Eternal Ring (e)

Title:         Eternal Ring (Japanese release)
Genre:         3D First-Person Adventure RPG
Publisher:     From Software
Platform:      Sony PlayStation 2
Media:         PlayStation 2 DVD
Release Date:  2000.03.04 (Japan)
Catalog #:     SLPS-25001
Price:         6800yen
Players:       1
Peripherals:   Analog Controller
               Dual Shock
               Dual Shock 2
               8MB Memory Card (100K)


FAQ/Walkthrough by Joe Monson
Version 0.24
Thursday, 10 August 2000 (Tokyo Time)

Archived at:

The first two URLs will always have the most recent copy.


Copyright Information

Copyright 2000 Joe Monson. Except as specified below, All Rights 
Reserved. See Appendix Y for full copyright information.



Section   Title
-------   --------------------------------------------------------
     i    Controller Guide (taken from the manual)
    ii    Screen Explanation (taken from the manual)
   iii    <>
    iv    <>
     v    Menu Screen (taken from the manual)

The Game

     1    Inroduction Dialogue
     2    Arriving at the Island of No Return
     3    The Dragon Cave
     4    The Investigation Corps Camp
     5    The Water Temple
     6    The Investigation Corps Camp, part 2
     1    The Place of Ritual
     2    The Abandoned Place

     A    Monster List
     B    Item List
     C    Magic Stone List
     D    Weapon List
     E    Magic Ring List
     F    Attribute Ring List
     G    People List
     V    Version History
     X    Acknowledgements
     Y    Copyright Information
     Z    Contact Info 


** Notes **

     **SPECIAL NOTE**: This walkthrough assumes you have *some*
                       Japanese ability. If you don't know at least
                       hiragana and katakana you will have a hard time
                       playing this game. All of the ring names are
                       in katakana, so you will at least need to be 
                       able to read that much Japanese.

     1. View this file using a fixed-width font such as Courier or
        Helvetica. Use a program such as BBEdit, Notepad, or any other
        plain text viewer.
     2. This is literally a walkthrough, so there are spoilers. I try
        to cover everything I can, and I don't miss much (if anything).
        You've been warned. :-)
     3. The translations are rough translations. There are no 
        guarantees of 100% accuracy.
     4. Walking off cliffs is not advised. Do not walk into the water, 
        either. For some reason your character dies when entering the 
     5. Any comments surrounded by square brackets are comments to help
        clarify something. You'll see this occasionally throughout the
        FAQ [especially if it will make things easier to understand].
     6. Please send all questions, comments, criticism, and concerns
        to the address below in Appendix Z. I won't answer if your 
        question is answered here, but I do welcome feedback.


** Introduction **

     i    Controller Guide (taken from the manual)
    ii    Screen Explanation (taken from the manual)
   iii    <>
    iv    <>
     v    Menu Screen (taken from the manual)

-=|| SECTION i: Controller Guide ||=-

(taken from the manual)

This section will explain how to control the game with any compatible
PlayStation or PlayStation 2 controller. The vibration function only 
works with vibration-compatible controllers.

     Button     Function
     ------     ------------------------------------
     Triangle   Attack
     Circle     Take item, Talk, Open, Action (confirm commands)
     X          Magic Selection, Cancel
     Square     Use Magic
     Start      Item Shortcut
     Select     Menu
     L1         Move Right
     L2         Look Up
     R1         Move Left
     R2         Look Down
     Up         Move Forward
     Down       Move Backward
     Left       Look Left
     Right      Look Right

The direction pad buttons also move the cursor when you are in a menu 
screen. The analog sticks (L3 and R3) are not used in the game. 

All directions in this walkthrough assume you are using the default
controller settings. See SECTION v, below, for information on changing
the controller settings.


-=|| SECTION ii: Screen Explanation ||=-

(taken from the manual)

On the main screen you will see up to five different status indicators:

     1. In the top left of the screen is a palette. In the top left 
        corner of the palette is the Compass. The black dot on the 
        small green globe indicates which direction you are going. 
        When the black dot is at the top, you are facing North. 
     2. Under the Compass are three indicator bars. The top, darker
        green gauge is your Magic Gauge. Your magic will be slowly 
        replenished over time. Until you have a Magic Ring, this
        gauge will be at zero.
     3. The yellow gauge (marked "HP") is your Hit Point Guage. If
        this falls to zero, you die. You can replenish your HP by
        using herbs.
     4. The lighter green gauge (marked "MP") is your Magic Point
        Guage. If it's at zero you can't use any magic, so watch it 
        carefully. You can't use any magic until you get a Magic
        Ring. This gauge replenishes a little every time you kill a 
     5. In the top right of the screen is the Magic Ring Selection 
        Window. Using this window, you select which ring you want to 


-=|| SECTION v: Menu Screen ||=-

The Menu Screen is accessible by pressing the Select button. The Main 
Menu Screen is divided into four sections. I'll describe the three
main "moxes" first, and then I'll go on to the Menu List.

The box on the top left shows a semi-front 3D bust of the player 
character. Above the bust is the character's name (Cain Morgan). Next 
to the character's name is the character's Level. There are two 
sections below that: the first shows the HP and MP levels; the second
shows the total Experience and the experience required to advance to 
the next level.

The box on the top right shows which area you are in at the top of the 
box. Below that are a multi-colored circle with a highlighted "slice"
gradually moving in a clockwise direction, a line indicating the number 
of days completed in the game so far, and a line below that indicating
which magic is most powerful at the moment (I think that's what it's 
indicating, anyway...).

The third box (bottom right) shows your ability levels in the various 
types of magic.

Now on to the Menu List:

              |--Magic Stones

     Equipment----Magic Rings
               |--Auxiliary Rings


              L--Controller Type

     Load Game


** The Game **


     1    Inroduction Dialogue
     2    Arriving at the Island of No Return
     3    The Dragon Cave
     4    The Investigation Corps Camp
     5    The Water Temple
     6    The Investigation Corps Camp, part 2
     1    The Place of Ritual
     2    The Abandoned Place


-=|| CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 1: Introduction Dialogue ||=-

# NOTE: The translation of this section isn't complete yet, but it's
# good enough to give you an idea of what is happening. ^_^

When you select "New Game", the screen goes black.

     "That night, Cain Morgan had a dream of himself as an infant"

     "In the ruins of the burned-down house, he was all alone. He 
     couldn't see his parents anywhere."

     "Now, this was in his country, Sorcia. The neighboring country 
     of Aldine suddenly attacked Sorcia, though Cain was too young to 
     know that."

     "The only thing Cain remembered was, '...That's right, everyone 
     went to the island...'."

     "The Elders, who were the actual rulers of Heyngalia, the 
     largest country on the western continent, dispatched a group of 
     knights to a place on the frontier called 'The Island of No 

     "Ian Martin, the King from the Moderate Party, had some sincere 
     questions. However, the Elders made no effort to answer them 
     even though the King was their equal."

     "Gliam Morgan, the Captain of the Royal Guard, sorrowed because 
     of the King's divided loyalties. The investigation, which should 
     have revealed the Elder's motives, only revealed one thing 
     (which the Elders allowed him to learn)."

     "[This is what the Elders allowed him to learn] The ring that 
     holds eternal power is sleeping on that island."

     "Cain's adoptive father Gliam advised the the King to send 
     Cain to the Island of No Return."

     "Some days later, while the sun was setting, Gliam set out on 
     a small, plain boat to go after the group of knights from 
     Heyngalia. Gliam secretly brought along Cain and a letter from 
     the King."


-=|| CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 2: Arriving at the Island of No Return ||=-

Cain and Gliam arrive on the island and Cain gets out of the boat and 
starts walking toward a cave. He stops and looks up and down the cliff.
Gliam also gets out of the boat, walks toward Cain a little, and says:

     "Well, I'll be leaving now..."

     "Thanks for bringing me," Cain says as he turns around.
     Gliam says, "I don't know whether or not they'll accept the 
     letter, but find the corps before dark."
     Cain replies, "Yeah, okay...well, see ya."
Cain then turns around and walks toward the cave. The camera goes back 
to Gliam, who says:

     "We're fishermen, but even fishermen don't get near this island...
     It's not easy being a servant of the King."
     "Oh well...guess I better get ready to go," says Gliam as he turns 
     and gets back on the boat. 

**Fade Out**

Gliam is working with some ropes tied to the boat's mast. As the camera 
slowly zooms in onto his face, you see a dragon fly by in the 
background. The camera switches to the dragon's point-of-view as the 
dragon swoops in. Gliam gets ambushed. No more Gliam... :-(


-=|| CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 3: The Dragon Cave ||=-

Monsters:  Crown Hut, May Fly, Sahagin-1, Shell Hut, Trap Weed
Items:  Golden Herb (3)
        Magic Ore (2)
        Ring of Magic (2)
        Ring of Magic: True Eye (1) 
        (I can't find this ring, but I'm told it's there)
Save Points:  1

You begin at the entrance to the Dragon Cave. First of all, turn 
around and go back outside the cave. Even though you just entered the 
cave, there is no trace of Gliam's boat. 

There are seven Shell Huts on the beach. I suggest you immediately turn 
east and weave your way through the Shell Huts until you are a ways 
down the beach. Then turn around and wait for them to come at you. The 
best tactic is to thrust at one with your short sword and back off. 
Repeat this until you've dispatched all of them. Be careful not to go 
too far into the water or you will die immediately (be wary of all the 
water on this island).

If you follow the beach on the west side of the cave entrance, you 
can go around an outcropping and see another cave. Don't go into this
cave right now, though. The monsters can kill you with one hit, so
we'll come back to this cave later. While you're here, you can pick up 
a Ring of Magic, though. 

Turn around so your back is to the cave. Look to the northwest and 
you'll see where the sand and the water meet along the edge of the rocky 
cliff. Carefully walk along that edge, looking down, until you see a 
small golden ring. You can pick it up by facing it, moving your view so 
the ring is near the bottom of the screen, and pressing Circle. This will 
cause the ring to be picked up. You can then press Circle again in order 
to add it to your items. 

Head back to the first cave and re-enter it. Head south and to the west
is a torch stand. You'll find these around in the cave. They 
are just for decoration and they hide no treasure. Torch stands are
very useful for keeping yourself oriented in a room. When you first
enter a room look for a torch stand and remember where it is in 
relation to where you entered. Not all rooms have torch stands, though,
so also learn how to tell where you are without using them.

Just past the torch stand and to the east is a tunnel leading to the 
first Save Point in the game. There are no monsters here. Remember what 
the Save Point looks like, and be sure to use them whenever you find 
them. In the northeast corner of the room is another Ring of Magic, so 
be sure to pick it up before you save your game.

After using the Save Point, go back out to the main tunnel and continue
south. Straight ahead is a dropoff into a cavern with a river flowing 
through it. Don't get too close to the edge or you will fall off into 
the river below and die (that's what happened to me the first time I 
approached it! ^_^;;).

Take the tunnel to the westand follow it down into the next room. Here's 
where you'll run into your first monsters. Remember the triangle button - 
it's your attack button. There are three Sahagin in this room. They seem 
to be slow-moving, but they like to weave back and forth and suddenly 
jump at you. Their normal attack is a swipe with their very long arms, 
and they also like to jump backward if they are attacked. One trick to 
dispatching a Sahagin is to time your sword thrust with their jump 
attacks. If you time it just right they will jump right onto your sword.
After you dispatch a monster, it will often leave a treasure behind (see
the Monster List, Appendix A). Sometimes the item is hard to see, so 
be sure to scan the area where the monster's body disappears.

Once you've defeated the three Sahagin and collected any items, head 
south and then east down the next tunnel toward the sound of rushing 
water. You come out of the tunnel into the cavern with the river (you saw 
it before entering the room where you fought the three Sahagin). To the east
is a wooden bridge. To the south are a large waterfall and another tunnel. 
To the north the path takes you along the river to the bottom of the cliff 
where I fell off and died. x_x

I've been told there is another Ring of Magic somewhere on this side (the 
west side) of the wooden bridge, but I can't find it. If you find it, 
please let me know exactly where it is and I will add that info here (as 
well as listing you in the Acknowledgements section). They are kind of hard 
to see against the floor in this cave, so look closely.

NOTE: Do not walk into the river or you will die. Cain can't swim, so you
will die immediately if you fall into the river.

There will be a May Fly to the south of the bridge, hovering above the 
river. If you walk to the water's edge, you will be able to kill the May 
Fly and pick up any booty it leaves behind. Don't cross the bridge just 
yet. There is also a strange flower, a Trap Weed, in the middle of the 
river near the waterfall. I'll come back to it later. Go to the tunnel 
to the west of the waterfall and walk southwest into the next room.

There will be a large stalactite hanging from the center of the ceiling 
and a torch stand next to the west wall, directly behind the stalactite. 
There are two Sahagin in this room, so do your duty and remove them from
the gene pool. Then head south into the next room where there is another 
stalactite hanging from the center of the ceiling. Directly south of the 
stalactite and next to the base of the south wall is a Golden Herb. It's 
yellowish brown and looks rather dead, but it's useful for restoring HP. 

There are two monsters here: a Sahagin and a May Fly. The trick to 
killing May Flies is to Look Up (L2) and stab at them. Sneaking up from 
behind helps, too, so they don't fly away. They generally stay in one 
place until you disturb them. May Flies only take one hit to kill.

You came into this room through the rectangular entrance on the north 
side, so exit through the oval entrance to the east. This will bring you 
out into a cavern near the upper part of the river, above the waterfall 
you saw previously. If you walk to the north you will come to a vantage 
point above the waterfall. Dispatch the May Fly on the way. If you go to 
the south, you will pass a broken bridge and find Magic Ore (the small 
purple stone). 

There's nothing else in this section, and there is nothing else to get 
here. You have two ways back down: you can go back the way you came 
until you get back to where the Trap Weed is, or you can go back to the 
vantage point mentioned above and drop down to the floor below. You will
take a little damage doing this, but it's quicker than going back 

When you cross the bridge, do not step on the plant tendrils to the 
south, or the Trap Weed will come alive and start shooting poisonous 
spores at you. The spores take off about half your HP. On top of that, 
you can't kill the Trap Weed, so just avoid it altogether. Dispatch the 
Sahagin and enter the tunnel to the east. When you get to the next room, 
be careful. There is a Sahagin approaching from the south that will try 
to ambush you. 

Once you dispatch both Sahagin in the room, take the north tunnel and you 
will come to a room with five May Flies hovering near the ceiling in the 
middle of the room. Dispatch them and walk out through the west tunnel. 
There is nothing out here except a view of the first waterfall room (the
one with the Trap Weed), but this is a walkthrough so I had to 
mention it. ^_^

Go back through the previous room and take the southwest tunnel (bypassing 
the tunnel through which you originally entered), and you will come to a 
torch stand next to a waterfall. To northwest is the top of the first 
waterfall (the one by the Trap Weed). Walk over there until you are right 
near the edge and look down. You should see a small ledge with a Magic Ore 
on it. Drop down (you won't take any damage) and pick it up. Then drop 
down to the floor, being careful to avoid the Trap Weed tendrils. 

Go back up into the tunnel to the west, and follow that back into the 
room with the three tunnels. Take the southwest tunnel and you will be 
back at the torch stand by the waterfall. To the southeast, past 
the torch stand, is another tunnel and a path leading along the edge of 
the water. Enter the tunnel.

This tunnel will take you to a room containing four May Flies. After 
dispatching them, exit the room the same way you entered and turn 
southwest, following the path along the water's edge. Be sure to pick 
up the two Golden Herbs just after turning southwest. Follow the path 
along the water to the exit just past the broken wooden bridge.

If you want to build your levels up a bit, you can re-enter the Dragon
Cave and fight all the monsters again. The items won't be around for
you to collect again, but you can always collect more items from the 


-=|| CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 3: The Investigation Corps Camp ||=-

Monsters:  None
Items:  None
Save Points:  None

People you meet: Darrel Stone (doesn't speak)
                 Graham Evans (the Deputy Captain)
                 Wallace Frasier (manages the storehouse)
                 Marie Fowler (the medicine woman)
                 Dennis Marks (the Captain, sleeping)
                 Leo Randall (not talkative)
                 Ernest Reilly (guard with the polearm)

Storehouse:    Cost  Item Name
               ----  -----------------
                  1  Golden Herb
                  3  Golden Herb Flower
                  1  Magic Ore
                  4  Magic Crystal
                  1  Latch Tail
                  1  Magic Grass Seed
                  1  Sahagin Spine
                  1  Cockatrice Plume
                  8  Small Sword

When you exit the cave, you will see a small camp to the south of the 
cave. To the southwest is a mill (the building with the water wheel), a 
set of three gravestones, and a small canyon leading to a clearing with 
a house on the southwest and a locked gate (the Blue Gate/Door) on the 
southeast. The man in this house (Darrell Stone) won't talk to you, so 
don't bother trying unless you really want to. 

Ahead to the south is a bridge, and a man (Leo Randall) sitting by the 
bridge. To the southeast are two houses up on a hill, the entrance gate 
to a small canyon that leads to the Water Temple, and a storehouse. Feel 
free to explore the camp.

Starting with the two buildings on the hill, there is a man sleeping 
(Dennis Marks) inside the first building. You can try to talk to him, 
but I wasn't able to get a response from him. In the second building is 
another man, Graham Evans, sitting behind a table. 

When you talk to him, he says:

     "Ah, you came from the mainland, didn't you? Listen to what I have 
     to say." 

(Everything below is stuff Evans says)

     "I'm Evans, the acting Deputy Captain. Please give me the 

     He then reaches out and you give him the letter. He opens it, looks 
     at it briefly, then sets it aside.

     "'s something about you joining the corps..."

     "This is a bit weak...the Captain didn't leave any instructions..."

     "That's so like the Captain...I wonder what I should do about 

     "Well....I guess it can't be helped, eh? It's the King's personal 
     order. The Captain won't be back anytime soon..."

     "That's true...Now, give me your sword. I take care of the 
     company equipment"

He then reaches out and you give him your sword.

     "Instead of your sword, get something from Wallace in the 
     Storehouse. He's in charge of taking care of the goods."

Evans then hands you a paper.

     "This is a note. Give this to Wallace in the Storehouse, please."

(I talked to Evans again, so here's what he said)

     "At present, we're investigating the temple ruins in the 
     neigboring towns."

     "Sunken partway in the water, really deep in the temple, is 
     something mysterious. No one knows what it is"

     "The Water Gate inside the temple is easily moved, but..."

     "There's a wheel-like control, but it's kinda broken now, y'see, 
     so it doesn't even respond!"

(I talked to Evans yet again, and here's what he said)

     "There was someone else who could have been vice-director...he 
     just disappeared the other day..."

     "I just want go back to being a plain old be 
     careful now, you hear?"

There's nothing to pick up in the building, so go ahead and leave. 
Wander down to the man sitting by the bridge (Leo Randall) and talk 
to him. He replies, "Whaddya want?"

He continues, "If you've got business talk to me later because I'm 
sleepy." If you continue trying to talk to him, he doesn't respond.

Go across the bridge and northwest down some steps toward the mill.
You can enter the front door or the door on the side next to the 
waterwheel. I chose the door by the waterwheel. When you enter the 
side-building, you will see a bed, a door across from the bed, and 
what looks like a door to the east. It's not a door, so don't bother 
with it. 

Go to the door across from the bed and go through it into the back area
of the main building. You will see a woman fiddling around with some 
pots and generally ignoring the rude person who is wandering through 
her building. ^_^  

Go talk to her.

     "Oh! Oh, you're..."

     "You're wounded, aren't you? Please wait a moment."

She turns around and takes something out of one of the pots, then turns
back to you and pats it onto you. At this point, your HP and MP gauges 
should be fully restored.

     "There, now you're all better!"

     "I heard from the Deputy Captain that you're from the mainland, 
     aren't you"

     "I'm Marie Fowler. I'm in charge of the medicines here. It's very 
     nice to meet you."

     "If you get wounded again, please come see me right away. Within 
     limits, I have medicines prepared."

If you talk to her again, she says:

     "If you go into that little room over there, please be quiet. 
     Mr. Marks is sleeping in there."

     "Ever since the Captain was attacked by a monster in his quarters, 
     he's been asleep."

     "He's always sleeping, and sometimes he raves in his 
     looks like he's having some kind of nightmare."

     "This has happened before, but those soldiers suddenly died..."

     "After their wounds should have been healed, they're still in 
     terrible pain...I hope it's not some bad sickness, but..."

If you talk to her again, she asks:

     "Umm, have you met the Captain yet?"

     "He's in the small detached room over there."

     "I don't know if it's okay to tell you this, but......isn't it 

     "Everyone grumbles because they say the investigation isn't 
     moving forward, but..."

     "Even when I talk to them they don't answer me. I'm...kind of 

     "I'm really not an civilian employee of the military."

If you talk to her again, she says:

     "I'd heard about this island before, but I wanted to come no 
     matter what..."

     "There's a pretty old temple somewhere around here, you know."

     "Considering that temple, it would seem that those stories about 
     an ancient civilization here on this island are really true."

     "It's a monster's den now, but I wonder what happened to the 
     people who used to be there."

If you talk to her again, she says:

     "Please take good care of yourself, okay?"

She'll just repeat herself now, so there's no need to talk to anymore 
right now. Go ahead and leave the building by either door. There's 
nothing else here. You can wander south under the bridge if you want, 
but there's nothing there, either. Go back up and east across the bridge 
and ahead to the southeast to the storehouse. The doors are really big 
(since it's a storehouse), and inside you'll find a ponderous man 
(Wallace Frasier) near the back end. Talk to him.

     "Hey, you're the guy from the mainland right?"

     "Welcome to this god-forsaken island, heh-heh-heh-heh..."

He then folds his arms and turns back to his thinking box. Talk to him 

     "I've heard you've joined our corps, but what did you _really_ 
     come to do?"

     "So you're the King's servant looking for 'Eternal Power'? 

     "Heh-heh-heh...You had me worried there for a sec. So, you're 
     wondering if I know anything, eh? The Captain told me to keep 
     my mouth shut."

     "Why don't you go over to the temple? They might have something 
     for you there."

     "It'd also be good if we could open the sluice gate a little 

If you talk to him anymore, he says, "Hey, how're ya doin'?"

If you want to get your new weapon now, make sure you are standing 
right next to Wallace and press Select to enter the menu, press Circle 
twice to take you to your Item List, and select the first item--the 
note from Evans--by pressing Circle again. Confirm you want to use it 
by pressing Circle one more time, and Wallace will turn around and take
the note from you.

Wallace clears his throat, "You want a sword, eh?"

He turns around, reaches into the grey box and hands you a dagger. 

     "Okay, okay, umm...this one oughtta do."

     "By the way, people have been finding these crystals lately here 
     on this island..."

     "If you take them back to the mainland, they look like they'd be 
     "Considering the number of people left here, we have more than 
     enough resources."

     "You're going to need lots of different things now, aren't you?"

The Storehouse inventory screen pops up and you can "buy" things from 
Wallace. On this screen there are three boxes.In the top right corner 
is a box listing how many Magic Stones you have and how many you've 
spent on buying items.

The other two boxes are actually one box split into two parts. The top
part lists the name of the item, the type of item (in yellow below the 
item name), and a short description of the item. The bottom part lists
what items are available from Wallace. There are five columns in this 
box: Icon, Item Name, Item Cost, # You're Buying, and (# you have).

I suggest you buy back the short sword. It will be far more useful than
the dagger in the Water Temple because of it's longer range of attack.
It might be possible to beat the Water Temple with just the dagger, but
I kept dying. It's up to you.

There's nothing else in the storehouse, so go ahead and leave once 
you've bought what you want.

Go to the east when you exit and talk to Ernest Reilly. He's the guy in 
blue holding the polearm who is standing by the temple gate.

     "That crest...I heard that somebody from the mainland came--would 
     that be you?"

     "Hmph, can't say much for the king's tastes..."

Talk to him again and he says:

     "There's a temple in here. The purpose of our corps here is to 
     research inside the temple."

     "Most people who go into there sink into the water and we can't 
     find them."

     "Some mechanism that would let us move the sluice gate sure would 
     be nice."

     "Well, if you're a Royal Guard, how about a match before 

     "Did you see the graves over there?"

     "We used to have more people around here, but now they're all 

     "We can't get messages from the other side of the island..."

     "They say something's here..."

If you talk to him any more, he says:

     "Whaddya want?"

Turn around and go west across the bridge and up the stairs. On 
the north are three large rocks half-buried in the ground. Investigate 
them. You are told they are "gravestones".

If you wait around long enough, Ernest changes watches (guarding the 
Water Temple gate) with Leo. Ernest then enters the building where 
your sword was taken. You can then talk to Leo.

If you talk to him, he tells you:

     "Don't get in the way."

If you have him open the gate (by trying to open it), he will open it 
for you and say, "For the sake of your own well-being, don't go too far
in." Then he goes back to his "Don't get in the way" speech.

At this point, I suggest you go back to the Dragon Cave and go through
it a couple more times in order to collect more Magic Stones (especially 
if you bought the short sword) and to raise your level a little more. 
Before going into the Water Temple, be sure to visit Marie for free 
healing and chit-chat. 


-=|| CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 5: The Water Temple ||=-

Monsters:  Crown Hut, Sahagin-2, Shell Hut, Trap Weed
           Water Devil (Boss)
Items:  Fireball (1)
        Magic Crystal (1)
        Magic Ore (1)
        Ring of Magic (2), 
Save Points: 3 (1st Floor, B1 Floor, and B2 Floor)

Once the gate is open, follow the canyon to the cave entrance and 
enter the cave. Follow the cave until you get to a door, and enter the 
door. You will find a room containing a Save Point, so use it and 
proceed through the south door.

NOTE: When you open doors it is a good idea to back away from them in 
case there are any monsters immediately on the other side.  That way 
you will have a little space to defend yourself.

The first thing you'll notice when fighting monsters here is that 
the knife doesn't do as much damage (unless you bought and equipped the 
short sword, as I recommended). It will take about twice as many hits 
with the knife to dispatch a monster as it did with the short sword. 
You also have to get a lot closer, so you'll probably get damaged more 
often, and you may even die. Be sure to use the Save Point! :-)

There are three Shell Huts in the next room, so dispatch them and 
you'll get a Golden Herb. Exit the room through the door in the 
southeast corner, and go east. You'll find a door on the north side of 
hallway labeled "Red Door". You can't open it right now. You also can't 
go any further since your path is blocked by rubble. Turn around and go 
back toward the door through which you entered this room. Turn south 
when you get to the door and continue south until you reach more rubble. 
You'll be next to a wooden door. Turn east and go across the bridge 
until you reach another wooden door.

This door is sealed by some weird purple ice seeping through the crack,
and you can't open it. The paths to the north and south are both 
blocked by rubble, so go back accross the bridge to the other wooden 
door and go through it.

You'll see a hallway stretching off into the darkness and a door on 
your north side of the hallway. There is a Sahagin-2 lurking in this 
hallway, so be careful. Go through the door on the north into the next 
room. There are two Shell Huts and one Crown Hut in this room, so 
dispatch them. Once you've gotten all of them you will get a Magic Ore. 
Go back out the door through which you entered and turn west.

If you haven't already dispatched the Sahagin-2, go ahead and do so.
Then follow the hallway to the end and go through the door. There are
two Shell Huts and a Sahagin-2 in this room, so dispatch them quickly 
and exit through the door on the southeast side of the room. This will 
take you to a short hallway leading to another door. Go through the next 
door. There is nothing in this room except a pile of rubble keeping 
you from the other half of the room and a stairway leading down to 
Basement Level 1. Go down the stairs slowly.

As you are walking down the stairs, scan the room you are entering and 
watch for the Sahagin-2 and the three Shell Huts. There is a door to the 
west of the bottom of the stairs as well as another Blue Door in the 
northeast corner. Go through the door at the bottom of the stairs. This 
leads to a fairly long hallway with another door at the end of it.

Here you'll find the first Trap Weed you can exterminate. Apply your
trusty weed whacker liberally to the Trap Weed while avoiding the 
tendrils on the ground. No matter which side you attack from, the Trap 
Weed will turn and follow your moves. The best defense against the its
poisonous spore attack is to keep attacking it until it dies (about 
four hits). It's safe to enter the light blue water to pick up any 
items it leaves behind.

Once you are finished pulling the weed, exit through the north door. 
You will be in a hallway that opens to a cavern on the west side. The 
hallway will lead you north to another Red Door and then turn east. The 
passageway continues toward another wooden door, and also opens into 
another room on the north a little before the wooden door. There are 
two Shell Huts and one Sahagin-2 in this room. 

This room has an open doorway into another room containing a bronze
chest in the southwest corner. Open the chest to receive a Magic Ore. 
Then go back through the other room and to the wooden door just 
outside. There is a Save Point on the other side, and I suggest you 
use it.

Once you are done saving, exit through the door north of the Save 
Point. When you enter this room, go immediately to one of the north 
corners opposite the door and turn around. There are two Sahagin-2 here,
one on either side of the door you entered, so you want to get as far 
from them as possible so you have time to turn around and defend 
yourself. Once you have dispatched them, exit through the north door and 
you will be in an underground tunnel similar to the one through which 
you entered the Water Temple.

Follow the tunnel until you exit into a small room. There will be a 
bronze chest to the southwest and a terrace to the east (which you 
should recognize as having walked through a few minutes ago). To the west
of tunnel you just exited will be a switch set into the wall. Activate it. 
The two sluice gates next to the switch will open and you'll see a 
cut-scene of the water level going down elsewhere in the temple. Next,
open the bronze chest to obtain a Fireball Ring. I suggest you equip 
it, but don't use it just yet. If you equip it you'll notice your Magic 
Gauge fill up.

Be careful to not fall into the water. :-)

Go back to the Save Point and use it again if you want to. Once you're
done saving, exit through the door to the east of the Save Point. 
You'll be in another hallway. You can either continue east or turn north. 
If you turn north you will come to a door with the weird purple
ice sealing it. In order to get through the door, press Square to use
your Fireball Ring (if it's equipped). This will melt the ice sealing
the door and you'll be able to go through. 

As soon as you open the door three to five Shell Huts will attack you.
There are five total in the room. In the back of the room is another
bronze chest. Open it for a Ring of Magic. Exit the room the same way 
you came in and go to the intersection in the hallway, turn easr and 
follow the hallway to the Red Door. Since you can't open the Red Door 
yet, turn south and go open the wooden door.

There's another Trap Weed in this room. Go ahead and dispatch it, 
collect any treasure, and exit through the south door. Follow the hallway 
until you come to another ice-sealed door. Use your Fireball Ring to
open it. Go through the door into the next room with a balcony opening 
into the darkness on one side and room on the other. If you act quickly, 
you can dispatch the Trap Weed before the Shell Hut awakens it.

Once you have taken care both monsters, follow the balcony north until 
you come to another room with a Trap Weed. This room also contains a 
Sahagin-2, so dispatch both and exit through the wooden door on the 
northwest. You will be in another balcony-hallway that leeds to a wooden 
door to the west and a set of stairs descending to the south into the 
darkness below. You should be able to see into the room on the other 
side of the wooden door, and you may notice a Sahagin-2 stalking you. 

Go through the wooden door and take care of the Sahagin-2 and the Trap 
Weed. Follow the balcony south into the next room and dispatch the Shell 
Hut and the Trap Weed. Go back to the stairs and head down to Basement 
Level 2, being careful not to fall off the side into the water.

There is a pool of water directly south of the base of the stairs, so 
watch out for that. There is a staircase going back upstairs to the 
southeast, and a walkway leading south between two pools of water, 
like this:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font (Courier, Helvetica) in 
order for it to look right.)

                   |SAVE              |     |      |
                   '-----.       .----'     |      |
      Blue Door          |       |          |     \|
     .---------.         |   w   |          |    North
     |---------|         |   a   |          |
     |---------|         |   l   |          |
     |---------|         |   k   |          |
     |---------|  water  |   w   |   water  |
     |-stairs--|         |   a   |          |
     |---------|         |   y   |          |
     |---------|---------'       '----------|
     |                                      |
     |                                      |
     |                             you came |
     |                             down here|
     |                            |---------|
     |                            |---------|
     |                            |---------|
     |            water           |--stairs-|
     |                            |---------|
     |                            |---------|

Go across the walkway, heal yourself up, and use the Save Point. You 
may also want to equip the Golden Herbs by highlighting them in the
Item list and pressing Start once. Then, if you need to heal during the 
coming battle, just press Start once and you will be completely healed.
Once you've done that, open the door.

The screen will go black and a new scene will load. You will be at the 
end of a long hallway, and there will be a door at the south end of it. 
As you get closer to the door, you  will notice there are hallways to the 
east and west of the door. Take the west hallway first. After curving 
around to the southwest for a while you will find a Magic Crystal at the 
end of the hallway. Head back to the door and take the east hallway. At 
the end you will find two Golden Herb Flowers. Collect them and head 
back to the door. 

Open the door, and the screen will go black. The computer will take 
over, and you'll see Cain walk toward the middle of an arena covered 
with a shallow pool of water. The camera will cut to an alcove up on 
the wall where you'll see an overgrown Sahagin with an attitude. It 
will jump down into the arena and charge you.

BOSS: Water Devil
HP: 390
MPr: 80
Weakness: Fire
Items: Power of Move (Ring)

The most effective weapon against this guy is the Fireball ring you 
found earlier. At first it will be hard to hit the Water Devil as
it will keep jumping out of the way. You have to time it so it either 
jumps into your attacks or you just get lucky. After it's been hit a 
few times you can pretty much just blast away at it. It's really not
hard to beat.

Once you beat it, it will drop a ring: Power of Move. This ring allows 
you to Dash when moving and holding down the Circle Button--a very 
useful ring to have.

Exit the arena through the ornamental doors to the south. You will be 
in a short halway with another set of ornamental doors to the south. Go 
through that set, too, and you will see a small pedestal with a glowing 
purple key on top of it.

If you try to take the key it will start steadily glowing and 
levitating above the pedestal. The camera will cut to under the water, 
and you will see a very large, very awesome and cool-looking Water 
Dragon swim up through the water toward the pedestal.

As Cain stands there staring at the dragon, it speaks.

     "...the key....magical......sunlight....person..."
The Water Dragon then turns and swims back into the depths of the water 
and the computer returns control to you. Go ahaead and work you way 
back to the Save Point and use it. You now have the Water Key which will 
unlock any Blue Door for you.

Once you've saved, go up the stairs to the Blue Door. Go to your item 
list and use the Water Key (it should be the first item on the list). 
There will be three Shell Huts and a Sahagin-2 waiting on the other side 
(regenerated from when you were here before). Go up the stairs and 
through the wooden door in the room at the top of the stairs. Go through 
the short hallway and into the next room, and take care of the two Shell 

Go through the wooden door into the long hallway and take care of the 
Sahagin-2. You can also take out the two Shell Huts in the side room if 
you want the experience and possible treasure. Continue out the door at 
the end of the hallway and go east across the bridge to the door 
sealed by the ice. Use your Fireball ring to melt it and open the door.

There are two Sahagin-2 in the room, so take care of them. There is 
also a bronze chest in the room, so open it to obtain the Ring of Magic

Since you don't have the Fire Key yet, you can't access anything else 
in the Water Temple, so go ahead make your way back out (if you can't 
remember how, just exit the room you're in right now, cross the bridge, 
turn north, go straight through the door you come to, take care of the 
two Shell Huts in the next room, exit to the Save Point Room, save, and 
then exit the Water Temple).


-=|| CHAPTER ONE, SECTION 6: The Investigation Corps Camp, part 2 ||=-

Monsters:  Werewolf (boss)
Items:  None
Save Points:  1 (after the boss fight)
Warp Points: 1 to the place where you make Magic Rings
               (after the boss fight)

People you meet: Darrel Stone
                 Leo Randall
                 Marie Fowler

As soon as you exit the Water Temple, you will see a cut sequence. All 
the buildings in the camp seem to be burning or burned; everyone in the
camp seems to be dead or dying, except Leo and Darrel. Leo is backing 
up from behind the storehouse, and Darrel is walking slowly toward him.
Leo is wounded on his shoulder. After looking down at his bloody hand, 
Leo stands up and looks back at Darrel. 

Darrel isn't there anymore. When the camera goes back to Leo, Darrel is
now standing behind him. Darrel has changed...a lot: He now has large 
black "angel" wings, and the left side of his face has a horrible 
purplish scar. His arm is greyish-black and is deformed into a large,
terrible claw.

Darrel smacks Leo from behind, slamming him into the side of the 
storehouse. As Leo slumps into a bent sitting position, Darrel says:

     "Is this the best those untrustworthy Elders can do...?"
     "The Eternal Rings belong to the dragons."

He then takes to the air and flies toward his cabin in the back canyon
by the Blue Gate and the scene cuts back to you outside the entrance
to the Water Temple.

Walk back to the Water Temple Gate (the one that Ernest and Leo took
turns guarding) and open it. A horrible scene of destruction fills
your view as you look out over the camp. Smoke fills the air, and you 
can see the body of Ernest prostrate on the ground near the gate. If 
you investigate his body (by looking down at it and pressing Circle), 
you will be told he is dead. I also tried to pick up the polearm but 
that didn't work.

Wallace, inside the burning storehouse, is also dead. If you talk to
Leo, who is leaning against the outside of the storehouse, he says:

     "It was magic...everyone...murdered"
     "That was the Captain's....the power of the ring...?"
     "Hurry up already...if you don't go after the Eternal Ring...."
He then slumps down again. If you talk to him again, he says:

     "Dammit...I failed to stop..."
He'll just keep repeating the same thing over and over if you keep 
talking to him. The north building up on the hill (the one that 
had the sleeping guy in it) no longer has anyone in it. The south 
building (with Evans in it) still has Evans in it, though he's dead now. 
There's nothing to be had in any of the buildings on this side of the 
river, so go west across the burning bridge to the mill.

Marie is on the floor, barely alive. When you talk to her, she says:

She then collapses and dies. [She was my favorite character so far, 
too! (;_;)/~ ]

Go back outside, up the stairs, and west and then south toward Darrel's 
house in the back canyon. Make sure you still have your Fireball Ring, 
the Power of Move Ring, and the Golden Herbs equipped. Then go all the 
way back toward Darrel's house.

As you approach, you'll notice that Darrel's house is engulfed in 
flames, as are the trees. If you look toward the far left side of the 
screen you'll notice something that looks like a large wolf resting 
alertly on the ground next to a pile of burning logs. Head toward it.

As you go past the tree near the entrance to the small valley, a 
large burning tree will fall behind you, blocking the escape route.
You'll also notice that the wolf-like shape on the left isn't anything 
but rubble. 

Suddenly, a wolf-like creature leaps out from behind the southeast side 
of Darrel's burning house.

BOSS: Werewolf-1
HP: 350
MPr: 80
Weakness: Fire
Items: none

The most effective weapon against the Werewolf is the Fireball Ring. Be 
very careful of the Werewolf's jumping attacks. It's like a very 
fast-moving Sahagin that only jumps at you. The best way to defeat it 
is to shoot fireballs at it from a distance, and then thrust upward at
it with your short sword when it jumps at you. If you get below 50 HP,
be sure to use a Golden Herb. The Werewolf's attacks can do 20-40
damage, so you want to make sure you don't get too low.

If you can do it, try to get the wolf to go behind the torch stand on 
the northwest side of the clearing (near Darrel's house). If you can get 
it to stay behind there, you can just shoot fireballs at it until it dies.

After you defeat the Werewolf (a pretty easy task, actually, once you
get the hang of the way it attacks), you will see short scene where 
Cain has just finished burying everyone in the camp. Then you will be 
facing Darrel's canyon, so follow the canyon back to clearing. Since 
there is nothing left to do here (you can't even get into Darrel's 
burned-out house), head to the Blue Gate in the southeast corner opposite
Darrel's former residence. Use your Water Key to unlock the door, open it, 
and enter. 

The screen will fade to black, and then you'll be inside a long tunnel. 
Follow the tunnel until you come to a room with a Save Point in it.
Use the Save Point. You'll also notice a small rounded platform to the 
south of the Save Point. This is a Warp Point.

When you walk onto the Warp Point, you are Warped to a very peaceful
room. There is a person on a floating pedestal in the middle of a 
raised platform at the end of a short walkway. When you approach and 
talk to the person, the floating platform moves away from you and the 
person speaks:

     "I will impart of my ancient wisdom"
     "Now, O Seeker of the Great Forgotten Magic Power,"
     "Here is the vessel of my wisdom and power!"
     "Now, O Seeker, receive the ring that holds the consecrated power 
     of the Magic Stones."
The room will undergo a slight transformation as six pillars rise from 
the center of the platform on which you stand. A menu will then pop up:

     Making Magic Rings
     Making Attribute Rings
          *Making Magic Rings*
               Choosing this option will take you to a list of 
               available rings you can use to make new rings. This
               may include rings you've already created or found
               (such as Fireball).
               The controls for this section are:
                    Circle: Select
                    Triangle: Reset
                    Square: Create
                    X: Cancel
               If you choose an "empty" ring (Ring of Magic) then
               you are taken to a screen with six place holders,
               with three light blue holders on one side and 
               three light green holders on the other. You can 
               place different Magic Stones in the place holders. 
               When you select a place holder, press Circle and a
               list of your available Magic Stones will appear. 
               Select the stone you want from the list and press
               Circle to place that stone in the place holder.
               Press X to cancel.
               You need to have have at least one stone on each
               side in order to create the ring. Once you have 
               the stones placed, press Square to create the ring. 
               You will be presented with two options: Create, and
               Go Back. If you have the ring the way you want it, 
               then Create it.
               There will be a small animation sequence where the
               stones are melded with the ring, creating whichever
               ring you chose. The first one I created was Heal 
               Water. I suggest you create at least a Heal Water
               and a Wind Cutter. Then create anything else you 
               See Appendix E for a list of Magic Rings. 

          *Making Attribute Rings*
               Basically the same procedure as above. These rings
               will affect your stats (Speed, etc.). These rings
               do not require a Magic Ring to make. Just choose
               which stones you want to use and they are melded into 
               a ring. I suggest Water Breeze and any of the other
               rings that raise your elemental attributes.

               Shows your collection of rings, sorted by element (Fire,
               Water, etc.)

               This one is pretty obvious... ;-)

Once you are done creating your magic rings, choose Exit from the menu, 
walk back along the walkway to the Warp Point, and go through the 
south tunnel once you are back in the room with the 
Save Point.



-=|| CHAPTER TWO, SECTION 1: The Place of Ritual ||=-

Monsters:  Giant Moth (3), Ogre (2), Twin Tail (6)
Items:  Golden Herb (2)
        Latch Tail (1)
        Magic Crystal (2)
        Ring of Magic (2)
Save Points: 0
Warp Points: 0 
People you meet:  Turban Man

Once you make your way through the rather long and winding tunnel, 
you will come out into a misty valley with funky music playing in 
the background--it can't seem to figure out if it's Spanish music or 
techno-industrial. :-)  If you look around, you'll see a bunch of 
small islets connected by broken-down bridges. The water will kill you
here, too, so avoid falling into it. When you exited the cave you were 
facing west.

Go down the stairs. When you get to the bottom, you'll notice the 
bridge is broken, so go ahead and jump down to the ground (you'll take
a small amount of damage) or walk down the stone on the right side, 
being careful to not go into the water. Go south once you're at the 
bottom and you'll run into two Twin Tails. If you made a Wind Cutter ring, 
you can shoot them once you get close enough, though it does use a bit 
of your MP. It is safer to attack them this way, though, since they 
can cause Paralyze (lasts 30 seconds), and they can shoot you with 
energy balls from a distance. It takes 3-4 shots from the Wind Cutter
to defeat each Twin Tail.

Once you defeat them, go up the ramp and you'll find an Ogre. These 
have 150 HP, so they take a little longer to kill. They're pretty 
stupid, though, so dispatching them shouldn't be too difficult. Step
into the gazebo and you'll find a Latch Tail on the ground. You can go 
look around on the ledge to the southeast of the gazebo, but there is 
nothing there. Be careful not to fall off.

Go to the southwest corner on the other side of the gazebo. Carefully 
look down over the edge and you'll see a rubble walkway going down to 
the ground. Go down and you'll find a Ring of Magic. Climb back up and 
turn west onto the raised walkway. You'll see a Two Tail down at the 
crossway. Defeat the Twin Tail and follow the walkway to the top of the 
stairs. If you look down and to the south of the stairs you will see a 
Golden Herb. 

When you get to the bottom of the stairs, an Ogre will rush at you. 
Dispatch it and get the Golden Herb before continuing. Follow the path 
and you'll run into another Twin Tail. If you look at the raised 
walkway, you'll also notice three Gaint Moths hanging on the sides of 
it. If you shoot them with the Wind Cutter you won't have to fight 
them--you'll just knock them down.

Once you've taken care of the last Giant Moth, be sure to pick up the 
two Golden Herbs to the west of the last one. Then head up the rubble 
ramp to the overhead walkway. If you turn around when you get to the 
top and go west while staying up on the walkway, you'll run into 
another Twin Tail. Defeat it, then turn around head east. 

Turn south onto the next walkway and you'll see a man off in the 
distance. Walk toward him and the Turban Man will start walking toward 
you, and he'll start talking as he's walking:

     [NOTE: This translation is really rough right now. I will be 
     having someone else go over it to correct any mistakes, but it
     should be good enough to help you for now. --Joe]

     "You opened the sluice gate, didn't you?"
     "I owe you for this...that's right, you've definitely set things
     in motion..."
When he stops in front of you, he'll continue:

     "As for that matter, you could use that ring."
     "Since that ring is useless to me, it'll be good for you to take it"

He hands you a ring (Protect). Then he continues:
     "It contains a magic that will block poison. Well, you should be
     very careful in the next valley, you know."
     "On the other side of that valley there's a camp from the 
     mainland. Those guys have weapons if you need them."
     "the thing that is excellently conveying obtain your sword is not
     a small thing??? ??? ???"

As he's talking, the ground starts shaking. He looks around, and then 
tells you:

     "It's settled...? Well, it will be soon....."
     "Well, the valley's not really safe either, so use the ring. It's 
     a better place than the forest."
     "When you go over by the suspension bridge, it's really dangerous 
     right now in that forest."
     "When next we meet, we'll be more evenly matched. Until then, 
     take care of yourself."

If you talk to him again, he says:

     "The Eternal Ring...those are your words for 'The Eternal Power'."
     "There are many things sleeping on this island."
     "Magical power, magic items, dragons. Not to mention...your ???"
     "Your coming to this island was by no means an accident. You'll
     understand someday..."

If you talk to him again he will just repeat himself. You can wander 
around behind Turban man, but you won't find anything. Once you are 
done looking around, go north  until you get to the intersection. Turn 
east, walk to the edge, and drop down to the land below. You'll take a 
little damage.

Pick up the Magic Crystal and go up the stairs. You'll see a Twin Tail 
down the walkway a bit, so go ahead and dispatch it. If you shoot the 
Twin Tail with the Wind Cutter while it is standing next to the edge 
(with two feet hanging off the edge), you might be able to knock the 
Twin Tail into the walkway. Then you'll just see a "shadow circle" 
moving around on the walkway. You can't kill it anymore and it can't 
hurt you, but it's kinda fun to do. I did it accidentally. :-)

Walk east to the broken edge past where the Twin Tail was wandering
and you'll find another Magic Crystal. If you look around, you'll 
notice you're at the point where you originally entered this valley. 
Turn around, walk back to the intersection, and turn south. Walk to the 
broken edge and drop off onto the ground below. You'll be at the point
just before where you encountered the first two Twin Tails.

Make your way back to the walkway where Turban Man is standing. Go west,
then south until you get to some stairs. Go up the stairs to the gazebo. 
You'll find a Ring of Magic in the gazebo. Go up the next set of stairs 
to the upper walkway which leads to a rocky canyon. Follow the path 
through the canyon until you are in front of the suspension bridge 
(rope bridge). To the east is a cave (The Abandoned Place), and south 
across the suspension bridge is another cave leading to the Sea Cliff 

You can do them in whichever order you like, but this walkthrough will
do them in the order listed above.


-=|| CHAPTER TWO, SECTION 2: The Abandoned Place ||=-

Monsters:  Giant Moth (13), Katoburepasu (4), Lizard Man (dying) (2), 
           Twin Tail (10), 
Items:  None
Save Points:  2
Warp Points: 2 (one doesn't work)

People you meet: a dead man

When you first enter the cave, you will notice a strange greenish-
yellow mist in the air. This is poisonous, so be sure to equip your 
Protect ring (you'll know it's working when a series of fuzzy yellow 
bars is pulsing up the screen in front of you). You can switch which 
ring you have equipped by using the X button on the main screen.
When the pulsing fuzzy yellow bars disappear, reactivate them by 
pressing Square when the Protect ring is equipped. You must do this 
within a few seconds or you will become poisoned.

I had the Fireball, Ice Needle, Wind Cutter, Heal Water, and Protect 
rings on my left hand (on the screen it shows the list on the right...
go figure...:-p), and Power of Move, Water Breeze, Ring of Rain, Ring 
of Breeze, and Ring of Stone on my right hand (on the screen it shows 
the list on the left). That's what I suggest, but if you choose other 
rings make sure you have at least Power of Move, Protect, and Wind 

Follow the tunnel down until it levels out. You'll notice the floor 
seems to be moving. Just ignore that and turn south and follow the 
right-hand wall, watching the base of the wall until you see a Magic 
Ore. Then follow the left-hand wall until you find a tunnel. Enter 
and you'll find a Save Point and a Warp Point.

Exit the room and turn south again. Watch for the three Giant Moths. 
After you've taken care of them, you should notice a very large stone 
monolith blocking the path into another side room to the east. You 
can't move the stone now, so you'll have to come back later.

Continue south and you'll find several piles of large bones. Search them 
for two Magic Ores. Continue along the path and you'll notice another 
monolith to the north. Go past it and you'll come to an intersection. If 
you continue east, you will come to a large pile of bones blocking the 
path. Search them for a Cockatrice Plume. Then go down the north path.

You'll see two Twin Tails here. Make sure you have just restarted your 
Protect, and then switch to Wind Cutter and take them out. Switch back 
Protect for when you need to restart it. Make sure you do this after 
every fight. Protect seems to last from 15-30seconds (I haven't timed 
it yet).

Once you're done with the Twin Tails, you'll see a row of 5 monoliths 
to the west, a path continuing past the monoliths to the northwest, and
a path to the northeast. Go northeast and you'll encounter a Giant Moth
and a Dying Lizardman. You can either kill the Lizardman or leave him 
there. You get nothing (except for 1 experience point) from him if you 
kill him. After you're done with these two monsters, you will see a row 
of four monoliths blocking your path to the north. 

Go back to the five monoliths and follow the northwest path. Here you 
will find a dead body. Search the body to find a special item you'll 
need later. To the east is a dead end on the other side of the four
monoliths you saw previously. To the northeast is another dead end 
blocked by two monoliths. 

To the west are three paths: one to the south, one to the west, and one
to the north. Follow the path to the south and you will encounter your 
first Katoburepasu (if anyone knows what this is, please let me know).
The dangerous part of this beast is the tail. The tail shoots a ball of
energy at you that does quite a bit of damage. You can dodge it if you 
are quick. You can dispatch the Katoburepasu by shooting it with your 
Wind Cutter ring. 

Once you are done with that, continue south and you will be in the room 
on the other side of the 5 monoliths. Open the large chest to get a 
Ring of Magic. If you continue south you will come to the backside of 
the second single monolith you found when entering this place. 

Turn around and head north to the intersection, then go west. There are
three Giant Moths here, so dispatch them. Go back to the intersection 
and head north. You will encounter another Dying Lizardman who is only
worht 1 experience point. Past him you'll come to a large open room
containing a Giant Moth and three Twin Tails. Dispatch them, then 
examine the bone piles to find two Magic Ores. 

On the west wall you will find a tunnel entrance. Follow the tunnel
and you'll find a Save Point. On the west wall of this chamber you
will find another tunnel leading to a Warp Point that doesn't seem to
work. On the south wall will be a tunnel leading out into the main
chamber where the three Giant Moths were. Go back through the Save 
Point room and through the tunnel through which you originally entered.

Near the southeast side of the room is another Katoburepasu, so be 
careful of it. There is a large chest near the beast, containing a 
Cloud Stone. If you go south from the large chest, you will come to the 
back side of the two monoliths you saw earlier. Just before you get to
the monoliths, turn east and you'll see a tunnel.

Follow the tunnel until you get near an opening. There are three Giant 
Moths outside the tunnel, and you can shoot them with your Wind Cutter
while still inside the tunnel. Once you've taken care of them, exit 
into the small chamber. 

There are two other exits from this chamber: one on the south side, and 
one in the northeast corner. Go into the northeast tunnel and follow it 
into another chamber. There are two Giant Moths here as well as two
Magic Ores along the north wall.

Go back to the previous chamber and go through the south exit. This 
tunnel has three turns in it. Before the fourth turn, make sure you
have just started another Protect, and then switch to the Wind Cutter.
When you round the corner, there will be a Katoburepasu at the end of 
the tunnel that will start shooting at you. Take care of it, then 
proceed to the mouth of the tunnel. Outside are two Twin Tails.

Directly east and a little north of the mouth of the tunnel, along the 
east wall, is a Cockatrice Plume. South of the tunnel is tunnel 
entrance on the west wall. This leads to a hole in the ground which 
takes you to the lair of the Earth Dragon. Don't go down the hole yet, 
though, because there is no way back up if you do.

Southeast of the Earth Dragon entrance tunnel is a pile of bones with a 
Magic Ore and and a Katoburepasu. If you continue past that pile of
bones you will come to the back of the pile of bones where you found 
the first Cockatrice Plume. 

Turn around and follow the tunnel back past the Earth Dragon tunnel and
the tunnel where you entered. Watch along the base of the west wall, 
and when it starts turning into the north wall you will find a Ring of 
Magic. Keep following the tunnel and you will find the exit, which 
leads to the Tree Village.


** Appendices **

     A    Monster List
     B    Item List
     C    Magic Stone List
     D    Weapon List
     E    Magic Ring List
     F    Attribute Ring List
     G    People List
     V    Version History
     X    Acknowledgements
     Y    Copyright Information
     Z    Contact Info 


-=|| Appendix A ||=-

Monster List (alphabetical)

     Legend:  HP..........Hit Points
              MPr.........Magic Points Recovered by player

Monster Name (Mana area)
 HP, MPr, Weakness
 (Possible Items)

Crown Hut (Water)
 HP:46, MPr:2, Fire
 (Golden Herb, Magic Ore, New Leaf Stone)
 (light brown in color)
Giant Moth (Wind)
 HP:10, MPr:1, Earth
 (Plume Stone)
 (the Fireball ring is very useful against this guy)
Lizard Man, dying (Earth)
 HP:1, MPr:1, none
Katoburepasu (Earth)
 HP:1, MPr:1, Wind
 (Magic Ore, Blaze Stone)
 (the tail shoots an energy bolt at you)
May Fly (Wind)
 HP:10, MPr:1, Earth
 (Bonfire Stone, Plume Stone)
 (they move around a lot; stab up to kill them...)
 (...they don't seem to attack)
Ogre (Earth)
 HP:150, MPr:8, Wind
 (Giant Tree Stone, Blaze Stone)
Sahagin-1 (Water)
 HP:75, MPr:5, Fire
 (New Leaf Stone, Plume Stone, Sahagin Spine, Trickle Stone)
 (will stalk you when you're within range, if moving side to side 
  they will swipe-attack, if not moving they will jump-attack)
Sahagin-2 (Water)
 HP:75, MPr:5, Fire
 (New Leaf Stone, Plume Stone, Sahagin Spine, Trickle Stone)
 (will stalk you when you're within range; if moving side to side they 
  will swipe-attack; if not moving they will jump-attack; have a 
  longer reach, jump farther, and do more damage than Sahagin-1)
Shell Hut (Water)
 HP:46, MPr:2, Fire
 (Golden Herb, Magic Ore, New Leaf Stone)
 (grey in color with blue and brown on the top)
Trap Weed (Water)
 HP:134, MPr:7, Fire
 (Bonfire Stone, Magic Ore, Plume Stone, Trickle Stone)
 (don't step on its tendrils or it will awaken and attack...)
 (it shoots poisonous exploding spores)
Twin Tail (Earth)
 HP:70, MPr:4, Wind
 (New Leaf Stone)
 (cause Paralyse status if they bite you...)
 (...shoot energy balls at you from between the tips of their two tails)
Water Devil (Water)
 HP:390, MPr:80, Fire
 (BOSS, obtain Power of Move ring from it, basically a giant Sahagin)
 (use a Fireball ring to defeat it more quickly)
Werewolf-1 (Water)
 HP:350, MPr:80, Fire
 (BOSS, leaps and jumps, )
 (use a Fireball ring to defeat it more quickly)


-=|| Appendix B ||=-

Item List (alphabetical)

Item Name             Description
-------------------   -----------------------------------------------
Cockatrice Plume      Cures "Paralyse" status.

Dragon's Egg          A shiny purple egg with a dark purple dragon
                      silhouette on its shell. Can't be bought 
                      anywhere. Restores 300 MP.
Dragon's Scale        A rainbow-colored dragon scale. Can't be 
                      bought anywhere. Restores 300 MP.

Fire Key              Opens Red Doors.

Golden Herb           A plant called "the origin of life". Looks like
                      a dead, golden-brown plant. Can be bought at
                      the Investigation Corps Camp and at the Tree 
                      Village. Cost: 1 Magic Stone. Restores 80 HP.
Golden Herb Flower    Made from the flower of the Golden Herb. Looks
                      like the Golden Hearb with a pink flower. Can
                      be bought at the Investigation Corps Village
                      and at the Tree Village. Cost: 3 Magic Stones.
                      Restores 150 HP.
Golden Herb Fruit     The fruit of the Golden Herb. Bulbous and 
                      brownish-green. Can be bought at the Tree 
                      Village. Cost: 6 Magic Stones. Restores 250 HP.

Latch Tail            Cures "Seal" status.

Magic Crystal         Solid crystallized magic power. Looks like an
                      orange, yellow, green and greyish-purple 
                      crayon. Can be bought at the Tree Village. 
                      Cost: 4 Magic Stones. Restores 160 MP.
Magic Gem             A beautifully cut magical crystal. Can be 
                      bought in the Tree Village. Cost: 8 Magic 
                      Stones. Restores 400 MP.
Magic Grass Seed      Cures "Curse" status.
Magic Ore             A stone filled with crystallized magic power.
                      Looks like a roundish purple rock with pink
                      and whitish crystals sticking out of it. Can
                      be bought at the Investigation Corps Camp
                      and the Tree Village, and found after 
                      dispatching a Katoburepasu. Cost: 1 Magic 
                      Stone. Restores 80 HP.

Ring of Magic         Used in conjunction with Magic Stones to create 
                      Magic Rings. Golden in color.

Sahagin Spine         A spine from a sahagin. Long and thin with some 
                      small spikes around one end. Cures "Poison" 

Water Key             Opens Blue Doors.


-=|| Appendix C ||=-

Magic Stone List

Magic |--------------------------Attribute------------------------------|  
Level | Fire    | Water   | Wind      | Earth     | Light    | Darkness |
   1  | Bonfire | Trickle | Plume     | New Leaf  |    --    |    --    |
   2  | Blaze   | Cascade | Wing      | Giant     |    --    |    --    |
      |         |         |           | Tree      |    --    |    --    |
   3  | Melting | Ocean   | Cloud     | Forest    | Sunshine | Silence  |
   4  | Phoenix | Eternal | Cyclone   | Far       | Consume  | The Void |
      |         | River   |           | Mountains |          |          |
   5  | Fire    | Water   | Flying    | Earth     | Golden   | Silver   |
      | Dragon  | Dragon  | Dragon    | Dragon    | Dragon   | Dragon   |

Fire, Wind, and Light magic are used mainly for attacking. Water, 
Earth, and Darkness are used mainly as support magic.


-=|| Appendix D ||=-

Weapon List

There aren't very many weapons in this game, but here's the list. They
are listed alphabetically.

Weapon Name
 Attack Speed, Range
 (Status effects)

 Normal, Normal
 (STR +35)
 (obtained in the Tree Village, costs 15 Magic Stones)
Eternal Sword
 Normal, Normal
 (All Magic +50 each, STR +70)
 (obtained at the 4th floor of the Sealed Labyrinth)
Hunting Sword
 Slow, Long
 (Wind +10, STR +60)
 (obtained in The Ruins)
Kaiser Knuckle
 Extremely Fast, Normal
 (All Magic -50 each, STR +200)
 (obtained at the 4th floor of the Sealed Labyrinth)
 Fast, Short
 (STR +20)
 (Obtained for free from Wallace in the Investigation Corps Camp)
 Normal, Normal
 (STR +40)
 (obtained in the Tree Village)
Small Sword
 Fast, Normal
 (STR +20)
 (Cain's sword from when he came to the island. You must buy it...)
 (...from Wallace before going to the Water Temple)
 Fast, Short
 (Light +5, STR +40)
 (obtained in the Tree Village)


-=|| Appendix E ||=-

Magic Ring List

These are rings for casting magic spells (fireball, heal, etc.). You 
must have a Ring of Magic in order to make one of these rings. The 
descriptions of the rings will be added as I get them. The stones 
required to make each ring need to be on a specific side. For example, 
"L1" indicates "one stone on the left side", and "R2" indicates "two 
stones on the right side". 

Attack Magic:

Ring  |--------------------------Attribute----------------------------|  
Power | Fire     | Water    | Wind    | Earth    | Light   | Darkness |
   1  | Fireball | Ice      | Wind    | Material | Heaven  | Fall     |
      |          | Needle   | Cutter  | Arrow    |         | Down     |
   2  | Firewall | Ice      | Sonic   | Statue   | Thunder | Dark     |
      |          | Sword    |         |          |         | Thunder  |
   3  | Floating | Ice      | Tornado | Poison   | Flash   | Dark     |
      | Bomb     | Trap     |         |          |         | Flash    |
   4  | Bomber   | Blizzard | Blast   | Dragon   |   --    |    --    |

Support Magic

Ring  |-------------------------Attribute----------------------------|  
Power | Fire     | Water  | Wind      | Earth   | Light   | Darkness |
   1  | Magic    | Heal   | Glide     | Earth   | Reflect | Abaddon  |
      | Seal     | Water  |           | Heal    |         |          |
   2  | Weakness | Cure   | Confusion | Protect | Barrier | Time     |
      |          | Water  |           |         |         | Stop     |
   3  | Change   | Dis-   | Invisible | Wall    |   --    |    --    |
      |          | Poison |           |         |         |          |
   4  | Anti-    | Clear  | Bind      | Orbiter |   --    |    --    |
      | Magic    |        |           |         |         |          |

Ring Name, Primary Attribute, Ring Class
 Magic Stones required to make
 (Attribute effects)

Confusion, Wind, Support Magic
 Wing Stone (L2), Plume Stone (L1), Trickle Stone (R3)
 (Wind +30, Earth -2)
 (uses 12 MP, confuse enemy for 10 seconds)
Cure Water, Water, Recovery Magic
 Trickle Stone (L1, R3), Cascade Stone (L2)
 (Water +30, Fire -2)
 (uses 15 MP, restores all HP)
Earth Heal, Earth, Recovery Magic
 New Leaf Stone (L1, R1)
 (Earth +15)
 (uses 10 MP)
Fireball, Fire, Attack Magic
 Bonfire Stone (L1, R1)
 (Fire +15)
 (uses 2 MP, the weakest fire spell)
 (shoots a small fireball at an enemy in front of you)
Firewall, Fire, Attack Magic
 Bonfire Stone (L1, R3), Blaze Stone (L2), 
 (Fire +30, Earth +2, Water -2)
 (uses 4 MP)
Floating Bomb, Fire, Attack Magic
 Bonfire Stone (L1, R3), Blaze Stone (L2), 
 (Fire +50, Wind +3, Water -4)
 (uses 8 MP)
Glide, Wind, Support Magic
 Plume Stone (L1), Trickle Stone (L2), 
 (Wind +15)
 (uses 8 MP)
Heal Water, Water, Recovery Magic
 Trickle Stone (L1, R1)
 (Water +15)
 (uses 5 MP, restores some HP)
Ice Needle, Water, Attack Magic
 Trickle Stone (L1), Bonfire Stone (R1)
 (Fire +15, STR +1)
 (uses 4 MP, shoots an icicle at an enemy in front of you)
Ice Sword, Water, Attack Magic
 Trickle Stone (L1), Cascade Stone (L2), Bonfire Stone (R3)
 (Fire -2, Water +30, STR +2)
 (uses 8 MP, shoots many icicles at an enemy in front of you)
Ice Trap, Water, Attack Magic
 Ocean Stone (L3), Blaze Stone (R3)
 (Fire -4, Water +50, STR +3)
 (uses 8 MP, icicles penetrate all enemies before you)
Magic Seal, Fire, Support Magic
 Bonfire Stone (L1), Trickle Stone (R1)
 (Fire +15)
 (uses 8 MP, blocks an enemy's magic abilities for 10 seconds)
Material Arrow, Earth, Attack Magic
 Bonfire Stone (R1), New Leaf Stone (L1)
 (Fire +15, STR +3)
 (uses 3 MP, forms and shoots a matter arrow at an enemy in front of you)
Poison, Earth, Attack Magic
 Forest Stone (L3), Blaze Stone (R3)
 (Earth +50, Wind -4)
 (uses 10 MP, the person you touch has a 50% chance of being poisoned...)
 (...lasts 15 seconds)
Protect, Earth, Support Magic
 Giant Tree Stone (L2), New Leaf Stone (L1), Bonfire Stone (R3)
 (Earth +30, Wind -2)
 (uses 12 MP, protects against any bodily harm for a time)
Sonic, Wind, Attack Magic
 Plume Stone (L1, R3), Wing Stone (L2)
 (Wind +30, Earth -1)
 (uses 8 MP, fires a wind blade at an enemy in front of you)
Statue, Earth, Attack Magic
 Giant Tree Stone (L2), New Leaf Stone (L1), Bonfire Stone (R3)
 (Earth +30, Wind -2, STR +6)
 (uses 6 MP)
Tornado, Wind, Attack Magic
 Wing Stone (R3), Cloud Stone (L3)
 (Wind +50, Earth -3)
 (uses 16 MP, creates a small cyclone)
Weakness, Fire, Support Magic
 Bonfire Stone (L1), Blaze Stone (L2), Trickle Stone (R3)
 (Fire +15)
 (uses 8 MP, lowers an enemy's defense for 30 seconds)
Wind Cutter, Wind, Attack Magic
 Plume Stone (L1, R1)
 (Wind +15)
 (uses 3 MP, fires a small vacuum wave at an enemy in front of you)


-=|| Appendix F ||=-

Attribute Ring List

These rings affect your overall status. They can increase your attack, 
raise your defense, make you move faster, etc.). These do not use a 
Ring of Magic when they are made. 

Ring Name, Primary Attribute, Ring Class
 Magic Stones required to make
 (Attribute effects)

Power of Block, Earth, Special Support Ability
 (Fire +6)
Power of Branch, Fire, Special Support Ability
 (Fire +6)
Power of Grow, Earth, Special Support Ability
 (Earth +8)
 (when equipped you earn experience while walking)
Power of Move, Earth, Special Support Ability
 (Earth +2)
 (allows Dash when Circle button held down, obtained from Water Devil)
Power of Time, Wind, Special Support Ability
 (Wind +1)
 (when equipped time slows down to 1/4 normal speed)
Ring of Breeze, Wind, Attribute Change
 Plume Stone (1)
 (Fire -1, Wind +20)
 (Increases the Wind attribute a little)
Ring of Flame, Fire, Attribute Change
 Bonfire Stone (1), Blaze Stone (5)
 (Water -2, Fire +40)
 (Increases the Fire attribute a lot)
Ring of Gale, Wind, Attribute Change
 Plume Stone (1), Wing Stone (5)
 (Fire -3, Wind +40)
 (Increases the Wind attribute a little)
Ring of Heat, Fire, Attribute Change
 Bonfire Stone (1)
 (Water -1, Fire +20)
 (Increases the Fire attribute a little)
Ring of Rain, Water, Attribute Change
 Trickle Stone (1)
 (Fire -1, Water +20)
 (Increases the Water attribute a little)
Ring of Stone, Earth, Attribute Change
 New Leaf Stone (1)
 (Wind -1, Earth +20)
 (Stone ring. Increases the Earth attribute a little)
Ring of Wave, Water, Attribute Change
 Trickle Stone (1), Cascade Stone (5)
 (Fire -2, Water +40)
 (Increases the Water attribute a lot)
Water Breeze, Wind, Attribute Change
 Trickle Stone (2), Plume Stone (2)
 (Light -5, Dark -5, Wind +30, Water +10)
 (Wind & water ring. Increases the Wind and Water attributes a little)


-=|| Appendix G ||=-

Character List (alphabetized by last name, if any)

Name, Age             Notes
-------------------   -----------------------------------------------
Graham Evans          The Deputy in the Investigation Corps Camp.
Marie Fowler          The medicine woman in the Investigation Corps
Wallace Frasier       Manages the storehouse in the Investigation
                      Corps Camp.
Dennis Marks          The Captain of the Investigation Corps.
Ian Martin            The current King of Heyngalia. 18 years old.
Cain Morgan           The player character. A new member of the 
                      Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Heyngalia. His
                      adoptive father is the Captain of the Royal 
                      Guard. 25 years old.
Gliam Morgan          Captain of the Royal Guard, Cain's adoptive 
Leo Randall           A soldier in the Investigation Corp Camp. Usually
                      sits on a rock by the bridge, dozing. Dressed in
Ernest Reilly         Guards the Water Temple gate in the Investigation
                      Corps Camp. Dressed in blue and silver and 
                      carrying a polearm.
Darrel Stone          One of the soldiers in the Investigation Corps
                      Camp. Lives in the house at the end of the back
                      canyon by the Blue Gate.
Harlan Stone          An Elder and Advisor in King Ian's court.

-=|| Appendix V ||=-

Version History

Version 0.24  - Corrected the name of one of the Mqagic Stones.
Version 0.23  - Finished "The Place of Ritual".
              - Finished "The Abandoned Place".
              - Added a few more monsters to Appendix A. 
Version 0.22  - Changed all directions to compass directions.
              - Changed chapter/section numbering for the main story.
              - Changed the Notes section.
Version 0.21  - Completed the Weapons List (Appendix D).
              - Added some info to Appendix B.
Version 0.20  - Added a lot more info to Appendices A, E, F (including
                a lot of new ring listings).
              - Added three new acknowledgees (is that a word?) to 
                Appendix X.
              - Changed some contact info in Appendix Z and the header.
              - Added a trick for defeating the Werewolf at the end of 
                Chapter One.
Version 0.19  - Changed the index and section headings slightly.
Version 0.18  - Corrected the CheatCity URL to
              - Added charts in Appendices C, E, and F.
Version 0.17  - Added the info on Warp Points at the end of "Corps
                Camp, part 2".
              - Added some info to Appendices A, B, D, E, and F.
Version 0.16  - Added "The Investigation Corps Camp, part 2".
              - Updated some item descriptions with descriptions of
                what the items looked like on-screen.
              - Modified layout of Appendices E and F.
              - Added a couple more ring descriptions to Appendices
                E and F.
Version 0.15  - Finished the Water Temple section, including the 
                translation of the Water Dragon's small speech.
Version 0.14  - Added info on three Rings of Magic in "The Dragon Cave"
                section. Added Ring of Magic to Appendix B.
              - Added info on the Crown Hut in Appendix A.
              - Redid Appendix A to make it easier to read.
Version 0.13  - FAQ added to: 
      , and
Version 0.12  - Added and completed translation of "Introduction
              - Completed translation and walkthrough of "Arriving at 
                the Mysterious Island".
              - Moved Copyright Information section to Appendix Y.
              - Moved Acknowledgements section to Appendix X.
              - Changed Appendix Z to a general Contact Info section
                and moved my contact info there.
Version 0.11  - Added to
              - Added direct URLs to GameWinners and GameFAQs.
Version 0.10  - Completed the "Corps Camp". 
              - Fixed some monster and item names.
              - Corrected some translation errors, and finished 
                translating the "Corps Camp" dialogue for the most 
              - Figured out how to get a replacement sword (actually a
                knife...grumble, grumble...) from Wallace in the 
                storehouse in "Corps Camp".
              - Made Appendices B, C, D, E, F, V, and Z.
              - Completed basic Introduction v.

Version 0.02  - Completed Introduction i and ii, "The Dragon Cave", 
                and started Appendix A.
              - Most of "The Investigation Corps Camp" and some 
                of "Arriving at the Mysterious Island" were completed.
              - Uploaded the FAQ to and


-=|| Appendix X ||=-


These people have helped with corrections and with making sure all the 
info is correct. Email addresses have been modified to avoid spambot 

     My wife, for helping with translation and putting up with the
     repetitive background music in the game (it gets repetitive
     when translating). No, you can't have her name or email address. 
     "Eternal Ring Official Guidebook", 2000.04.21, Enter Brain, Inc.
     ISBN 4-7577-0001-6, 1200yen. I got some of the Appendix info 
     from this book.
     "The PlayStation Weekly", SoftBank Publishing. I got some Appendix
     info from these magazines.
     Cheub (cheub at wanadoo dot fr) - For answering a question.


-=|| Appendix Y ||=-

Copyright Information

Copyright 2000 Joe Monson. Except as specified below, All Rights 
Reserved. No part of this work may be altered or removed, and this 
Copyright Information section must remain with any copies. If you wish 
to publish this work in any form please contact me for details.

This translation is provided for informational use ONLY, and no 
monetary or other gain should be obtained by anyone using this work. 
In other words, don't use this list in any for-profit magazines, on 
any for-profit websites, etc. Wholesalers and retailers of any and all 
types are expressly forbidden to use or sell this FAQ in any manner or 

"Eternal Ring" Copyright From Software
"PlayStation", "PlayStation 2", "Dual Shock", and "Dual Shock 2" are 
trademarks owned by Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.


-=|| Appendix Z ||=-

Contact Info 

Joe Monson
nihon_go at yahoo dot com (you know the drill...)


163-1408 Tokyo-to, Shinjuku-ku, 
Nishi-Shinjuku 3-20-2 
Tokyo Opera City Tower 8F
From Software, Inc.

User Support: 03-5353-0362 (Japanese only)
              M-F, 13:00-17:00



Ijou desu. ^_^