=Quarter circle forward starting at the down position on the control pad.
HCT=Half circle forward starting from the Back position on the control pad.
Among other things, all characters share some basic (but important) moves.

Run- Press []+X.  Once you have started runnig you can alter the direction you are heading or by pressing an attack button your player will lunge at the opponent and knock them down.

Power Throw- Press /\+().  Only a few characters possess this, they are Bam Bam Bigelow, Yokozuna, and Lex Luger.  It is non reversible if you connect with it.

Hair Grab- /\ (when near a knocked down opponents head).  This allows you to pick up your opponent from the canvas and inflict some more damage.

Grab- FF /\.  Once you connect with this it enables you to do a number of things.  You can start a mini-combo, a regular combo, a throw move, or a High-Risk Move.  There are multiple ones in the game but these work for all characters. They are FF /\ and DD ().

Hip Toss- BB [].  An excellent move.  Learn it and love it.

Rope Toss- BB /\.  Throws your opponent into the ropes which leaves them open to a brief attack.

Shove- L1+[].  Good move to use when fighting multiple characters.
It basically free's some space for you.

Turnbuckle Leap- UU right next to the turnbuckle.  Once on top, 
press any attack and you will spring forward.  You can guide your body at the opponent.

Flying Drop Kick- /\+X then press ()- You must run then hit the Super Kick.

Flying Body Dive- /\+X then press [].  You must run then press Super Punch.

Reverse Throw- Either FF [] or DD ().  In my opinion this is the most important thing to learn.  When grabbed press in the motions listed (careful, they differ with every character).  You will then reverse there attack and look really cool.

Power Up- Do two 360's away from the opponent.  By doing this you will enable a power up that will last for 5 seconds.  All moves will then do 4x damage, except for super combos.

Speed Up- Do two 360's toward the opponent.  By doing this you will enable turbo spped for around 5 seconds.

Throw- B+[].  This will throw your opponent when they are runnug at you.

Super Combos-  Timing on all combos is odd.  It will take you multiple tries to learn them, but once you find the timing, they all become easy.  All characters have them, they can only be done when you grab your opponent and your combo meter is flashing, you can get it to flash by doing a lot of special moves.  You must then enter the initiator and go from there.


Mini Combos-  These can be done anytime after a grab, they can be reversed but they can take away a lot of energy.

Fatalities-  Yes, there are fatalities.  The only known one is for the UnderTaker. 
Section 3

Doink the clown.
Special Moves:
The clapper- HCT []. Press [] repeatedly to get four hits.
Joybuzzer- Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Happy Hammer- FF ().  Press X repeatedly to get up to four hits.
Boxing Glove- [] rapidly.
Grab Moves:
Head Slam- FF /\.
Face Smash- DD ().  Press X repeatedly for up to four hits.
Backbreaker- DD ().
Slam- FF /\.
combo links:
(grab) F+[].
Mini Combo- FF [], hold forward and tap [] 4 times, then hit /\.
18 Hit- FF /\, (), X, [], /\, ().
16 Hit- FF /\, (), [], X.
16 Hit- FF (), /\, X, [].
16 Hit- FF (), /\, X, [], /\.
Razor Ramon
Special Moves:
Quick Slice- QCT [].
Dashing Slice- Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Quad Slam- FF X. Tap X repeatedly for up to four hits.  You do not have to grab for this to work.
Grab Moves:
Razors Edge- FF /\.
Slam- DD ().
Uppercut- DD /\.
Quad Slam- same as above.
combo links:
(grab) D+[].
Mini Combo- Hold D and press [] 5 times, then press /\.
24 Hit- FF /\, [], X, (), /\.
23 Hit- FF X, [], X, (), /\.
21 Hit- FF /\, [], X, F+/\. 
17 Hit- FF /\, [], /\, (), X.  
16 Hit- FF  X, [], /\, (), X.
Special Moves:
Neck Choke- QCT [].
Neck Breaker- Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Shadow Neckbreaker- Hold [], run at opponent and release /\ when near them.
Dark Ghosts- QCT X.
Light Ghosts- QCB X.
Tombstone Smash- FF ().  Press X repeatedly to get up to four hits.
Grab Moves:
Uppercut- DD /\.
Mystic Glove- DD ().
Neck Twist- FF /\.
Shadow Slam- DD X.  Press [] repeatedly for up to four hits.
Fiery Mystic Glove- (neck choke) then press D+().
combo links:
Mini Combo- Hold F and tap [] 5 times then press D+().
21 Hit- FF (), X, [], /\,().
Special Moves:
Quick Jabs- QCT [].
Salt Throw- Hold [] for three seconds then release.
Belly Rush- FF [].
Head Knocker- [] (when close)
Body Slam- FF () (when close)
Grab Moves:
Power Grab- /\+().
Leg Spin Throw- (power grab) D+().
Body Slam- FF /\.
Piledriver- DD ().
Salt Throw- QCT [].
combo links:????????
Mini Combo- Hold F and tap [].
14 Hit- FF /\, [], (), X, [],/\.
13 Hit- FF [], /\,(),X,[],/\.
Shawn Michaels
Special Moves:
Flying Snap Kick- BB ().
Back Suplex- Hold [] for three seconds then release.
Flying Drop Kick- Charge () for three seconds then release.
Frankensteiner- FF ().
Sliding Kick Toss- FF X.
Sunset Flip- FF /\.
Quad Speed Kick- Press HCT X.  Press X repeatedly for four hits.
Quad Stomp- Run, and press X repeatedly when your next to the opponents body.
Grab Moves:
Face Smash- FF ().  Press () repeatedly for up to four hits.
Arm Breaker- FF [].
Back Suplex- DD ().
Slam- FF /\.
Kick Toss- FF X.
combo links:
(grab) F+().
(grab) F+X.
Mini Combo- (grab) Hold F, press /\ 5 times.
20 Hit- FF X, (), /\, [], L1.
17 Hit- FF [], /\, (), X, L1.
Bam Bam Bigelow
Special Moves:
Fiery Fists- Hold [] for three seconds then release.
Throw- Hold /\ for three seconds then release.
Fire Throw- Hold /\, run at opponent and release /\.
Flying Kick- BB ().
Grab Moves:
Power Grab- /\+().
Piledriver- DD ().  Press /\ repeatedly for up to four hits.
Backbreaker- (power grab) then press D+().
combo links:
(grab) F+().
Mini Combo- Hold F, and tap () 4 times then tap /\ once, then press DD ().
19 Hit- FF [], /\, (), X. [].
20 Hit- FF /\, [], X, (), /\.
22 Hit- FF [], /\, X, (), /\.
Bret Hart
Special Moves:
Rolling Uppercut- QCT /\.
Eye Raker- QCT [].
SharpShooter- Hit /\ next to fallen opponents feet.
Dashing Uppercut- DD [].
Lunging Kick- BB ().
DDT- Run and press /\.
Grab Moves:
Face Slam- HCT [].  Press [] repeatedly for up to four hits.
Backbreaker- DD ().
Slam- FF /\.
combo links:
(grab) F+[].
(grab) F+X.
Mini Combo- (grab) hold F and tap [] 5 times, then press ().
16 Hit- FF (), /\, [], X, ().
16 Hit- FF (), /\, (), F+X.
13 Hit- FF [], /\, [], X, ().
Lex Luger
Special Moves:
Fist Smash- Hold [] for three seconds then release it.
Fun Flail- FF ().  Press X repeatedly for up to four hits.
Elbow Girder- FF [].
Grab Moves:
Power Grab- /\,().
Suplex- FF /\.
Throw- DD ().
Backbreaker- (power grab) then press U+().
combo links:????
Mini Combo- (grab) hold F and press () 4 times, then press /\ once.
17 Hit- FF X, (), /\, [], ().
19 Hit- FF (), X, [], /\, (), L1.
Section 4 
Section 5
Q:Are there finshing moves?
A:In the arcade version there were, however none have been found so far for the PSX.

Q:8 characters, thats it?
A:In the arcade there was one hiddne character, Adam Bomb.  I can only speculate and say that he is in the PSX version.
Section 6
	There are still plenty of things needed.  If you find any Fatalities or combos,
e-mail me.  Credit will be given.
Section 7
	A special thanks goes out to...
David Kotzur
Jon Schaeffer