- 3D Movie Maker [PC]
- Aegis Wing [X360]
- Age of Empires [PC] [Mac]
- Age of Empires - Der Aufstieg Roms [PC]
- Age of Empires 2 [NDS] [PC] [Mac] [PS2]
- Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors [PC]
- Age of Empires 2 HD [PC]
- Age of Empires 3 [Mac] [PC]
- Age of Empires 3 - The Asian Dynasties [PC]
- Age of Empires 3 - The WarChiefs [Mac] [PC]
- Age of Empires 4 [PC]
- Age of Mythology [Mac] [PC]
- Age of Mythology - The Titans [PC]
- Alan Wake's American Nightmare [PC]
- Amped - Freestyle Snowboarding [Xbox]
- Amped 2 [Xbox]
- Asheron's Call [PC]
- Azurik [Xbox]
- Black Stone [Xbox]
- Blinx - The Time Sweeper [Xbox]
- Blinx 2 - Masters of Time and Space [Xbox]
- Blood Wake [Xbox]
- Blue Dragon [X360]
- Brute Force [Xbox]
- CART Precision Racing [PC]
- Chip's Challenge [PC] [Amiga] [Lynx] [Mac]
- Close Combat [PC]
- Close Combat - A Bridge Too Far [PC]
- Combat Flight Simulator [PC]
- Comic Jumper - The Adventures of Captain Smiley [X360]
- Crackdown [X360]
- Crimson Skies [PC]
- Crimson Skies 2 - High Road to Revenge [Xbox]
- Dead or Alive - Xtreme Beach Volleyball [Xbox]
- Dead or Alive 3 [Xbox]
- Dead Rising 3 [XboxOne]
- Deadlight [PC]
- Deadly Tide [PC]
- Dungeon Siege [PC] [Mac]
- Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna [PC]
- Dungeon Siege 2 [PC]
- Dust - An Elysian Tail [PC]
- Fable [Xbox]
- Fable - The Lost Chapters [PC]
- Fable 2 [X360]
- Fable 3 [PC]
- Fez [PC]
- Flight Simulator 2000 [PC]
- Flight Simulator 2002 [PC]
- Flight Simulator for Windows 95 [PC]
- Flight Simulator 98 [PC]
- Forza Motorsport [Xbox]
- Freelancer [PC]
- Fury 3 [PC]
- Fuzion Frenzy [Xbox]
- Gears 5 [PC]
- Gears of War [PC]
- Gears of War 2 [X360]
- Goosebumps - Attack of the Mutant [PC]
- Grabbed by the Ghoulies [Xbox]
- Halo [Xbox] [PC]
- Halo - Reach [X360]
- Halo 2 [PC] [Xbox]
- Halo 3 [X360]
- Halo Wars [X360]
- Hellbender [PC]
- Hover [PC]
- Impossible Creatures [PC]
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet [PC]
- Inside Pitch 2003 [Xbox]
- Jade Empire [PC]
- JezzBall [PC]
- Kakuto Chojin [Xbox]
- Kameo - Elements of Power [X360]
- Kung Fu Chaos [Xbox]
- The Labyrinth Plus! Edition [PC]
- Limbo [PC]
- Links 2003 [PC]
- Links 2004 [Xbox]
- Mark of the Ninja [PC]
- Maximum Chase [Xbox]
- MechAssault [Xbox]
- MechCommander 2 [PC]
- Mechwarrior 4 - Black Knight [PC]
- Mechwarrior 4 - Mercenaries [PC]
- Mechwarrior 4 - Vengeance [PC]
- Metal Gear Solid [PSX] [PC]
- Microsoft Adventure [PC]
- Microsoft Xbox [Xbox]
- Midtown Madness [PC]
- Midtown Madness 2 [PC]
- Midtown Madness 3 [Xbox]
- Windows Minesweeper [PC] [PC]
- Monster Truck Madness [PC]
- Monster Truck Madness 2 [PC]
- Motocross Madness [PC]
- Motocross Madness 2 [PC]
- NBA Full Court Press [PC]
- NBA Inside Drive 2000 [PC]
- NBA Inside Drive 2002 [Xbox]
- NBA Inside Drive 2003 [Xbox]
- NBA Inside Drive 2004 [Xbox]
- The Neverhood [PC]
- NFL Fever 2002 [Xbox]
- NFL Fever 2003 [Xbox]
- NFL Fever 2004 [Xbox]
- NHL Rivals 2004 [Xbox]
- Nightcaster [Xbox]
- Ninety-Nine Nights [X360]
- Ninja Gaiden [Xbox]
- Orcs Must Die [PC]
- Outwars [PC]
- Pandora's Box [PC]
- Perfect Dark Zero [X360]
- Project Gotham Racing [Xbox]
- Project Gotham Racing 2 [Xbox]
- Quantum Redshift [Xbox]
- RalliSport Challenge [Xbox] [PC]
- RalliSport Challenge 2 [Xbox]
- Raskulls [X360]
- Rise of Nations [Mac] [PC]
- Rise of Nations - Rise of Legends [PC]
- Rise of Nations - Thrones and Patriots [PC]
- Rodent's Revenge [PC]
- Small Arms [X360]
- Space Simulator [PC]
- Starlancer [DC] [PC]
- State of Decay [PC]
- Tao Feng - Fist of the Lotus [Xbox]
- Top Spin [PC] [PS2] [Xbox]
- Toy Soldiers [PC]
- Train Simulator [PC]
- Uno [X360] [PC]
- Urban Assault [PC]
- Vampire Rain [X360]
- Viva Pinata [PC] [X360]
- Viva Pinata - Chaos im Paradies [X360]
- Whacked! [Xbox]
- Windows FreeCell [PC]
- Windows Hearts [PC]
- Windows Solitär [PC]
- Xbox 360 [X360]
- Yaris [X360]
- Zoo Tycoon [PC]
- Zoo Tycoon - Dinosaur Digs [PC]
- Zoo Tycoon 2 [PC]