Andere Lösungen

Pokémon Snap (e)

Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 22:12:13 EDT

Pokemon Snap

		**Hidden**7.Rainbow Cloud
	Field Guide(Pokemon List)
	Thanks to....
	Updates....(Not till next version)

		Pika-pika, Bulba. Saur!, Char! and Hi!  Whatever the 
language....where'd that come from?Well this is my Pokemon Snap strategy 
guide.  I hope this will help you beat or finish the game....Uh....bye?

	1. Tunnel
		Pokemon in this level:
		1. Pidgey
		2. Doduo
		3. Pikachu
		4. Butterfree
		5. Lapras
		6. Snorlax
		7. Meowth
		8. Magikarp
		9. Eevee
		10. Chansey
		11. Kangaskahn
		12. Scyther

	What to do: 
As soon as you start, three Pidgeys fly at you. Snap their pics...try to get 
all three in the pic for more points. 
After the Pidgeys fly-by, you'll see a Doduo run past quickly....snap it's 
Next up is Pikachu.  If you have the poke-flute use it to see Pika do an 
electric attack.  Lure it to the surfboard in the middle of the level for 
many points.  
Then up comes Butterfree above a patch of flowers.  
After Butterfree look to the ocean for a Lapras...make sure you take the pic 
or no more will come up in the rest of the beach.  
Hit the Snorlax who comes up next with a pester ball and it will raise it's 
head but with the flute it will stand up and dance. Snap, snap, snap.  
Then snap the Meowth and turn to the water for another Lapras.  
Hit the next Meowth with pester balls untill it falls so you will stop.  Turn 
to the grass and throw a pester ball where you see grass thrashing upwards. A 
Scyther will come out.  Snap it.  If you get the Scyther, two Pikachus will 
run to tree stumps past the Scyther.   Play the flute and take a pic when 
they do an attack for major points.  
Don't miss the Magikarp on the left of the bridge.  
Snap the Doduo and get another Scyther from the grass on the left.  
Also the Meowth and Pidgey...get them too.  
Hit the puff the Eevee is chasing to reveal a Chansey.
On the right down the road is a Kangaskahn.  Throw food or a pester ball at 
it for it to turn around.  
Next is the Pidgeys attacking Meowth. Snap that and then hit the Pidgeys with 
food or balls to get a good pic of Meowth...He dancing.  
Get the Magikarp in the lake and you can leave.

		Pokemon in this level:
		1. Pikachu
		2. Electrode
		3. Electabuzz
		4. Kakuna
		5. Zubat
		6. Zapdos
		7. Magikarp
       8. Haunter
       9. Diglett
		10. Dugtrio
		11. Magnemite
		12. Magneton

 	What to do:
Take a pic of the Pikachu.  It will toddle a short distance.  Snap again and 
it'll jump on the nearest Electrode for many points.
Next....snap the Electabuzz.
Blow up the next Electrode with a food and Kakuna will fall from the ceiling.
A Zubat will fly at you from around the bend. Snap it.
If you have the flute play it for the Pikachu. He'll jump around and shock an 
egg.  A Zapdos will hatch from it.
The purple orbs are Haunters.  They'll show up on film.
Another Magikarp is in the lake.
Snap the Diglett. It'll burrow into the ground.  Follow the Pikachu and snap 
the Diglett again.  It'll burrow again. Follow the Pika again and snap the 
Diglett one more time.  Next time a Dugtrio will come up. Snap it and another 
Dugtrio. Snap it one more time and you'll have a Dugtrio trio.
Snap the Electabuzzes
Bomb the Electrode so you can go to the secret entrance to the Volcano.  
The Magnemite will not let you snap him, so bait it with pokefood.
Lure the three Magnemites together and they'll evolve into Magneton.

(Next time)

3. Volcano

4. River

5. Cave

6. Valley

**Hidden** 7. Rainbow Cloud

Field Guide:(Next time)

Thanks to: 
Nintendo for making this game
Nintendo for making the strategy guide.(I used it for some things)
GameFAQs for posting this
and Pokemon Fans for enjoying the Poke's so Nintendo kept going.

Updates:(Next time)