Evergrace (e)

                         Version 1.0  08/09/2000
              The latest version is always sent to Gamefaqs
                   2000 SCEI                RPG
                Memory Card 80KB     SCPS 10112-4
                       Dual Shock Compatible (1 and 2)

                       UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!

                         Written by: Bodi Anderson
                        With Help From: Matthew Murphey
                             E-MAIL NOTE:
                 Everything I know about the game is in here or will be soon. Please
be patient and don't send me e-mail demanding to know something not yet in the FAQ.
However if you have a problem understanding something please e-mail me.  I also
realize that I'm not updating this too fast so feel free to e-mail me with walkthrough
questions.  Realize that I'm not being paid to answer your questions so be polite or be
ignored. Also, be sure to put "Evergrace" in your subject header.  Sorry, but I've
received too many rude e-mail in the past, and I'm tired of dealing with whiney idiots
who obviously do nothing but sit around playing video games all day since their
communication skills are dwarfed by my pet chinchilla. In other words IF YOU E=MAIL
ME BE POLITE OR BE IGNORED I do realize, however, that most people don't fit this
description. My e-mail address is located at the end of the document in the Thanks
=================================================================      DISCLAIMER:   This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only be
reproduced electronically. This FAQ can be altered as long as the disclaimer remains
unchanged. This FAQ is owned and made by Bodi Anderson. Please don't steal or
reproduce any ideas or content from this FAQ or I will track you down like the sick
creature you are! Please distribute the FAQ only in its original form to your friends and
lovers of Evergrace. No parts of the FAQ may be reproduced or used in any sort of
publication or web page without the author's express written consent. This FAQ cannot
be sold for profitable purposes, any person or organization attempting to do so will be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!  Evergrace and most of the character and
place names in this FAQ are copyrighted property of From Software and Sony.  I, Bodi
Anderson, have no professional relationship with any of the aforementioned companies,
and I am simply a fan of their great games. This FAQ is dedicated to all of those who
waste their time translating Japanese games and all the nice people who love
PoPoLoCrois (My favorite game). Enjoy!!  END OF DISCLAIMER

=================================================================TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. Introduction
2. The Story
3. Basic game controls
4. Menu Mania!
5. What's Parumila?
6. Let's Fight! (Combat)
7. Buy, Sell and Save!
8. Role Call
9. Yuterald's Walkthrough
10. Sharuami's Walkthrough
11. The Final Battle
12. Secrets ("Shadow Tower" the hidden dungeon)
13. Equipment and Parumila list
14. Item and Bad Status List
15. Thanks
=================================================================VERSION HISTORY (All postings Japan Time)
6/20/00 Started writing FAQ after I realized nobody was doing one.  If anyone wants to
        help I'll give you credit and due thanks! Plus there's a better chance I'll finish
        the FAQ!
6/23/00  Came down with a bad cold, and a temperature of 102.5 progress delayed!
6/26/00  Still a little sick but hey I've posted my first version!
7/21/00  Okay so I've been super busy but now there's a full Sharuami walkthrough
         and the beginning of a Yuterald. Hope to update again soon!
8/9/00   Came back from Hong Kong vacation and finished Yuterald's walkthrough.
          It'll be a while before I update again. IF I even do. So feel free to mail
          me with questions

=================================================================1. INTRODUCTION
     Evergrace is an action RPG for the PSX2 not dissimilar to the Zelda series for the
N64.  In the game you take control of 2 protagonists. Although their stories start out
completely different, in the end they meld together.  All in all the game took me about
12 hours to beat (an estimation after I deducted time I spent translating stuff).
    In order to play the game I suggest you have the ability to read (though not
necessarily understand) basic Japanese.  If you can recognize katakana and hiragana
you will have a much easier time.  However for the sake of those of you who
understand no Japanese I plan to make this FAQ as such that no language ability will
be required (though this may take time).
     Like all RPG's nowadays, Evergrace has it's own new system.  This is called the
"Dress-up" system.  In order to gain new spells and special techniques in Evergrace
you must equip and upgrade various weapons and armor.  You can also change the
color of your character's outfit.  Basically they should have called it the Barbie system
but it's called the Dress-up system, go figure.  Still, it's gosh darn fun.
    The game has nice crisp clear graphics and good responsive controls.  However the
music is a bit repetitive (that's okay I hate most game music anyway) and both heroes
go through many of the same dungeons. Still, I had a fun time playing the game and I
never got tired of it.
=================================================================2. THE STORY
        Under Construction
=================================================================3. THE BASIC CONTROLS
Left Analog Stick: move characters and select from menus.
D-pad:. Just the same as the above
Circle:  accept, search, talk.
X: Cancel, (press while walking to run.)
Triangle: Parumila Action.
Square: Attack.
Start: nothing
Select: Go to Status Screen
L1:  Quick Item
L2:  Select Parumila Action
R1:  Reset camera view, Look around (w/ D-pad).
R2:  Camera Zoom (Close / Normal / Far)
=================================================================4. MENU MANIA!
    There are two status menu's the first is accessed by pushing the select button
anytime during the game. This menu has an orange background and will hereafter be
referred to as the ORANGE MENU.  The other menu is accessed whenever you go up
to a blue save crystal and press the circle button, this will be called the BLUE MENU.
There is also of course the display (per se) that you see when your character is running
around or fighting.  This will be called the DISPLAY MENU, and I'll explain it first.
   This is of course not really a menu per se, but what you see when you're not in any
other menu.  On the lower left you'll see a HP gauge with a Power % above it, see the
combat section for an explanation of this.  To the left of the HP gauge you'll see a green
globe with whatever "quick item" you've selected in it (see 4.22 below for how to do this).
Below the HP gauge you'll see a number indicating how much money you have.  Finally
below the money number you may see a Chinese character in highlighted in pink, green
or some other color. If you're seeing this you are suffering from a BAD STATUS effect!
Use an item to cure this (see below 4.22).
    On the lower right hand side of the screen you'll see numbers for all the Parumila
points your equipment has left (see section 5 for Parumila explanation).  Always watch
these numbers to make sure they don't go to low, or else your equipment will become
useless!  If an item's Parumila number becomes zero it will break and you'll have to
pay a buttload of cash to fix it! (See shops section for more) The numbers go as follows
                     1. Weapon
                     2. Helmet
                     3. Armor
                     4. Leggings
                     5. Accessory
    And yes there's a map in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  It has the following commands listed on the left.
   1. Equip items (see section 4.21)
   2. Use Items (4.22)
   3. Assign Parumila Action (4.23) .
   4. Options (4.24)
   5. Load (4.25)
   6. Tutorial (4.26)
     On the lower left of the screen you'll see all your Parumila stats for your
equipment, just like the display menu. On the upper right you'll see icons for equipping

     NOTE: You can press the Triangle button at anytime for a help menu (in Japanese
of course), and the Square button to see you character's normal attack pose.  L1 and R1
will rotate your character.
4.21 Equipment Menu
     As soon as you highlight the menu you'll see icons representing the different types
of things you can equip (weapons / helmets / armor / leggings / accessories).  Simply
scroll through these menus and highlight what you want to equip. When you select an
item (say for instance a weapon), a statistics screen will appear on the left-hand side of
the screen. Anything highlighted in blue represents an increase in a given stat.
Anything in red means a decrease.  Your stats are listed in the top box, below that (in
the bottom box) you'll see numbers representing your resistance / power with various
elements and weapons.  Translations of these are given below.
     Once you equip a given item you'll see the immediate change in your characters
appearance on the screen. Since what you equip effects your HP don't be surprised to
see that your HP bar went down when equipping new items.  For instance if one
helmet gives me +100 HP for a total of 400HP and I then equip another helmet with
+150HP my new HP will be 400/450 so my bar will have gone down a bit.

STATS SCREEN (appears on the left when you access orange menu)
Attack Strength (weapon damage)
Life (affects HP level)
Wisdom (affects magic damage)
Defensive Strength (physical attacks)
Luck (affects damage  a little and rate of Parumila decrease )

  All numbers on the left correspond to attack strength, on right are defense numbers.
           Slashing Weapons
           Blunt Weapons
           Impaling Weapons
    Pay attention to these numbers closely when determining how good a particular
piece of armor or weapon is. These numbers are often more important than the ones
above them especially when you figure weapon damage.
    This is super easy just scroll and select. If you can't use an item, or don't need it
(say using a life potion when your HP are full) you'll hear a buzzer indicating so.  The
Triangle button will give you explanations of items.  Press the Square button to put an
item in your quick item slot (you can use it during onscreen combat with the L1 button).
You can hold up to a maximum of 9 of any given item.  See the item's section for a
description of common items!
    This works just the same as pressing the L1 button anytime during combat. Simply
scroll through the list of actions and assign one by pressing the Circle button.  If you
don't have any equipment that give you parumila abilities then you won't be able to
select anything.  The top choice says (nashi) in Japanese which means "none" or
"nothing".  Thus choosing this will leave you without any actions.  Memorize these
two symbols.  When you check your weapons status and it lists the actions given
anytime it says nashi there is no action for that particular level of weapon.  Look at
your helmets since only two helmets in the game give you actions.  Here's a good
chance to memorize the Japanese symbols for this word.
    Once you have an action equipped go back to the combat / field screen. Here press
the Triangle button to check and see what you action does. Note: ALL PARUMILA
ACTIONS will drain your power gauge to 0%. So watch out and make sure you know
what's what before you run into combat.
   You'll often see a list of many actions to choose from and if you don't know Japanese
it'll be confusing to figure out which is which.  If you really want to get a good
command of your actions I suggest you equip items one by one (i.e. sword only! No
armor) and scribble down the effects of a given piece of equipment's actions.  Do this by
the save crystal so you can re-load your game after seeing what's what.  Sorry, but
there is no easy way around this if you don't know Japanese.
   Once you know what's what and you re-equip everything you'll often see a list of 6-8
actions to choose from.  These actions will appear in the same order as the parumila
levels on your equipment does on the combat screen. Once againc
                     1. Weapon
                     2. Helmet
                     3. Armor
                     4. Leggings
     So if you have a sword with two abilities (say "Ice Blast" and "Tri-Slash") armor
with one (Say "Bind Soil") and boots with one (say, "Hover") your list will look like thisc
   Ice blast
   Bind Soil

NOTE: Accessories never have parumila actions and helmets rarely do.
   You'll see the following.
1.Sound (two meters for BGM, below is SE (sound effects). Also choose stereo / mono )
2.Analog control response rate (best not mess with this)
3. Vibration (On or Off save the dirty jokes for later!)
4.Window Color (The ol' R-G-B setup)
5. Key Config. (re-arrange the buttons to yer pleasin')
              (More on key-config later, sorry.)
4.25 LOAD
  Allows you to load previous saves. (duh).
   If you can't read Japanese this isn't useful.  If you can why are you reading this
wasting precious moments of your life?

   1. Status Menu (switches you to ORANGE MENU COMMANDS)
   2. Shop (Go to the shop)
   3. Change Characters (exactly what it says)
   4. Monster Stats (sorry but no pictures)
   5. Save
   6. Quit Game
=================================================================5. WHAT'S PARUMILA?
     Many games have magic or skill or what not; Evergrace has parumila.  Parumila
works just like the aforementioned abilities.  It allows you to do things like shoot out
fire, hover over traps, or perform a cool looking Zorro-esque slash with your sword.
    You gain parumila through equipping and upgrading weapons and through
equipment.  A given piece of equipment will have anywhere from 0-3 parumila actions
it can perform.  Most start with one action, subsequent actions are gained by
upgrading them to higher levels. When you go to the shop and upgrade an item (see
shops section below) be sure and check if it gains any new parumila actions.
     In order to assign a parumila action to your character press the L1 button (or
access the Orange Menu). See above section 4.23 (above) for a good description on how
this works.
     In any case you might have noticed those number on the lower right hand of your
combat screen (see 4.1 above).  These are the parumila levels of your equipment. As
you hit enemies with your weapons, get hit (concerning armor) or use parumila actions
the parumila levels of you equipment will go down.  If a given piece of equipment's
parumila level becomes 0 it becomes useless.  In case you were spacing out you can tell
an item has gone bad by a sudden flash around your character on the screen.  Also the
broken piece of equipment turns a dull gray in color. Note: A broken item looses all it's
abilities and offensive / defensive bonuses. If your item breaks equip something else!
    In order to fix an ailing item or broken (parumila level 0) item you have two options.
First you can go to the shop here go to the area for whatever you want fixed (If I have a
sword I'll go to the weapons area).  Next choose the "Repair" option, pay your money
and your item's level will be back to normal.  The cost for fixing ailing items is usually
pretty cheap. However, if an item breaks you have to pay a very high price to fix it (half
of it's new cost I think).  ALWAYS BE AWARE OF YOUR PARUMILA LEVELS!!
    You can also buy an item (see items section) that looks like a blue diamond with a
glowing globe in the center (price 200).  You can use this anytime to repair ailing items.
It will not however, work on broken items.
     Parumila actions are the keys to solving most of the game's secrets. There are 3
types of actions Elemental Attacks (elec / earth / fire / ice ),  Special Attacks (i.e. the
"Guard Break" maneuver), and Movement Actions ( Like "Hovering").
    Many of the puzzles in the game are solved by using parumila actions.  For
instance if you see a room blocked by a giant ice mountain melt it with a burst of fire.
If you see a big boulder or fallen column in your way use the "Crush" action to block it.
Also if there's some lava in your way why not "hover" over it?
   Again this is the main part of the game in which knowledge of Japanese really helps.
See the Equipment section below (Sorry, it's long from finished) for an explanation off
all the parumila actions of a given weapon or piece of equipment.
=================================================================6. LET'S FIGHT! (COMBAT)
     Combat in Evergrace is for the most part pretty intuitive to anyone who's ever
played an action adventure game.  If this isn't you then I suggest you start off playing a
game in your native language first!  Still, I highly suggest you read below before you
start hacking away.
     Basically you run around and hit things, sometimes they hit you back and
sometimes you die.  Do take note of you HP gauge at the bottom left of the screen
(yellow bar) and the percentage number above it.  As you run or attack this number
will decrease (red portion of the bar), and as you rest (walking okay) it will grow bigger.
     The percentage affects the amount of damage you'll do. Thus if my sword attack
does 100 points of damage and I strike while my percentage bar reads 83%, I'll do 83
points of damage.  If I strike when it reads 0% I'll do no damage.  Notice that as your
HP decrease your gauge recovers faster. This is supposed to replicate the adrenaline
boost you get when you're attacked.  Ever notice how things tend to fight back a little
harder when they think they're gonna die?
     Other things to take notice of include the fact that there are two types of normal
attacks.  If you press the joystick/D-pad towards your opponent and press Square you'll
do a strong attack.  Strong attacks exhaust you more, but they do more damage and
have different patterns (i.e. a thrust instead of a swing).
    Whenever you use a Parumila action you'll fully exhaust yourself so watch out!
One method I use to recover and still avoid the enemy at the same time is to quickly (not
too fast, though) tap the X button while moving.  This will start you into a run but
won't drain you.  It ends up looking like your character is doing a shuffle.
   I think it goes without mentioning that you should pick up all gems and treasures
that enemies drop when they are hit.  To pick up items press the Circle, for gems
simple run over them.
   Jumping from a high place won't damage you.  If you can't see the bottom (or it's
very deep) take care since the fall will kill you!
=================================================================6. BUY, SELL & SAVE
     Whenever you see a giant, blue mist-encircled crystal in Evergrace that means you
can shop, save, or even switch heroes (see BLUE MENU 4.3 above). Once you enter the
shop you'll have a number of options to choose from.  These should be obvious as to
what's what.
    At first you'll have the following options
    1. Buy
    2. Sell
    3. Repair (See Parumila section!)
    4. Upgrade
  *You can not buy a weapon you already own.
  *You can not sell a weapon you are currently equipping
  *Before you "Upgrade" you'll be given a preview of the stat changes
  *When you upgrade a weapon (if it isn't broken) is automatically repaired
                 don't waste money repairing, then upgrading a weapon.
 Simply select a monster (you'll see the picture) and pay the price to enter it into the
notes.  You can then check the monster's stats in the start-up screen menu or the Blue
   You only have three choices here. Basically they work just like "weapons"
    1. Buy
    2. Sell
    3. Repair
   Remember a maximum of 9 of any given item. You also have to buy them one at a
time! (ugh!)
   2. Sell
    1. Buy
    2. Sell
    3. Repair (See Parumila section!)
    4. Upgrade
    5. Change Color
  When changing color use the D-pad / stick to scroll through the different hues.  Color
makes no difference as far a the items stats go.  The only reason to change the color of
your gear is to either progress the plot in the game at given points or simply to look cool
(equally important).
    1. Buy
    2. Sell
    3. Repair (See Parumila section!)
    4. Upgrade
    5. Change Color
    1. Buy
    2. Sell
    3. Repair (See Parumila section!)
    4. Upgrade
    5. Change Color
  This won't result in much unless you have the mushroom item. If you have a
mushroom he'll ask if he can have one choose yes (top) or no.  If you give him one he'll
give you a one time 50% discount off of your next purchase or upgrade.  If you want to
use another mushroom for a discount you have to exit the shop and re-enter.

=================================================================7. ROLE CALL

=================================================================8. YUTERALD'S  WALKTHROUGH ( The first half of this section was written by
Matthew Murphy)

And of course  N= north, S= south, W= west, and E= east.

   Check the message boards at gamefaqs for good hints!


Section 1 : Hill of SARAMADO
First when you gain control go and get the sword sticking out of the mound then
go and talk to the old person two times (he is by a gate somewhere, you find him!) (TO
the right of the broken statue to be exact) talk to him twice then backtrack to follow a
dog to fight a very weird monster (See Sharumi's walkthrough if you can't find the dog-
Bodi). It looks like a ghost with a turtles shell on his back and obtain icecuilt amour
from the dog. then go back to the old man and kill Chabaran
(big ugly guy, you will know him when you see him!!) who is trying to kill the old fart at
the gate! then pass through the gate and into the cave!(Continuos side attack works
well with Chabaran!!!)

First go and save before you check the chests (one of the chests has a nasty surprise!) go
and kill the bird robot thingy trying to peck the blue crystal apart! if you donut stop him
in time you have to reset and start again! use the crystal to lower a draw bridge then go
and collect the items you should of missed before,(the crystal wall blocking your to a
chest can be smashed by fire magic) go over the bridge and onwards until you get a
stone dude(Odanight)sitting on a seat ,kill the guy! magic works well and attacking him
from behind dose the trick as well to! after you kill him go and get the red boots from the
chest from behind the seat and put them on ,you will need them to continue. Continue
on the path until you reach a elevator.
   IMPORTANT (from Bodi): I highly suggest you get the "Kill Royal", the bird mask
helmet you get by destroying the ice blocking the chest mentioned above.  This will
help you in the near future. You can destroy the ice by using fire.  You can get fire by
equipping the fire armor and using the first or second paruami action it has.


***Be careful around the cliffs
There are many places where you might fall down
and some that may be a short cut***

Make your way to the bridge in front of the castle and you will see Bigbird (no not the
big yellow guy  I think his name is Dragos) take off with a red or blue ball, now the fun
begins! you get to go play fetch! there is a time limit with this so you have to hurry! you
have 60 seconds to get back the stolen crystal balls or Bigbird will steal another one !
you will find the balls in no real order in one of the nest on one of the trees.
After you have the ball and made it back under 60 seconds replace the ball and go on
into the castle.

***If you could not get it and put it back within 1 minute
BigBird will take another ball as well. In this case, you have to set the one you already
back or the second one will not appear in any of the nests***

Section 4 : CASTLE OF RYUVENT 1F/2F (This part was written by Bodi)
    Go straight and take the second left (West, by the save crystal) and go through the
door.  Open the chest and get the treasure (It's the "Royal armor").  Also go in the door
north of the save crystal to get the globe weapon. Now backtrack south and take the
first West turn you passed by earlier. Enter a room and take the Gondola (Remember to
equip your Gondola boots in order to get the gondola's to work)
     Now you'll be on the second floor (by the way you can hit the north-most table in
the next room to make the dark crystal monsters appear. See Dark Tower section below).
Now Just run eastward to another elevator which you'll take back down to the first floor.
Now you'll be in a locked room get the chest and the pot helm.  In the chest is a part of
the goddess statue.  In any case now go the big pile of wood blocking your way (a little
north of the save crystal).  If you haven't already done so, go to the shop and buy the
club.  Now equip the club's paruami action to crash through the pile of wood.  Head
directly north and place the item you just got on the fountain of the goddess statue.
    You might want to wander around the first floor now. You can also find a Pumpkin
helmet here (East of the save point a north door), 2 mushrooms (find 'em yourself), and
a  big hammer ( Northeast of the door before the goddess statue use your flying boots to
hover over the poison).
     Now head up the stairs (south by the entrance).  Equip the Royal Armor and save
your game (to the west of the stairs).  Now wearing the Royal Armor you should be able
to open the gate leading north.  Here you'll fight a weird boss stand on the platform
and shoot ranged attacks at it and it's an easy fight.  When you're done with the boss
go to the door on the left-hand side (It should be locked) backtrack south along the west
wall and you'll notice something sticking out of the wall.  Examine it and it will ask
you if you want to put the Kill Royal on the stump(helmet obtained in section 2. You
DID get it, right?).  This will open up a secret passage with an elevator.  A total of 5
items can be gotten here! But watch out! One of the chests is a trap! Which one? I'll
leave it up to you to find out.  Be sure to get the Alter Face helm (hockey mask) here.
     Now head to the upper right-hand door of the boss fight room and take the
elevator to the next level.  Oh yeah you might have to throw a switch on the throne
first to get the door to open, sorry but I forget.


B= Begining. S= Save point. C= Cest.
R= Red alter. B= Blue alter. P= Purple alter.
RR= round room. E= Exit
_____ ___| |__
| R | (Gray door) | S |
|_ _| V |___ __ ________ (Blue door A)
| | ___ | | | V V
| | |_C_| | | | ___ _ _ ____
| |____| | | | (Red- | |__| | |C|__| E |
| ______| | | -door) | B |__ | | __| |
| | | | |___| | | | | |____|
| | | | | | | |
(Green door)| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| __| |__ __| |__ __| |__ | |
__V _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | |
| |_| |____________________| |________| |_______| |
|C |_ ____________________ ________ _______ |
|__| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | |
|__ __| |__ __| |__ __| | |
| |(Purple door) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | V__ | | | | | |
| |_| | | | | | | |
| _|C | * * (Drown door)| | | |
| | |__| * * ______V | | | |
| | * * | |_| | | |
____| |___ * RR * | P |_ | _|_|_(Blue door B)
| | * * |______| |_| | C |
| L | * * |_____|
|__________| * *
* *

First go to the Red alter and attack it with ice magic, then go to the
blue alter (the room with the red door) and attack it with fire magic
then before you continue, go to the round room and keep turning the mirrors
(that were not there before) around until the green door opens and go get the funny
hammer in the chest, if you don't do it now when there are two mirrors it will nit open
latter when there are three mirrors, now go to the Purple alter and attack it with
Go back to the Round room and keep hitting the mirrors until you upon and
check every room. When your ready to leave bash the mirrors one last time to open the
blue A door and make your way to the exit!

**Warning! Every time you hit a mirror a lady thingy will
appear and try to kill you and you cant move the mirror again until you kill them!(good
way to get money).

Section 6: SECRET AREA OF THE ROYAL:  (All sections from here on are written by
Bodi. As if you cared..)
    Follow the path straight and go to the temple and talk to the priestess.  Now exit
south.  If you've played Sharuami already this must look awfully familiar.  Follow the
path as far north-west as you can till you come to a statue.  Now go back to the temple.
Along the way you might run into a big birdman statue blocking your path.  To take
care of the unequip your weapon and examine it.  Now talk tot he priestess she tells
you to head south-east to the Hill of Salamando.  ]
    Once you enter the hill you'll notice something familiar blocking your way. Crash
through it using your club like you did the wood in section 4.  Now go to the lake in the
east most part of the map.  Here you'll have an event and the old man will give you the
Royal Hood (Helmet).  Equip this helmet and the Royal Armor and go all the way back
to the statue in the north-west part of the other map. Here you'll fight a boss and get the
Royal Medal.  With this in hand head back to the priestess and talk to her.  You should
now be teleported to the next level.

Section 7 ICE CAVE:
     Head south east and get a Paruami crystal if you want now follow the north west
stairs up to the second level.  Walk along this ice bridge till the stalactites of ice fill the
gaps (Use fire magic to help them fall, though it may not be necessary).  You might fall
off a few times so be patient.  Eventually you'll come to a statue with a sword equip the
same sword and stand on the pedestal opposite from him to open the door. Head through
the door and be sure to head to the south first chance you get. You'll find a chest with an
Ice Lance here. Now head to the gondola and take it up to the next level.

Section 8 COLOSSEUM:
   This is a super easy stage that requires no guidance. There are no treasures here
and only one boss fight so make sure you save the first chance you get.

    This is basically just like Sharuami's section 7 except there's a boss fight (hint: use
ice attacks).  In order to get the first orb talk to the wounded guy in the north-east
most section of the map for the other orb get the same way Sharuami did (flying over
the lava). See Sharuami's section7 for more details. Sorry but I don't want to waste my
time re-writing stuff.

     Save and hit the poles to the left and right of the statue to get Dark Crystal giving
monsters.  Now go to the shop and change all your armor red.  Examine the statue
and teleport to the next room.
     You'll be on a platform now all you have to do is ride the GONDOLA (remember
the Boots!) to the other side.  Head north and fight the acid slime boss.  This will
change the color of the statue to blue. Teleport back to the first room by examining the
statue.  Now change your equipment to blue and teleport again.

    Again this section is a lot like Sharuami's section 8.  Simply go up and down the
stairs till you come to three colored lamps and a fourth glowing white lamp.  First turn
off all the lights.  Now turn on only the green light and head back to the statue and
notice that it's finally lost it's color now teleport to the next level.  (NOTE: you might
have to turn on the white light then the green light I forget I think you'll hear a sound
or something to let you know if you've beat the puzzle, but I'm not sure)
    But wait! If you take the elevator down to the lowest level and search the passage
behind the elevator you'll find 5 mushrooms!

  Again this is basically just like Sharuami's section 9 except that the bosses are
different.  See her section for tips!

   Get ready for a tough boss fight (the hardest outside of the Shadow tower if you ask
me).  Save before entering the lab!  Now I recommend equipping the following items
all at their highest level!
     WEAPON:  Blue Lance or Tail Blade (curved short sword)
     HELMET: Alter Face (Hockey mask) you got it in section 4.
     ARMOR: Golden Gatar (Leafs on the arms)
     BOOTS: Paldeo Boots (Boots with a separate hip section)
     ACCESSORY: Star Pendant (Gold medal with a rectangle on it)

   The boss is a bit tough so try and get close to him and let off a special attack.  Next
recharge while hiding behind columns.
   When the fight is over you'll have to either switch to Sharuami (if you haven't played
her yet) or continue on as Yuterald.  The choice is yours!
                     END OF WALKTROUGH
=================================================================9. SHIRAMI'S WALKTHROUGH
     Since the game is easy to figure out (if you understand what's going on)  I'm only
gonna post a brief walkthrough highlighting problem points in the game FOR NOW!
Later I will give an in depth walkthrough. Please be patient.
And of course  N= north, S= south, W= west, and E= east.

*Section 1, STARTING MAP:  Collect the bow off the bed (you can also heal there),
collect the Pot off the ground in front of the house. Head S/E past the flower and save
your game. Un-equip any weapons to move the statue.  Go N and talk to the priestess
she'll tell you to go S/E into the cave to Salamando Hill.

* Section 2, SALAMANDO HILL: Talk to the guy in front of the grave twice . You can
heal at the well. Go E to a lake and collect a helmet and a leaf from the water. Watch out
for deep water!  Go back to the guy and give him the flower, He'll give you a pendant.
The following is optional.
     Go N from the fountain past the temple and up the walkway. Jump off the
walkway search around the ground to find a pumpkin helmet.  Now, if you want, walk
back and talk to the grave guy again and jump off the walkway again and start
returning. When you see dog chase after it (back up over the walkway again)!  The dog
will lead you to the ghost of the old man's friend.  Fight it and get a Parumila crystal
which you can sell for 1000.

*Section 3 STARTING MAP:  Go way N/W till your path is blocked by a wall with three
busts. Put the pendant on the bust to open the wall. Talk to the priestess and examine
the Statue to warp to the next map.

* Section 4 JINPI LAB 2F: Kill the squids get the claw from the chest. Go up the S/W
stairs and enter as many rooms as you can on the way. Save at the save point.  Follow
the trail of blood and talk to the guy. Also collect the 2F master key in a room with beds.
Now go to the room S of the Save point. Fight the boss and talk to Baguragera (The old
guy).  Now pull the lever and press the switch that looks like the Evergrace switch.
Run as fast as you can to the stairs on the S/E of the map and follow them north to a
gate previously un-openable.
     Now you'll be in a room with three giant test beakers. Stand on the middle and
choose the following choices.  (I think these are right, if not tell me please.)  Try 1:
Blue (1st choice). Try 2: Red (2nd choice). Try 3: Black (top choice).  In the end you should
end up with a little string.  Go to the platform in the middle of the dungeon and
teleport.  If the above answers are wrong keep trying again (re-enter the room)! Never
choose the last choice as it is "do nothing".

*Section 5 JINPI LAB 1F:  All the puzzles here are simple.  There are four element
rooms each one needs two elements to solve it. When entering the room use the same
element as the room to remove the seal.  When inside the room use the opposite
element to solve the room.  For instance in the ice room equip a weapon with an ice
Parumila action and zap the seal and then press circle to get in.  Now change to an
item that has a fire Parumila action to melt the ice.  A small piece of ice should appear
next to a teleport platform. Go to the platform when all 4 elements are there to warp.
Now you'll talk to Medina (the woman) and she'll tell you o go to the westmost portion of
the last map you were on.
    Warp back and do as she says you'll find the warp in the underground pathway to
the west teleport to the next room, then once again to the next level.

* Section 6 JINPI LAB B1F:   Here jump off the big platform to the east where you see
a door below.  From here go straight to the save crystal.  Now go to the shop and turn
all your armor blue and equip a bow. Now head back out to the rotating platform and
get off on the next exit (south). You'll be in a room with a blue statue with a bow.  If you
have all blue armor and a bow equipped you'll get a wing key.
     Now equip a weapon with a flame power.  Get on the platform and get off at the
next stop (north.).  Press circle to get through the door.  Now get off at the next north
exit and go to the next room.
     Here use your boots or fairy armor to hover over the poison till you enter a room
with a mirror.  Look at the mirror and fight the 5 clones that come out of it.  Proceed
to the next room and open the chest and get the other key.
     Now back track to the platform and get off at the next (west) stop.  Here use you
keys to open the door.  Now fight a boss and head to the next level.

* Section 7 THE FORGOTTEN ROAD:  Yow, it's hot here!  Run along the path till you
reach a bridge (it's grey).  Go into a little cave to the south of crossing the bridge.
There will be a monster here kill it and get the blue orb that it drops.  Now find the
save point north east of where you just where.  Equip the club and use crush to break
through the rocks and get a better bow.  Save and head back across the bridge to the
northwest. You'll jump off a small ledge.  Walk along the ledge till you see a giant gray
tree growing out of the lava.  Look around and you'll see you can jump down to your left
or right.  Jump off right and head south west to what looks like a dead end.  Here look
at the map icon and you'll see that you can hover the small patch of lava to a chest that
has another orb.  Run along the path back to the bridge and follow the same pattern
again except this time when you come to the tree head straight down the path.
     You'll come to a  giant pool of lava.  Place the orbs on the little shrines, this will
create a bridge across the lava.  Follow it till you come to a boss.

* Section 8 LOWER SKY TOWER:
     Walk to the stump of a statue.  By now the puzzles should be easy to understand.
Simply unequip all items except for you leggings and stand in front of the statue and
examine it.  Remember here's a good place to stock up on dark crystals.
     In the next room walk around on the platform till the birds appear.  Kill them to
make the platform lower.  Now head into the passage take the east turn and you'll find
a chest with a mushroom.  You'll also see a statue with red boots and a bow.  Equip
these items and stand on the platform across from the statue this will open door.  Now
head north to the boss area.  Kill the red giant and get the key.
     Head south west to the opened door in this room there's two chests.  The one with
poison around it has a healing potion. The other chest (which you need the key to open)
has a torso in it.  Get it and go back to the statue.
    This time as you probably guessed you need to equip only leggings and armor to
teleport.  In the next large area you'll find a save crystal.  Head up two flights of stairs
till you run into one of those monsters with the big clubs.  Kill this monster and wait
around in that area till more of his kind appear you'll notice that they give you tons of
yellow Biriyana fruit which boosts your stats by 10!  (Note: The highest you can boost a
stat to is 200) When you get sick of killing these guys go to the top of the stairs.  When
they stop coming (I think they stop at about 9) you can reset their appearance by
trekking down and going into the shop then coming back up again.   You'll notice
there's an elevator behind the monsters.  Go down the elevator once and get off.  You'll
be in a room with three lamps.  Turn them all off then touch them in the following
order; RED-BLUE-GREEN.  This will open another door below you.  Hop back on the
second elevator (behind the one you came on) and head down and fight the dorky boss.
Get the item and head back to the statue.

* Section 9 UPPER SKY TOWER:
     Finally you warp (all items equipped) to the last dungeon.  To open the doors kill
all the monsters.  If they stop appearing just stand in one place for a while and they'll
come.   You then come to a hall with an elevator.  Ignore it for now and contiune till
you come to another room (ice filled) with the same door trick as before.  After you open
the door you might want to go all the way back and save cause there's a boss here.
BEWARE don't step into the ice below the boss it will kill you! The boss is weak against
pole weapons and fire.  Use the long pole to poleverize him (heh heh).  Another easy
way to kill him is to use the most powerful special attack on the magic bow  (The one
you got in the fire cave). I killed him in 2 shots with this.
     Continue past him to a warp room.  Now DON'T go into the warp instead
backtrack to the elevator room and go up the elevator and into the room.  You'll talk to
Medina here and you'll also find a lot of mushrooms good for upgrading your weapons!
Medina asks you to kill Baguragera (The old man) but spare Biruhorugo (The winged
child) since he is really just being used by the old man.  Now go to the warp and get out
of there.

* Section 10 BAGURAGERA'S LAB:
     Go and save! If you go through the doors and haven't yet completed Yuterald's
scenario You'll be forced to switch to him! At the shop upgrade all your items to top level
and buy all the potions you'll need.
                    END OF SHIRAMI'S WALKTHROUGH
=================================================================10. THE FINAL BATTLE
     You should be able to figure out this one for yourself!
  There are 2 final bosses it doesn't matter which you choose for what character!
  Be sure to save and re-equip before fighting the bosses!
If you're going crazy and can't beat a boss e-mail me and I'll give you a little advice!
   After you beat the game you can try and start over with all your previous stats and
=================================================================11. SECRETS (SHADOW TOWER)
   Shadow Tower is a hidden dungeon that can be accessed at any save point during the
game if you have the right item, the DARK CRYSTRAL (see items section and long live
the Skexies!!). In case you're too lazy to look in the items section it's the item that looks
just like the save crystal.  For each one of these you posses (you get them randomly
from killing monsters, also see below) you can make one trip to the Shadow Tower. In
order to do this you must go to a save crystal and select the items screen. (First choose
the top option which will bring you to the Orange menu and then choose the second
option to use an item).  Simply try and use the crystal and you'll be asked if you want
to go to the Shadow Tower.
    There are no save points or shops in the Shadow Tower! Also all of the monsters are
pretty tough! Luckily there are also no puzzles that require Japanese to figure out. The
Shadow Tower is a long and perilous journey with confusing maps that would be
impossible to describe in text so I'll leave the exploring to you! DO NOT SEND ME E-
MAIL asking for help exploring the tower!  There are no puzzles just a big confusing
maze. If on the other hand you'd like to make an ascii map and post it on gamefaqs
you'd be very cool!

Here's what you need to know for the Shadow Tower!

GREEN CRYSTALS: Use these to return to the real world. If you do however you'll have
to start at the beginning of the Shadow Tower (all bosses revived) next time you enter!

BLUE BEAMS: These will teleport you between two points when you walk into them.

BROKEN BRIDGES: Sometimes you'll kill a monster and then the screen will cut to a
bridge link being laid.  Continue to kill this type of monster (8 to be exact) in order to
fill in the bridge. Unfortunately you really don't know where the bridge is but don't
worry you'll find it!

BIZARRE DOORS: If you enter a door that seems to lead to nowhere get ready for a
boss fight!

COOL ITEMS: Kill as many monsters as you can!  Almost all of them will drop some
sort of equipment otherwise unattainable.  Once you get an item from a certain type of
monster they won't give you anything else.  Of course the items received are different
for the two characters.

GETTING DARK CRYSTALS: If you need Dark Crystals try repeatedly hitting the two
giant columns in the corner at the base of the Sky Tower next to (The room with the
statue that you need to change equipment for. You know, right after the lava level).
The little flying creatures that come out of here will drop lots of Dark Crystals.  These
guys are hard to kill since they fly behind you, but there are a few tactics you can use. I
like to get a long swinging weapon (pole or ice spear) and get into a corner next to a
column. Just keep swinging and when the little monsters come out you'll kill them!
Try this on both poles since the direction of your swing (right or left) and the direction
the monster exits the columns must be the same in order for this to work.  If you have
another good method e-mail me and I'll post it!  Actually on virtually every map there's
a spot or two that if you hit it long enough the little monsters will come out.  Read the
following for another way to get crystals.
     Here's a little secret. you know in the walkthrough you were talking about how
you can get the dark crystal. for Yuterald and Sharumi, they can both use
magic.....that's the easiest way because I found out that if you're trying to use some kind
of weapon to kill the little thing, no matter if you're standing in the corner or not, it's
always very touch to kill the little thing because basically, as soon as you get a chance to
turn back, you'll get attack...another way, as I mentioned before, is to use magic.....but
there are two different kinds of magic, one  direction, the other one is surrounding
magic. for example. ice magic has a kind which you have the ice ball shoot out to the
direction where you would like to attack, but the other kind is you are surrounded by ice
and then the ice spread out around you. it kills the little puffy things rather instantly.
(after numerous of tries, fire is the best element to kill the little puffy things and get
treasure outta it. (Submitted by Amy Wang)

MY ADVICE: Don't get too greedy! The final boss is a tough cookie and it's easy to get
knocked off and die!  Once you get a few new items and a lot of cash (or Parumila
Crystals which sell for 1000 each) go back save, and upgrade.  Good luck and try not to
get to frustrated!
     Also if you're getting low on potions take time to kill as many weak monsters as
you can in order to get more potions and healing items. It goes without saying that you
should be fully stocked with healing items before entering!
   Okay here's a list of the best equipment to have before meeting the final boss. All
items should be upgraded to HIGH level. Especially the weapon!  Basically make sure
you have your electrical defense up high. He has 25,000 HP so watch out!
NOTE: These items are for the final boss only! It's probably not best to equip them
before hand as these items are aimed at boosting your electrical defense!

Weapon : Pico-pico Hammer (toy hammer)
Helmet:  Akuzumu Gear (simple headband with a metal plate)
Armor: Volt Suit (long puffy sleeves, a vest and gloves )
Boots: Virus Boots (knee-high riding boots)
Accessory: Lightning Pendant (It's the only blue one)

Weapon : Pico-pico Hammer (toy hammer)
Helmet: Rutikatira (The hair pins)
Armor: Volt Suit (long puffy sleeves, a vest and gloves )
Boots: Virus Boots (knee-high riding boots)
Accessory: Lightning Pendant (It's the only blue one)

=================================================================12. EQUIPMENT AND PARUMILA LIST:
   This section I will get to last because it's going to be very long.  Tips on all the
equipment and Parumila you need are in the walkthrough! SO please don't e-mail me
asking about this! Patience please, and remember I'm not getting any kind of pay for
writing this FAQ!!
    Still I know that maybe your stuck now so I'll list how to obtain the basic parumila
actions needed to progress in the game. Be sure to note the upgrade level of the weapon!
Also "Y only" means only Yuterald. "S only"  means only Sharuami . Also I'm not using
the real names of the weapons, but my best descriptions of them.

Electric Attack:
  1. Bow LOW  S only
  2. Volt Suit (long puffy sleeves + vest) LOW

Earth Attack:
  1. Club MID  S only
  2. Saw Blade sword LOW
  3. Question mark shaped axe HIGH  Y only
  4. Pick-ax MID
  5. Globe HIGH  Y only
  6. Long Rod LOW  S only
  7. Earth Armor (It's got a cape) LOW

Fire Attack:
  1. Claws HIGH  S only
  2. Compound Bow LOW  S only
  3. Fire Armor (flaming)  LOW

Ice Attack:
  1. Short sword (bronze looking) LOW
  2. Lance LOW  Y only
  3. Glaive  HIGH  S only
  4.  Ice Armor (it's Blue)  MID

  1. Dragon Boots (they've got wings!) LOW
  2. Fairy Armor (wings) LOW  S only

Crash (to smash obstacles in your path):
  1. Club LOW
  2. Warhammer LOW  Y only
  3. King's Armor (gray) HIGH  Y Only

Boost Dash
1. Hermes boots (long leg-wrapping ribbons) LOW

   Remember these are overall best. Of course you should equip "fire" themed weapons
for an ice enemy and so on.. Use your head

*Best Weapon: Pico-pico (toy) Hammer HIGH level.
             Look how much your Blunt weapon strength is!

*Runner-up: Super Sword (you get it after beating the Shadow tower
                     really it's the best weapon but it's hard to get)

*Best Yuterald Weapon:  Lance or Double Axe
*Best Yuterald Armor: Monster face armor (it's red) or
                     Gold leaf armor (both are very good)
*Best Yuterald Helmet: Red with feather's (looks batman-ish )
                       (NOTE: not the one with the big nose)
*Best Yuterald Leggings: Tall boots with hip add-on's

*Best Sharuami Weapon:  Long Rod (keeps distance between your
                                    And your opponents)
*Best Sharuami Armor: White armor with cross on it
*Best Sharuami Helmet: White Cross Helmet
*Best Sharuami Leggings: Knee high riding boots

NOTE: All Sharuami's truly best armor is found in the Shadow tower. It all look like
Japanese anime robot armor.

=================================================================13. ITEM AND BAD STATUS LIST:
Items are in the order they'll appear on your menu

STATUS       ITEM        LOOKS LIKE     EFFECTS (price/ sell price)
Low HP      Life Extract     Green Bottle    Fully restore HP (30/20)
Poison       Medicine      Tall white bottle   Cures Poison (20/13)
Paralysis    Herb          Green Leaf       You can move again! (30/20)
Silence      Sun Patch   Sun Patch     You can use Parumila actions again (30/20)
Weak        Orb           Orb on a stick     You will do full damage (40/26)
                                      Parumila levels will decrease at normal rates
NA    Biriyana extract   diamond    restores Parumila levels for equip. (200/133)
NA    Biriyana fruit (yellow)    Add 10 points to stats (same as status menu) (x/133)
NA    Biriyana fruit (blue)     Add 5 points to stats (same as status menu) (x/66)
NA      Mushroom                get 50% next purchase at shop! (x/0)
NA      Paruamila Crysatal (big and Orange)  sell for 1000! (x/1000)
NA     Dark Crystal (mini-save crystal)   key to shadow tower! (x/200)
=================================================================14. THANKS
    Hah, admit it, the only reason you're down here is to look for my e-mail address so
you can write me with some question that I probably can't or won't answer because the
info is already in the FAQ!  Oh well it was cheap of me to put my address here anyway!
My e-mail address:  pietoro@email.com  REMEMBER! IF YOU SEND ME A RUDE
AS MUCH ANNOYING JUNK MAIL AS I CAN!!  And no, I don't have an ego just
because I write FAQs, I'm just tired of stupid morons writing you and demanding
information like you owe them something.  But hey, as I said before most people are
nice and I'm just a little grumpy now.

    Thanks to Gamefaqs and similar sites for doing what they do; providing you with
FREE guides for your games. Be grateful and ask yourself what was the last selfless
thing you did recently.  Also thanks to all the weird eccentric goofballs who write FAQs
and keep gaming just that much cheaper!
   Super Thanks to my pet chinchilla and my lovely girlfriend for helping with the FAQ.
Though really the Chinchilla just sat there looking cute and occasionally tried to gnaw
on the analog sticks. But he's sooo cuttteeee, that I must forgive him.  Thanks to my
neighbors and friends for being swell people.
               POPOLOCROIS III winter of 2000 I'll see you then!!