Gundam Side Story 0079 - Rise from the Ashes (e)

Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From The Ashes FAQ/WALKTHROUGH
By: JunoGem (Aaron Knepper)

Hello and welcome to my third FAQ/WALKTHROUGH. This one is on the Sega Dreamcast system and is 
called Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise From The Ashes. I hope this help you out, and if you need to 
contact me, my E-mail address is at the bottom of my FAQ/WALKTHROUGH.


Version History-

New Version:

Version 1.0 (?-??-00)

First version. Nothing to say here.

Past Versions:



Table of Contents:

1.  Game Information
2.  Story
3.  Controls
4.  Main Menu
5.  Briefing Menu
6.  B.I.C. System (Pause) Menu
7.  Characters
8.  Mobile Suits (MS)
9.  Weaponry
10. Hints and Tips
11. Walkthrough
12. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
13. Game Shark Codes
14. Disclaimer
15. Credits
16. Contact Me
17. E-Mail that I'll Accept or Delete
18. Other FAQs made by me
19. Where you can find this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH
20. FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Information


1. Game Information-

Platform: Sega Dreamcast
Publisher: Bandai
Developer: Bandai
Genre: Action
Number of Players: 1
Peripherals: Analog Memory Pack/Visual Memory Unit


2. Story-

January, UC 0079

The space colony Side 3 declares itself the Duchy of Zeon and begins a war of independence against 
the Earth Federation government. As hostilities commence, the Zeon Army carries out Operation 
British, dropping a space colony on Earth. Its target is Jabrow, the Earth Federation Army's 
stronghold in South America.

Due to desperate resistance by the Earth Federation Army, the colony disintegrates in the skies 
above Saudia Arabia after it enters the Earth's atmosphere. The drop onto Jabrow is prevented, but 
the leading edge of the enormous colony falls on Sidney Australia, transforming the city into an 
enormous bay.

The Zeon Army, which doesn't have the resources to sustain a protracted conflict because it is a 
space colony state, anticipates a lengthening of the war after failure of Operation British. They 
immediately begin a series of Drop Operations to secure resources, and rapidly occupy 2/3 of the 
Earth's surface.

The Zeon Army invades Australia, hardest hit by Operation British, in order to secure its abundant 
subterranean resources. The Federation Army in Australia, having suffered a crushing blow, doesn't 
appear to stand a chance.

11 months after the beginning of the war, the Earth Federation government launches a massive 
counteroffensive in Europe called Operation Odessa, and is victorious. Due to the success of 
Operation Odessa, the military balance on Earth begins to shift  significantly in favor of the 
Federation Army, and counteroffensive commence all over the globe. Even in Australia, still 
recovering from the devastation of Operation British, a counteroffensive is about to begin.



Analog Stick: Adjusts viewing angle.
D-Pad: Moves MS. Double tap and hold to dash. Double tap and hold done to crouch.
"Y": Activates Sniper Scope.
"B": Locks on to enemy or centers view when held.
"A": Attacks with equipped weapon.
"X": Changes weapon.
Right Trigger: Guard
Left Trigger: Jump or fly when held.
Start: Activates B.I.C. System (Pause)


4. Main Menu-

New Game: It lets you start out on the first mission.
Continue: Select this to continue a game saved onto VMU or a normal memory card.
Options: Change features of the game, it saves these changes.
Extra Options: Add some new features, it saves the features you add on. You earn this after you beat 
the game.


5. Briefing Menu-

This is where you go before every mission. There are many features, but there not hard to remember.

Briefing: Here is where you get your missions and objectives from. 
Garage: Here Bob will help you prepare for you missions. He will set up the MS, the weapon, and 
shield for Fang 1, Fang 2, and Fang, 3.
Mailbox: This is the place where you check your E-mail from Leung, Max, and Anita.
System: This is the Options menu.
Exit: Take you to your next mission.


6. B.I.C. System (Pause) Menu-

This is the screen you see when you press Start during game-play.

Map: This shows you a sky view of the area. It shows you enemies and allies.
Command: In this screen you can issue orders to Fang 2, Fang 3, and Oasis.
Condition: It shows you the condition of Fang 1, Fang 2, Fang 3, and Oasis.
Mission: It displays your mission(s). Once you accomplish all of them you exit the level.
Exit: It takes you back into battle.


7. Characters-

Here's a list of the major characters of the game.

White Dingo

Master Pierce Rayer
AKA: Rayer
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Age: Late20s
This is the main character and he is you. He is a brave man, but he's not stupid. In combat he is 
Fang 1.

Stanley Hawkins
Rank: Commander
Age: 40s
A friendly man from a military family. He gives you your missions and objectives in every briefing.

Leung Lee-Fai
AKA: Leung
Rank: Ensign
Age: Late20s
He responds to every challenge with a cool head, but don't take him lightly. He was once a tank 
driver but now uses his skills in his MS. In combat he is called Fang 2

Maximilian Berger
AKA: Max
Rank: Ensign
Age: Mid-20s
He's a thinker and a lover, but he's no sissy. If I were from Zeon, I wouldn't mess with him. In 
combat he is known as Fang 3.

Anita Julianne
AKA: Anita
Rank: Chief Petty Officer
Age: Mid-20s
A kind women with a pure heart. Although she does not fight in combat, she is very helpful when 
using the S.P. Search. In combat she is known as the hovertruck Oasis.

Bob Rock
AKA: Bob
Rank: Chief Mechanic (Earth Federation Army)
Age: Late40s
A great mechanic and a great person. People would do anything to have Bob work on their MS.


Visch Donahue
Rank: 1st Lieutenant (group leader, Zeon Forces)
Age: Early30s
He is known as Wild Thunder, and is just as dangerous. He is an excellent MS pilot and is your 

Walter Curtis
Rank: Lt. Colonel (Commander, Zeon Forces)
Age: Late40s
He's a very nice guy but he's on the wrong side. He believes that this war is a Holy War.


8. Mobile Suits (MS)-

Here I will list the Mobile Suits in the game.

White Dingo

Model Name: GM
Model Number: RGM-79
SPECS: Total Height 18 m. Dry Weight 41.2 t
Fixed Weapons: 60 mm head-mounted Vulcan cannon x2, Beam Saber.
Hand-held: 100 mm Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher, P-Beam Rifle, B-Spay Gun, Beam Rifle, Grenades.
Energy: 800
JunoGem's note: I recommend this until you have the Extra options. It is great for ramming and 
faster than the GM Cannon so it is better used in Close Combat. 

Model Name: GM Cannon
Model Number: RGC-80
SPECS: Total Height 17.8 m. Dry Weight 49.9 t.
Fixed Weapons: 60 mm head-mounted Vulcan Cannon x2, Beam Saber, 240 mm Cannon.
Hand-held: 100 mm Machine Gun, P-Beam Rifle, B-Spray Gun, Beam Rifle.
Energy: 900
JunoGem's note: Great for sniping. When sniping you always use your 240 mm Cannon. You may be able 
to get in two shots if you blow off a part of the enemy on your first shot.

Model Name: RXD
Model Number: RX-77D
SPECS: Unknown.
Fixed Weapons: 60 mm head-mounted Vulcan Cannon x2, 240 mm Cannon x2.
Hand-held: 100 mm Machine Gun x2
Energy: 1500
JunoGem's note: Don't use in Close Combat because the RXD is slow and it's 100 mm Machine Gun x2 may 
fire fast, but they don't do enough damage. When sniping use the 240 mm Cannon x2 and blow a part of 
the enemy away. Since there are two shots each time you may be able to inflict great damage on an 
enemy MS. If you are two close to an enemy and you can't run, ram your enemy and blast 'em.

Model Name: GM Sniper.
Model Number: RGM-79SP
SPECS: Unknown.
Fixed Weapons: Beam Saber.
Hand-held: 100 mm Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher, P-Beam Rifle, B-Spay Gun, Beam Rifle, Grenades.
Energy: 1000
JunoGem's note: If your engine is at 0% it will only go up to 10% when ramming. Best for sniping.

Duchy of Zeon Mobile Suits

Model Name: Zaku
Model Number: MS-06J
Fixed Weapons: Beam Axe.
Hand-held: Grenade, Rocket Launcher.
JunoGem's note: A normal Zaku, easily destroyed. They're fast, but not fast enough.

Model Name: Zaku II
Model Number: MS-06S
Fixed Weapons: Beam Axe.
Hand-held: Grenade, 100 mm Machine Gun.
JunoGem's note: Not much better than the original. Easily destroyed.

Model Name: Zaku Cannon
Model Number: MS-06K
Fixed Weapons: Beam Axe, Cannon.
Hand-held: 100 mm Machine Gun.
Energy: Unknown.
JunoGem's note: It's a GM Cannon with the MS of a Zaku. That 240 mm Canon is dangerous, so be 

Model Name: Gouf
Model Number: MS-07B
Fixed Weapon: Beam Axe, Energy Chain.
Hand-Held: 100 mm Machine Gun x3.
Energy: Unknown
JunoGem's note: Watch out, this is one dangerous MS. If it gets you with it's Energy Chain it will 
shoot you or a friend with it's 100 mm Machine Gun x3 on it's left arm.

Model Name: Gogu
Model Number: MSM-03
Fixed Weapon: Claws, Energy Cannon (in chest)
Hand-held: None
Energy: Unknown.
JunoGem's note: Snipe these bad babies, they can rip you apart, literally. They are very claws are 
dangerous, and the Energy Cannon implanted in their chest is even more dangerous. The Beam is aimed 
at you so jump as soon as it is shot. If your too close, your in trouble.

Model Name: Geloog
Model Number: MS-14G
Fixed Weapon: Double Sided Beam Saber, Grenade.
Hand Held: P-Beam Rifle.
Energy: Unknown.
JunoGem's note: I like this one, its really cool. It's P-Beam Rifle can take you out, so be careful. 
It's Double Sided Beam Saber is very effective too.


9. Weaponry-

Here I will list the weapons you can use in the game and then I will give them a comment a rating of 
1 (sucks), 2 (okay), or 3 (kick butt).

60 mm head-mounted Vulcan Cannon x2: It has very low accuracy and does little damage. It may over 
heat and not be able to shoot until it cools down. If your head is destroyed you can not use it. 
Don't use it on an enemy MS, use it on fliers or ground units. I give it a 1.

100 mm Machine Gun: A weak gun that can shoot rapidly. If you choose to use it you need to either 
snipe so you get in a few hits or get close up so you can do damage. Only choose this if your using 
the GM Cannon and you don't have the Extra Options yet. Can become unusable if right arm is damaged 
or destroyed. I give it a 1.5.

Rocket Launcher: One strong gun that can be dangerous. If Fang 2 and/or Fang 3 are fire at an enemy 
make sure they don't hit you and/or you don't hit them. Can become unusable if right arm is damaged 
or destroyed. I give this a 2.5

Grenade: You can lob these babies a long distance and are very devastating, but they are hard to 
use. I highly recommend these, if you can aim. Can become unusable if left arm is damaged or 
destroyed. I give it a 2.5.

240 mm Cannon: One great weapon. It is a long range weapon and is great for sniping. It packs a 
punch. I give it a 2.5.

Beam Saber: By far my favorite weapon in the whole game. Good for de-arming any enemy, literally. 
Strong and swift, just be sure not to get hit by one. Can become unusable if right arm is damaged or 
destroyed. I give it a 3.

P-Beam Rifle: It is also known as a High-Output Beam Cannon. It is a great gun that takes a long 
time to reload but can destroy any MS in four or less clean shots. Can become unusable if right arm 
is damaged or destroyed. You must unlock this. I give it a 3.

B-Spray Gun: A smaller Beam Rifle that fire more and reloads quicker. Good gun. Can become unusable 
if right arm is damaged or destroyed. I give it a 2.5

Beam Rifle: A great gun that does less damage than the P-Beam Rifle but it recharges faster than it. 
Can become unusable if right arm is damaged or destroyed. I give it a 2.5.

Small Shield: A good shield that gives little cover but has ramming capabilities. If you ram an 
opponent, their gonna feel it. Can become unusable if right arm is damaged or destroyed, or if the 
shield itself is destroyed. I give it a 2.5

Medium Shield: I love it. It is a cross between a Small Shield and a Large Shield. I takes less 
damage than a Large Shield, but it's ramming capability deploys more damage that a Small Shields 
does. Can become unusable if right arm is damaged or destroyed, or if the shield itself is 
destroyed.  I give it a 3.

Large Shield: It's okay. I don't use it because it doesn't have ramming capabilities. On the bright 
side, it takes a lot of shots to destroy this baby. Can become unusable if right arm is damaged or 
destroyed, or if the shield itself is destroyed. I give it a 2.


10. Hints and Tips-

* A strong offense is the best defense.
* Sniping may take time, but it can help you avoid damage.
* Don't go into close combat unless you are good with a Beam Saber.
* Use Fang 2 and Fang 3, they can take on a MS easily while you take on another.
* The game is easy, even if you have it on hard.
* The best weapon is the P-Beam Rifle.
* Ram an enemy and then get him while he's down.
* The 100 mm Machine Gun is good for sniping, but it doesn't do that much damage.
* There are only nine levels.
* You get Extra Options by beating the game.
* Don't give up.
* Always have OASIS perform a S.P. Search as soon as possible. 
* If you loose your lock on a MS when in close combat, evade!
* Who ever said it wasn't fair to go 3-on-1?
* Use the Sniper Scope to get the first hit on an enemy.
* Use a faster MS in close combat so you can evade and receive less damage.
* You go into close combat when your locked onto an enemy and your 100 or less feet away from an 
enemy MS.
* Aim for the head when sniping because it will stun the enemy MS for a moment to get in a another 
shot if the head is destroyed. Best when using strong weapons.
* SHORT attacking is 200-0 feet away. This is best if every body is using it so your comrades don't 
shoot each other.
* MEDIUM is just getting close and pumping the enemy full of lead.
* LONG is distant shots and/or sniper shots.
* An enemy may not show up on the map or your radar even if it shooting you if it isn't in one of 
you Mobile Suits search range.


11. Walkthrough-

I hope this helps you people out, but I'll change it every once in a while. NOTE: in my 
recommendation is if you are not using the extra options.

Mission 1
Rainbow Valley   
Nov. 23rd, UC 0079
5:20 A.M.

Destruction of enemy MS
Destruction of target (15 Gun Turrets)
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06J (3)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Large Shield
Fang 3: GM Cannon/100 mm Machine Gun/Large Shield

As you start the level you will be in front of a small town (few buildings small). Have Oasis 
perform a S.P. Search. After the search is complete you will see there is a MS-06J a few hundred 
feet behind the small town. There is another one a few hundred feet to the right (on the map) of the 
first one. The third one will go after Oasis after she finishes moving on her own. Have Fang 2 and 
Fang 3 attack the MS right of the first MS you located. After you take out your enemy MS help Fang 2 
and Fang 3. Now send Fang 2 and Fang 3 to attack the last MS-06J after the enemy reinforcements 
arrive. Now take out the Gun Turrets and Magellas. If before you end the level you feel like you 
have to take out some enemy fliers, use your Vulcan Cannons.

Mission 2

Alice Spring
Nov. 25th, UC 0079
11:30 A.M.

Destruction of target (supply train)
Perform S.P. Search
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06J (2), MS-07B (1)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM Cannon/100 mm Machine Gun/Large Shield
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Large Shield
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Large Shield

This mission can be very hard if you don't know what the hell you are doing. Oasis will perform the 
S.P. Search without you commanding her too, so don't bother. The firs enemy MS is straight ahead in 
the city. Once you see it shoot at it, it will dive behind a building. Before it pops out and shoots 
at you (then dives again and will repeat unless you follow it you destroy the building it dives 
behind) use your Sniper Scope and select your 240 mm Cannon. Each time it comes out it will shoot, 
now is the time to shoot it once, if you shoot before it does it will dive again. After the target 
is destroyed have Fang 2 and Fang 3 go after the other MS-06J. While they are doing this attack the 
Gun Turrets, be careful because they pack a punch (enough to knock you out of the sky. If you finish 
destroying the Gun Turrets before Fang 2 and Fang 3 are finished, help them out. Soon a cut scene 
will occur. There are three ways to make this happen. 1, destroy the supply train, let the supply 
train leave, or damage the Gouf a lot. When the enemies retreat don't attack them because the Gouf 
gets fully repaired and it will most likely kill you. If you let them leave, you still finish the 

Mission 3

Simpsons Gyapps
Dec. 1st, UC 0079
2:07 P.M.

Destruction of Gaw
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06J (4), MS-06S (2)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM Cannon/P-Beam Rifle/Large Shield
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Large Shield
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Large Shield

In this level you will need to destroy the Gaw, a giant aircraft. The first MS will be in front of 
you about 800 feet. The next one is on the right of that a few hundred feet away. After you destroy 
all the Mobile Suits the Gaw and four MS-06Js. When the Gaw comes into combat it will start dropping 
bombs, if you can't escape use your shield. You'll still get hurt, but the shield will help you out. 
One of your air units will fly into the Gaw and self detonate and stop the bombing. Now aim for the 
engines with you P-Beam Rifle and blow them away. Have Fang 2 and Fang 3 attack the nearest enemy 
MS. After all four engines on the Gaw have been destroyed you and your comrades will need to take 
out all the enemies to end the mission.

Mission 4

Dec. 18th, UC 0079
10:15 A.M.

Destruction of enemy Mobile Suits
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06K (3), MS-07B (2)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
As you enter the level you will notice it is around an old mine, the owner died during Operation 
British. The First MS-06K is in a ditch right in front of you. Use your Sniper Scope and blow his 
head off and shoot him again (use a grenade if your good with them) and then command Fang 2 and Fang 
3 to destroy him. After he is gone command your comrades to attack the MS-06K on the left side of 
the map. You then go by the mine and blow away the Magellas by the other MS-06K. Now take out the 
MS-06K. Then destroy the stray Magella by the back of the map. Command Fang 2 and Fang 3 to move to 
the spot on the map that is a box (part of the runway) and destroy the MS they were attacking. Now a 
cut scene will occur. After wards go to the run way and have everyone attack The MS that is after 
the Hover Truck. If that Hover Truck gets destroyed you lose. The reason I want you to go 3-on-1 is 
that these Mobile Suits have Energy Chains that can grab you and then they can shoot with their 100 
mm Machine Gun x3 on the left hand. After the two enemies are destroyed you beat the mission.

Mission 5

Dec. 23rd, UC 0079
9:42 A.M.

Search for enemy presence
Destruction of enemy Mobile Suits
Destruction of target (Submarine)
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06S (1) MS-06J (1) MSM-03 (2)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: RXD/100 mm Machine Gun x2
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield

This mission can be easy or it can be hard, it all depends on what you do and how you do it. First 
you will need to find the two enemy Mobile Suits. Once you spot them have Fang 2 and Fang 3 take on 
the other MS. After they are destroyed head for the submarine and take out the two Zeon helicopters. 
Now go directly in front of the submarine and dive into the water. Under the water the submarine 
cant get you and it is easiest destroyed this way too. Select your 240 mm Cannon x2 and lay waste to 
the belly of the sub. After the submarine is destroyed two MSM-03 will arrive. Have Fang 2 and Fang 
3 attack on while you get the other. Use the rest of your 240 mm Cannon ammo on these guys so they 
just die. They are a BIG pain, but they die. After you destroy the two MSM-03s the mission ends.

Mission 6
Broken Hill
Dec. 25th, UC 0079
3:28 P.M.

Destruction of enemy MS
Destruction of target (Giant Hover Tank)
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06J (2), MS-09 (1), MS-06S (2)     
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 2: RXD/100 mm Machine Gun
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Large Shield

As you enter the level Oasis will get shot and will not be able to perform a S.P. Search. I 
recommend taking the MS on the right side (around the huge hill) then going after the DOMs. The DOMs 
hover so you'll need to go into SHORT range combat to keep them still and destroy them. Ram them and 
then hit them with your Beam Saber for best results. Now the Giant Hover Tank will appear. It is 
very strong but it has a weakness, it is slow. After you destroy it, it will deploy two more Mobile 
Suits to destroy. After all enemies are destroyed you finish the level.

Mission 7

Dec. 26th, UC 0079
6:04 P.M.

Guard your defense post
Backup friendly unit 
Destruction of enemy MS
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-09 (3), MS-06J (1)      
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM Cannon/100 mm Machine Gun/Small Shield
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield

This mission is rather easy. All you really need to do is destroy the enemy Mobile Suits before they 
can cause any damage. It is easiest to go 3-on-1 but if you don't destroy one MS fast enough the 
others will cause some trouble. I suggest having Fang 2 and Fang 3 attack one MS-09 while you take 
on the other. After those two are destroyed all three of you should attack the last MS-09.
Then a MS-06J will come into the combat area. If you can take him on yourself so Fang 2 and/or Fang 
3 don't shoot you. The battle is very easy, I suggest shooting him with your 240 mm Cannon and walk 
to 110 feet then ram him onto the ground and get a good slice in, then finish him off. When his 
health gets low a message will be sent to all troops from Walter Curtis telling his troops they got 
what they game for. After all enemies are destroyed you go home for some rest. 

Mission 8

Hughenden Fortress
Jan. 1st, UC 0080
10:00 P.M.

Destruction of target (Giant Hover Craft)
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-06K (2)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 2: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield
Fang 3: GM/Rocket Launcher/Small Shield

If you know what you are doing you will be able to finish this mission with relative ease, but it 
will take you a while. As you get closer to the enemy base you'll notice your being shot at by four 
cannons implanted on the base, take them out with your Vulcan Cannons. Now have Fang 2 and Fang 3 
attack one of the Zaku Cannons while you take on the other. After all shooting enemies are done and 
forgotten take out all the anti-air equipment. On the map you will notice in the bas there is a four 
square enemy that you can't find, it is the Giant Hover Craft. The Giant Hover Craft will be 
launched in an all out attack against you and your team so beware. The Giant Hover Craft will shoot 
some type of electricity beam at you so be careful. After you destroy your target you head to the 
last mission.

Mission 9

Hughenden HLV Base
Jan 2nd, UC 0080
6:23 A.M.

Destruction of enemy MS
Destruction of target (HLVs)
Enemy Mobile Suits in area: MS-14G (1)
JunoGem's recommendation:
Fang 1: GM Snipe/Rocket Launcher/Medium Shield
Fang 2: GM Snipe/Rocket Launcher/Medium Shield
Fang 3: GM Snipe/Rocket Launcher/Medium Shield

This mission is fairly easy. As you start out Visch Donahue will contact you and start his assault 
on your team. Destroy him as fast as you can because a Hover Tank is coming and it will hill you if 
you aren't careful. Don't get in Close Combat because his Double Sided Beam Saber will get you good. 
After you waste his MS he'll ask you not to let his comrades die became they are mostly condense and 
just kids. Now have Fang 2 and Fang 3 attack the Hover Tank and Movie Oasis or she'll be shot. Now 
go destroy the eight anti-air cannons (4 at each HLV) so your backup can help you out. Now go finish 
off the Hover Tank. You will need to finish this mission alone so no one else gets hurt. Go to the 
northern HLV and shoot it. You will have had help as long as you destroyed the anti-air forces. As 
you shoot the HLV your ally aircraft will drop bombs on the HLVs. After you destroy the HLVs you 
will walk past Visch Donahue's MS and the game ends. After the Battle Record you will have the Extra 

NOTE: If you destroy the Booster Packs on the HLVs they will have trouble and blow up. It takes less 
time and ammo to do it that way instead of shooting the base of the HLV.


12. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)-

Q: Who many levels are there?
A: Nine.

Q: This isn't Gundam Wing, where are the Gundams and characters like Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell?
A: This is before their time. 

Q: Why do they call the Mobile Suits Gundams, when there aren't any Gundams?
A: On the contrary, there are Gundams. Most of the Mobile Suits you use are Gundam Class Mobile 
Suits though.

Q: Where can I find this game?
A: At any game retailer.

Q: How much does it cost?
A: $45 to $60.

Q: It says that you can attack enemies with the Small and Medium Shield, how do you do it?
A: Most people think you use it as a weapon, but you don't. When you dash (double tap and hold the 
D-Pad) you will damage and knock down your enemy. Then you can use the Beam Saber to finish the job.

Q: I heard that after you beat the game you get a code, hat does it do?
A: This is only in the Japanese version. In it you get a premium disc if you send the code in. You 
get to face Amuro Ray. I think it expired 9/30/1999.

Q: What does UC mean?
A: Universal Century

Q: What is the Battle Record?
A: It is a record of how many things you destroyed, how many Mobile Suits Fang 1, Fang 2, and Fang 3 

E-mail me with some more.


13. Game Shark Codes-

Here are the Game Shark codes I found. NOTE: I have not tested these codes.

Level 1-Infinite Armor:

Level 1-Infinite Ammo Primary Weapon:

Level 1 Infinite Ammo Special Weapon:

Level 1-Low Engine Heat:

Level 1-Low Vulcan Cannon Barrel Heat:

Level 2-Infinite Armor:

Level 2-Infinite Ammo Primary Weapon:

Level 2-Infinite Ammo Special Weapon:

Level 2-Low Engine Heat:

Level 2-Low Vulcan Cannon Barrel Heat:

Level 9-Infinite Ammo Primary Weapon:

Level 9-Infinite Ammo Special Weapon:

Level 9-Low Engine Heat:

Level 9-Low Vulcan Cannon Barrel Heat:

Level 9-Infinite Armor:


14. Disclaimer-

I, JunoGem (Aaron Knepper), swear that all of this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH is created by me and only me. I 
did get help though, those who helped me are at the bottom of this page and tell who I got the 
information from. If I see any of this FAQ somewhere else I will hunt you down to the ends of the 
Earth and chase you into He... just kidding. If you wish to use any of my FAQ for anything or need 
any help just E-mail me.
I believe credit is due and here it is...


15. Credits-

Thanks to the other FAQ/WALKTHROUGH writers for help when I first got the game.

Thanks to the booklet that comes with the game for the 'Story' section.

Thanks to for the Game Shark codes.

Thanks to CJayC for putting up yet another FAQ/WALKTHROUGH for me.


16. Contact me-

If you need to contact me for any reasons feel free to E-mail me at (that's where I 
get JunoGem from). My name is Aaron Knepper if you need to know. I also have AOL Instant Messenger.


17. E-mail that I'll Accept or Delete-

I will accept:

Valid criticism

I will delete and won't reply to:

Repeated questions.
Stupid questions with obvious answers.
Letters that aren't in English.
Questions that are clearly answered in this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH.
Invalid criticism


18. Other FAQs made by me-

Legend of the River King FAQ/WALKTHROUGH
Harvest Moon 64 FAQ (incomplete)


19. Where you can find this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH-

You can find the newest version of this FAQ at the following web-sites, if you see it anywhere else 
please inform me.


20. FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Information-

I really dislike this part.

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