- A Bug's Life - Das große Krabbeln [N64] [PSX] [PC] [GB]
- Bionicle Heroes [GC] [PS2] [PC] [Wii] [GBA] [NDS] [X360]
- Bram Stoker's Dracula [GB] [MD] [SNES]
- Captain Buzz Lightyear - Star Command [PC] [DC] [PSX] [GB]
- Crash Bandicoot - Der Zorn des Cortex [GC] [Xbox] [PS2]
- Findet Nemo [GBA] [PC] [GC] [Xbox] [PS2]
- Galahad [MD]
- Haven - Call of the King [PS2]
- Lego Batman [X360] [PS2] [Wii] [PSP] [PC] [NDS] [PS3]
- Lego Batman 3 - Jenseits von Gotham [PS3] [PC] [WiiU] [XboxOne] [X360] [PS4]
- Lego Die Unglaublichen [PC] [Switch] [XboxOne] [PS4]
- Lego Indiana Jones [PS3] [PSP] [PC] [NDS] [PS2] [X360] [Wii]
- Lego Jurassic World [PC]
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes [XboxOne] [WiiU] [X360] [PS4] [PS3] [PC]
- The Lego Ninjago Movie Videogame [PS4] [Switch] [XboxOne] [PC]
- Lego Star Wars - Das Videospiel [Mac] [GC] [GBA] [Xbox] [PS2] [PC]
- Lego Star Wars - Die Skywalker Saga [PC]
- Lego Star Wars 2 - Die klassische Trilogie [GBA] [NDS] [PSP] [X360] [Xbox] [GC] [PS2] [PC]
- Mickey's Wild Adventure [PSX]
- Muppet Monster Adventure [PSX]
- Muppet Race Mania [PSX]
- Rascal [PSX]
- Sonic 3D Blast [PC] [MD]
- Sonic R [PC] [Saturn]
- Super Monkey Ball Adventure [PSP]
- Toy Story [SNES] [GB] [PC]
- Toy Story 2 [PSX] [PC] [DC] [N64] [GB]
- Toy Story Racer [PSX]
- Weakest Link [PC] [PSX] [PS2]