Andere Lösungen

Yoshi's Story (e)

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              | | (_) \__ \ | | | |\__ \  ____) | || (_) | |  | |_| |          
              |_|\___/|___/_| |_|_||___/ /_____/ \__\___/|_|   \__, |          
                                                                __/ |          
                                     *=Enemy/Boss Guide=*      |___/           
Guide Version: 1.0                                                             
Guide Created On: 5/25/99                                                      
Guide Last Updated On: 5/25/99                                                 
Guide Created By: Jesse Austerman []                       
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |          Table Of Contents          | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
Section 1: Introduction                                                        
Section 2: Version History                                                     
Section 3: Enemy/Boss Legend                                                   
Section 4: Enemy Guide                                                         
Section 5: Boss Guide                                                          
Section 6: Contact Info                                                        
Section 7: Copyright Info                                                      
Section 8: Credits List                                                        
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |             Introduction            | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
Welcome to The Yoshi's Story Enemy/Boss Guide! This guide is to provide you    
with information on the enemies and bosses of Yoshi's Story. Information like  
if you can eat them, egg them, stomp on them, how many petals you get, if you  
get an egg, etc. For the Boss Guide, I will tell you how to beat them. Enjoy!  
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |           Version History           | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
1.0: This is the first update (And probably the last...) to The Yoshi's Story  
Enemy/Boss Guide. I don't think I need to update it again... Enjoy the guide!  
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |          Enemy/Boss Legend          | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
To understand some of the stuff used in the guide, look at the legend here to  
see what all the stuff means:                                                  
Eat: Feasting on some enemies may earn Yoshi an egg, petals, an upset stomach, 
or something in between. Here are all the things in ()'s that I will use:      
(Egg) (Petal) - Earn an egg and petal(s).                                      
(No Egg) (No Petal) - Earn no eggs or petals.                                  
(Egg) (No Petal) - Earn an egg and no petals.                                  
(No Egg) (Petal) - Earn no eggs but earn petals.                               
(Egg) (Lose Petals) - Earn an egg and lose petal(s).                           
(No Egg) (Lose Petals) - Earn no eggs and lose petal(s).                       
(N) - Can't eat enemy.                                                         
Egg: Eggs will be the perfect weapon against some of Yoshi's enemies, but for  
the others, yolk is a joke.                                                    
(Y) - Yes, eggs will defeat the enemy.                                         
(N) - No, eggs won't defeat the enemy.                                         
Stomp: Yoshi may be able to defeat some enemies by stomping or ground pounding 
them on their heads.                                                           
(Y) - Yes, stomping will defeat the enemy.                                     
(N) - No, stomping won't defeat the enemy.                                     
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |             Enemy Guide             | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
Favorite Foes: These first seven enemies with the plus box around them are     
Favorite Foes that will earn you more pedals or points if you're using the     
right colored Yoshi. The Yoshis who will earn more pedals or points are in     
the top-left corner of the box. If you're using a different colored Yoshi,     
refer to the other Favorite Foes to see which Yoshi can get you more pedals    
or points. Now, let's go to the Favorite Foes section, please!                 
+                                       +                                      
+ (L.Blue) Eat - (Egg) (Petal)          +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Bumpty                         +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (No Petal)              +                                      
+ Egg -   (Y)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (N)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ (Pink) (Red) Eat - (Egg) (Petal)      +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Cheep Cheeps                   +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 +                                      
+ Egg -   (N)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (N)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ (Green) Eat - (Egg) (Petal)           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Frog                           +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (No Petal)              +                                      
+ Egg -   (Y)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (Y)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ (Green) Eat - (Egg) (Petal)           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Gabon                          +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 +                                      
+ Egg -   (Y)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (Y)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ (L.Blue) (Blue) Eat - (Egg) (Petal)   +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Ick Worm                       +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (Lose Petals)           +                                      
+ Egg -   (Y)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (Y)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ (L.Blue) (Yellow) Eat - (Egg) (Petal) +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Puffer                         +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 +                                      
+ Egg -   (Y)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (Y)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ (Red) (Pink) Eat - (Egg) (Petal)      +                                      
+                                       +                                      
+ Name - Tehee Butterfly                +                                      
+ Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 +                                      
+ Egg -   (Y)                           +                                      
+ Stomp - (Y)                           +                                      
+                                       +                                      
                                Normal Enemies:                                
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Air Bag                        -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Attacky Sack                   -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Big Boo                        -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Big & Little Boo               -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Blargg                         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Blindfold Boo                  -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Blue Blurp                     -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Bob-omb                        -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Bone Dragon                    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Boo Block                      -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Boo Buddy                      -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Bullet Bill                    -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Centipede                      -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Chomp                          -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Clam                           -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - ComBat                         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Do-Drop                        -                                      
- Eat -   (No Egg) (Lose Petals)        -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Fuzzy Wiggler                  -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Ghost Rider                    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Ghost Stream                   -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Goonie                         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Jelly Ghost                    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Jellyfish                      -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Lakitu                         -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Lava Ghost                     -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Mr. Eel                        -                                      
- Eat -   (No Egg) (Petal)              -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Nipper Plant                   -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Nipper Spore                   -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Lose Petals)           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Pak E. Derm                    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Peeper                         -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (No Petal)              -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Piranha Pest                   -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Piranha Plant                  -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Raven                          -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Red Blurp                      -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Sea Anemone                    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Sea Cactus                     -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Slug                           -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Snorkel Snake                  -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Spark Spook                    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Spider                         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Spike                          -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Spiked Fun Guy                 -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Spiny Fish                     -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Teehee Butterfly               -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Lose Petals)           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Vine Slime                     -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
                                   Shy Guys:                                   
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys                       -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Flying Shy Guys                -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys On Stilts             -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys On Pogo Sticks        -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Petal)                 -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (Y)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys In Submarines         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys Throwing Snowballs    -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Limbo Shy Guys                 -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys On Ships              -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Shy Guys With Torches          -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Black Shy Guys                 -                                      
- Eat -   (Egg) (Lose Petals)           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |              Boss Guide             | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Cloud N. Candy                 -                                      
- Eat -   (No Egg) (No Petals)          -                                      
- Egg -   (N)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
Cloud N. Candy is by far the easiest boss in the game. You can't egg him or    
stomp on him. So how is he easy? Just go over to him and constantly hit that   
lick button! Just don't let him jump on you...                                 
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Inviso                         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
Unlike Cloud N. Candy, you have to egg Inviso to win. Like his name, sometimes 
he will become invisible. Look closely, and you can see the screen moving where
he is. If you run out of eggs, load up on the Peepers nearby. If you're low on 
energy, go to the top-left or top-right corners to find a Power Bee.           
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Cloudjin                       -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
Cloudjin isn't much of a threat if you know what to do. Don't try to eat him or
stomp on him. Concentrate on throwing eggs at him. There are a bunch of seesaws
in the room, some of them with spiked balls! When you hit the Egg Blocks to get
eggs, grab them when they come out. Then throw them at Cloudjin! Oh, and don't 
forget to watch out for Cloudjin when he breathes fire! That's gotta be hot!   
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Don Bongo                      -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
This dino with big lips is easy! Avoid the kitchenware falling, and, hit his   
lips! Shoot his lips 3 times with eggs and he's gone. If you run out of eggs,  
don't panic. Just slurp down some nice kitchen metal! There's only one problem,
there aren't any Power Bees! So, try not to get hit too much...                
-                                       -                                      
- Name - Bowser                         -                                      
- Eat -   (N)                           -                                      
- Egg -   (Y)                           -                                      
- Stomp - (N)                           -                                      
-                                       -                                      
Here he is, the big brat himself: Baby Bowser! To close the book on Baby       
Bowser, shoot eggs or Bob-ombs at the ceiling to make spikes fall on his ghosts
and Baby Bowser. Do this three times, then the ghosts will flee, bringing the  
battle to the ground. Watch out for Baby Bowser breathing fire and stomping on 
the ground. Hit the brat three more times to close the book on him. Then he'll 
be a crybaby and run off. Congradulations! You have restored peace to the isle!
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |             Contact Info            | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, additions, or complaints,    
send it to: Thanks!                                       
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |            Copyright Info           | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
This guide is İ1999 Jesse Austerman. You may not copy, reproduce, steal info,  
or do anything illegal with this guide. You may reproduce this guide only if   
you have permission from Jesse Austerman. But the bottom line is really simple:
                  / /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \                  
                  | |             Credits List            | |                  
                  \ \_____________________________________/ /                  
The Official Yoshi's Story Player's Guide - For helping with most of the guide!
Jesse Austerman - That's me! I thank myself for making this guide!             
GameFAQs - For putting this guide up! I can't believe that they put it up...   
Nintendo - For making the short but cool game, Yoshi's Story!                  
                                 Other Guides:                                 
                             RollerCoaster Tycoon                              
                               Super Smash Bros.                               
      _                      _             _                                   
     | | ___ ___ ___  ___   / \  _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ _ __ ___   __ _ _ __   
  _  | |/ _ Y __/ __|/ _ \ / _ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \  
 | |_| |  __|__ \__ \  __// ___ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ |  | | | | | | (_| | | | | 
  \___/ \___|___/___/\___/_/   \_\__,_|___/\__\___|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|