Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Codes 1, 2, 4 - 6 & 20 by
Codes 7 - 16 by Nachbrenner
Code 3 by slab
Codes 17 - 19 by zardoz
RCJCD009 0DA8 ????
1PAL2NTSCD006 A0AC 0008
8006 A0AA 0040
D011 5760 0008
8011 575E 0040
2Y-FixD011 7018 0010
8011 7018 0000
D006 B964 0010
8006 B964 0000
3Skip introD001 6078 5847
8001 607A 2400
D001 6090 5847
8001 6092 2400
4Infinite airD001 EBA0 0007
0001 EBA0 0000
5Infinite healthD013 F012 0064
3013 F010 0064
6SuddenDeath (Note 1)D009 0DA8 7FFF
8002 0F94 0000
D009 0DA8 7FFF
8002 0F96 3402
D109 0DA8 7FFF
8002 0F94 1023
D109 0DA8 7FFF
8002 0F96 0051
(Game) (ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
(Press Select & L1)
D009 1500 FBFE
8006 93E8 0000
(Press Select & L2)
D009 1500 FEFE
8006 93E8 0005
Momentum modifier
(Note 2) (ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
(Press Select & R1 & Triangle)
D009 1500 E7FE
8002 788E 1062
D009 1500 E7FE
8002 7894 0080
(Press Select & R1 & Circle)
D009 1500 D7FE
8002 788E 1062
D009 1500 D7FE
8002 7894 0040
(Press Select & R1)
D009 1500 F7FE
8002 788E 1062
D009 1500 F7FE
8002 7894 0020
(Press Select & R2)
D009 1500 FDFE
8002 788E 1462
D009 1500 FDFE
8002 7894 001E
WalkThroughWalls & InTheAir
(Note 3) (ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
(Press L3)
D009 1500 FFFD
8001 D116 3400
(Press R3)
D009 1500 FFFB
8001 D116 0C00
Super Ninja
(Note 4) (ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
(Press Select & Left)
D009 1500 FF7E
3001 D0C6 0060
(Press Select & Right)
D009 1500 FFDE
3001 D0C6 0062
(Note 5) (ROM-Version 2.0 or higher required)
(Press L1 & Circle)
D009 1500 DBFF
8008 C90C 0002
(Press R1 & Circle)
D009 1500 D7FF
8008 C90C 0000
19Automatic (Note 6)D008 C924 0000
8008 C90C 0002
D008 C924 0001
8008 C90C 0000
Unlock character
20Tatsumaru unlocked3001 0008 0002
Note 1 : Pressing the attack-button (Square) activates the code.
So take care you don't get hit while you hit your opponent !
The codes interferes the intro. So skip intro or turn on cart at start screen.
Use together with Infinite health code.
Note 2 : With eightfold momentum you can reach the highest tower
at practice level.
Note 3 : Walk into an abyss : you won't fall down.
Note 4 : With the code active your character won't be able to use his
sword, but all enemies are frozen and can be defeated with one punch.
Note 5 : The game automatically deactivates the code after an attack.
Note 6 : As long as the item cursor is highlighting the grappling hook,
the code is active. To select an attack item move the cursor from right
to left - as you pass over the first item to the left of the grappling
hook, the code is turned off and you can use an attack item.

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