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Zelda - The Wand of Gamelon (e)

  Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon walkthrough (CD-I)
  (Note:  All  items  that you get or are given the first time, I put in
  all CAPS) @ = Strike the Triforce with the sword
  Go  to  Aru Ainu. Go all the way down, then right, killing all enemies
  as  you  go  and  take the RUBIES they leave behind (if any). When you
  come  to  the tree, go up. Go in the hut. Go down and kill the Dodongo
  (the  rhino).  Take  the  KEY it leaves behind and go back outside. Go
  right  and  go  into the last hut. Strike the woman with your sword to
  talk to her. She'll give you the GREEN SHROUD. @

  Go to Sakado. Go right - as far as you can, killing all of the enemies
  as  you  go.  Go back to the left until you come to the first hut (far
  left).  Go  into  that  hut  (general  store). Talk to the shopkeeper.
  Strike  the  Triforce and go back to Sakado. Kill more enemies. Repeat
  this until you have enough rubies to buy *at least* 1 BOMB, 1 LAMP OIL
  and 1 ROPE. Go in the general store and buy as many as you can afford.
  Go  back  out  and  go  right - to the last hut. Go in it. Talk to the
  woman.  Go  back  outside,  back  to  the general store and strike the
  Triforce again.
  Go  to  Kobitan.  Go  up, then left, then down. Go left and follow the
  lower path to the last house. Go into the house. Do the "duck-walk" to
  get  next  to  the  enemies.  Kill  them  and get the LANTERN. Go back
  outside  and  go into the barn on the upper path. Once inside, walk to
  the right about 8 steps to get away from the door and use the lantern.
  Kill  the  Batman  wanna-be  and  usea  rope  to  get the KEY. Go back
  outside. Go down - into the first house. Talk to the woman.

  Go  back  to Sakado and buy more bombs, etc. (You will need a total of
  11 bombs minimum in your inventory)

  Go  to  Ahitaru.  Go  to  the  far  right and select the bombs in your
  inventory  before  you  go in the cave. Use a bomb on the Gohma (giant
  crab). Go up. Go out the opening. Climb to the top of the rocks and go
  right.  Jump overthe Gohma pit when you come to it (looks sort of like
  a  volcano).  Talk  tothe woman. She gives you WATER OF LIFE. Go right
  and  use  10 bombs on theboulder that's blocking the fish's eye. Go in
  the eye. Talk to the fisherman and take the KEY he leaves. @

  Go  back  to  Sakado.  Go  into the second house. Use the lantern when
  necessary. Go up and go in the door. Kill all of the bats and take the
  Go back outside. Go back into the last house. Go out the upper window.
  Go  into the first door to the right. Go through the other door. Go up
  and  get  the  ARPAGOS  EGG. Go back outside. Go right - into the last
  building.  Talk to the blacksmith (a.k.a. the fisherman). Go back out,
  go  left and into the crypt (small opening marked with a cross). Use a
  bomb on the skull wall.
  Go  down the stairs. Go left as far as you can. Go up and get the KEY.
  Go  back  outside  and  go  into the church (huge double-doors to your
  right).  Go  upto  the  top using ropes. Use the green shroud on Gibdo
  (the mummy). @

  ** (optional):
  Go  to  Shutoy Lake. Stay at the far left-side of the screen and throw
  your sword repeatedly (approx. 10 shots each) to kill the two Dodongos
  (rhinos)  and  take the rubies. Go into the first hut. Go back out and
  kill them again. Keep going in the hut, going back out and killing the
  Dodongos to get rubies quickly whenever you need them. **

  Go  back  to  Kobitan.  Go  into the first house and talk to the woman
  again. She'll trade you a FLUTE for the Arpagos egg. @

  Go  to Washubi Swamp. Go to the end of the swamp using ropes,bombs and
  riding  alligators  (it's a long, hard trek!). Go into the house. Talk
  to Grimbo. @

  Go to Hanyu Forest. Go right and go into the hole in the tree trunk at
  the  end.  Work  your way down to the lower-left corner as far down as
  you  canget  and  go  right. Get the HANYU SPORE that's growing on the
  rock  and jump up onto the upper path. Go right and talk to the woman.
  Go  left  and  use  a rope on the limb that has a rope hanging from it
  already. Go right. @

  Go  back  to Washubi Swamp for the last time and talk to Grimbo again.
  He'll  take  your  glove  and  the spore and convert your glove into a

  Go  to  the Fairy Pool. Go left and climb the rocks. Go right and kill
  the  three  witches  (use a rope to get up to the last witch). Talk to
  the  Fairies.  They'll give you a LIFE HEART, FAIRY DUST, and WATER OF
  LIFE. @

  Go  back  to Sakado. Go back into the last house and talk to the woman
  again.  She'll take the fairy dust and make the purple MAGIC CLOAK for

  Go  to  Gohiyan  Ship. Go to the right as far as you can. Then go down
  and  to  the  right.  Toss  a  bomb  at Zola (the critter in the water
  spitting at you). Ride the alligators over to the ship. Enter the hole
  in  the  side of the ship. Go up to the door in the mast. Go in it. Go
  up as high as you can and get the ARPAGOS FEATHER and the KEY. Go back
  down and out of the mast. Go right. Go in the big steel door. Take the

  Go  back  to  Hanyu  Forest.  Talk to the woman again. She'll take the
  feather and change your green shroud into a MAGIC CAPE. @

  Go  to Tykogi Tower. Go up and talk to Impa. Go right. When you get to
  the  tower,  use  the  power glove (or 10 bombs) on the boulder that's
  blocking  the  door. Go in the door. Talk to the chef and take the KEY
  he leaves.
  Avoid  the  Wall  Masters (hands) whenever possible. Use a rope on the
  ledge  above you and keep going up until you reach the door. Go in the
  door.  Defeat  Ironknuckle  using the power glove. Take the KEY. Go in
  the red door.
  Talk  to  Mayor  Kravindish. Jump and cut the chains. He gives you the

  Go to Dordung Cave. Go left as far as you can, climbing the trees when
  necessary.  Drop  down and go into the cave (lower-left corner). Go up
  using  ropes  and  use  a  bomb or your sword on Gleeok. Take the HEAT

  Go back to Sakado. Go into the third house (previously locked). Talk to
  the  chef.  He'll give you a LOAF OF BREAD. Exit the house and go talk
  to the blacksmith again. He'll use the heat crystal on your sword. You
  now can throw your sword even if you're low on energy. Go back out and
  go  left. Go into the house on the dock. Talk to Impa. Go back the way
  you came.

  Go  to  Shutoy Lake. Go into the second hut and take the KEY. Exit the
  hut.  Go  to the last hut and go in (stay as high as you can using the
  tree  limbs  when necessary). Talk to Impa. Go out the lower door. Now
  you  must  ride  the  alligator. Jump off it when you get to the other
  side  and go right. Quickly go up and into the door. Go up using ropes
  when  necessary.  Go  in the middle gray door. Carefully drop down the
  left  side  staying  as  far to the right as possible. Jump across the
  chasm  and go in the lower door. Go down to the other door and wait in
  front  of the (water fountain?) for the Moblin Spearthrower to appear.
  Kill  him  and take the KEY he leaves. Go in the door. Defeat Wizzrobe
  by  moving  to the right side of the screen, facing him and just stand
  there. Don't do anything! His Disintegration Spell will reflect off of
  your shield and back at him. Take the KEY. Use a rope to get up to the
  second  floor. Go in the door. Use a bomb on the skull wall and rescue
  Lady Alma. She'll give you the CANTEEN (EMPTY). @

  Go  back  to the Fairy Pool. Talk to the fairies again. @ Your canteen
  is  no  longer empty. It is now filled with water of life. You may use
  the  canteen  only  once  before you must refill it. Although, you may
  refill and use it as many times as you need to.
  Go to Dodomai Palace. Go talk to Impa. Use a bomb on the skull wall.
  Ride  the alligator. Jump off onto the rocks and go to the right. Exit
  the  tunnel.  Use bombs on the soldiers. Take the KEY and go in. Climb
  up the curtain rope.
  Go in the door. Climb the stairs. Use a rope on the ceiling to bypass
  the rest of the stairs. Go in the door. Go up and to the right as high
  as  you  can  while avoiding the spells. Get as close to Hectan as you
  can  (but  don't  cross  the  gap) and slash at him with the sword. Go
  right.  Go  in  the  window. Talk to the man. Go back to the main door
  (where you climbed the curtain rope).
  Use  the  magic  cloak and walk past the Wall Master (hand). Jump over
  the  wall. Go into the first door. Go up the stairs. Jump and slash at
  the  painting. Take the KEY. Go in the door. Talk to Duke Onkled. Take
  the gate KEY. @

  Go to Nokani Forest. Go up. Go left as far as you can. Go into the hole
  in the tree. Climb the trees. Go into the hole in the tree at the top.
  Climb  the  trees. Talk to the woman. She gives you the FAIRY LANTERN.
  Use a rope to get to the very top of the tree. @

  Go  get  about  400-500  rubies.  Go to the Shrine of Gamelon. Use the
  purple  magic  cloak to walk past the fireballs without taking damage.
  Talk to Impa. Go up to the top of the cave and go through the passage.
  Again, use the magic cloak to get past the fireballs. Go up the middle
  section  of  rocks  when you come to a 3-way intersection. When you've
  went up as high as you can, use the green magic cape to jump the chasm
  and  get  to  the path on the left side of the screen. Climb up to the
  top  and  enter  the  shrine.  Jump and hit Onfac in the head with the
  sword. Take the WAND OF GAMELON. @

  Stock up on everything (including rubies: 300-400) (except the lamp oil
  -  you  don't  need  oil  if  you  have the magic lantern or the fairy
  lantern.)  Go  to  Reesong  Palace.  Use  the  purple magic cloak when
  necessary. Go right, down the ladder, left. Go in the doorway. Talk to
  Impa.  Go  left  until  you come to a bridge. Use a rope to get on the
  bridge.  Go left and drop down to the boulder. Blast it with the power
  glove  and  go through the gate. Go over to the door and go in it. Use
  the  purple  magic  cloak and go up. Kill the second floating head and
  take the KEY. Go up to the top of the cave and go through the door. Go
  right  until you come to a pit. Drop down into it. Drop again when you
  land.  You now should be on a drain platform (looks like a window with
  bars). Drop down a third time and climb the rocks to your right.

  Climb  up  the  ladder.  Go in the door. Use a rope to get up onto the
  platform  and  go  right  (stay  on  the  platforms).  Kill the Goriya
  (boomerang  thrower) and take the KEY. Go back to the left and go back
  out  the  door  you came in. Go down the ladder and jump over onto the
  drain  platform  (or drop down and use a rope to get on the platform).
  Press button 2 to go through the passageway. Go back to the pit again.
  Go  up,  then  left to the door. This is it! Ganon! Select the wand of
  gamelon  and  go through the door. Go up the ladder as soon as you can
  and throw the wand of gamelon at Ganon. Climb up the chain and get the
  key.  Keep  going up until you get to the door. Go in it. Talk to King
  Harkinian to free him and win the game!
  *************************** The End!

  ARPAGOS EGG / Sakado / Give to the woman in the first house in Kobitan
  First  door to the right on the backstreet of Sakado ARPAGOS FEATHER /
  Gohiyan Ship / Give to the woman in Hanyu Forest / Go into the door in
  the mast and go up as high as you can BOMB / Sakado / Destroy boulders
  &  kill enemies / Go into the first house and strike it with the sword
  (if you have 20 rubies)

  CANTEEN / Shutoy Lake / Carry water of life to use later / Rescue Lady
  Alma in Shutoy Lake

  FAIRY DUST / Fairy Pool / Give to  the woman  inside the last house in
  Sakado  / Defeat the witches and the fairies will give it to you FAIRY
  LANTERN  /  Nokani  Forest  /  It  allows you to see all of the flying
  creatures  at  Reesong  Palace  /  Go  to the very top of the trees in
  Nakani Forest and talk to the woman

  FLUTE / Kobitan / Temporarily stops all flying creatures (requires 5
  rubies per use) / Give the Arpagos egg to the woman in the first house
  in  Kobitan GREEN SHROUD / Aru Ainu / Use it to defeat Gibdo / Go into
  the last house and talk to the woman HANYU SPORE / Hanyu Forest / Give
  to Grimbo / Go to the right and go into the hole in the tree trunk. Go
  left  as far as you can, then keep working your way down to the bottom
  of the screen. Go right, take the spore on the tree stump.

  HEAT  CRYSTAL / Dordung Cave / Give to the fisherman on the backstreet
  in  Sakado  /  Go left and into the cave. Go up to the top of the cave
  and defeat Gleeok.

  KEY / Various locations / Unlock doors / Strike it with the sword

  LAMP  OIL  /  Sakado  /  Use  in lantern / Go into the first house and
  strike it with the sword (if you have 5 rubies)

  LANTERN  / Kobitan / Light up dark rooms and caves (requires lamp oil)
  /  Go  into  the last house on the lower path LOAF OF BREAD / Sakado /
  Arpagos  are  attracted  to  it / Go into Tykogi Tower and talk to the
  chef  upon entering. Go into the third house in Sakado and talk to the
  chef again.

  MAGIC CAPE / Hanyu Forest / Jump farther (requires 5 rubies per use) /
  Give the Arpagos feather to the woman at the end of Hanyu Forest

  MAGIC CLOAK / Sakado / Become invisible to enemies (requires 20 rubies
  per  use) / Go into the last house with the fairy dust and talk to the

  MAGIC  LANTERN  / Tykogi Tower / Light up dark rooms and caves without
  the need for lamp oil / Rescue Mayor Kravindish

  POWER  GLOVE  / Washubi Swamp / Destroy tough boulders that require 10
  bombsto  destroy otherwise, or to kill enemies (requires 10 rubies per
  use) / Talk to Grimbo when you have the hanyu spore

  POWER  SWORD  /  Sakado  /  You  can throw your sword when all of your
  lifehearts are full / Go into the second house with the lantern. Go up
  to the top and go in the door.

  REFLECTING  SHIELD  /  Gohiyan  Ship  /  To  reflect spells (to defeat
  Wizzrobe)  /  Go in the door in the mast. Go up as high as you can and
  get the key. Go back down and out the door. Go right - over to the big
  steel doors. Go in.

  ROPE / Sakado / Climb up to places you can't reach / Go into the first
  house and strike it with the sword (if you have 10 rubies)

  RUBIES  /  Anywhere  there  are  enemies / To buy items in the general
  store in Sakado / Kill an enemy

  Value of different colored rubies: Red -   1 rubies
                                     Green - 5 rubies
                                     Blue -  10 rubies

  WATER  OF LIFE / Fairy Pool, Ahitaru / refills all of your life hearts
  (energy) / Talk to the fairies, talk to the woman who's located before
  the giant fish