Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Slot 5

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Slot 5

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Slot 5
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Codes by UL1
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
1Max amount3431 4098 FAB3
Modify items
(Note 1)
2Small recovery3431 4086 EAD6
3Medium recovery3431 4086 EAD7
4Large recovery3431 4086 EAD4
5Super recovery3431 4086 EAD5
6MP floppy3431 4086 EAD2
7Medium MP3431 4086 EAD3
8Large MP3431 4086 EAD0
9Double floppy3431 4086 EAD1
10Various3431 4086 EADE
11Omnipotent3431 4086 EADF
12Protection3431 4086 EADC
13Restore3431 4086 EADD
14Super Restore3431 4086 EADA
15Bandage3431 4086 EADB
16Medicine3431 4086 EAD8
17Offense disk3431 4086 EAD9
18Defense disk3431 4086 EAC6
19Hi speed disk3431 4086 EAC7
20Omni disk3431 4086 EAC4
21S. offense disk3431 4086 EAC5
22S. defense disk3431 4086 EAC2
23S. speed disk3431 4086 EAC3
24Auto pilot3431 4086 EAC0
25Offense chip3431 4086 EAC1
26Defense chip3431 4086 EACE
27Brain chip3431 4086 EACF
28Quick chip3431 4086 EACC
29HP chip3431 4086 EACD
30MP chip3431 4086 EACA
31DV chip A3431 4086 EACB
32DV chip D3431 4086 EAC8
33DV chip E3431 4086 EAC9
34Portable potty3431 4086 EAF6
35Trn.manual3431 4086 EAF7
36Rest pillow3431 4086 EAF4
37Enemy repel3431 4086 EAF5
38Enemy bell3431 4086 EAF2
39Health shoes3431 4086 EAF3
40Meat3431 4086 EAF0
41Giant meat3431 4086 EAF1
42Sirloin3431 4086 EAFE
43Super carrot3431 4086 EAFF
44Hawk radish3431 4086 EAFC
45Spiny green3431 4086 EAFD
46Digimushroom3431 4086 EAFA
47Ice mushroom3431 4086 EAFB
48Deluxe mushroom3431 4086 EAF8
49Digipine3431 4086 EAF9
50Blue apple3431 4086 EAE6
51Red berry3431 4086 EAE7
52Gold acorn3431 4086 EAE4
53Big berry3431 4086 EAE5
54Sweet nut3431 4086 EAE2
55Super veggy3431 4086 EAE3
56Pricklypear3431 4086 EAE0
57Orange banana3431 4086 EAE1
58Power fruit3431 4086 EAEE
59Power ice3431 4086 EAEF
60Speed leaf3431 4086 EAEC
61Sage fruit3431 4086 EAED
62Muscle yam3431 4086 EAEA
63Calm berry3431 4086 EAEB
64Digianchovy3431 4086 EAE8
65Digisnapper3431 4086 EAE9
66Digitrout3431 4086 EA96
67Black trout3431 4086 EA97
68Digicatfish3431 4086 EA94
69Digiseabass3431 4086 EA95
70Moldy meat3431 4086 EA92
71Happymushroom3431 4086 EA93
72Chain melon3431 4086 EA90
73Grey claws3431 4086 EA91
74Fireball3431 4086 EA9E
75Flamingwing3431 4086 EA9F
76Iron hoof3431 4086 EA9C
77Mono stone3431 4086 EA9D
78Steel drill3431 4086 EA9A
79White fang3431 4086 EA9B
80Black wing3431 4086 EA98
81Spike club3431 4086 EA99
82Flamingmane3431 4086 EA86
83White wing3431 4086 EA87
84Torn tatter3431 4086 EA84
85Electo ring3431 4086 EA85
86Rainbowhorn3431 4086 EA82
87Rooster3431 4086 EA83
88Unihorn3431 4086 EA80
89Horn helmet3431 4086 EA81
90Scissor jaw3431 4086 EA8E
91Fertilizer3431 4086 EA8F
92Kogalaws3431 4086 EA8C
93Water bottle3431 4086 EA8D
94North star3431 4086 EA8A
95Red shell3431 4086 EA8B
96Hard scale3431 4086 EA88
97Bluecrystal3431 4086 EA89
98Ice crystal3431 4086 EAB6
99Hair grower3431 4086 EAB7
100Sunglasses3431 4086 EAB4
101Metal part3431 4086 EAB5
102Fatal bone3431 4086 EAB2
103Cyber part3431 4086 EAB3
104Mega hand3431 4086 EAB0
105Silver ball3431 4086 EAB1
106Metal armor3431 4086 EABE
107Chainsaw3431 4086 EABF
108Small spear3431 4086 EABC
109X Bandage3431 4086 EABD
110Ray gun3431 4086 EABA
111Gold banana3431 4086 EABB
112Mysty egg3431 4086 EAB8
113Red ruby3431 4086 EAB9
114Beetlepearl3431 4086 EAA6
115Coral charm3431 4086 EAA7
116Moon mirror3431 4086 EAA4
117Blue flute3431 4086 EAA5
118Old fishrod3431 4086 EAA2
119Amazing Rod3431 4086 EAA3
120Leomonstone3431 4086 EAA0
121Mansion key3431 4086 EAA1
122Gear3431 4086 EAAE
123Rain plant3431 4086 EAAF
124Steak3431 4086 EAAC
125Frig key3431 4086 EAAD
126AS decoder3431 4086 EAAA
127Giga hand3431 4086 EAAB
128Noble mane3431 4086 EAA8
129Metal banana3431 4086 EAA9
Note 1 : Use only one of the codes.

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Abfragen: 3.074

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.