- Astyanax [NES]
- Avenging Spirit [GB]
- Bases Loaded 96 - Double Header [PSX]
- Big Run [Amiga]
- Builder's Block [PSX]
- Carrier [DC]
- Cheesy [PSX]
- Cisco Heat [C64] [Amiga]
- Dragon Seeds [PSX]
- Electric Ira Ira Rod [PSX]
- Fighting Illusion - K-1 Revenge [PSX]
- Fortified Zone [GB]
- Goblin Commander [GC] [Xbox] [PS2]
- GT 24 [Saturn]
- Hoops [NES]
- Illbleed [DC]
- In Your Face [GB]
- Jazz Jackrabbit [GBA] [PC]
- K-1 Grand Prix [PSX]
- Karnaaj Rally [GBA]
- Let's go to Pilot [PSX]
- Lowrider [PS2]
- Maru's Mission [GB]
- Metropolitan Highway Battle R [PSX]
- Ninja Jajamaru-kun - Onigiri Ninpouchou [Saturn] [PSX]
- Option Tuning Car Battle [PSX]
- Option Tuning Car Battle 2 [PSX]
- Pocket Bowling [GB]
- Punky Skunk [PSX]
- Rodland [Amiga] [C64]
- Rushing Beat [SNES]
- Sea Trader - Rise of Taipan [GBA]
- Shatterhand [NES]
- Speed Racer [SNES] [PSX]
- Super Earth Defense Force [SNES]
- T - Story begins with T [PSX]
- Tetris Plus [PSX] [GB]
- Tokyo Highway Battle [PSX]
- Utopia - The Creation of a Nation [SNES]
- Vampire Hunter D [PSX]
- Vanark [PSX]