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Mystic Quest (e)

--Final Fantasy Adventure Walkthrough--

By Robert Paulson

This walkthrough gives a detailed look into Squaresoft's Gameboy game Final 
Fantasy Adventure. This document Copyright 1998 Robert Paulson. This document 
may only be used for a non-profit purpose and credit must be given. If you see 
any mistakes contact me at for corrections. 

Version 1.00


1. Characters
2. Walkthrough 
3. Weapons/Armor
4. Items
5. Magic
6. Towns/Houses

1. Characters-----------------------------------------------------------

A. Hero- The main character of the game. A prisoner who escapes and 
   embarks on an adventure that will lead him across the land.

B. Girl- She is found early in the game and will heal your HP when you    
   ask her. 

C. Man- He will teach you how to use the Mattock if you ask him. He is 
   found in the Marsh Cave. 

D. Watts- He will join you in the mine and will sell you various items  
   when you ask.

E. Bogard- He was once a Gemma knight and will offer you some good    

F. Cibba- A wise man who will help you on your journey.

2. Walkthrough----------------------------------------------------------

1. Shards of Truth
* The Hero starts off in a small fighting Arena. The monster here is very easy. 
Run around behind him and swing your sword. Once the monster is vanquished you 
appear next to your best friend Willy. He tells you to tell Bogard what has 
* Go north one screen and then east one screen. Then go up the stairs. Then go 
west one screen and prepare to fight again. This monster is the same as the one 
previously fought. Once the monster is defeated go up through the gate. Then 
climb down the castle wall. Then go west one screen. Here you find the Dark Lord 
and Julius talking together. They are looking for the Mana Tree. After the 
conversation ends you are seen and then chased. The Dark Lord pushes you over 
the falls. You wake up at the bottom of the falls.

2. Topple
* From the bottom of the falls go east two screens, south, east and then north 
into town. Buy any supplies you need and exit the town and go south and then 
east. There will be a girl yelling for help. Defeat the monsters and then talk 
to the injured man. He tells you to bring the girl to Wendel and see Bogard. 
Then the Hasim dies. The girl joins your group. If you ASK her she will heal 
your wounds. 
* When you level you have the choice of boosting certain characteristics. Your 
best bet is to have them balanced out. Choose Power one time, then choose Wisdom 
the next. Fight around here until you reach level 3 or 4. If you have 140 gold 
go to Topple and by the Iron Helmet. Also buy some Keys at the Item shop. 
* Exit Topple and go east twice, south, east, north, west, north, west three 
times, and then north. Climb both vines and go north. Then follow the vines to 
the next screen. Then go west and then climb the vine north. Enter Bogard's 

3. Bogard
* Talk to the old man three times. On the third time he reveals his identity and 
tells you to go see Cibba in Wendel. He opens the door so you can get the 
Mattok. Go north and get the Mattok. Go to the item screen and double click the 
Mattock. If you want to use an item hit the "b" button. Once you have done this 
exit the house. Then go south, east, north, south and east twice. When following 
these directions try to stay to the northern paths. Then enter the East Cave. 
* Go to the southern end of the screen and use the Mattok to clear a path. Go 
south twice and up the stairs. 
* Now go east twice, south and east. Now enter the little house in the center of 
the screen. The man offers to sell a Battle Axe for 150. Buy the Battle-Axe and 
a few Pure Potions. Equip the Battle-Axe and exit the house. Then go east, south 
twice and west three times. Then enter the building. 

4. Kett's House
* Talk to the man and he will tell you that room to the east is only for Mr. 
Lee. In the room to the north there are two people. One of them says the key to 
the Marsh Cave is in the Lizardmen's nest to the south. The other says that the 
man threw away a mirror in the cave.
* Exit that room and go west and then north to the unoccupied beds. Go to the 
beds and search them. Just before you go to sleep the Girl gives you the Cure 
Book and you learn the Spell Cure. When you wake up in the morning the Girl is 
gone. Ask the man at the door and he "says" he hasn't seen her. 

5. The Key
* From outside Kett's go east three times and south. Fight all the lizards. The 
chest will appear in the middle of the screen. Now go to the item screen and 
equip the Bronze Key. If you want to gain quick levels leave the lizard screen. 
Then go back and kill all the lizards but one. Then you can leave the screen and 
go right back in. The lizards will all be replenished. Do this many times for to 
gain a huge amount of gold and experience.   
* Then from the Lizardmen screen go north, east and then north. Go through the 
door and enter the Marsh Cave.

6. Marsh Cave
* Right away you will see a man wandering around on the screen. Talk to him and 
enlist his aid. 
* Go north, west and then step on the odd tile near the south wall. Then go down 
the stairs. Go east, and then down the vine which is at the end of the log 
bridge. Then go west and enter the cave entrance. The go east one screen. Use a 
Mattock in the middle of the south wall. An entrance will be made. Go south and 
get the Sickle. Equip this weapon and use it to cut down the vines. Then 
backtrack to where you met the man wandering around. 
* Go south and kill the blobs with the man's fireballs. Use a Mattok on the west 
wall and go west through the opening. (If you want you can use a key and go 
north. Then push the treasure onto the odd tile and go down the stairs. Go south 
and search the bottom of the pond. It will heal your HP and MP). From the room 
where you need the key to open the door go west twice and north. Use and key on 
the east door and go through. Then kill all the monsters. A chest will appear 
which contains an Iron Shield. Equip the shield and go west back through the 
door. Use the Sickle to cut down the vines and go north. Then go east and use a 
Mattok on the rock in the upper-right corner. Then go down the stairs. 
* Climb along the vines and go south, west, and into the cave. Then go west, 
south, use a Key on the door and go through it. Kill the monsters and slide east 
on the top row of ice. Use a Mattok to break the rock, then go south break the 
rock and step on the switch. Save your game and equip the Cure spell. 
* Go down the stairs and east to the end Monster. To defeat the monster wait 
until he goes down and then go to the north. Then attack the heads as the 
monster comes up. Once he is at the top go back down. As he goes down attack the 
heads. Then go back to the north. As the monster comes up attack the heads. Keep 
on doing this until the Monster dies. Two treasure chests will appear. Open the 
first one to learn the spell Fire. Destroy the chest with your weapon and open 
the second for the mirror. The Man tells you to show it to the man at Kett's and 
then the man disappears. You then are warped back outside the cave. Travel back 
to Kett's and save your game outside. 

7. Kett's Dungeon
* Equip the mirror and talk to the guy guarding the door. He will turn into a 
Werewolf. Kill him and go back and rest at the beds where you slept before. In 
this cave the blobs and pirates can only be hurt by the Fire magic. Then go east 
into the room the man was guarding. Then go east, north, west and down the 
* Go south and use a Mattok on the east wall. Go through the new doorway, then 
north, east, south twice, and west. Use a Mattok to break the pot and then step 
on the odd tile. Then go down the new stairs that appear. Go east, north and use 
a key to open the door to the north. Then go north through the door. Go north 
and open the chest to find a Chain. Equip the Chain and use it on the pole to 
pull you across. Now backtrack to where you used the Mattok on the pots to get 
to the odd tile. Then go down the stairs to the north.
* From here go west and use the Chain to pull yourself across the chasm. Then go 
west, south and down the stairs. Then go west, and north. Kill all the creatures 
and let your Attack Meter be filled to the MAX. Then use the Chain to go across 
the gap. Then go east twice, north and west. (If you accidentally fall in the 
gap go north and up the stairs. Then go south.) Push the treasure onto the odd 
tile. Then go down the stairs.
* Now use a Mattock on the southeast pot and go down the stairs. Go east and use 
a key on the door and go south. Open the second from the right on the bottom to 
find the Girl. 
* Go north, west, and up the stairs. Then go up more stairs. Go south and use a 
Mattock to break the pots. Then go south and up the stairs. The go east, use the 
chain, east, and up the stairs. Then go east, north twice, west, south, west, 
north and down the stairs. Then go east, south, and west. Now heal-up and save 
your game. Then go west. 
* Mr. Lee is in the room but, instead of meeting a human, you meet a vampire. To 
kill him dodge his bats and attack him in the front. When you defeat him you 
will earn the Sleep spell. 

8. Wendel
* From outside Kett's go east three times, south, west, cut down the vines, and 
south. Then go west, north, use the chain to cross, and south. Then east, south 
twice, east, and north. 
* Once in the town go north, west and into the weapon shop. Buy the Iron Armor 
and sell any excess stuff. Then from the outside of the weapon shop go east 
twice and south. Here you will meet the man who helped you in the Cave of Marsh. 
From the man go north, west, north, and north into the temple.
* In the temple go north and north to meet an old man. The Girl stands on the 
circle and her mother appears. She tells the Girl to guard the Mana Tree with 
the Gemma knights. Suddenly the man who helped you at the cave appears and says 
that the town is under attack. He takes the Girl away. When you are alone go 
south four times. 
* The man who helped you turns into Julius. He takes the Girl and zaps you. You 
awaken in the temple. The old man tells you that Julius took the Girl away in 
the airship. Then he gives you the magic spell Heal. 

9. Dwarf Cave
* From Wendel go south, west, south, west, and cut down the trees to the left. 
Then go west twice and into the cave. Here you learn that you need to buy some 
Oil for the trolley tracks. You also learn that Gaia Cave likes Silver and that 
the Mine has Silver. 
* Exit the Dwarf Cave and go north. Then use the chain to go across the stream. 
Then go south twice, east and into the Item shop.
* Now go north five times. You will need the Battle Axe to chop down some trees. 
Then go right into the inn. Use the Inn and save your game. 
From the Inn go west, south and into the Silver Mine

10. Silver Mine
* Use the Oil on the cart and have your Sickle equipped. You will travel in the 
mine cart and you will need the Sickle to change tracks. Hit the second and 
third switch. This track will lead to a pile of rocks which your cart will hit. 
You are knocked down into the mineshaft. (If you miss or hit the wrong switch 
keep on trying until you get it right)
* At the bottom of the mineshaft you will meet Watts. He will join your group 
and help you look for Silver. From here go north and use a Mattok to break the 
boulder. Then go east through the door. Break the boulder farthest to the south 
and go south through the doorway. Use the pond to restore you HP and MP. Then 
head north and use a Mattok on the boulder farthest east. Then use a Mattok on 
the east wall and go through the new entrance. Use a Mattok on the pot and stand 
on the odd tile. The go down the stairs.
* Go west twice and back into the cave. Go west, north and then up the stairs. 
Go west and down the stairs. Then heal and save your game. Then climb south down 
the vine. The Megapede will come out of one of the four holes. Wait for him at a 
hole and then hit him. Once he is defeated open the chest for Silver.
* You are transported outside the cave and Watts leaves with the Silver. Now go 
back to the Dwarf Cave. Go east, south three times, west and into the cave. Now 
go south and buy the Silver sword, armor, and shield from Watts. Exit the Dwarf 
Cave. Go north twice, east, north and into the cave. 

11. Gaia Cave
* Go west, south and then south between two statues. The door will shut, so go 
back up and as soon as the door opens go back south and through the door. Then 
head up the stairs. Once outside Bogard will join you.

12. Refueling Lake
* Go south and then west. You will need your Battle-Axe to cut the trees. Then 
go north twice and stop at the Inn. Outside the Inn go west twice, north and 
into the Item Shop. Buy the Silver Helmet, Keys, and Mattok's. 
* Go west twice, north, east through the trees, and east using the chain when 
the bar is at the Max. Then go north, east, use the Chain and west. 
Then go down the vine and west. Use the chain to go across and go south, west, 
and north twice. Then climb the chain and go into the Airship

13. Airship
* From the first screen on the deck go to the west side of the deck and then go 
north. Then go west, south and through the door. Go west three times, north, 
east and down the stairs. Now go west and then south. Hit the odd tile in the 
northeast corner and then the odd tile in the northwest corner. Then go down the 
stairs. Head west twice and then south. Go down to the bars. The Airship begins 
to move. The Girl can't open the gate but is going to go through the window. Now 
you have to get to the window. Bogard decides to remain behind.
* Now go north, east twice, and up the stairs. Then go north, west, and then up 
the stairs. Go south, west three times, unlock the south door and go south. Then 
go down the stairs. Go north twice and up the stairs. Then go up the stairs on 
the north side of the screen. Go east and then north (stay on left side of 
screen) Then go west twice, south, and then east. Then go south down the ladder. 
Go east and talk to the Girl.
* The Girl gives you the pendant. Julius comes and fires the bridge. The Hero 
then falls off the airship and into the town. 

14. Menos
* Amanda nurses you back to health and then while you are sleeping in the bed, 
your "friend" Amanda comes and takes the pendant. 
* Go to the Weapon Shop and buy the Wind Spear. 
* Amanda has a brother in Jadd that plays the harp. Chocobo eggs are in the 
north forest. 

15. Chocobo
* From outside of Menos go south twice, go across the bridge, north, west, north 
twice, west, north twice, east, south, east, and use the chain to go across the 
* Search the egg and it will hatch. Once you go back across the chasm, ASK the 
Chocobo. You can no ride on land. From Menos, Jadd is (s,s,s,w,w,n,n,w,n)

16. Jadd
* Stay on your Chocobo and go west twice, north twice, and west. Dismount by 
ASK'ing your Chocobo. Now head into Jadd. 
* Davias has a bad reputation. There is a Medusa in a cave with a hard to find 
entrance. The boy will trade his clue for a Bag of Fang.
* Enter Davias's mansion and work your way to his throne room. Talk to him and 
he says that Amanda went to the Cave of Medusa. The bird that is next to him is 
Amanda's brother.
* Fight outside of Jadd until you find a Bag of Fang. The lizard/dragon creature 
has it. Talk to the boy and give him the Bag of Fang. He says
palm trees and 8. 
* There is a Magic shop (s,e,s,s,w,w,n) of Jadd. It offers some magical items 
that you can use.
* Once you are done purchasing and gaining levels head to the Cave of Medusa. 
Located (s,e,s,s,e,s,s,w,n) of outside Jadd.
* There is an Inn (s,e,e) of Medusa's Cave)

17. Cave of Medusa
* Dismount from your Chocobo. Now walk in a figure 8 around the palm trees. (You 
might have to do it 2 or 3 times until the cave opens)
* Walk into the cave. Amanda is there. She says she took the Pendant in exchange 
for her brother. Davias however cursed her brother and he changed into a parrot. 
She is looking for the Tears of Medusa. Amanda then joins your group.
* Go south and use a Mattok on the south wall. Then go south through the new 
entrance. Then go west twice, south, west twice, and north three times. Then go 
west, south and kill all the enemies in the room. Then open the chest for a Gold 
Armor. Then go north, east and use a key on the north door. Then go north 
through the now open door. 
* There are two odd tiles here. The one closet to the bottom opens the door and 
the other one closes the door. Have your Chain weapon equipped. Go left and then 
onto the ice, which will bring you onto the first odd tile. Then use the Chain 
on the post to the right. Now go right to the next screen. Open the treasure for 
the Ice Spell. 
* Now go west and south three times. Use a Key on the west door. Go through the 
door and go to the bottom of the pond. It will restore your HP and MP. Now go 
east, south, east and use a key on the north door. Go through the door and push 
the frozen snowman onto the tile. Then go north through the door. Use your Ice 
Spell to freeze and enemy. Then push the frozen enemy onto the odd tile. Then go 
north through the door and down the stairs.
* Now go north and up the stairs. Climb down the vine. Then heal-up and save 
your game. Go left and the Medusa will appear. The Medusa shoots three or four 
snakes out of her head. Stay below her and use the Chain weapon or Wind Spear to 
hit the Medusa. The Medusa dies, but she leaves no tears. Just as you are ready 
to leave Amanda says she was injured and will soon turn into a Medusa. She asks 
you to kill her and take her tears to her brother. You then kill Amanda. Search 
her body for the tears. Once you have done this you will be transported out of 
the cave.

18. Amanda's Brother
* Now go back to Jadd. (s,e,n,n,n,w,n,w,n)
* Go buy more supplies at the Item shop. Then go to Davias Mansion which is in 
the northwest corner of town. Go to the room where Davias and the bird were 
before. Davias is gone. Equip Amanda's Tears and then talk to the bird. He 
transforms into Lester. He then joins you group.

19. Davias's Mansion
* Go down the stairs. Now go east twice and use a Mattok on the north wall. Go 
through entrance and go north again. Then use a key on the door and go west. 
Then go south and up the stairs.
* Go west three times. Now walk onto the odd tile one space north of the iron 
fence. Now walk counter clockwise until some stairs appear. Now you can go down 
the stairs. Then go north, west, and south four times. Then use the Ice Spell to 
freeze the monster. Push him onto the odd tile and go east. Kill all the enemies 
in this room and a treasure will appear. Open the treasure for the Were Axe. Now 
go west, north twice, and use a Mattok on the east wall. Go east, south and up 
the stairs. 
* Use a key on the north door and go north. Now go up the stairs, heal-up and 
save your game. 
* To defeat Davias stay between his fire ball circle and him. Use the Were Axe 
to kill him. Once he dies you are transported to the town of Jadd. 

20. Journey North
* Lester will play his harp which will clear the poison gas to the north. Lester 
then gives you the Spell Mute. Stock up on items and get onto your Chocobo. 
* From outside of Jadd go (s,e,n,e,n,n,e (use axe),n,n,e,n) Now go down the vine 
south, then south again. Go inside the building and purchase some magic items if 
you want. Exit the Magic Shop and go north, north, west, and into the cave.
* Go west, north, west (use Axe), west, south, and save your game. Go left and 
the Metal Crab will show up. Go to the upper left corner. The Metal Crab can't 
hit you from here. Equip the Chain and hit him until he dies. Now go down the 
stairs and go west three times. Then go up the stairs. 
* Once your out of the cave go west, south, east, south, east, north and into 
the shop. The Item Shop sells some Mattok's and Key's. Exit the Item Shop and 
go, south, west, south three times, and east. Go to the bottom of the pond and 
it will restore your HP and MP. Now go west, and north (stay to the right). Then 
go east, north and east. Take the vine farthest to the right and go north. Then 
go north and into the Weapon Shop. Buy all new armor and climb back down to the 
bottom of the cliff. Now take left vine and climb north three times. Then go 
west and use the Axe to chop down the trees to the north. Then go east, north 
twice, east, south twice, east, north and into the Golem Cave

21. Golem Cave
* In this cave there are many passages that will lead you back to the beginning 
so follow these instructions carefully. Go north, east twice, and use a Mattok 
on the north wall. Go North and then west. On this screen there are four 
treasure chests and four odd tiles. Just place one treasure box onto a tile and 
then knock it off the tile to open the door. Go north and then east. Use a Key 
to open the door. Go through the now open door. Go east, south three times, east 
twice and up the stairs. Now save your game and heal-up. Go east and the 
Minotaur shows up to fight you. 
* The Minotaur will charge horizontally. Stay below him as he charges across the 
screen and use the Were Axe to hit him. Once he reaches the bottom of the screen 
go above him just before he charges. Then hit him as he makes his way up. Just 
when he reaches the top go below him again. Then as he charges hit him. Follow 
this pattern until the monster is defeated. Once he is vanquished open the 
treasure for a Morning Star. Equip this weapon which adds +10 to your attack.
* Now go west and down the stairs. Then go west three times and you will appear 
back at the entrance. Go north, heal-up and save your game. Use a Key on the 
door to the north and enter the next screen. The Golem will begin to move. The 
Golem can charge vertically and diagonally. Stay at the bottom of the screen all 
the time. When he charges down move out of the way and hit him with the Morning 
Star. Do this until the Golem dies. He will give you the spell Lit.
* Once you have received the spell go north. Then climb the stairs to the next 
floor. Climb the vine and go east. Then try to go into the cave. Just as you do 
the bridge behind you collapses. Then you come out next to a waterfall. Now go 
east twice and go into the castle. 

22. Dark Castle
* The main gate is locked so go west. Chop some trees and go west again. Then go 
north and into the door. Go on the bridge going west, and then go north. Now go 
east, down the bridge, east, up the bridge, east, and up the stairs. 
* You are now outside the castle. Climb the vine and go north. Then go north 
again and down the stairs. Go down the path, heal-up and save your game. Go west 
and a Chimera begins to fight you. The monster flies above you and drops two 
flaming bombs with its wings. Soon after doing this, the Chimera fly's down 
zigzagging at you. Have your Cure spell equipped and Morning Star. Just hack at 
the monster. The only strategy is to cure often and hack away at him. Once the 
monster is defeated go south.
* You are now in the Girl's room. She joins your group and tells you that the 
Dark Lord took her pendant. Now that the girl is with you she can heal your HP. 
Then climb down the stairs. Then climb up the stairs to the north. Now go south 
down the stairs to the next screen. Then go west and into the building. Buy 
whatever you need from the Item Shop and exit the building. Go east, and north 
up the stairs. Then go west three times, south, and into the door. 
* Quickly walk across the spikes. Use a Key on the door and go through it. Then 
go east and use a Mattok on the north wall. Then go through the hole. Go west 
and then use the Chain to cross over to the odd tile. Stand on the odd tile and 
a staircase will appear. Go down the stairs.
* Now go north, east, south twice, east, use a Key on the door and east. Kill 
the enemies and go to the bed to restore your HP and MP. Then go west three 
times. The room here has four empty chests on the odd tiles. Do Not knock any of 
them off. Go down the stairs. Go east twice and use a Mattok on the east wall. 
Go through the opening you just made. Then go east, north and up the stairs. 
* Go south, east and kill all the enemies. Open the chest for the Blood Sword. 
Then go west, north, and use a Mattok on the north wall. Go north, east and to 
the stairs. Go south and west twice. Now freeze two monsters using the Ice spell 
and put the snowmen on the odd tiles. Then go down the stairs. Go west, north 
and up the stairs. Then go north, west, heal-up and save your game. Then go up 
the stairs.
* The Dark Lord is at the top of the castle. The Girl leaves and the fight 
begins. The Dark Lord will run around and try to hit you with his sword. Have 
the Morning Star equipped. Dodge around him and strike him until he is defeated. 
You then receive the Pendant but, it's fake! 
* Go south down the steps. The Girl is gone and the door locked. You are 
transported out of the castle. You see the Girl walking but she can't hear you. 
Follow her to the waterfall. (w,w) The Girl is by the edge and the Hero asks 
what is wrong. Julius appears between you and the Girl. The Girl reverses the 
waterfall, and Julius zaps you. You fall down the waterfall AGAIN. 

23. Ish
* Your Chocobo picks you up and brings you to a house in the town of Ish. You 
wake up and find Bogard next to you. Bogard and the Hero have a verbal fight. 
Exit the house and talk to Sarah to the left of you. She says that you're her 
only hope and that the Chocobo is being fixed up at Doctor Bowow's house. Go to 
the Weapon Shop and buy new equipment. 
* Go west twice and go into the house. You hear some very strange noises just 
before you enter. Your Chocobo can now go on water with his new mechanized legs. 
Chocobo also got a new name, Chocobot! Talk to Bogard one more time. 
* Bogard tells you that since Julius has Mana, you need to find the sword 
Excalibur. He also tells you to go back to Wendel and ask Cibba. Dr. Bowow tells 
you to go the north pier, east and then north to Wendel. To the east and south 
is the Ammonites. Exit the town by going south.

24. Journey back to Wendel. 
* Hop onto your Chocobot.  
* To go to the Magic Shop west of Ish go (s,w,w,w,n) There are new magic items 
to buy there.
* If you don't need to go to the Magic Shop go (w,w,n,n,w). Go on the pier and 
north onto the water. Then go east seven times, north twice and go onto the 
pier. Then go north twice, get off your Chocobot and go into Wendel. Go north 
twice and talk to the girl near the top of the screen. She says that Cibba went 
to Lorim which is near the snowfields.

25. Lorim
* From the pier at Wendel go (s,w,w,s,w,w,s,e,s,s,s,s, and onto the pier. Now go 
(n,e,s,s,e,n, and into Lorim. Go north into the throne room. Talk to the king 
and he says that Kary froze them and Cibba is frozen. Your task now is to find 
Kary, but first you need to buy weapons and armor.

26. Ice Equipment
* From the pier south of Wendel go 
Now go into the shop and buy the new Ice equipment.
* Now go back to Lorim

27. Kary's Cave
* From the outside of Lorim go south, west, north, north, west, (chop the 
trees), north, north, north, north, west, and into the building. Buy some Mattok 
and Keys. 
* From outside the Item Shop go east, east, east, south, south, west, south, 
east, east, and into the cave.
* Go north and north again (go around counter-clockwise). Go north to the odd 
tile and step on it. Go south to the wall and wait for the snowman. Then push 
him north onto the odd tile. Go east, cross the river using the Flame Chain at 
MAX, and go north. Use the Chain to cross the ice and go west. Use a Key on the 
north door and go north. Go east, east, use a Key on the north door. Go north 
and up the stairs.
* Go north, west, and onto the ice. Go onto the ice and west. Once you have 
stopped sliding go south on the left ice path. Once you are off the ice go on 
the ice and east. Once you are off the ice go onto the single path of ice in the 
middle and west. Once you are off the ice use a Mattok on the north wall. Then 
go north and up the stairs. Use a Mattok on the north wall. Go north to the pond 
which will heal your HP and MP. Then go south and west. Then go south and kill 
all the enemies. Open the treasure for an Elixir. Then go north, east, east, and 
use a key on the door. Then go north and up the stairs. 
* Go east and go back into the cave. Cross the ice using a Chain. Go west, west, 
and south. Use the Chain to get to the middle. Step on the tile and go on the 
northwest ice. Then hit the odd tile in the southeast corner. Then go south, 
east twice and step onto the ice on the right. Once you are off the ice step 
onto the ice to the south. Once you get off use the Chain to cross the ice and 
go west. Then use a key on the north door to go to a lake which will restore 
your HP and MP. Then go onto the ice and west, use the chain to get off the ice 
and use a Mattok on the west wall. Go through the hole and go up the stairs. 
* Go east and back into the cave. Now go east, north and up the stairs. Then 
heal-up and save your game. Go east and Kary attacks you. She moves up and down, 
shoots ice across the screen and moves across the screen herself. The best 
tactic to use is to stay above her and hit her near her head. When she moves to 
the top go below her and wait for her to go down too, then you can go above her. 
One Kary is defeated open the chest for a new weapon, the Ice Sword. You are 
transported out of the cave.

28. Cibba and Nuke
* Head back to Lorim. (w,w,n,e,n,n,w,w,s,s,s,s,e,s,s,e,n,n)
* Go north into the throne room and talk to the king. Go south, east, north and 
talk to Cibba. He gives you the Bone Key and tells you to go to the cave and 
find the Legendary Sword. 
* Instead of now getting the Legendary sword, were going to get the Nuke spell. 
From the outside Lorim go (s,w,n,n,w,s) get onto the dock, 
(n,n,n,n,w,n,n,w,w,w,n,n) get onto the dock, (w,s,w,s,w,n) and into the cave. 
* Take the stairs down and take the next pair of stairs down. Then heal up and 
save your game. Walk north to fight the Lich. The Lich moves in a figure eight 
pattern and occasionally deviates from the pattern and will fly off the screen 
and will reappear on the other side of the screen and start the figure eight 
pattern again.
* The best strategy is to have your Cure spell equipped and have the Thunder 
Spear equipped. Just stand in the middle of the screen and stab the Lich. If you 
hit the Lich at the right time and enough she will pass right through you and 
the Hero wont take damage. Watch your HP and stab the Lich until it dies. You 
will get the final magic spell, Nuke. 

29. Legendary Sword
* Exit the cave and go 
(s,e,n,e,n,e,e,s,s,w,w,w,w,w,w,n,n,w,w,n,n,n,n,n,n,w,n,n,w,s) get onto the pier.
* From the pier go (n, e, use the chain to go across stream, s,s,e,s,s,s,w,(use 
Morning Star to break rocks),s,w) Here is an Item Shop. Exit the Item Shop and 
go east,(break rocks),s,(break rocks),e,s,(break rocks),s,w,(break 
rocks),n,(break rocks, go across bridge and south),(break rocks),s,(break 
rocks),w, and go into shop. Buy the Thunder Spear. 
* Now go (s,e,s,e,e,n) Go into the Magic Shop and buy some supplies if you want. 
Go west and use the Bone Key on the door to open it. Now go into the cave. 
* Go north, use a key, north, use Mattok/Morning Star on east wall and go 
through. Go east, step on the top tile, then bottom tile, and go through the 
east door. Go north, north, and use a Mattok on the north wall. Go north and 
down the stairs.
* Heal-up and save your game. Go across the bridge and a Kraken comes out of the 
water. The best strategy is to have the Thunder Spear equipped and the Cure 
Spell. Stand directly above the Kraken and stab down as fast as you can at the 
Kraken's head. The shield will stop about 50% of the Kraken's tentacle blows. If 
you run low on HP, use the Cure Spell. Then go into the new cave entrance. 
* You are now on an island. Go east, south, west, north, and into the cave

30. Undersea Volcano
* The enemies in this cave are very strong. Go south, west, west, north, and use 
a Mattok on the west wall. Go west and use the Sickle to clear the vines. Then 
use the Ice spell to freeze and enemy. Put him on the odd tile in the top-right 
corner. Then freeze another enemy and put him on the other odd tile. Then go 
down the stairs. 
* Go west and then north through the door. Go west and then north. Walk through 
the marsh stuff as quickly as possible. It takes about 100 HP off. Walk north, 
west, south, west, south, (use a key), and go south. Kill all the enemies and a 
treasure chest will appear. Open it for the Zeus Axe. 
* Now go north, north, (break east wall), east, north, and east. Now go north, 
and break the east wall. Then go east, down the stairs, and into the new cave 
* Go north, east, east, south, south, and go to the bottom of the middle pond to 
restore your HP and MP. Go north, use a key on the east door, and go east. 
Destroy the bottom-right boulder and under it are stairs. Go down the stairs.
* You are now faced with three doors. Pick the right door. Then go south, west, 
and north. Freeze two monsters and put them on the odd tiles. Then knock away a 
snowman and go down the stairs. (north snowman must be near the top of odd 
tile). Now Heal-up and save your game.
* Go right and the monster begins to attack. The monster forms a ball and rolls 
around the screen. Then he goes to the top and moves horizontally and then rolls 
into a ball again. Have the Morning Star and Cure Spell Equipped. Strike the 
monster in the head. Dodge his rolling and strike him. Just keep on dodging and 
then striking him. Once the Iflyte dies you get the Rusty Sword.  
* Make sure you're Chocobot is with you before you leave. Now you have to go all 
the way back to Cibba. He tells you to find the Key to Dime Tower and to talk to 
Dr. Bowow in Ish. So now go to Ish and talk to Dr. Bowow. (The pier to Ish is 
north and west of Lorim). He says you can use the Nuke spell to blow up a piece 
of crystal in the Desert of Crystal. The Desert of Crystal is just outside Ish.
* From outside Ish go (w,n,n,w). There should be two crystals near the middle of 
the screen that are directly opposite each other. Use the Nuke spell on the 
right crystal. It will blow up and reveal a hole. Go into the hole.

31. Cave of Ruins
* Go west, west, and down the stairs. Go north, east and open the chest for a 
Dragon Shield. Then go west, north, north, west, west, and open the chest for a 
Dragon Sword. Then go east, east, east, east, north, north, north, west, and 
heal-up/save game. Have the Dragon Sword equipped and the Cure spell. 
* This fight is very easy. The Mantis Ant stays near the top of the screen 
mostly and occasionally zigzags down. Slash at him when he is at the top of the 
screen and dodge him when he zigzags down.
* When you kill the Mantis Ant the east door opens. Go through the door and 
equip the Rusty Sword. Then stand on the odd tile. The power of the Rusty Sword 
is released and the Dime Tower is raised.

32. Dime Tower
* Around this time you should be at level 55-60. Make sure you have 12 Keys. 
From outside the Cave of Ruins go south, south, east, south, and West. Try to 
walk across the screen and Dime Tower will rise up from the sands. If you want 
you can go back to Ish and go to the Inn, otherwise go into the tower. 
* Inside the Tower Marcie joins you. If you ASK him he recovers your MP. Go 
west, north, north, north and read the Tablet. Go south, east, and use a 
Mattok/Morning Star on the east wall. Go through the opening and use the Chain 
to get onto the odd tiles. Then walk counter-clockwise and the door should open. 
Use the Chain to get out of the fenced in area and go north. Then go up the 
* Climb the vine and go north. Then go through the door. Go south, south, south, 
west and up the stairs. Now climb the vine one north and go into the door.  
* Go west and use a Key on the north door. Go east and open the chest for a 
Dragon Armor. Go west, use a Mattok on the west wall, go west, and up the 
stairs. Go south and go into a bed to rest. Your HP and MP will be restored. Go 
north and up the stairs.
* Here you need to freeze both monsters which can be difficult to do because of 
the trees. Have your Axe equipped and stand in the bottom corners and chop into 
the sidewalls. Your Axe swing starts in the back so it will only chop the trees 
and not the enemies. Then freeze the monsters and go north. Use a Key on the 
door and go east. Go south and up the stairs.
* Heal-up and save your game. Go north and the fight will begin. Garuda dives 
across the screen and throws feathers at you. Have the Flame Chain and Cure 
spell equipped. Dodge Garuda and hit him with the Flame Chain until he dies. 
* Once he is killed go west, west and part of the tower will collapse. Marcie 
throws you over and Marcie falls down with the tower. Go west, west, west and to 
the waterfall. The waterfall reverses and you are moved to the top.

33. Tower of Gemma
* Now go west, north, and north into the temple. 
* The Samurai Warriors will drop Elixirs and a Samurai Armor on rare occasions. 
The Jelly Globs will drop Mattok's, and Skeletons Keys. The Demon Heads will 
drop a Samurai Helmet on very rare occasions. The Elephant creatures will drop 
an Aegis Shield on very rare occasions.  
* Go south, east, east, north, north and use a Key on the north door. Go north 
and up the stairs. Heal-up and save your game. Go north and a Dragon will attack 
you. He moves very slowly so you can dodge him easily. Have the Morning Star 
equipped and hit him directly in the head. Once he is defeated go into the 
portal in the northeast corner.
* Go east and into the portal. Go north, west, north, and use a key on the door. 
Go west and into the portal. Go east and into the portal. Go south and break the 
west wall. Go west, west, south, west and into the portal.
* Now go west, south and south. Now you need to use the Ice spell and direct 
using the control pad. Hit the monster on the odd tile and the door will open. 
Go east and up the stairs. Heal-up and save your game. 
* Go north and the Red Dragon begins to attack you. Use the same philosophy for 
the Red Dragon as you did for the Dragon. Once he is defeated go into the 
portal. Go west and into the portal.
* Now go north, east, north and into the portal. Go east and into the portal. Go 
south, east, east and into the portal. Use a Key on the door and go west. Go to 
the bottom of the pond to restore the Hero's HP and MP. Go east and into the 
portal. Go west, south and into the portal. 
* Go west and into the portal. Go east and use a Key on the door. Go east, east 
and east. In this room you need you need to freeze a monster. Put the snowman 1 
up from the bottom-left corner. Once the door is open go north, north, north and 
up the stairs.
* Now heal-up and save your game. Go north and be prepared to fight the Dragon 
Zombie. The Dragon Zombie shoots fireballs from his mouths. Have a long reach 
weapon equipped. Attack either of his heads and have your Shield deflect the 
fireballs. Once the monster is killed go into the portal. 
* Now go north, north, north, north, north, and talk to the Lady. She transforms 
your Rusty Sword into the Excalibur. Go north, west, south, west, and heal-up 
and save your game. 

33. Mana Tree
* Go north and Julius has already gotten the power of Mana. First you fight 
three Julius which are very weak and easy to kill. Once they are defeated Julius 
transforms into a powerful monster. 
* Julius shoots ThunderBolts from his hands and swoops down. Have the Exaclibur 
equipped and the Cure Spell. Dodge Julius and hit him with your sword. This 
battle is fairly long but Julius is fairly easy to beat. I was at level 65 and 
beat him no problem. 

34. Girl
* Once Julius is defeated the Girl joins you and just as your about to leave 
Julius attacks again. Now that the Girl is with you she can heal some HP if you 
ask her. Julius can transport himself to different spots on the screen. The 
strategy is the same as the previous battle. Don't hesitate to use Elixir's 
which restore all HP and MP. Once Julius is defeated the Mana Tree gets 
destroyed, and the Girl's mom comes out of the waterfall.
* Now your questions will be answered as the secret of the Mana Tree and Gemma 
knights are revealed. Watch the ending and enjoy. 

3. Weapons/Armor--------------------------------------------------------

-Weapons-      Power     Cost     Special 

Broad Sword    +4       60       -
Battle Axe     +8       150      Chopping trees
Sickle         +9       -        Cutting ferns and vines
Chain Flail    +10      -        Use on posts and poles
Silver Sword   +14      526      -
Wind Spear     +16      1150     -
Were Axe       +20      -        Chopping trees
Blood Sword    +26      -        -
Morning Star   +30      -        Break bricks and walls
Flame Flail    +38      6300     Used on posts and poles
Ice Bland      +40      -        -
Thunder Spear  +46      11250    -
Zues Axe       +48      -        Chopping trees
Rusty Sword    +20      -        - 
Dragon Sword   +56      -        -
Excalibur      +85      -        -

-Armor-        Defense  Cost     Special Use

Bronze Armor   +3       110      -
Iron Armor     +8       315      -
Silver Armor   +10      700      25% magic damage reduction
Gold Armor     +16      1300     -
Opal Armor     +19      3000     -
Flame Armor    +21      5625     25% fire magic damage reduction
Ice Armor      +29      7350     25% ice magic damage reduction
Dragon Armor   +35      -        -
Samurai Armor  +45      -        - 
-Helmets-      Defense  Cost     Special Use

Bronze Helmet  +2       -        -        
Iron Helmet    +3       140      -
Silver Helmet  +8       240      25% magic damage reduction
Gold Helmet    +14      680      -
Opal Helmet    +19      3500     -
Samurai Helmet +25      -        -

-Shields-      Defense  Cost     Special Use

(Shields don't have defense, the better the shield the more projectiles and 
enemies it can block)
Bronze Shield  -        -        -
Iron Shield    -        185      -
Silver Shield  -        505      -
Gold Shield    -        920      -
Opal Shield    -        3900     -
Flame Shield   -        4400     -
Ice Shield     -        6200     -
Dragon Shield  -        -        -
Aegis Shield   -        -        -

4. Items----------------------------------------------------------------

Ruby- sold for 100
Gold- sold for 750
Opal- sold for 1750

Crystal- Boosts Attack Gauge to Max
Stamina Stone- Temporarily boosts Stamina
Wisdom Stone- Temporarily boosts Wisdom
Will Stone- Temporarily boosts Will
Nector Stone- Temporarily boosts Power

Item          Cost      Use 

Candy         -         Restores 10 HP 
Cure          40        Restores 30 HP
X-Cure        160       Restores 100 HP
Ether         320       Restores 10 MP   
X-Ether       640       Restores 15 MP
Elixir        -         Restores all HP and MP
Pure          30        Recovers from poison 
Eyedrop       60        Recovers from blindness
Soft          90        Recovers from stone
Moogle        120       Recovers from moogle
Unicorn       -         Recovers from all conditions

Mattok        60        Breaks rocks, pots, and weak walls
Key           15        Opens simple locks
Bronze Key    -         Opens door to Cave of Marsh
Bone Key      -         Opens door to Underground Cave
Pendant       -         Reverses waterfall
Mystic Mirror -         Reveals identity of evil being
Silver        -         Metal for weapons and armor
Amanda's Tear -         Transform humans into monsters
Oil           500       Can be used to lubricate surface
Fang          -         Needed to exchange in Jadd

Magic Items-

Silence       100       Mute Magic       
Pillow        100       Sleep Magic
Flame         60        Flame Magic
Blaze         240       Flame x2 Magic
Blizzard      80        Ice Magic
Frost         320       Ice x2 Magic
LitBolt       100       Thunder Magic
Thunder       400       Thunder x2 Magic

5.  Magic----------------------------------------------------------------
Cure-  Recovers HP            2  
Heal-  Restores status        1
Sleep- Puts enemies to sleep  1
Mute-  Silences enemies       1
Fire-  Flame attack           1
Ice-   Ice attack             2
Lit-   Thunder attack         2
Nuke-  Atomic attack          3

6. Towns/Houses

1. Bogard's House
2. Tool Shop
   Battle Axe   -150
   Cure (2)     -40
   Eye Drop (3) -60
   Pure (3)     -30
   Key (4)      -15
   Mattok (7)   -60
3. Topple
   Broad Sword  -60   
   Iron Helmet  -140 
   Cure (2)     -40
   Eye Drop (3) -60
   Pure (3)     -30
   Key (4)      -15
   Mattok (7)   -60
   Inn          -10
4. Kett's House
5. Wendel
   Broad Sword  -60
   Iron Helmet  -140 
   Iron Shield  -185 
   Iron Armor   -315
   Cure (2)     -40
   Eye Drop (3) -60
   Pure (3)     -30
   Key (4)      -15
   Mattok (7)   -60
   Inn          -10
6. Dwarf Cave (later)
   Silver Armor -700
   Silver Shield-505
   Silver Sword -562 
7. Item Shop south of Dwarf Cave
   Cure (2)     -40
   Eye Drop (3) -60
   Pure (3)     -30
   Key (4)      -15
   Mattok (7)   -60
   Oil          -500  
8. Inn west of Silver Mine (10)
9.  Inn west of Gaia Cave
10.  Item Shop near refueling lake
   Cure (2)     -40
   Ether        -320
   Key (4)      -15
   Mattok (7)   -60  
   Silver Helmet-240
11. Item Shop in Menos
   X-Cure (2)   -160
   Pure (3)     -30
   EyeDrop (3)  -60
   Soft (3)     -90
   Moogle (3)   -120
   Key (4)      - 15
   Mattok (7)   -60
12. Weapon Shop in Menos
   Wind Spear   -1150
13. Item Shop in Jadd
   X-Cure (2)   -160
   Pure (3)     -30
   EyeDrop (3)  -60
   Soft (3)     -90
   Moogle (3)   -120
   Key (4)      - 15
   Mattok (7)   -60
14. Inn in Jadd (10)
15. Weapon Shop in Jadd
   Gold Armor   -1300
   Gold Helmet  -680
   Gold Shield  -920
16.  Magic Shop Southwest of Jadd
   Ether        -320
   X-Ether      -640
   Flame (2)    -60
   Blaze (2)    -240
   Silence      -100
   Pillow       -100
17. Inn East of Medusa Cave (10)
18. Magic Shop north of Jadd/Menos
   Ether        -320
   Flame (2)    -60
   Blaze (2)    -240
   Frost (2)    -320
   Silence      -100
   Pillow       -100
19. Item Shop next to cave with Metal Crab
   X-Cure       -160
   Pure         -30
   EyeDrop      -60
   Soft         -90
   Moogle       -120
   Key          -15
   Mattok       -60
20. Weapon shop before second long vine going to Golem Cave
   Opal Armor   -3000
   Opal Helmet  -3500
   Opal Shield  -3900
21. Item Shop in Dark Lord's Castle
   X-Cure       -160
   Pure         -30
   EyeDrop      -60
   Soft         -90
   Moogle       -120
   Key          -15
   Mattok       -60
22.  Weapon Shop in Ish
   Flame Armor  -5625
   Flame Shield -4400
   Flame Chain  -6300
23. Item Shop in Ish
   X-Cure       -160
   Pure         -30
   EyeDrop      -60
   Soft         -90
   Moogle       -120
   Key          -15
   Mattok       -60
24. Inn in Ish (10)
25. Magic Shop west of Ish
   X-Ether      -640
   Flame (2)    -60
   Blaze (2)    -240
   Frost (2)    -320
   LitBolt (2)  -100
   Thunder (2)  -400
26. Weapon Shop north of Snowfields
   Ice Armor    -7350
   Ice Shield   -6200 
27. Item Shop north of Wendel in Plain of Floating Rocks
   X-Cure       -160
   Pure         -30
   EyeDrop      -60
   Soft         -90
   Moogle       -120
   Key          -15
   Mattok       -60
28. Weapon Shop in Plain of Floating Rocks
   Thunder Spear-11250
29. Item Shop in Snow Fields
   X-Cure       -160
   Pure         -30
   EyeDrop      -60
   Soft         -90
   Moogle       -120
   Key          -15
   Mattok       -60 
30.  Magic Shop in Plain of Floating Rocks
   X-Ether      -640
   Flame (2)    -60
   Blaze (2)    -240
   Frost (2)    -320
   LitBolt (2)  -100
   Thunder (2)  -400